"The trough! How could I be in the coffin? "

"Uncle Qin, knock on NIMA. Don't you think it's safe to steal tombs, and all the ghosts and gods are deceiving?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Anybody? Or a good Samaritan! Let me out. It's freezing. Cluck, cluck

Lin Xinghai's teeth trembled with cold. He felt that the coffin was made of ice, and the cold air went straight into the bone marrow.

I shouldn't be greedy for that little money, although uncle Qin said that any antique in this ancient tomb could be sold for hundreds of thousands.

But is he a man who is greedy for a small amount of money and will not die?

If you give him a chance to do it again, he will

Take a golden captain with you!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Lin Xinghai knocked on the coffin wall in despair. Although he knew that it was useless, he would rather die


The coffin was suddenly opened!

The light outside was a little harsh, so he could not see what opened the coffin, but he heard the sound, and it exploded like thunder in his ears.

"Knock NIMA, the freezing system has not been completely removed, and we are in a hurry to reincarnate?"

Lin Xinghai is a little confused

He saw in front of him a fully armed rank-and-file soldiers?

No, soldiers should be strong, resolute and reliable.

But in front of you, you look ruffian, and what's the meaning of "I want to hit you" on your face?

However, his attention soon shifted to the surrounding environment. He found that he was not sleeping in a cold coffin, but

What the hell is this? What a hi-tech look!

And above the sky, which is flying UAV? But why is there still one person standing on the UAV?

Suddenly, heavy footsteps came from beside.

He turned his head with some difficulty and saw a metal creation passing by his "coffin". This is How high is the miniaturized version?

they hurt!

Information is too much, Lin Xinghai is still confused, right arm suddenly a deep pain.

I do not know when, this high-tech metal "coffin" popped out a needle, inserted into his arm, is injecting a red liquid.

With the injection of red liquid, the cold feeling on the body quickly recedes.

"Lin Xinghai, born in Linhai City, Huaguo District, the Federation of the earth, entered the No. 83 refuge in A.D. 2200. In A.D. 2210, because the energy of the refuge was almost exhausted, the collective entered the dormant cabin."

"Dormancy age 21 years old, genetic assessment: B level! It's of great cultivation value. " The instrument on the soldier's wrist projected a light curtain and read Lin Xinghai's information in a low voice.

"Why! Level B genetic assessment, boy, are you interested in coming to our mercenary regiment to make cannon fodder, cough, be a warrior. My name is Roger. I'll cover you when I get here. " Roger said, with a warm expression on his face.

"Oh! Don't think I didn't catch you Lin Xinghai subconsciously make complaints about it, but his attention is all placed on the other side's words.

Is this my information? No one is right except the name.


What am I doing?

Now 200 years from now?

Lin Xinghai felt that his mind was full of paste. He didn't know how he got up, but when he vaguely remembered it, he saw a large coffin. Oh no, it should be called sleeping cabin.

Then he followed the mercenary named Roger and got into a troop carrier with a thick heavy metal baffle.

As more and more people came up, soon the troop carrier was full of people.

The heavy metal plate turned off, the interior lights lit up, and then focused on Roger.

After Roger sent Lin Xinghai to the troop carrier, he didn't leave. Now he is the only mercenary in the vehicle.

"White pigs, let me introduce myself first. My name is Roger. We're leaving shelter 83. Before that, I'll tell you something about the outside." Roger said.

"Who is the white pig?" Immediately someone was not happy. A strong man of two meters stood up and glared at Roger.

Roger stepped forward two steps, pulled out the pistol at his waist, patted each other's face, and said contemptuously, "you and all the people in the car are white pigs! Do you have a problem? "

The strong man was shy and angry, but the cold feeling from the gun made him dare not speak.

Roger looked around at all the people in the car, and then slowly said, "this is not my personal humiliation to you, but the name of all the survivors of the last world, who have been sleeping all the time."

Hearing the word doomsday, many faces have changed.

"Isn't the catastrophe over yet? Isn't the Federation of the earth asking you to come to the rescue? " At this time, someone asked, voice ups and downs, showing that this person is very restless.

"The union of the earth has disintegrated."

Roger's words set off a cry of surprise in the car, while Lin Xinghai continued to force.

What is the earth federation?

"The catastrophe is over. A year ago, the temperature of the earth's surface returned to normal, and the floods receded. But the earth's ecosystem has completely collapsed, and more importantly, there have been countless cannibals that we call zombies. "

With Roger's story, Lin Xinghai also gradually understood the cause and effect of the end.

In 2200 A.D., the earth's population is increasing, but the resources are sharply decreasing, social contradictions are stimulating, and the hidden friction among countries is also constant.

This almost led to the outbreak of the Third World War.

Fortunately, the leaders of all countries were quite restrained. After sitting down and negotiating, the "Earth Federation" was finally established.

In order to solve the conflicts among different countries, and with the maturity of warp engine technology, they have focused on the habitable planets in the extraterrestrial system.

But the great migration, which will be recorded in human history, did not take place because the end of the world broke out.

No one knows what happened. The sudden meteorite rain directly reduced the population of the earth by 10%.

But this is just the beginning of the disaster. The melting ice and snow in the north and south poles and the pouring sea water have inundated almost all the cities at low altitude.

Then there are endless tornadoes sweeping the world, and there are more than ten years of ice age.

This is the catastrophe.

This kind of natural disaster is almost impossible for human beings to resist, so human beings are hiding in underground shelters.

That's all the people at shelter 83 know.

Three days after the closure of shelter 83, an unknown species suddenly appeared all over the world.

This kind of monster seems to be composed of blood. It can't be killed at all. Even if it is blown to pieces, it can be reorganized quickly.

What's more terrible is that they also carry a terrible virus, and all the creatures infected by the virus have become zombies.

That's the zombie!

"That's what's going on outside. Of course, it's hard for you to have an intuitive feeling, but it doesn't matter. There's still a long way to go to xingdun shelter, which is enough for you white pigs to understand what's going on outside?" Roger said with a mocking smile.

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