Chapter 307 Enters the Third World

Miss Hong was raised for three days.

Lin Jiufeng stayed by the lake of Shanhai World for three days.

For three days, he has been paying close attention to Miss Hong's injuries, but she distracted Lin Jiufeng and stayed in the room using the cosmic clock secret technique to heal the injuries.

The cosmic clock turns into a big clock, which surrounds Miss Hong, absorbs all kinds of energy from the world, and complements the origin of Miss Hong.

There is also the experience from the comprehend cosmic clock of the old man in the universe. For Miss Hong, the injury at this time may be a blessing in disguise.

Three days later, she appeared by the lake.

Sweep away the weakness of three days ago, now she, ruddy complexion, is wearing a long skirt and a ponytail, looking at Lin Jiufeng with a light smile.

"Have your injury recovered?" Lin Jiufeng asked in surprise.

"No, I just stabilize the injury, but I can't take action most recently. I don't know if the world Number One Expert Jiufeng Great Emperor can protect me, a weak woman?" Miss Hong Asked with a smile.

"I will protect you." Lin Jiufeng said firmly. Miss Hong was injured because of his injury. Lin Jiufeng must do it.

Miss Hong's eyes were soft and relaxed and said: "So I can rest assured. Next, we are going to the third world. There is Jiufeng Great Emperor to protect me, and I have a strong sense of security in an instant."


Lin Jiufeng wondered: "The third world?"

"It's the place marked on your map. I asked the old man in the universe. He said that the place is called the third world, which is Divine. Race’s former territory is now closed to the outside world.” Miss Hong said.

She is no different from normal people now.

The only difference is that a huge cultivation base can't be used, and it needs to be used to repair the original source.

"The village on this map turned out to be the former territory of Divine Race, the third world!" Lin Jiufeng looked at the map in surprise.

"How to get to this third world?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"In my mind, you want to take me with me." Miss Hong smiled.

"Okay, we have known each other for more than 100 years, and we have never walked a section of the road together. Do I have the honor to invite Miss Hong to take a trip to the third world?" Lin Jiufeng also smiled.

"It's not an honor!" Miss Hong answered seriously, and then smiled.

"Where shall we go now?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"Breaking Horizon Mountain Range!" Miss Hong said.

"Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, this place is not very far from the northwestern land." Lin Jiufeng suddenly remembered.

Besides Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, there is the Western Regions, most of which are Buddhism. The Western Regions have many beautiful scenery and natural grasslands.

That is the peripheral zone commanded by the Feathered Divine Dynasty.

"The entrance to the third world is Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. When you get there, you need to find the time node and use the secret technique to enter." Miss Hong said.

"Then let's go now." Immortal Qi emerges from Lin Jiufeng's body, a strand is separated, and Miss Hong is held up. Take her to fly together and leave the world of mountains and seas.

At the current speed of Lin Jiufeng, even with Miss Hong, it is extremely fast. Breaking Horizon Mountain Range is not far from the northwestern land, but also not very close. It takes several days for others to walk. , But Lin Jiufeng got up and arrived in a quarter of an hour.

This is still too fast for fear of hurting Miss Hong.

Breaking Horizon Mountain Range is the same vein as the Kunlun Mountains, majestic, towering into the clouds, snow-capped on the top of the mountain, and lush green at the foot of the mountain.

Here the sky is blue, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep.

The blue sky, white clouds, and breeze here are different from those in the Central Plains.

The sky and the earth are vast, and everything is taken in the entire scene.

"Breaking Horizon Mountain Range is a beautiful landscape that isolates the Western Regions from the Inland Central Plains, and crosses the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, which is the Western Regions. There are many Buddhisms over there, most of which are ascetic monks. Belief, stick to it, it's different from ours." Miss Hong said.

"Have you been there?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"Fortunately, I have been there once. The ascetic monks who can be seen everywhere went to the Potala Palace in Tibet three times for a belief in their hearts and worshipped their hearts. Buddha, Bodhisattva, that's why I said it was a very pure person," Miss Hong said.

"I have a chance to check it out." Lin Jiufeng yearned for it.

"Let's go to the third world first." Miss Hong said.

"Where is the entrance to the third world?" Lin Jiufeng looked at the mountains all around and couldn't find it.

"You are here to perform this secret technique." Miss Hong conveyed a secret technique to Lin Jiufeng.

It was passed to her by the old man in the universe, and now she can't perform it, so it is handed over to Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng accepts the secret technique, instantly Full Mastery, and then pinches the French seal, forming one seal after another at the foot of the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range.

These prints fluttered in the air, seeming to be looking for something, and finally flew in one direction.

"Go, keep up." Miss Hong immediately said.

Lin Jiufeng hurriedly followed and took Miss Hong with him. He was very fast. Behind these seals, he came to a broken wall in the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range.

The broken wall is very flat, without weeds, and very neat, like a huge mirror.

Yin flew over and hit the broken wall directly.

weng weng weng!

Ripples appeared on the broken wall, as if a rock was dropped on the calm water, splashes of water and waves appeared.

Then an entrance appeared in the broken wall.

Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in their eyes.

"I'll go in first, you follow me, if something happens, I will protect you." Lin Jiufeng said to Miss Hong.

Miss Hong nodded.

Lin Jiufeng took the lead and walked into this wavy wall.

It is like a water gate, after walking in, place of charm and beauty.

At the beginning, it is very narrow and talented. Repeated dozens of steps, suddenly enlightened. The land is flat, and the houses are just like fertile fields, beautiful ponds, and mulberry bamboos. The traffic on the rice paddies, the chicken and the dog hear each other. Among them, the men and women are dressed like outsiders. The yellow hair hangs down, and he is happy.

Lin Jiufeng saw this scene.

It is not as dangerous as thought. This so-called third world is completely a hidden land of peace and prosperity, stable, happy, and relaxed.

Miss Hong also saw it, and whispered: "How can this third world of Divine Race become an ordinary village?"

Lin Jiufeng shook his head: "Neither do I I know, but you can see that the cultivation base of people here is generally not high."

As far as the farmers I see so far, the cultivation base is really not high, and only Celestial is the most powerful. Realm.

Faced with the arrival of Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong, the people here were also dumbfounded, looking at him one by one, not knowing what happened.

"Are you... outsiders?" At this moment, an old man came up and curiously asked.

Lin Jiufeng nodded, said: "Are you descendants of Divine Race?"

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