Of course, how to send a incendiary bomb into the blood demon's body is the most fundamental problem.

Lin Xinghai's solution to this problem is to use armour piercing projectiles to open up a channel.

The incendiary followed, followed by the same trajectory, and that did it.

Of course, Lin Xinghai also knows that his understanding of blood demons is far from enough.

So he put the idea out and asked Roger if it would do real harm to the blood demon?

Roger heard this, and his face suddenly showed a strange look. "Your method, in theory, should be feasible, but in fact it is impossible."

"In particular, you proposed to hit two bullets in the same place, even if you can do it, but with the blood demon's recovery speed, it is impossible to leave you with a subsequent trajectory."

If it's another mutant zombie, as long as the shooting method is good enough and accurate enough, then shooting the same position continuously will increase the damage, let alone make a trajectory, even if it is not impossible to shoot through.

But blood demons are different. It's like you shoot a gun at the lake. Even if the attack position is accurate, it's impossible to make a "wound".

Of course, the blood demon doesn't heal as fast as the lake, but it doesn't look too bad for Roger.

"It may not be impossible. The blood demon wound recovery is not instantaneous. It takes at least 0.1 seconds. As long as you grasp the time difference well..."

Before Lin Xinghai finished speaking, Roger shook his head, "it's impossible to grasp it."

In Roger's opinion, there is no difference between 0.1 second recovery and instant recovery.

After thinking about it, he added, "I can't match you with your non-human demands."

"Ah Lin Xinghai touched his nose, "I didn't say I wanted you to cooperate. Just to discuss with you whether this can do harm to the blood demon. "

Roger's turn was a little embarrassed. He thought Lin Xinghai would invite him to cooperate as he did with senior zombies.

But before he could say anything, Lin Xinghai said, "I'll leave for a while, make some preparations, and come back soon."

When he finished, he displayed his speed ability and headed for the distance.

Roger just said that he was right. If he wanted to grasp the time difference of 0.1 second, it was indeed an inhuman request.

It is impossible for him to do it with his present shooting method.

But he has a system, he can cheat!

If the proficiency of primary shooting skills is increased to 100%, then he is sure to do it.

However, cheating needs the strength of blood. After the breakthrough, his strength of blood is only 3 points, and the skill of shooting is only 70%.

To increase to 8% to 8% of your skill, you need to increase your HP to 90% according to the law.

It takes 24 points in total. Now he is 21 points short.

21 points of blood power, for the former Lin Xinghai, or a lot, but now it is not the same.

His shooting skills are no less than Roger's, plus he has become a genetic optimizer, and even awakened to powers.

These conditions together, let him face zombies, even high-level zombies, is enough to overcome.

In the case of exerting his power, Lin Xinghai disappeared in the eyes of many mercenaries.

At the back of a building, three zombies are coming in this direction. They are attracted by the battle here.

Bang bang bang!

However, with the sound of three shots, there was a blood hole in their forehead without exception, and then they fell back.

But before they fell to the ground, a hand pressed on their wounds.

The next moment, the strength of the Zombie's blood was drained away.




With the sound of the three tone system, Lin Xinghai instantly became more powerful.

"How wonderful! This is much faster than collecting them secretly. " Lin Xinghai licked his lips and opened his perception. In a moment, he rushed to the next wave of zombies.

There is no shortage of zombies here in the city center. It is quite simple to find 21 zombies.

Therefore, Lin Xinghai's hunting speed is extremely fast. It only took more than 40 seconds to complete.

Even if you add the time of the round-trip, it is only about a minute.

Looking at Lin Xinghai who ran back quickly, Roger didn't know why.

However, Lin Xinghai has created a lot of miracles these two days. Roger still has some expectations, "have you finished your preparation?"

"Well!" Lin Xinghai nodded, and then he ordered three times in a row, the "+" sign behind the proficiency.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 25 pointsStrength: 21 points

speed: 30 points

power of blood and Qi: 0 points

gene optimization: 30% +

ability: super speed (speed increased by 100% in 10 seconds) (energy value: 710 +)

primary shooting skills: proficiency 100% +

looking at the 100% proficiency, Lin Xinghai was in a great mood.

He felt the arms in his hands. He felt as if the arms were the extension of his body, and he could point where to hit without aiming.

There is even a feeling of "one gun in hand, I have the world".

"Why would there be a + sign?" After feeling his own shooting skills, Lin Xinghai noticed that there was a plus sign after 100% proficiency.

He couldn't help but order.

"Ding! Whether to spend 100 points of blood to upgrade to intermediate shooting skills. "

Looking at the pop-up system news, Lin Xinghai wants to scold MMP.

He thought he had graduated with his shooting skills, but he didn't expect to graduate from primary school

Of course, this is not the time to tangle with this. The dispute between Fang Tianhe and Shen Han is coming to an end.

Shen Han has already started calling people to drive the plane in the communication channel.

He must act quickly. If he succeeds, everyone will be happy.

If you fail, you will follow the arrangements and run for your life.

At most, it's a reward to find a way to keep the army.

"Lao Luo, give me your Ripper rifles. By the way, put all armour piercing bullets on them." Lin Xinghai threw away his thoughts and said to Roger.

At the same time, he took out all the incendiary bombs from the SUV and loaded them into his Ripper rifle.

Yes, this is his way. It is impossible to find other people to cooperate with him if he wants to grasp the time difference of 0.1 second.

It is estimated that the twins do not have such a tacit understanding, and they have done it, but also have no shooting method.

But if he has both hands and two guns and cooperates by himself, then the degree of tacit understanding is completely no problem.

The only question is, can we achieve our own shooting?

But now, 100% of the gun skill proficiency, although is elementary, but also gave Lin Xinghai enough confidence.


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