Lin Xinghai got out of the car and looked at the building in front of him.

This spaceship Institute, the quality is quite good. This can be seen directly without testing.

Basically, the quality of the buildings that can survive the disaster is excellent, otherwise it would have collapsed.

But in front of us, the spaceship Research Institute, from the appearance, did not have any big damage, this is quite rare.

People find a more open place to gather, Fang Tianhe also from the mecha down.

He looked around, then went straight to the theme and said: "according to the original plan, here we are divided into two teams. One team is led by me, and the energy crystal is brought out inside."

"The other team is led by Shen Han. When we are in danger and ask for help, they directly blow up a path with micro missiles and go in for rescue."

"Now, raise your hand if you want to go with me to the spaceship Institute. Of course, what I want to say first is that those who enter will be more dangerous. "

"The energy spar in the research institute is in an unstable state. The energy radiation emitted by it interferes with our detector, so we have no idea about the situation in the Institute." Fang Shen said to the sky.


A group of people raised their hands, including Lin Xinghai.

After he left the shelter, he basically took a car and continued to take a car. Now he wants to walk.

As for the danger, he did not think about it, but he was not worried.

It's not that he's gone with the wind If two people meet a man eating tiger, you don't need to run faster than it, you just need to be faster than the person next to you.

Anyway, he has the speed ability. When he runs away, he can't get behind.

Fang Tian and most of the people in front of him raised their hands, and he couldn't take them all. Now there are only 17 people in this team. According to his estimation, it's almost enough to form an 8-person group.

After a little meditation, he ordered several people in succession, including Roger, Wu Yan and Xu Haihai, and soon left the last quota.

After thinking about it, he added Lin Xinghai.

How strong a mercenary's combat effectiveness is, genetic optimization is only one aspect. After all, weapons are also very important, especially thermal weapons.

With Lin Xinghai's method of shooting, and he is equipped with a ripper rifle, no one dares to underestimate his combat effectiveness.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Xinghai has successfully promoted to a gene optimizer, and he has awakened to the speed ability. He can protect himself in case of danger and will not become a drag on the team.

After confirming the personnel, Fang Tianhe led the team into the team without any delay.

He held a broadsword in his right hand and a gun in his left hand. He walked ahead of the others.

The others quickly followed and spontaneously formed a defensive formation.

Lin Xinghai certainly doesn't know what a defensive formation is, but he doesn't need to know. He just needs to follow Roger and stay in the middle of the team.

As a shooter with superb marksmanship, this should have been his place.

People did not choose to enter from the gate, after all, it was alloy gate, it was very hard to pry open.

They directly chose the nearest window, and without any command from the sky, a member of the team came forward and cut off the whole window frame with a shock dagger.

All of them jumped into it lightly. There was a long corridor. It was dark. I didn't know where to go.

Fang Tianhe didn't seem to be surprised. He turned on the lighting system of his combat uniform and continued to lead the way.

Others do the same. The lighting system of the combat uniform is illuminated by some luminous fibers on the clothes, so the light is not strong.

But when everyone turns on the lighting system, it doesn't affect the viewing.

It's a long corridor and dead silence that makes people feel hairy.

At least Lin Xinghai is feeling like this, even he has a little regret to follow in.

But it's no use regretting now that they've all come in. Lin Xinghai feels that he can find something to comfort his weak heart.

For example, looking at Fang Tianhe's strength, this is what he wanted to do before, but he was always worried about wasting the free times of exploration, and hesitated repeatedly.


With Lin Xinghai using the exploration technique, the corresponding information immediately appeared on the system panel in front of him.

Name: Fang Tianhe

Constitution: 83 points

strength: 97 points

speed: 72 points

gene optimization degree: 97%

second level ability: split sky (release a kind of energy with strong cutting attribute, which can be attached to objects to enhance attack power.)

Seeing the degree of gene optimization of Fang Tianhe, Lin Xinghai is somewhat shocked.

Although he knew before that the other party's gene optimization degree was more than 90%, he didn't expect that it had reached 97%, which was not far away from 100%!Such attributes, even in the case of high-level zombies, can be crushed all the way through.

What's more, Lin Xinghai is more surprised that the opponent's powers are level two powers. No wonder the other side's powers are so powerful.

However, the second level ability also proved that Fang Tianhe missed a chance to promote the ability.

Otherwise, 90% of the gene optimization level, theoretically speaking, can have three levels of power, which is also his goal.

If there is a system to cheat, Lin Xinghai doesn't have to worry about the probability.

The only thing to worry about may be the power of blood.

When he thought about these things, he found that the front of the team and stopped.

He glanced warily and found that there was a fork in the road instead of in danger.

One left! One right!

"Lao Luo, if it was you, which side would you choose?" Lin Xinghai always feels that the atmosphere is too oppressive, so he has no words to say.

"Your question is meaningless at all. In this case, it's up to the commander to choose." Roger said, see Lin Xinghai cast a look of disdain, where do not know what the other side is thinking.

"You don't think I'm flattering. Now our detectors can't work. We can only rely on perception," he explained. But our perception range is too small to rely on the commander. "

Lin Xinghai listened to it, moved in his heart, he almost forgot this matter.

Quickly close your eyes and put your perception to the maximum.

He soon realized that in the deep corridor on the left, he felt a faint sense of danger, which he was not unfamiliar with. It was Zombies.

At this time, Fang Tianhe also made a choice. He did not choose the safe right side, but took the initiative to lead the team to the left side.

Lin Xinghai's mouth moved, but in the end nothing said, quietly followed the advance.

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