The reason why Lin Xinghai is stunned is that there is no zombie in his perception when he reaches the third floor of the earth.

Of course, although it's a little unusual, it's impossible to stop here and find out what's going on. We can only move forward.

However, with the progress, let alone Lin Xinghai, even others have found the same problem.

They advanced more than 300 meters, but they didn't see any zombies.

"Was there no one here?" A mercenary guessed in a low voice.

But no one answered. All the people just went on their way in silence.

All of a sudden, Lin was stunned.

Because within the scope of his perception, there are zombies, and there are a lot of zombies.

Fang Tianhe, of course, also sensed that he was walking forward. Then he lifted his wrist and looked at the computer. His face became dignified.

"The zombies on this floor are all gathered in the energy room." Fang Shen said to the sky.

"What?" Many people were shocked.

Some people lament why it is so unfortunate.

After a little meditation, Roger also opened his mouth, "I read a study published by the sanctuary before. Zombies seem to absorb energy such as radiation. Now the energy crystal is unstable, just emitting a huge energy field. Will zombies be attracted because of this?"

"No matter what, this hard battle is inevitable. Let's go!" Fang Tianhe said, and started again.

Other people see this, also have nothing to say, all follow.

They walked along the corridor and soon saw zombies gathered in the energy room.

They not only filled the energy room, but also the corridor outside was full of zombies. They surrounded the energy room by three floors inside and three outside.


Although zombies are interested in energy crystallization, fresh flesh and blood are always their favorite.

In the discovery of Lin Xinghai and his party, he immediately sent out an excited roar and rushed over.

"Triangle formation!" Fang Tianhe ordered.

Wu Yan and Xu Hai Hai Hai immediately went forward, one left and one right stood on both sides of Fang Tianhe, but they were one body behind.

The remaining five people, including Lin Xinghai and Roger, took advantage of the gap left between the three and began to shoot as hard as possible to kill the swarming zombies.

But the zombies were so fast and dense that they rushed up quickly.

Fang Tianhe didn't have any fear. When the zombies were about to rush to the front, he swept with a big knife in his hand.

Puff, puff, puff!

Five zombie heads fly up, including a senior zombie.

After Fang Tianhe took on most of the pressure of the corpse group, Wu Yan and Xu Haihai were much more relaxed. One of them held a huge shield and the other turned into a werewolf, blocking a small number of zombies on both sides.

The three formed a solid line of defense, so that the people in the rear can safely shoot zombies.

This makes Lin Xinghai feel deeply. This is the value of being a strong man.

If Fang Tian and such a strong man were in charge of the zombie group before, it would be nothing for him and Roger. One knife could kill the most threatening senior zombie.

Now, although there are hundreds of zombies in front of us, as long as they can't break through the defense line formed by Fang Tian and several people, they can be killed in just a few minutes.

However, the development of the matter is not what Lin Xinghai guessed. Fang Tianhe did not have a simple defense. He went on steadily against the impact of the zombies.

At the same time, the speed of the sword in his hand became faster and faster. One knife after another, the light of the knife was endless. There was no zombie that could resist a fraction of a cent and was cut into two parts one after another.

In addition, he also attached the power to the sword, forming a black awn. Some zombies that could not be touched by the sword could be solved by Fang Tianhe as long as he controlled the power and extended the blade awn.

At the back, the knife awn seems to form a black wave of layers, sweeping towards the corpse tide, leaving only one corpse on the ground.

Lin Xinghai opened his mouth and even forgot to shoot.

Now they have nothing to do with them. As long as Fang Tianhe can maintain such a state, one person can annihilate the corpse group.

"Why do I feel like I'm using a knife to chop zombies, but it seems to be a weapon when it's in the commander's hand?" Lin Xinghai swallowed his saliva and said.

The scene in front of him is really beyond his cognitive scope.

"Hey! Of course, it's not the same, because the head of the regiment can learn ancient martial arts. The sabre technique is thousand fold waves Roger looked at Lin Xinghai's expression and found it interesting. At last, something surprised him.

"Ancient martial arts?" Lin Xinghai repeated.

"Yes! We all think that the ancients exaggerate and fabricate such things as Tai Chi and Bagua Zhang, and they can only be used as performances on the stage. ""However, with the advent of genetic agents, our bodies have become stronger and stronger, and it turns out that those ancient martial arts are not frivolous. It's just a lot of requirements that we can't meet the physical conditions, so we can feel incoherent when we use them. "

"Nowadays, many ancient martial arts have been proved to be effective and even exert great power. For example, the sword technique" qiandielang "is just like this

"Of course, this Sabre technique is not so exaggerated, but it just fits in with the commander's ability. Only by using the power to simulate the legendary blade awn, can it exert such terrible power." Roger explained.

Lin Xinghai's eyes brightened. "Is there any martial arts suitable for me to learn?"

"No!" Roger's answer was straightforward.

Lin Xinghai felt a breath hold in his chest, full of expectations, was thrown a basin of cold water, really uncomfortable, "why?"

"There are only a dozen martial arts in the whole refuge, and there is no dagger martial arts. So I can't learn ancient martial arts. " Roger said, raising the concussion dagger in his hand.

"What kind of ancient martial arts are there?" Lin Xinghai continued to ask. He thinks he can change weapons.

"You really want to learn it. When you go back, I'll take you to have a look. There's a uniform charge for the refuge, and 10000 points to learn a kind of martial arts. But I think you can think about it seriously

"Take a look at Wu Yan and Xu Hai Hai Hai. One of them bought the skills of shield and the other of claws. After practicing for half a year, they mastered a little bit."

"Ancient martial arts is not so easy to learn. Even if you practice it every day, it will take at least two or three years to get started. Unless you have the talent of a team leader, it takes him four months to become an "entry-level" person. As for the training to "Xiaocheng", it is far away. "

"So, instead of wasting money and time to learn ancient martial arts, it's better to practice what you are good at, such as your shooting skills. If you practice it carefully..." Roger used to talk a lot, but he got stuck.

Lin Xinghai's talent in shooting is not human. I really don't need to practice hard.

"Well! Anyway, I don't think it's worth it. " Roger forced to conclude.

But he said a lot, Lin Xinghai only heard 10000 points.

"It's so expensive!"

However, he looked at Fang Tian and Dafa Shenwei. In their conversation for a moment, he had already entered the energy room alone, and he made up his mind.

"Buy it anyway!"

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