The rapid and alert advance of the people, the combat boots on the alloy floor, are basically silent.

With the progress, Lin Xinghai's feelings about zombies become clearer. Basically, they are distributed on both sides of the corridor.

And it's not just him, like Roger, who broke the second gene lock.

However, they did not do anything more than tighten their arms.

Soon, on both sides of the corridor, there appeared an isolation door. Although these isolation doors were thick, a group of mercenaries had extraordinary ear power. In addition, in such an abnormal quiet situation, they could hear the sound coming from behind the isolation door.

There's footwork, there's the sound of colliding objects, there's the sound of claws scratching metal.

Obviously, there are zombies behind these doors.

At this time, Fang Tianhe slowed down and began to observe the name brand above the isolation door.

"Found it!" When seeing the three words of the monitoring room, Fang Tianhe immediately waved to stop the team.

The member who was in charge of prying the window just now came forward again with the shock dagger. However, these isolation doors are made of high-strength alloy, and even the shock dagger is not easy to cut.

Therefore, the team member just cut the position of the lock lock and then retreated. Then Fang Tianhe went forward and clasped his fingers on the groove cut out, and then he made a fierce force.


Fang Tian and the power of 97 points are fully displayed at this time. The lock lock that is not completely disconnected is directly broken, and the 5 cm thick alloy gate is slowly opened.


The door just opened, less than 15 cm, a zombie's head stretched out and directly bit Fang Tianhe.

But Fang Tianhe seemed to have expected it. He grabbed the Zombie's head with his other hand and pulled it back.

The whole Zombie's head was pulled off with bare hands, and its body was still stuck behind the door.


Lin Xinghai couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This is the absolute strength gap!

Carrying zombies is like carrying chickens.

Fang Tian and casually threw his head to one side, and then kicked the headless corpse behind the door.


Under the great force of terror, headless bodies fly back like shells, overturning all the zombies that follow.

Fang Tianhe opened the alloy gate and the team members in the back rushed in and quickly repaired the fallen four zombies.

The whole process is easy and fast.

"The feeling is still the power type gene optimizer domineering!" Lin Xinghai can't help muttering, but also quickly with the team into the army.

"Roger, I want the structure of this institute and I'll give it to you." Fang Tianhe pointed to the monitoring computer in front of him and said.

"No idea!" Roger opened the wristband computer, while touching out a black metal square, gently placed it on the connection of the monitoring computer.

Lin Xinghai can see that the black metal square began to deform slowly and finally inserted into the interface.

"Liquid metal?" Lin Xinghai couldn't help muttering, and then looked at the light screen projected on Roger's wrist computer.

There's a waterfall of code out there.

"Tut! Although it's an antique 20 years ago, this firewall is not simple. It's worthy of being a spaceship Institute. " Roger looked at the code and couldn't help sighing.

"How long will it take?" Fang Tianhe asked.

"About a minute." Roger replied.

Fang Tianhe frowned, but finally said nothing.

However, his subtle expression was immediately captured by Roger, "commander, if you feel slow, you can set up a special fund for me afterwards! Change to the latest version of the decoder, and I promise you'll get it in 10 seconds

"Well! I'll talk about that later. " Fang Tianhe said.

Roger's lips curled, and we'll talk about it later!

However, a minute did not take long, and the public ridiculed each other and passed.

"Done!" Roger said, in the air on the virtual keyboard two times, suddenly, the three-dimensional structure of the spaceship Research Institute, then projected out.

Fang Tianhe went up and looked at the projected structural drawing, then enlarged the projection and pointed to one of the places, "the energy room is here, three floors underground."

He said, then control his own wrist computer, read the data, quickly calculate the optimal route.

"Let's go! This way. " Fang Tianhe led the way again in front of him, with a map in hand. Then it was much more convenient and soon found the stairs leading to the lower part.

On the first floor of the ground, everyone felt that the vision in front of them suddenly widened.

Most of the buildings above the spaceship Research Institute are office areas. Even the research rooms are separated.But on the ground floor, almost completely open, there are many large-scale instruments here, and in the middle is an unfinished spacecraft.

Looking at the huge size, streamlined hull, full of science and technology, Lin Xinghai was shocked.

Had it not been for the cataclysm, the space age might have begun long ago.

However, his emotion lasted less than a second and was pulled back by the roar of the zombie.

The whole floor is an assembly workshop, and there is no place to block the view. More than 100 zombies on this floor found them at the first time, and then they were like a group of hungry jackals and rushed up immediately.

Without the protection of armored vehicles, facing hundreds of zombies, Lin Xinghai is a little weak.

"Speed up!" Fang Tianhe, the front of the team, without any fear and hesitation, rushed to the entrance of the next staircase with the crowd.

Facing the zombies, he raised his hand and killed one, followed by a crosscut. The other two zombies were cut off by the waist.

Crisp and neat, even forward the pace, there is no lag.

All the people who followed, including Lin Xinghai, were sure to shoot and keep up quickly.

Although there are hundreds of zombies, in fact, they are distributed in the whole floor, so in the process of driving, there are only more than ten zombies that really threaten them.

Just rushed into the stairs, responsible for the broken Wu Yan, conveniently shut the door, finished.

As for the second floor underground, which is mainly responsible for the research of spacecraft engines, the assembly workshop is divided into a not too large room, so it is relatively easy to pass through.

Just to the bottom of the three layers, Lin Xinghai with the perceptual sense of a moment, but a little bit stunned.

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