After Roger described the situation outside, there was a dead silence in the field, and then there was an uproar.

But because of Roger's existence, the uproar was also somewhat suppressed, and finally turned into a whisper.

As a passer-by who doesn't know anything, Lin Xinghai certainly sticks up his ears and eavesdrops on the conversations of these people in order to get more information.

He soon learned that the numbered shelters like No. 83 were all small shelters, and they did not have any combat effectiveness on the whole.

The Star Shield shelter they are going to, which has a name, is a medium-sized shelter.

The medium-sized shelters are not only larger, but also more well-equipped, and even have troops stationed.

And that's why they can watch the outside world and learn so much about it.

But Lin Xinghai also eavesdropped on this basic information, as for more are some messy speculation.

With the information in his hands, he began to think about the way back.

As Roger said, they are really a group of "white pigs" now. They have no combat effectiveness and can only be slaughtered by others. It is estimated that going to the Star Shield shelter is no better.

He was considering whether to accept Roger's invitation to join the other party's mercenary Corps.

Although Lin Xinghai does not know what kind of organization the mercenary group is, it is obvious that mercenaries can carry guns. If they accept the invitation of the other party

Wait, what did the other party say when we first met and invited ourselves to be cannon fodder?

However, he believed that he would not be used as cannon fodder when he went to the other side's mercenary regiment.

Because it's their own B-level genetic evaluation that attracts the other party to send out the invitation.

But now he knows too little information. How much is the cultivation value of B-level gene evaluation? Is the training method dangerous? He knew nothing about these things.

"We have to wait and find a chance to catch up with each other." Lin Xinghai made a decision in his heart.

At that moment, the troop carrier they were riding seemed to start, accompanied by the sound of the engine and a slight shiver of the body.

At the same time, thick alloy car wall around, also opened a "small window", these small windows are narrow and long, should be a shooting hole.

The muzzle is narrow, but it is enough for the people in the car to see the situation outside.

There are at least 100 of these vehicles parked outside.

In addition, there are more than 10 special vehicles.

Lin Xinghai squinted and looked at them. According to his guess, those who were probably armored vehicles, fully armed inside, should be real soldiers.

His eyes continue to move out, from his perspective, you can see the whole picture of refuge 83, which is similar to a bird's nest.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong Why is this sanctuary so empty?

Then the corners of his mouth began to twitch. In the distance, there were large instruments cutting through the alloy wall of the shelter, where the exposed rock wall could be seen.

No wonder the shelter is so open. It's because all the facilities have been demolished, and now even the walls and floors are not let go.

"In the end, any resource is precious." Roger did not know when he came to his side and said suddenly.

Lin Xinghai some silence, the outside world, seems to be more cruel than he imagined.


However, there was no time for him to sigh, because the start of the vehicles meant that they had to go. One by one troop carriers lined up and headed for the shelter.

A moment later, it was their turn to pass through the troop carrier. As the vehicle moved, the observation angle changed. Lin Xinghai finally knew how these people came into the underground refuge.

The other side is actually using large-scale engineering equipment, hard to open up a direct underground road.

Yeah! It's a road, not a tunnel, because it's too big.

How to describe it?

Two way six lane!

It is so spacious that Lin Xinghai can only sigh at the rapid development of science and technology.

Only two or three minutes later, the vehicle reached the surface.


The surface environment can only be described in two words, desolate!

If you look at it, it's all dilapidated buildings. There's no green, no living things. Even the sky is gray.

Cold wind poured into the car, Lin Xinghai felt a little cold, is this the earth after the disaster?

Other people in the car behaved worse. Many people cried directly, and the hope in their eyes turned into despair.

After the motorcade came to the ground, they formed a defensive formation and waited for half an hour.

Until those huge engineering equipment, pulling a cart of alloy steel, the final finishing work is completed.

The convoy officially headed for starshield shelter.……


After only driving for more than 10 minutes, people could vaguely hear a roar like a wild animal, but the sound was more penetrating than that made by wild animals.

"Is it that Is this the Zombie's roar? " Lin Xinghai immediately had a guess in his heart.

The hissing and roaring sound is getting closer and closer to the motorcade, and the sound is getting louder and louder. It seems that if it is really zombies, then the number will not be less, and it must be more than a hundred.

When these sounds close to a certain distance, they are immediately covered by a series of machine gun sounds. The gunshot sounds for about half a minute. When the gunfire stops, the roar disappears.

"Is it solved?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"Well! It's solved. " Roger nodded, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "White pigs, it's time to teach you lesson 1."

"What lesson 1?" Seeing Roger's inexplicable smile, many people felt something was wrong.

But Roger did not answer, and the chariot went on, and soon reached the place where the fire had just been exchanged.

Before they could see what was going on outside, the car stopped and the rear door opened.

It was not just them, but also the troop carriers that followed.

Then a member of the shelter was brought down.

"Next, I'll take you there. Everyone has to touch the zombies. That's what lesson 1 is about." Roger said, pointing to a pile of bodies not far away.

Zombies and humans in appearance, in fact, there is not much difference, that is, the skin is a little pale, teeth and nails are particularly long.

So when people looked in the direction Roger pointed to, they saw the bloody body, and many people vomited on the spot.

In particular, the women in the field, even more vomit, after vomiting, they are pale back, even do not want to look at that direction.

"Everybody line up for me to touch the zombie, or else. well! Then stay here and keep company with the bodies Roger's voice sounded again. At this moment, many people felt that this was the devil's whispering.

Lin Xinghai's face is not good-looking, but he is clear, man-made, I am fish. So we had to wait in line and follow the line to the nearest body.

This corpse is still relatively complete. There is a small hole in the forehead, which should have been pierced by a direct shot.

But to his surprise, there was a wound on the back of the Zombie's head.

He also found that not only the zombie in front of him, but also a wound on the back of the zombie around him.

"Mend the knife? But why is it after cutting? "

Out of curiosity, but also to complete the task of "lesson 1", Lin Xinghai reached out and touched the wound.

"Ding! If the force of blood gas is detected, is it absorbed? "

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