Chapter Three Hundred 47, Emperor Yuan left word

The black skeleton showed extremely powerful strength, hitting six, directly destroying the opposing group.

Then swallow all the soul flames and become their own golden soul flames.

It is also equivalent to Zuxian realm breakthrough, Junxian realm.

There is only one realm away from the colorful skulls.

"You are all so powerful. You entered the depths of the dead world early. It is estimated that you are a colorful skull long ago." Lin Jiufeng looked at the black skull and said.

"It's not too late to go now." He black skeleton picked up the map given by red skeleton and handed it to Lin Jiufeng.

"This is a map drawn by a senior who entered the depths of the dead world and escaped by chance, recording its experience and route in the depths of the dead world." Black Skeleton said.

Lin Jiufeng took the map and took a closer look.

This map is very rough. It was drawn by one person. It is very brief. Some dangerous places along the way are marked out.

"From here into the depths of the dead world, you have to cross the sacred mountain of reincarnation, then cross the Yin River, enter the dead city, and then walk out of the dead city, and then you can set foot in the depths of the dead world." Lin Jiufeng analyzes the map. On the content, said.

The black skeleton and the white skeleton looked over, especially the Yin River, which is very large on the map, with many wavy lines on it, which looks like a huge wave.

"This is the first time I know that there is such a big river in the dead world." White Skeleton said in surprise.

"Let's go, let's take a look." Lin Jiufeng put away the map and strode away.

The black skeleton and the white skeleton followed Lin Jiufeng and left without looking back.

As for the castle on this plain, it has become a ruin, a place of bones, no one asked.

Maybe there will be a new power soon, and a new castle will rise, or maybe no one cares about it here, and the ruins will disappear with the wind.

This is the dead world, the naked law of the jungle, there is no rule or truth at all.

When you are strong, you can make your own rules.

Across the plain, Lin Jiufeng went straight into a vast forest. The forest was rugged with rugged rocks, lush trees, and there were so many towering trees that you could not see the sky at all.

There are also many white-bone creatures in the forest. Lin Jiufeng flew in the air with black and white skeletons, no one dared to stop them.

The forest is very large and spreads very long. In some places, there are very powerful dead creatures.

Lin Jiufeng didn't bother them either. He didn't interfere with each other. He just wanted to enter the depths of the dead world sooner.

Because there are black skeletons, there is no problem along the way. After all, a powerhouse with a golden soul flame is generally unwilling to provoke skeletons.

And the black skeletons are obviously going to enter the depths of the dead world, and there is no conflict with them.

"This time, thanks to the black skeletons, the skeletons with golden soul flames have stared at us several times, but they were all forced away by it." Lin Jiufeng said with emotion.

He is really fearless in fighting, but it will take a lot of time, and this is a meaningless fight.

So it is a blessing to deter them by black skeletons.

"It's okay, I'm lucky enough to break through. They don't want to be hostile to me, so it saves a lot of trouble." The black skeleton haha ​​smiled and waved his hand modestly said.

But it was inadvertently, leaning on the white skeleton, emitting golden rays of light, and the flame was burning.

white skeletons said ill-humoredly: "I want to break through too. What are you so proud of? Not to say that you have swallowed the flames of the souls of a few skeletons. You are spoil things through excessive enthusiasm. I am a step by step. Unlike you, I will also enter the golden soul flame level in three days."


"This is naked jealousy."

"I'm still too good. You are jealous of me now, and I can understand it. After all, I am golden and you are purple, which is a lot worse." Black skeleton said.

The white skeleton was so annoyed that he couldn't speak. If Lin Jiufeng was not there, he would have cut the black skeleton with a knife.

"Well, this huge forest will be out soon. According to the map's guidance, there should be a huge sacred mountain just ahead." Lin Jiufeng looked at the map and said softly.

As for the comparison between black skeletons and white skeletons, he doesn't have that careless mind.

"What does this sacred mountain do?" black skull curiously asked.

"I don't know, but I know that there is a reincarnation written on the sacred mountain!" Lin Jiufeng said.

The black skeleton and the white skeleton lowered their heads and looked towards the map together.

The rudimentary map is carefully watched by them.

The white skeleton suddenly said: "Sacred mountain reincarnation, I seem to have heard of it."

The black skeleton looks thoughtful.

Lin Jiufeng raised his eyebrows and asked: "What have you heard?"

"Said it is in the dead world, there is a sacred mountain of reincarnation, and the skeletons that enter it, There is a chance to see one's own past life, of course, there is also a chance to die, some skeletons go in and die, some skeletons go in, see their past life, and then die too." White Skeleton said.

Lin Jiufeng blinked, why is this all dead?

"Anyway, few people can come out alive, so there are not many skeletons willing to go to the reincarnation of the mountain." Black Skeleton said.

"I didn't expect, the sacred mountain of reincarnation will appear here, and it will be in front of us." The white skeleton said as he walked, and then lifts the head, the world suddenly opened up, a huge sacred mountain, Came into view.

Two big characters are engraved on the sacred mountain, reincarnation!

The huge sacred mountain, the majestic show, the Spiritual Qi is mighty, the Immortal Crane flying above, the grass pavement, like a pure land outside the world.

The tone of the world is completely different, as if it were in the world.

But it is also limited to this sacred mountain of reincarnation, not in other areas.

"Do I have to cross this sacred mountain of reincarnation?" Black Skeleton asked with a frown.

Lin Jiufeng took out the map and said, "It must be because Yinhe is behind this mountain."

"Can't you fly over it?" White Skeleton suggested.

"Then you give it a try." Lin Jiufeng did not reject this idea.

The white skeleton immediately flew up, trying to leap over the mountain of reincarnation.

But after not flying for a while, the mountain of reincarnation shot a terrifying rays of light, which shocked the void and directly formed a huge cage, shrouded in it, to imprison the white skeleton.

Lin Jiufeng has been paying attention, and when he saw it, he drew his sword, raised his eyebrows, and waved.

A sword glow burst and slashed on this terrifying rays of light, breaking the cage and allowing the white skeleton to escape.

very terrifying! "The white skeleton fell down and said in fear.

It just felt like it was going to be imprisoned by forever.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Life Not under my control, trapped in a cage like a bird.

If it weren’t for Lin Jiufeng’s sword, it would really be unable to escape for a while.

" It now appears that it is necessary to enter this sacred mountain of reincarnation, and it is impossible to fly through it. "Black Skeleton muttered.

"Then go in and take a look. We are three in one, we are vigilant and help each other, there should be no big problem. "The white skeleton said, it can't care about the grudge with the black skeleton now.

"Okay, let's go in. "Lin Jiufeng nodded, he has no opinion, he must have entered anyway.

"I now know why that many people on the periphery are not willing to enter the depths of the dead world, which is too dangerous. . "Black Skeleton said with emotion.

"Only a skeleton who is very confident in himself can explore the secrets of the dead world without hesitation. "White Skeleton said.

"My only goal in entering the depths of the dead world is to find the memories of previous lives, and then live out my second life again. I want to enter the world and see, instead of staying in the dead. "Black Skeleton said firmly.

"Me too, walking out of the comfort zone, there is no burden, now there is no turning back, this time must go to the depths of the dead, even if it is death, I Also do not hesitate. "White Skeleton said firmly.

Lin Jiufeng ignored the dialogue between the two skeletons, and a line of words appeared before his eyes.

Very familiar words.

It’s been several days since I haven’t shown up.

[Did you sign in at Reincarnation Mountain?]

Lin Jiufeng glanced at the black and white skulls and continued the conversation, and agreed.

"Check in! "

[Sign in successfully, get a strand of immortal matter!]

A special energy appeared in Lin Jiufeng's palm.

He asked inexplicably Said: "What the hell is this immortal matter? "

"The undead matter is a special matter in the dead world. It is very rare and can help you in cultivation and restore your vitality. The undead matter is very special. "

This explanation made Lin Jiufeng squeeze the undead matter, absorb it into the body, and temporarily not move.

He looked towards the black and white skeletons, and said: "You know that in the dead world Is there an immortal substance? "

Black Skeleton shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it." "

"Neither do I. "White Skeleton also thought about it seriously, and I really didn't hear it.

Lin Jiufeng thought that they had been staying on the periphery, the news was blocked, and they only knew a little more than Lin Jiufeng.

So they don’t know about immortal matter, and it’s normal.

Lin Jiufeng puts down this problem. Now that he has obtained immortal matter, he will study it carefully in the future. The most urgent task now is to enter the sacred mountain of reincarnation, and then Go out and go to the next place.

"Let’s go in. "Lin Jiufeng takes the lead and walks into the sacred mountain of reincarnation.

After stepping into the sacred mountain of reincarnation, Lin Jiufeng feels the breeze blowing on his face, warm as spring.

The wind is like a firework three. The wind blowing from Yangzhou under the moon.

The sun is like noon on a winter day, and the warmest sun shines on people, soft and comfortable.

With the death of the outside world permeated. Than, Lin Jiufeng seems to have come to the Jiangnan area.

The black and white skeletons followed in.

They felt the wind blowing over their souls, and they felt the sun warmed Divine Soul , The entire skeleton body floats up.

"So comfortable. "The voice of the white skeleton is soft.

The black skeleton is more determined. Looking at all around, he wonders: "Why is there such a big gap between this place and the state of the dead?" "

In the distance, there is also Immortal Crane eating leisurely, spreading its wings and flying, willows are hanging down, and birds are singing, as if they are in the world.

Lin Jiufeng observes all around, said solemnly: "Perhaps, there is a connection with the world here. "

Obviously, the mountain of reincarnation is not simply the appearance of the dead world, it is like a human turf, but it accidentally came to the dead world.

Of course, this is Lin Jiufeng’s guess, no It must be accurate, so he needs to find evidence.

Lin Jiufeng walked in the sacred mountain of Samsara, along the ridge of the mountain, facing the breeze, walked to the central area of ​​the mountain of Samsara.

In Here, the mountain seems to have grown a face.

Two holes are like eyes, and a mountain range stands below, not many, just like noses. Below the nose, there is a big hole in the shape of a mouth. .

"Is this the mountain spirit of the sacred mountain of reincarnation? "Lin Jiufeng questioned.

"Not necessarily, but obviously, there must be a secret in the hole. "Black Skeleton followed Lin Jiufeng and said.

"Let’s go in and investigate. "White Skeleton said.

"Okay, you two follow me and be vigilant, this place is not as beautiful as we saw. "Lin Jiufeng said solemnly, he seemed to have discovered something, he felt that this reincarnation mountain was not so comfortable and warm to look at.

Walking up along the mountain range of the nose, came to the hole of the eye.

Looking down, it is a bottomless cave that connects the entire sacred mountain of reincarnation.

The dark cave, with the horn of the wind and anger underneath, is deep and unmeasurable, and it sounds very permeating.

The black and white skeletons both scared Soul Fire to shrink a circle.

Their timidity in the bones appeared again.

" Go down and take a look. "Lin Jiufeng was fearless, and began to descend along the dark cave.

This is not very difficult for Lin Jiufeng.

When I go down, it’s dark. In the lacquered cave, a huge yin wind burst out, turned into a human face, and rushed over.

Lin Jiufeng frowned, turning his finger into a sword, and then cut it directly.

The roaring face of Yin Feng, was divided into two, collapsed all around.

"This Yin Feng is about to become refined. "Black Skeleton said with emotion.

"You are a golden soul flame, you should be brave. "Lin Jiufeng said without looking back, and continued to move forward.

The black skeleton coughed, then straightened the skeleton, and followed Lin Jiufeng's steps to suppress the fear.

white The skeleton is at the end, and it is slowly adapting to the fear.

"Why do you say that we are born with this kind of fear, afraid of seeing things and not daring to go out? "White Skeleton said depressed.

Black Skeleton sighed then said, this is also its shortcoming, which is more difficult to treat.

"Stop talking nonsense, I saw a stone tablet! "Lin Jiufeng walked at the forefront, and at a corner, he found a spacious great hall.

There were white bones everywhere, like a Chaotic Burial Mound. In these white bones, there are various colors, the most bizarre Yes, Lin Jiufeng saw a skeleton with colorful skulls.

It was a hand bone, with colorful colors, very eye-catching.

This shows that there used to be colorful skulls here. Was killed.

Or, it was injured here and lost an arm.

Lin Jiufeng glanced away and stared at a stone tablet.

This stone tablet stood in a corner of this great hall, made of bronze, trapped by a chain, and engraved with a lot of characters.

But... the age is so old, the dust is completely covered.

"This stone tablet is tied up by such a thick chain. Is there any implication? "The black skeleton came in and saw that it was thicker and more chained than the entire skeleton, surprised.

"The chain material is also very good. It is a special Divine Stone made of a chain, even It is the golden soul flame that is not easy to cut off. "The white skeleton stroked the dusty chain, surprised.

"There are words on it. "The black skeleton stretched out his hand to dust off some dust.

A line of words was revealed.

[If I were Emperor Yuan in his year, I will bloom with the peach blossoms!]

Lin Jiufeng saw this line, expression congeals, and stared at it.

This is the word left by Emperor Yuan.

Back then, Emperor Yuan also came here. .

I still have my own words on this bronze stele.

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