Chapter 309 Immortal Court War Goddess

Through the old White Dragon’s telling, Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong only knew why this place was Divine Race. Territory, but the people inside are all weak.

The reason is still related to Immortal Court.

A War God of Immortal Court was suppressed here. More than 90 experts on the former immortal have been suppressing this place continuously for 20,000 years, exhausting their cultivation base.

Lin Jiufeng also saw the best but Celestial Realm status.

"You are so powerful, why didn't you kill this War God?" Miss Hong asked puzzledly.

"If we can, we want to do the same. But the fact is that our combined strength, relying on the Formation arranged by our predecessors, barely suppressed this War God, and other things , There is nothing we can do." The old White Dragon took a sip of wine regretfully and said.

"Immortal Court's War God, is it so powerful?" Lin Jiufeng asked in surprise.

"Immortal Court’s War God is indeed very difficult to deal with, but each generation of War God is different. The Immortal Court’s War God and the current Immortal Court’s War God are not the same thing. This War Goddess has a very strong background. She is the confidence of the Immortal Court battle. For this reason, the Divine Race Peak expert set up a big array, introduced her into the Formation, suppressed her, and didn't want her to come out to make trouble and destroy that one. The end of the battle." The old White Dragon explained.

"This Immortal Court War God, turned out to be a woman?" Miss Hong looked at the old White Dragon in surprise. She thought it was a man. After all, the name of War God is not something anyone can afford From.

"Well, it’s a woman. She is very strong. The third world that was fought in that battle collapsed for most of the time. Now the third world is stable only here. Other regions are haunted by chaos. Occasionally, a continent appears, which is extremely unstable and cannot be inhabited. We descendants of Divine Race live here. Guarding this War Goddess and preventing her from being born is what we should do now." White Dragon The old man nodded and said.

"In this case, how long can you suppress?" Lin Jiufeng asked worriedly.

Once these descendants of Divine Race can't suppress this War Goddess and let her be born, it will have a huge impact on the first world that has finally calmed down.

Lin Jiufeng must plan ahead.

"I don't know either." The old White Dragon shook his head.

"We have been insisting. We suppressed her not long ago, but compared to the time before, this time is very short."

"At first, we The suppression of this War Goddess can last for at least three thousand years. After three thousand years, the power begins to weaken, but the second time it can only last for two thousand eight hundred years, then two thousand five hundred years, to two thousand years, one thousand five hundred years, A thousand years..."

"Up to now, we have tried our best to input energy every time, but we can only suppress several decades. The more difficult it is, we suppressed her only three years ago. The gap between this time and the previous one is only a short sixty years."

"So, we can’t guarantee that next time she suddenly wakes up, we will be able to return to Peak’s cultivation base. "

"The suppression of these years has also consumed our Essence, Qi, and Spirit. It has been three years before our cultivation base has been restored to Celestial Realm."

White The old man Dragon is saying that Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong are listening, their faces are very serious.

The words of the White Dragon old man were deeply helpless. Obviously, they are all a little weak.

"In other words, the next time this War Goddess recovers, in about fifty years?" Lin Jiufeng solemnly speculated.

"Yes, maybe less than 50 years, but it is obvious that we will not be able to recover the Peak cultivation base in 50 years, and we can no longer suppress her." The old White Dragon said helplessly.

"So we are here." Lin Jiufeng said solemnly.

"You..." The White Dragon old man glanced at Lin Jiufeng, shook his head and said, "You are only in the Nine Prohibitions. For many people, you are very powerful, but in front of Immortal Court War Goddess In fifty years, even if you break through the nine bans and enter the True Immortal Realm world, it is nothing but cannon fodder."

This is very straightforward.

But Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong didn't have any anger.

Because it is true.

The world of immortal First Realm is immortal. In the world of Immortal Realm, there are nine bans, crossing the nine bans, and entering the next realm.

True Immortal!

Of course, some people did not cross the nine bans and directly broke through to True Immortal.

But this kind of combat power is completely incomparable with the immortal crossing the nine bans.

Miss Hong curiously asked: "The next step of immortal is True Immortal, then what is behind True Immortal? What realm are you, and what realm is that Immortal Court War Goddess?"

Lin Jiufeng is also very curious about this matter.

He has investigated countless books in the world, and there is no introduction to the realm behind immortal.

There is still too little immortal in the world.

He didn't even know the nine bans before. If he hadn't seen the old man breaking the nine bans in the immortal domain, he didn't even know.

"Immortal Realm is behind True Immortal, True Immortal is behind Mysterious Immortal, and behind Mysterious Immortal is Zuxian, behind Zuxian is Junxian, and then Immortal King Realm."

"Most of our ninety-odd people are ancestors, I am Junxian, but the Immortal Court War Goddess is the Immortal King Realm world."

"This is where we feel the pressure Place."

The old man White Dragon said regretfully.

Lin Jiufeng blinked his eyes, and his heart felt as if he was overwhelmed by the river, the waves were surging, and he was very restless.

He didn't expect, and finally entered the Immortal Realm world, which turned out to be just the starting point for the first stage.

True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Zuxian, Junxian, Immortal King.

This arrangement allowed him to catch up with him in fifty years. Lin Jiufeng was not sure at all.

Even if he signs in every day, it's a good thing for increasing cultivation base, it's too late.

"Now that you know that this is afraid right?" The old man White Dragon suddenly chuckled, breaking the solemn atmosphere on the wine table.

"It is very serious, especially now that there is peace outside, the people live and work in peace and contentment, countless people are struggling, the old are supported, and the young are dependent. If such a good life can only last for five Ten years, don't you think it's a pity?" Lin Jiufeng said softly.

He wants to keep the people in such a beautiful life.

Lin Jiufeng doesn't miss the cultivation base, treasure, power or anything.

He can sign in the treasure of increasing cultivation base, and he can also sign in treasure.

He can live a man and a cat in Cold Palace for hundreds of years.

He is very light on power, fame and fortune, just a passing scene.

But he also cares about things.

Lin Jiufeng likes a poem very much.

There are tens of thousands of Ande Guangsha, and the world is full of joy. 3.

This sentence is used now, and he has the ability to do it.

He supported the Feathered Divine Dynasty, and the Feathered Divine Dynasty brought blessings to the people of the world, and made it possible to protect the world with joy.

But now the old man White Dragon brings a bolt from the blue.

In the third world of Divine Race, an Immortal Court War Goddess was suppressed.

This Immortal Court War Goddess will wake up in about fifty years.

Then she discovered that Immortal Court had been destroyed for 20,000 years.

Will she go crazy?

Will she destroy this world and re-form Immortal Court?

These things need to be resolved.

Lin Jiufeng's originally relaxed mood suddenly became serious and tense.

"In fact, you don't need to worry, this World still has some terrifying power, but you can't notice it normally." The old White Dragon comforted Lin Jiufeng.

"What kind of power?" Lin Jiufeng looked up and looked towards the old man White Dragon.

"In the Western Desert, I once felt a terrifying power, and it broke out for a short time. There was an expert in the Western Desert." The old White Dragon said.

"Western Desert Buddhism?" Lin Jiufeng frowned.

A hundred years ago, when Emperor Yuan was still there, he destroyed Buddhism in the Jiangnan region.

So far, Lin Jiufeng's impression of Buddhism is still negative.

"Western Desert Buddhism and Buddhism you know, there is still a big difference. If you have the opportunity to take a trip to Western Desert, I remember that there was a supreme powerhouse in Western Desert." White Dragon The old man recalled.

"supreme powerhouse?" Lin Jiufeng raised an eyebrow.

"It seems to be called the Great Emperor of Shakyamuni, a terrifying Buddha of Buddhism who has spanned a long river of time. Like your Nine Phoenix Great Emperor, the world also calls him Great Emperor, Buddha Such titles can no longer express respect for him." The old White Dragon said.

"Sakyamuni Great Emperor, have you seen it?" Miss Hong asked.

"How did I have seen this? The time when the Sakyamuni Great Emperor appeared, but one hundred thousand years ago. He was the Great Emperor of Supreme, the invincible Venerable who came out of Buddhism at that time, his No one knows the deeds anymore. With the passage of time, your generation no longer knows about the Great Emperor of Sakyamuni, but I also heard of his name back then. Our senior leaders of Divine Race told Sakyamuni. The Great Emperor respects him very much and respects him as the living Great Emperor." The old White Dragon told his childhood memories.

"So I highly recommend that you take a trip to the Western Desert to see if there are other powers hidden in the Western Desert. Finding this power may help War Goddess." White Dragon The old man said to Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng nodded, keep this in mind, and promise: "I will go to Western Desert once."

"I wonder if we can take a look at this Immortal Court War Goddess?" Miss Hong suddenly opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, but the sky is dark now, let's go again tomorrow." The old man White Dragon looked at the night and said.

"No problem, let's have a drink." Lin Jiufeng toasted again, and the old man White Dragon was not welcome and drank it all.

This night, the old people Lin Jiufeng, Miss Hong, and White Dragon all had red cheeks and went home happily, and finally settled in the bamboo house of the old White Dragon.

Miss Hong immediately fell asleep, with pink cheeks and bright rays of light on her body. As the moonlight shone, the injuries in her body were slowly repairing, and she herself was sinking. Into the ocean of the avenue.

The cup of tea during the day, the tea plant transplanted from Enlightenment Tea Tree, its tea leaves also bring part of the effect of Enlightenment Tea Tree, and now it is just helping Miss Hong to repair his injury and improve himself.

Lin Jiufeng is also in cultivation.

For him, drunkenness has long been accustomed to him. He realized the benefits of the morning cup of tea in the night, and simply slipped into the ocean of Spiritual Consciousness, letting the body lie down drunk and himself The Divine Consciousness and spiritual wisdom are all in the ocean, and they are familiar with the experience.

Lin Jiufeng signed in to Enlightenment Tea Tree before, and he has already had an experience of swimming in the ocean, so this time he is very proficient. He quickly found something suitable for his comprehension, absorbed it, and improved himself.

"Cultivation realm that many, I am immortal, far from being arrogant, and there are still many challenges in the future, I need to slowly improve myself." Lin Jiufeng warned himself.

He cultivation quickly, and one night passed quickly.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Lin Jiufeng got up while the sky was slightly bright.

He moved his body a bit, he didn't feel a hangover at all, refreshed, and the realm in his body also crossed a little.

Nine bans, he seems to have reached the third ban.

It was just a night’s work. For Lin Jiufeng, that cup of tea helped a lot.

"The Immortal Realm world has not improved as much as before. Many immortal can only leap a step in their lifetime. Now, with a cup of tea, I will leap a step in one night, and it is already very fast." Lin Jiufeng was in a good mood and watched. Facing the mountains in the distance, breathing in the fresh air, I feel comfortable.

After a while, Miss Hong woke up.

Today she, ruddy complexion, is radiant and energetic than yesterday.

"That cup of tea is really good. Last night, most of my original damage was directly repaired. Then I only need to warm up. It shouldn't be affected the subsequent cultivation." Miss Hong rejoiced. Said.

Lin Jiufeng is also happy for her: "That's very good, if something happens to you, I will die of guilt. It is because of me that you are hurt."

Miss Hong blanked Lin Jiufeng's eyes; "I am for myself. I met the old man in the universe, asked a lot of things, and learned a lot. As for asking you for directions, it's only incidental. Don't be affectionate."

Lin Jiufeng haha ​​smiled, not taking seriously.

At this time, the White Dragon old man came out, and the white hair and youthful face he looked at Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong said with a smile: "Aren’t you going to see that Immortal Court War Goddess? Now You can go now."

Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong were shocked.

"You always lead the way." Lin Jiufeng said.

The old man White Dragon took Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong along the field path all the way past.

Walking along the way, looking at the scenery, talking about the sky, did not fly over, and soon they came to a big mountain.

The mountain is very majestic, vast and boundless, and green hills are verdant, but inside, the area Lin Jiufeng and the others came from is barren.

The earth is dark green, the rocks all around are also green, all around is empty without trees and weeds.

If you look from the sky, here is an emerald in the depths of a mountain.

The emerald green energy circulates everywhere, it is very beautiful, and it lingers down, turning this place into a dreamlike Immortal Realm.

Miss Hong stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the green energy flowing in the air. The green energy immediately resembled a naughty child, surrounding Miss Hong, enclosing her.

"Look, this green energy seems to be thoughtful." Miss Hong said.

Who knew that the White Dragon old man took a look and immediately shouted: "Hurry up and stay away from these energies."

Lin Jiufeng's expression condensed, and he moved towards Miss Hong and patted his shoulder.


His energy poured down, blasting Miss Hong's energy away within a second.

Miss Hong asked nervously: "Is there any harm in these energies?"

"These energies were unconsciously emitted by the War Goddess at Immortal Court, and should be hers. Energy, once it surrounds you and lets you relax your vigilance, it will enter your body and swallow your energy and flesh and blood. When the time comes, you can't help yourself." The old White Dragon said solemnly.

Miss Hong looked at the green energy in fear.

Lin Jiufeng even guarded her behind him, his face solemnly said: "From now on, things here can't be touched randomly, let's be careful."

"It's not so exaggerated. These green energies are unconscious. Only if you actively touch them can you be infected. Just be careful.” The old White Dragon reminded them.

Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong kept in mind, and then they followed the old man White Dragon and soon came to a blue lake.

This blue lake is a bit similar to the one Lin Jiufeng saw in Undying Mountain in Land of Extreme Yin.

But the difference is that a transparent cold jade coffin floats on this blue lake.

In the coffin, there is a woman lying quietly.

White clothed long skirt, three thousand green silk, plain face, such as pretty daughter in a humble family.

But the old White Dragon said: "This is the War Goddess of Immortal Court."

Lin Jiufeng and Miss Hong glanced at each other silently.

This woman who is like the little girl next door is actually Immortal Court War Goddess......

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