Chapter 310 Book Sea

The War Goddess of Immortal Court lies quietly in a transparent coffin, floating on the blue lake, quiet and peaceful.

Looking at the same appearance as the little girl next door, the only feature is the three thousand green silks, the roots are crystal clear and near-transparent.

The transparent cold jade coffin was floating on the water, wherever it passed, waves appeared, stirring up the blue energy, permeating all around.

"War Goddess at Immortal Court, looking at it this way, it's too quiet." Miss Hong said with emotion.

"If she has been so quiet all the time, then we don't need to bother so much. Now we can let her out." The old White Dragon said helplessly.

"Fifty years..." Lin Jiufeng looked at Immortal Court War Goddess, calculating the time in his heart.

Fifty years later, the world will face the attack of this War Goddess.

Can it be resisted when the time comes?

Lin Jiufeng is not sure.

"Is there a chance to kill this War Goddess now?" Lin Jiufeng asked the old man White Dragon unwillingly.

Even if he knew it was impossible, he still wanted to ask.

"Impossible, you are facing an Immortal King, a War Goddess of Immortal Court, her strength, no doubt, even if you destroy her body, she can be resurrected. "The old White Dragon shook his head.

"After fifty years, I must face this War Goddess." Lin Jiufeng sighed then said, under great pressure.

"Yes, the third world is almost destroyed, but the first world, that is, the main world, is still intact. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Feathered Divine Dynasty rules the world, but all of this After this War Goddess wakes up, there will be nothing left."

"Everything is like just a passing scene. If you want to keep it as it is, then find a way to solve the problem in front of you." Old White Dragon Mention Lin Jiufeng.

The trouble ahead!

Lin Jiufeng looked towards the quiet woman in the cold jade coffin. It is hard to believe that she will destroy heaven extinguishing earth in fifty years.

But it is true.

He can't help but believe it.

Lin Jiufeng looked at it, and suddenly a line of words appeared before his eyes.

【Do you sign in in front of Immortal Court War Goddess? 】

Lin Jiufeng decisively agrees that he will sign some treasures, or medicine pill to improve his strength.

Only in this way can he be sure to face the War Goddess fifty years later.

【Sign in successfully, get a copy of Immortal Court Origin Taoism! 】

Lin Jiufeng frowned, looking at the blue lake, silently, but thinking inside, what kind of treasure is this source book?

I couldn't figure it out, Lin Jiufeng simply didn't want to, and looked up the information directly.

【The source of Taoism is one of the books left by Supreme a long time ago. It records the Supreme Secret Method. Comprehended the source of Taoism will get Source Power. 】

As for what Source Power is, Lin Jiufeng doesn't know, he hasn't realized it yet.

After understanding the information, Lin Jiufeng directly accepted the original Taoist book, anyway, it is to improve himself, others will not refuse.

Once the original Daoshu entered my mind, it was as if it had been practiced thousands of times, and I became familiar in an instant. Lin Jiufeng also knew how to operate the laws inside and the application of the cultivation technique.

In his body, energy surged and the ban was directly broken.

He had walked three steps in the Nine Forbiddens before, and now this original Taoist book directly makes Lin Jiufeng walk a few steps again.

Seven Immortals Ban!

It has more than doubled, which is incredible for Lin Jiufeng.

He felt that it was very difficult to improve the Immortal Realm world. He realized so hard and signed, and he took three steps in the nine bans.

These three steps cost him a lot of time.

But now, a book of Taoism has allowed him to walk four steps in a row.

The nine bans are only two steps away.

Furthermore, the original Taoist book brings more than these things, which is of great help to Lin Jiufeng's subsequent cultivation.

On the edge of the blue lake, Lin Jiufeng stood there, looking at the Immortal Court War Goddess, speechless.

This War Goddess is lying there quietly, enough to make people jealous.

Enron does not move like Mount Tai.

It brings great pressure to people.

It is conceivable that once she wakes up and breaks free from the shackles here, it will be a terrifying thing.

For a while, Miss Hong remembered one thing.

"White Dragon old man, I heard a senior in Sect say that the third world is very interesting. You can learn a lot when you go in, but now I don’t see it. I don’t know if you can tell me "Miss Hong curiously asked.

This matter was told by the old man in the universe, and she kept it in her heart.

"The third world is interesting?" The old White Dragon was stunned. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered what it was.

"You are talking about the time wheel, right." The old White Dragon suddenly realized.

"Time wheel, what is it?" Miss Hong asked curiously with light in his eyes.

"It is indeed very interesting to consume lifespan, activate the time wheel, enter the past time, and take a swim." The old White Dragon explained.

"There is such a thing, isn't this interfering with the past time?" Lin Jiufeng asked in surprise.

"What happened in the past is doomed. It cannot be rewritten. The only thing that can be rewritten is our future. So people who use time to turn to the past, many people want to change history, but history Correction will cost you a huge price, and then use a bamboo basket to draw water and futile." The old White Dragon told Lin Jiufeng.

"Where is this time wheel?" Miss Hong curiously asked.

"It has disappeared." The old man White Dragon sighed then said.

"Disappeared?" Miss Hong frowned, her expression stiff.

"As early as that year, the War Goddess of Immortal Court broke into the third world and broke the third world. The time wheel was also lost at that time. Some people said it was broken, and some people said it was broken. Said that the time wheel left by itself, anyway, we have not reached the time wheel anyway." The old White Dragon shook his head.

"So unfortunately, I can't do what you want. There is only such a small place in the third world. The scenery is pretty good, but the interesting things are no longer there." White Old Man Dragon apologized.

Miss Hong waved his hand: "I also listened to the senior in Sect and only remembered it, but since the thing does not exist for a long time, then forget it."

"White Dragon Old man, can I take a look at the Book Collection Pavilion of your Divine Race. I hope to learn more about what happened that year, so that I can also be more psychologically prepared." Lin Jiufeng put forward his request.

He wants to see the Divine Race collection.

"This is no problem, but I'm afraid you won't come over." The old man White Dragon did not hesitate, but was a little worried about Lin Jiufeng.

"Can't finish?" Lin Jiufeng raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean by this?"

"I mean, Divine Race’s collection of books, unless those top secret The books have been taken away, and the rest are here, more than you think. I will give you fifty years. You can't finish them." The old White Dragon waved his hand.

"So many, that's just right." Lin Jiufeng's eyes lit up, he is not afraid of too much, he is afraid of incomplete information.

"Then I will take you to Shuhai, which is suitable for you. When you get bored with what you see, leave here." said the old White Dragon.

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