Chapter 308 The Old Man White Dragon

Lin Jiufeng’s questioning stunned the people in this village.

"The descendants of Divine Race, it's been a long time since I heard this name." The old man was in a daze and said with emotion.

"How did you become like this?" Lin Jiufeng asked curiously.

"The guests are here, please have a cup of tea and have a rest. There are not many people here. We are descendants of Divine Race, but there are fewer and fewer people over the years." The old man invited Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong arrived home for a narration.

Lin Jiufeng nodded, he has nothing to be afraid of. Among these people, there is really no particularly powerful, and the general cultivation base is low.

As a descendant of Divine Race, but with such a cultivation base, something must happen.

Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong followed the old man to his bamboo house.

This is a village built at the foot of the mountain, with bamboo houses scattered everywhere, forming a poetic and picturesque picture with the Great Cyan Mountain behind it.

Green hills, bamboo houses, sunset, cooking smoke.

These are matched together, in this Small World, it is like a smoke and picturesque.

On the way, Lin Jiufeng asked the old man: "Are there only so many people here?"

Along the way, Lin Jiufeng saw some people working in the fields and some people relaxing. Fishing, or drinking tea and chatting.

Everyone gave Lin Jiufeng the feeling that it is a very leisurely and slow-paced life.

These people also looked at Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong with a curious look, but no one came forward and let the old man bring Lin Jiufeng to the village.

In the bamboo house, the old man brought tea to Lin Jiufeng, laughed and said: “It’s all made by yourself. The taste should be different from what you drank outside. The species of this tea tree was passed down more than 20,000 years ago. The one that came down is considered to be ancient tea."

Miss Hong picked up the teacup and said in surprise: "Do you protect the tea trees that are more than 20,000 years old?"

Lin Jiufeng sipped a sip of tea, with a delicate fragrance, lingering between his lips and teeth, making people feel comfortable. He happily said, "It is indeed a good tea." The old man haha ​​smiled, quite contented: " For so many years, the only thing I am proud of is this tea tree, which is well preserved, even better than it was more than 20,000 years ago."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong both stared blankly. Old man.

The old man didn’t notice it, and continued: "You drink this tea, and you don’t feel anything at first, but at night, when you meditate, you will feel that your body is bright, the road is in front of you, and the world is so clear. , The circulation of all things is so interesting."

"This is a tea tree separated from Enlightenment Tea Tree, the little Enlightenment Tea Tree!" The old man's expression was introduced proudly.

Lin Jiufeng is even more shocked. Is this tea separated from Enlightenment Tea Tree?

Miss Hong's wrist flicked, and she almost jumped up in fright. She hurriedly picked up the teacup with both hands and looked at a piece of tea floating in the tea, shocking her heart.

"Senior, how old are you this year?" Lin Jiufeng took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and asked softly.


"Probably... more than 20,000 years old, I haven't counted them, but it must be more than 20,000 years old. I remember when I was a teenager, Immortal Court is still there," the old man recalled.

Lin Jiufeng looked at the old man, confused, and asked: "Old Mister, your cultivation base is only Celestial Realm, how can you extend your life for so many years?"

Miss Hong also nodded: "Even if it is immortal, it is only a lifespan of more than 10,000 years, less than 20,000 years. You have lived for more than 20,000 years, and you are still so strong and physically strong?"

The old man looked at Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong, haha ​​laughed and said: "What naked eye sees is real?"

"I only have Celestial Realm cultivation base now, I really only have Celestial Realm Is your cultivation base?" the old man asked Miss Hong.

"Then what kind of cultivation base are you?" Miss Hong asked curiously.

"God," the old man said, pointing to himself.

"Can you not feel it by yourself?"

Miss Hong: "..."

Lin Jiufeng couldn't help but look at the old man and asked, "How about senior? Call it?"

"old man, White Dragon!" The old man stroked his beard, said with a slight smile.

"White Senior Long, the descendants of Divine Race here, how many people are there?" Lin Jiufeng curiously asked.

"Not many, ninety-odd people, less than one hundred." Old White Dragon said.

"senior..." Miss Hong still wanted to ask, but was interrupted by the old man White Dragon.

"You asked me a few questions, now it's my turn to ask you?" Old White Dragon laughed.

"You ask." Lin Jiufeng nodded, it should be.

"You are who, the world outside, what's the situation now, tell me the truth." The old White Dragon asked seriously.

Lin Jiufeng glanced at Miss Hong, and then told the old White Dragon about his origins, as well as the origins of Miss Hong, including what the outside world is like.

There is nothing to hide.

The old man White Dragon listened silently, drinking tea and thinking.

It took a long time for Lin Jiufeng to explain his situation clearly, and the sky had dimmed outside.

He finished the last bit of tea, relieved.

The old man White Dragon has a basic understanding of the external situation and the situation.

He has been observing Lin Jiufeng and he has not found Lin Jiufeng lying to him. He is confident that he still has this point.

Although he is only Celestial Realm, he does not know where he is confident that Lin Jiufeng's words are true or false.

"The sky has dimmed, I will prepare dinner for you, and I invite you to eat some Divine Race specialties, which are not available in the world." The old man White Dragon looked at the sky, stood up and said, finished. I walked into the back kitchen and went to work.

Miss Hong reached out and nodded Lin Jiufeng's waist, and whispered: "This afternoon, you are talking about it. No useful information has been detected."

Lin Jiufeng He smiled and said: "We are guests, foreigners, and want him to tell the truth, then we have to tell the truth first, don't worry, everyone has taken out the tea from Enlightenment Tea Tree to entertain us, you are afraid that he will not Say?"

"I treat people with sincerity, and they must treat me with sincerity." Lin Jiufeng believes in himself.

The old man White Dragon is not that kind of villain, Lin Jiufeng believes in his own eyes.

If you want to ask others, then show your sincerity.

Lin Jiufeng told him what Elder White Dragon wants to know, and what Lin Jiufeng wants to know, Elder White Dragon will definitely tell him.

"Men's honey is self-confident." Miss Hong muttered, resting her cheek in her hand.

Lin Jiufeng did not continue to answer, but looked at him silently.

A line of words appears.

【Enter the third world (disabled)? Do you sign in? 】

Lin Jiufeng is staring at the character (residual).

"Is this third world incomplete?" Lin Jiufeng muttered inwardly.

He didn't expect to come in immediately and didn't sign in. Instead, he stayed all afternoon. When night fell, he signed in instead.

But he also has no right to refuse.

"Sign in!"

[Sign in successfully, get the friendship badge of Divine Race! ]

Lin Jiufeng immediately remembered his title of [Real Man] when he saw this prompt.

Should be the same kind of things.

"What is the friendship badge of Divine Race?" Lin Jiufeng asked for information.

【Divine Race friendship badge, after wearing it, you will naturally get the friendship of Divine Race. People of Divine Race will look at you, and they will naturally bring a sense of closeness, and they will become one in a few words, and they will soon become a confidant brother. . 】

This is the information about the friendship badge of Divine Race. For Lin Jiufeng's cultivation base, it is not very useful, because it is not very powerful as a whole, and only has one function.

But at the moment, it is a precious treasure.

He really lacks the confidence to convince the descendants of Divine Race.

Now that he has signed in, he is confident that he will gain the trust of the people here and know more about Divine Race.

Perhaps he can also learn from the mouths of the descendants of Divine Race, some of the situation back then, and maybe the truth buried by history.

So Lin Jiufeng is still very satisfied with this sign.

The old man White Dragon cooked three meats and three vegetarians swiftly, all of which are simple farm dishes, but the wine he brought out was fragrant and mouth-watering.

Even Miss Hong's eyes lit up, pink's little tongue was licking his lips, and she looked at her with eager eyes.

She is also a wine lover.

"This wine is a good thing. There was a Divine Race expert in Divine Race expert. The winemaking technique was unmatched. During the Immortal God battle, he brewed more than 10,000 jars of fine wine. Buried underground, staying here, after so many years, we have drunk a lot one after another, and now the stock is running out." Old White Dragon laughed.

He filled the glass with the wine to Lin Jiufeng, and then looked towards Miss Hong.

No need to ask, Miss Hong consciously raised the glass.

The White Dragon old man haha ​​smiled, admiring Miss Hong's character very much, and filled her with it.

"The three of us have a drink together." Old White Dragon raised the glass and said.

"Okay, we are all born in this era. We didn't expect to be able to drink this kind of wine. It is our honor." Lin Jiufeng slightly smiled, raising his glass and drinking Utterly.

Miss Hong also drank it all in one drink, and then he was comfortable, his face was ruddy, and he slapped his lips cutely: "It tastes very good, it is the best wine I have ever drunk."

The old man White Dragon put the jar of fine wine in front of Miss Hong, and said: "You know everything about me in the afternoon. I choose to trust you. In the evening, it will be your turn to ask me, and I know There is no limit to words."

Lin Jiufeng hearing this is overjoyed, and Miss Hong is the same. They really have a problem.

"You really have lived for more than 20,000 years?" Miss Hong asked with a red face.

"Really." White Dragon old man nodded.

"What about your cultivation base?" Miss Hong looked at the old man White Dragon in confusion.

"Celestial Realm's cultivation base, is it very low?" The old man White Dragon said with a smile.

"There should be a reason for this. Celestial Realm can live for hundreds of years at most. Various methods have been used to extend life, but it can't survive for 800 years. How did you live for 20,000 years?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"My current cultivation base is celestial being, but it doesn't mean that my previous cultivation base is celestial being." Old White Dragon said.

Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong are listening.

The White Dragon old man pointed to Miss Hong and Lin Jiufeng and shook his head and said: "You two are now immortal in the immortal forbidden, but it is a bit difficult for you to live for more than 20,000 years, unless you At the last moment of dying, live a second life so that you can have a chance, but it is too difficult. No one in our village can do it."

"You just said that no one in the village can live. In second life, aren't these people from the same age as you?" Miss Hong asked in surprise.

"Of course, except for a child, everyone in this village is of the same generation as me. We used to be much stronger than you two. In Divine Race, we don’t say how peak, but outstanding It’s okay, so we can live for more than 20,000 years until now.” The old White Dragon whispered.

"Where did your cultivation base go?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"Cultivation base, I used it to increase the seal." Old White Dragon said casually after eating a bite of the dish.

"Seal?" Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong looked at each other and saw the surprise in their eyes.

Sure enough, this Divine Race village is not simple, and the old man White Dragon is only now telling the truth.

"Is there a seal here?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"Of course." The old White Dragon glanced at Lin Jiufeng and directly said with a smile: "Don't ask me all the time. Let me tell you directly what has happened in this place for 20,000 years. "

Lin Jiufeng immediately raised the glass: "I toast you."

Miss Hong also raised the glass: "I toast you too."

The old man White Dragon drank a glass of wine in one sip. He looked at Lin Jiufeng and suddenly felt a little more intimacy. Recalling that Lin Jiufeng told him everything truthfully in the afternoon, he had a desire to pour out.

"This was originally a vast Great World called the third world."

"It is the territory of our Divine Race, and it is not much different from the Great Thousand Worlds outside. Great Thousand Worlds is the first world, and here is the third world. There are also many origins. When I was young, life was actually carefree."

"But everything is in harmony with Immortal After Court met, it disappeared."

The old man White Dragon recalled the past, his eyes trembled, as if he had seen the glory of Divine Race 20,000 years ago.

Compared with today, it is really a heaven and an underground.

"Do you know why this is happening here?" The white dragon old man looked at Lin Jiufeng and asked.

Lin Jiufeng shook his head, filled the glass for the elderly White Dragon himself, and then took the initiative to drink it.

The old man of White Dragon is another sip of wine, cheeks slightly red, this wine is brewed by the master brewer in Divine Race, and can be put into immortal wine.

"The battle between Divine Race and Immortal Court spread to several Great Thousand Worlds. They even broke several worlds. Our third world is no exception. A War God in Immortal Court I came here and wanted to destroy the third world, but was defeated by the Divine Race expert, but War God was strong in life and could not kill her, so I laid down an inescapable net general formation and sealed her."

"Then the Immortal God battle broke out, and the experts of Divine Race went to war. They fought fiercely in the outside world, leaving only us youngsters guarding the third world."

"This guard is Twenty thousand years!"

The old man White Dragon said in a daze, he didn't know whether it was regret or what.

Say regret, it's not that serious.

Say no regrets, not reconciled in my heart.

Twenty thousand years of great time have been spent here.

"Why didn't you leave, the War God of Immortal Court was suppressed by you?" Miss Hong asked suspiciously.

"The power of the seal is diminishing year by year. There used to be more than ninety immortals in this village. It is not your nine-forbidden immortal. They are powerful people who can be used to suppress an era."

"We reduce our own strength, and instill the rest of the energy into the big formation to strengthen the seal."

"So you see, our cultivation base is really true Celestial Realm is the only one."

The old man White Dragon answered Miss Hong’s doubts truthfully.

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