Lin Xinghai's arm trembled, not because of fear or tension, but because of excitement.

He's also a systematic person.

At this time, he also appeared in front of a translucent light and shadow screen, which appeared whether to absorb the power of blood.

Does this need to be considered?

He immediately chose yes!

At the next moment, Lin Xinghai felt his arm. He felt a strange feeling, as if there was some energy coming into his body through his arm.

At the same time, he also found that the bleeding wound on the back of the Zombie's head directly dried up.

Not only the wound, but also the skin of the zombie was pale, as if the blood in the body had been drained.

"This Lin Xinghai was startled. He pinched the flesh and blood of the wound with his hand. He couldn't squeeze out a drop of blood.

"The power of blood is not the blood in the corpse!" He had a guess in his mind, and at the same time he looked around quietly.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to his situation here, after all, the zombie wound has appeared for some time, and now it is normal to stop bleeding.

And zombie skin itself is pale, so no matter how white it is, if you don't look at it carefully, you won't notice it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for absorbing 1 point of blood power. Open the property panel function and open the main task. "

With the sound of the system prompt, the dialog box in front of Linxing sea becomes a property panel.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 7 points

strength: 7 points

speed: 9 points

strength: 1 point

gene optimization degree: 9%

"am I a speed type player?" Looking at his property panel, Lin Xinghai muttered.

However, no one can refer to him, and he does not know whether his basic attributes are good or bad.

So after a glance at the properties panel, you can see the taskbar below.

Main task: ask host to collect 10 points of blood power.

Explanation: the strength of blood and Qi is the fundamental to enhance the strength, and the more the better.

Turn on the reward function.

Task schedule: 110.

After reading the task, Lin Xinghai can't help but show joy. If you want to finish such a task, it's not easy.

But now here, zombies are everywhere!

Thinking of doing it, he stood up quietly and walked to a corpse not far away.

This time he studied that if he touched other parts of the zombie, the system would not respond.

Only touch the bleeding wound will the system prompt pop up.

"It seems certain that the power of blood and Qi, even if it is not equal to blood, must come from blood."

Open the property panel, task progress: 210.

Lin Xing Haydn was full of energy, and soon touched five zombies. At this time, the task progress has reached 710.

Just touch three more zombies, and the main task will be completed.

What he didn't know was that Roger had been watching him.

The content of "lesson 1" is not only a threat to the members of the refuge, but also an assessment of their courage.

As an organization that needs to fight with zombies, the most important thing is the courage assessment.

Roger had intended to attract Lin Xinghai, for the courage of the other side, of course, to observe.

So, seeing Lin Xinghai take the initiative to line up to touch the zombie, Roger can't help but nod secretly.

However, when Lin Xinghai took the initiative to touch the second zombie, the expression on his face became delicate.

But Roger didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

Next, Lin Xinghai went to touch the zombies one after another. He touched one more corpse. The expression on Roger's face was wonderful, "this man doesn't have a zombie addiction."

And when Lin Xinghai touched the seventh corpse, Roger finally couldn't help walking over, "what are you doing?"

Seeing Roger in front of him, Lin Xinghai was shocked.

However, he had also expected that his abnormal behavior would be noticed by those who had the intention, so he said the reason without changing his face.

"I'm a little surprised that these zombies were apparently killed by bullets penetrating their heads, but why do they have to cut the back of their heads afterwards?"

The strange expression on Roger's face suddenly turned into surprise. It would be nice to have a normal heart by touching the zombie for the first time.

But Lin Xinghai not only found the abnormal places, but also took the initiative to seek answers.

At this moment, the importance of Lin Xinghai in Roger's heart has been raised to a higher level.

"Good! If you want to survive in the end of the world, your insight is essential. As for why you want to cut open the back of the Zombie's brain, I can also tell you, that is... ""Don't tell me." Lin Xinghai quickly interrupted: "from beginning to end, I want to find the answer myself."

Are you kidding? You tell me the answer. What other reason do I have to continue to touch the corpse?

Roger lagged slightly, showing a look of approval. "You are really better than I thought."

Seeing this pass, Lin Xinghai heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly walked to the next corpse.

Soon, he touched three more zombies, and when the task reached 1010, the sound of the system sounded again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the main task. The exploration function has been opened. Another 10 probes were awarded. "

Lin Xinghai quickly opens the property panel and finds that there is an exploration technique behind the character attributes.

Exploration: consume the power of blood and explore the attribute of the target. The higher the strength of the target, the more power it consumes. Note: the number of free probes is 10.

In addition to an additional exploration, the main task has also changed.

Main task: kill 100 zombies.

Note: dexterity is only temporary, you need to rely on your own strength if you want to get the power of blood.

Reward: none.

See this task reward, Lin Xinghai's forehead suddenly appeared a black line, reward "nothing" is what ghost?

Since there is no reward, why should he finish the task?

However, he found that the egg pain, this task still had to be done, because he would definitely fight with the zombie.

And do not complete this task, the main task will not be updated, this is the most pit.

Mood is depressed, suddenly found on the property panel, there is a place has changed.

Gene optimization: 9% +

Yes! There is an extra + sign after 9%.

Lin Xinghai immediately ordered it.

"Does it cost a little blood to improve gene optimization?"

Lin Xinghai heart a jump, hastily choose is!

The next moment, there will be a warm current out of thin air, diffuse to the whole body, let him extremely comfortable.

However, he did not have time to enjoy the feeling, and immediately looked at the property panel.

Host: Lin Xinghai

physique: 8 points

strength: 7 points

speed: 10 points

blood force: 9 points

gene optimization degree: 10% +

Lin Xinghai's face suddenly showed joy, gene optimization degree increased by 1%, physical fitness and speed increased by 1 point.

"This strength of blood is really the foundation of improving our strength."

When he found a way to improve his strength, Lin Xinghai immediately added all the remaining strength to genetic optimization without hesitation.

This time the warm current appeared more terrifying, as if there was a fire burning in his body, but he could also clearly feel that his body was increasing at a terrible speed.

The property panel in front of you has changed again.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 15 points

strength: 13 points

speed: 19 points

blood gas power: 0 points

gene optimization degree: 19% +

the power of blood and Qi was cleared, and the degree of gene optimization was increased from 9% to 19%. At the same time, various attributes were also greatly improved.

Looking at the three attributes, different promotion range, Lin Xinghai's face showed a thoughtful color.

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