Chapter Three Hundred and 48th Killing the Golden Soul Flame

Looking at this line of words, Lin Jiufeng fell into deep silence.

But his heart is not peaceful.

The waves are rough.

Emperor Yuan He has been here before and left his handwriting.

Lin Jiufeng read this poem carefully, and you can see Emperor Yuan's ambitions.

"This is left by the skeleton named Emperor Yuan. What does he mean by writing this?" black skeleton curiously asked.

"How do I know this? But it seems that Jiufeng Great Emperor and this Emperor Yuan are very familiar." said the white skeleton.

The black skeleton didn't speak. Looking at Lin Jiufeng's appearance now, people with intellectual disabilities can see it.

The Great Emperor Jiufeng has a close relationship with the Emperor Yuan.

Lin Jiufeng didn't look back, and said: "Emperor Yuan, it's my younger brother!"

The black skeleton and the white skeleton immediately squatted down and studied this side with Lin Jiufeng Look at the bronze stele carefully.

Because of the age, the dust has fallen, and the bronze monument has long been covered, so at first glance it will be considered a stone tablet.

But if you wipe away the dust and reveal the essence, you can see that this is still a bronze monument.

Moreover, the material of this bronze stele is very good, making it hard to leave traces.

"It looks very hard." The black skeleton stretched out the finger bone and wrote hard on the bronze stele, trying to leave some trace.

However, it tried its best and still left no trace.

The black skull mood grave said: "This bronze monument is abnormal."

Lin Jiufeng and the white skull stared intently.

The black skeletons have evolved to the golden soul flame, and the equivalent to cultivation realm in the emperor's level still can't leave the slightest trace on the bronze stele.

What does this mean?

It shows that the bronze stele is powerful and the material is terrifying. I am afraid that it will not leave a trace on it if it is not in the Immortal King Realm world.


Why did Emperor Yuan leave a poem a hundred years ago?

This is a bronze stele with no trace of the golden soul flame.

"Is the Emperor Yuan so powerful?" the white skeleton asked Lin Jiufeng in confusion.

Black Skeleton looked at Lin Jiufeng in the same way, wondering, is this Emperor Yuan really that powerful?

Lin Jiufeng shook his head and said: "Not that powerful, even when they are in the world, they are just ordinary cultivator levels, not even immortal."

So Lin Jiufeng is also very strange. , Why would Emperor Yuan be so powerful after entering the dead world.

It is incredible to be able to engrave on such a hard bronze stele and leave his traces.

"That's weird, this bronze stele doesn't look like a magic weapon." The black skeleton carefully surrounds the bronze stele, leaving a trace of it, trying to find the origin of the bronze stele.

But after a lap, there is no gain.

"Whether this bronze stele is a magic weapon or not, I want it." Black Skeleton suddenly turned around and carried the bronze stele with great difficulty, but still carried it.

"Why do you want this?" Lin Jiufeng asked puzzledly.

"I just move bricks, and smash others is good. Throw it out, it is the golden soul flame powerhouse. Without precautions, it will be crushed by the bones." black skeleton argue with the courage of one's convictions said.

"Okay, let's take it, let's go deep into the sacred mountain of reincarnation and see what's inside." Lin Jiufeng took the lead and walked, looking for something in the great hall of this empty cave .

Gradually, Lin Jiufeng discovered a cave.

In this cave, there is a skeleton sitting cross-legged, the whole body is golden, but the golden light is dim, no longer bright, more like a pearl covered with dust, covered with ashes.

"His soul flame is gone." Lin Jiufeng said solemnly.

"This skeleton is dead!" The white skeleton stepped forward, observed carefully, and said seriously.

"There are a few lines written in front of it." Lin Jiufeng walked over and looked at it carefully.

The white skeleton also leaned over.

The black skeleton immediately put down the heavy bronze stele, and ran over to look at this line of words with a thump.

[The dead world is not dead, the world is not alive, the Yin and Yang are separated, and the life is regrettable. ]

[Who is in front of me? 】

【I want to retrieve the memories of my life, I don't want to be muddleheaded in the dead world, but the mountain of reincarnation deceived me. 】

【Reincarnation Mountain, untrustworthy! 】

These lines of words, written on the ground, are clearly visible. Lin Jiufeng pushed the dust away and saw that the writing was already deep into the mountain, as if with great unwillingness to carve the last A few lines.

"It wants to come to the sacred mountain of reincarnation and find the memories of previous lives." Black Skeleton said immediately.

"But it also said that the reincarnation mountain lied to it." White Skeleton retorted.

"Anyway, this reincarnation of God Mountain has a big secret. If you can really help the skeleton find the memory of previous lives, you two can try it." Lin Jiufeng said.

"Don’t dare to try, this golden soul flame looks stronger than me. Just looking at its skeleton is already very powerful. Even after many years of death, it still keeps pinching. It is estimated to be far away from the colorful skull already. It's not far anymore. It died in the mountain of reincarnation. I was so stupid that I tried it." Black Skeleton shook his head, not daring to try.

The same goes for the white skeleton, shaking his head directly, and said: "I still prefer to break through to the colorful skeleton, and then come to awaken the previous life memory, this skeleton is also unlucky, it is really not far from the colorful skeleton, why should I seize Every opportunity, with the help of the sacred mountain of reincarnation?"

"It said that the sacred mountain of reincarnation lied to it, what does this mean?" Black Skeleton asked.

Lin Jiufeng stood up, patted the ash on his hand, and said: "Perhaps, this reincarnation sacred mountain has its own thoughts?"

What this said, let the black skeleton do it all at once. He lifted the bronze stele and waited for it.

White Skeleton also silently watched all around.

"Well, let's go deeper, no matter what, we have to face it, cross the sacred mountain of reincarnation, cross the Yin River, and then enter the depths of the dead world." Lin Jiufeng said solemnly.

He was also the first to walk deep into the mountain of reincarnation.

Behind him, the white skeleton followed.

In the end, there is the black skeleton, carrying a huge, heavy bronze stele, and trying to follow.

Deep into the sacred mountain of reincarnation, Lin Jiufeng encountered no other dangers along the way.

At a turning point, Lin Jiufeng saw a big black hole.

There is no road ahead.

This big black hole is the way forward.

Lin Jiufeng approached, a group of rays of light gathered between his palms, and he threw it down.

In an instant, rays of light appeared in the black hole, and everything inside could be seen clearly.

This is a huge Cave Mansion that seems to have no end, leading to the middle of the mountain, and then the terrain gradually sinks, rushing toward the depths of the earth.

I don’t know where it leads, which is scary.

"What should I do?" White Skeleton asked.

"Go down!" Lin Jiufeng without the slightest hesitation said.

"If there is a danger below, you can't run away." The black skeleton said cautiously.

"You two's timid character must be changed. If you don't go on now, you can only go back the same way. You decide for yourself." Lin Jiufeng glanced at the two skeletons, and then without the slightest hesitation Jump down.


It keeps falling, as if falling into the center of the earth.

Lin Jiufeng has been calculating the distance, he is not afraid of this, even in the dark, he is still calm.

After falling, Lin Jiufeng stomped on the ground, and Lin Jiufeng combined the distance calculated just now.

He is now a few thousand zhang deep underground.

These thousand zhang distances brought Lin Jiufeng to a mysterious place.

In the front, a vast Earth Palace appeared, surrounded by countless bones, including humans, other species, and some animals, piled up like hills, all completely dead. The soul flame.

This looks a bit oozing.

The bones are stacked, there are more than a dozen of them, as if this place is a mass grave.

But Lin Jiufeng didn't care at all. He just took a few glances and made sure that there was no other danger, so he moved on.

dong! dong!

At this time, the two skeletons also came down. The white skeleton came down quietly, but the black skeleton came down with the bronze stele, causing a loud noise .

Lin Jiufeng looked back and found that the black skeleton's obsession with the bronze monument was really deep.

"Slowly follow me." Lin Jiufeng exhorted, ignoring their shock, and continued to go deeper.

The white skeleton and the black skeleton looked all around the dozens of white bones, in the bones as timid, so that they immediately followed Lin Jiufeng.

The dozen bones are like mountains, and they look a bit permeating.

The terrain of this Earth Palace is getting more and more open. Walking in it, Lin Jiufeng seems to have come to an Underground World, similar to the Great Thunder Sound Temple site once encountered in the Western Desert area of ​​the world.

Moreover, there is gradually light flickering in the huge Cave Mansion, which is actually one after another shining strange spar inlaid on the cave wall.

Suddenly, as he walked, a feeling of great danger lingered in Lin Jiufeng's heart, which was very abnormal.

At the same time, Lin Jiufeng felt a terrifying force and slammed it out.

Very fast, in an instant, in a flash.

This is something most people can't avoid.

But Lin Jiufeng just frowned and stepped straight out to avoid the blow.

But he avoided. The white skeleton behind him didn't have such a powerful perception.


Unsurprisingly, the white skeleton was hit with a muffled sound, and its entire body, like soar into the clouds and mount the mists, was hit and flew out.

"Jiufeng Great Emperor, save me!"

The white skeleton without the slightest hesitation roar, it knows that the only thing it can rely on now is Lin Jiufeng.

As for the black skeleton, he never thought about it.

After all, he wanted to die before. Although the relationship has improved a little now, it is only that little bit, so he will not call the black skeleton to save it.

Lin Jiufeng just avoided, and then he felt a huge, majestic force suddenly approaching.

This terrifying speed is beyond the reach of defense, and it is fast to the front.

This force is very unusual.

However, Lin Jiufeng was prepared for a long time, and directly took out the Ancient Battlefield sword, a long sword in the shape of a white bone. Under the urging of Lin Jiufeng, he carried huge power and smashed it.


A huge, crisp metal impact tremor shook people's ears and drums.

Lin Jiufeng frowned deeper.

The white skeleton is temporarily safe.

The black skeleton did not care about other things, and directly blocked the bronze monument in front of the white skeleton, protecting it.

"Nine Phoenix Great Emperor, what exactly is the sneak attack on us?" Black Skeleton asked loudly.

"You can see for yourself." Lin Jiufeng calmly said, staring into the depths of the palace below, and saw the person who just shot.

No, it's a skeleton!

This is a white bone. There is no flesh and blood on the body. The skeleton is crystal clear like white jade. There is no gloomy feeling. Some of it is just an evil spirit, which makes people involuntarily fearful.

The evil skeleton.

It is completely different from the white skeleton or the black skeleton.

"motherfucker!, you guy sneak attacked me." The white skeleton saw the other party and scolded angrily.

"This skeleton is so tugging, I really want to hit it." The black skeleton grinds its teeth. A skeleton grinds its teeth, which is a bit strange, but it also shows the anger in its heart.

"It’s been a long time since no other skeletons came. Three people came this time, and one is Soul Body, which is really rare. If I swallow you, wouldn’t it just break open? The barrier of golden soul flames, enter the ranks of colorful skeletons?” This white skeleton uttered a jié jié laugh, like a night owl. With its evil temperament, it would really scare ordinary persons or people with low power.

But Lin Jiufeng didn't even move his eyelids, and asked calmly, "How long have you been here?"

"It's been a few thousand years, I don't remember." The evil white skeleton replied.

It seems that Lin Jiufeng is a Soul Body, which is more valuable than black skeletons and white skeletons. It patiently answered Lin Jiufeng’s questions.

"Stay here all the time, why not go out?" Lin Jiufeng asked calmly.

"If you can get out, why are that many white bones piled up like a mountain?" The evil white skull disdainful smile said.

"So, you killed those skeletons?" Lin Jiufeng frowned.

"I also killed some skeletons with overestimate one's capabilities, and others killed them. I am not interested in ordinary people. I have not survived by absorbing the flames of other skeleton souls. "The evil white skeleton stared at Lin Jiufeng and sneered.

"Since it is not absorbed, why are you staring at us?" Lin Jiufeng frowned.

"Because you are so delicious, a physical Remnant Soul, two pure skeletons, without impurities, it is really rare, I will definitely taste you." In the eyes of the evil white skeleton The flames of gold rose suddenly, and the flames of pure gold were very bright and filled with a terrifying imposing manner.

It can't bear it anymore.

"I'm hungry." The evil white skeleton jumped over.

Lin Jiufeng was extremely calm, even turned around and said to the black skeleton: "Now I think it is useful for you to carry the bronze stele."

The black skeleton was suddenly surprised. Get up.

The same goes for the white skeleton, staring blankly at Lin Jiufeng's operation.

I saw Lin Jiufeng grabbed the heavy bronze stele with one hand, and then slammed the bronze stele up.

Then, directly hit the evil white skeleton.


With a loud noise, the evil white skeleton was full of confidence and wanted to be full, but now, the bones that were directly hit by the bronze tablet fell apart. Press on the ground, there's no resistance.

With the strength of Lin Jiufeng and the hardness of the bronze stele, a golden soul flame skull was forcibly killed.

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