When Roger heard that Lin Xinghai asked him for a gun and had to load all the armor piercing bullets, he was a little confused.

But soon, he came back to understand what Lin Xinghai was going to do.

"You're going to do it with two guns?" Roger has some incredible ways.

Two guns for one person are not used by mercenaries, but they are all hand guns with low accuracy, and the profit is not high.

As for the use of two Ripper rifles by one man, he has never really heard of it.

What's more, what Lin Xinghai wants to do is almost non-human operation requirements.

"Yes, or is there a better way?" Lin Xinghai nodded. He had already loaded the incendiary bomb.

Roger's mouth wriggled for several times. He had many theories and examples in his mind to let Lin Xinghai understand that this was not feasible.

But in the end he said nothing.

Roger hoped that he was wrong and that Lin Xinghai could create miracles again.

"Be careful." In the end, Roger only said that and handed over the loaded Ripper rifle.

Lin Xinghai took two guns, nodded, and then the cat waist, using the surrounding buildings as a shelter, quickly approached the battlefield.

"Lao Luo, do you really think he can do it?" At this time, Xu Haihai asked.

Lin Xinghai and Roger's dialogue, but no deliberate concealment, other people of course also heard.

Even though they can't think of a way, they won't deny others' way. But doubt is inevitable.

"I don't know." Roger said frankly.

"If he can do it, I'm willing to let the captain out." Xu Hai Hai Hai's face is awe inspiring.

"Who wants your captain's position?" Wu Yan on one side added, "some mercenaries have two deputy commanders."

Roger and Xu Haihai were surprised at first, but seriously thought about it, if Lin Xinghai could do it, the conditions would not be too much. Of course, these are later words.

When several people were talking, Lin Xinghai was only 100 meters away from the battlefield.

However, Roger found that the other side did not stop, but continued to move forward.

Now several people's faces, have some changes.

You know, that's the battlefield of mutant zombies. At the terrible speed of mutant zombies, 100 meters is a very extreme safety distance. If you keep approaching, if you are found by the other party, you can get to the front with a charge.

Thinking of this, Roger immediately picked up the communication equipment of the SUV and yelled: "commander, Lin Xinghai is approaching the battlefield."

"What's the matter? What is he doing here? " Fang Tianhe inquired that he had started the life detector on the mecha, and soon locked in Lin Xinghai's position.

He thought of a way to deal with it

Before Roger finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fang Tianhe, "nonsense, what can he do? Take him back quickly

In the conversation between the two, Lin Xinghai is only 50 meters away from the blood demon. At this time, he does not dare to move forward.

50 meters, it's really the limit. If you get closer, it will probably be affected by the battle.

And this distance, he has a lot of assurance, there is no need to continue to venture close.

Choosing a shelter at random, Lin Xinghai took a deep breath, slightly adjusted his mood, and then raised the Ripper's rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger.

Throughout the shooting process, he didn't aim.

Of course, in the case of holding two guns, there is no way to aim. In this case, it depends on a feeling.

Bang bang!

Two shots, almost at the same time!

The blood demon was shot again, but there was only one wound on his body after two shots.

That's because both bullets were fired at the same location.

What's more, the time interval between the two bullets hitting the target is no more than 0.1 second.


The fierce flame suddenly broke out in the blood demon's body, boiling the blood in the blood demon's body, and a large amount of blood turned into blood fog under the high temperature.

It all happened so suddenly.

Roger, who was about to explain, was stunned. Wu Yan and Xu Haihai were stunned. All the mercenaries who watched the war were stunned.

Even Fang Tianhe and Shen Han, who are fighting with the blood demon, are stunned.

Even through the blood demon's body, people can see the burning fire in each other's body.

The fire reflected in each person's pupil, let their heart also rise the fire of hope.

When people are in shock, excitement, or incomprehensible emotions.

The first one to react, of course, is the blood devil.

It roared in pain, fighting for so long, it was the first time it felt threatened.The blood demon quickly locked in. Lin Xinghai, 50 meters away, wanted to rush to death, trampling on the little one who could threaten him.

However, Fang Tianhe is not a vegetarian. Although he does not know how Lin Xinghai sent the incendiary bomb into the blood demon, he knows that this may be the only turning point in the whole battle.

At this moment, he also broke out with all his strength. The concussion giant blade in mecha's hand made a oblique split. At the same time, with his ability of splitting the sky, the blood demon's leg was cut off directly.

Then he manipulated the mecha and hit him with a knee. The black light also appeared on the legs of the mecha, which was also a blow with the split sky ability.


The blood demon was hit by this blow, and fell back. Instead of being close to Lin Xinghai, the blood demon was getting farther and farther away.

Originally, Lin Xinghai, who was a little nervous and nervous, felt relieved when he saw this scene.

Then raise the gun and shoot again.

Bang bang!

Two more shots were fired, and the blood demon's body was once again filled with a raging fire.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Then, the rhythmic gunfire continued to ring.

And with Lin Xinghai becoming more and more familiar with the control of double guns, the frequency of shooting is still accelerating.

There are more and more fire balls in the blood demons.

When the number of these fire balls is more than 10, it seems that quantitative change has caused qualitative change. The blood devil's body surface also has blood mist transpiration due to high temperature.

And there is another point, it is Lin Xinghai and Roger have omitted to calculate. The time for the blood demon to expel the incendiary bomb from the body is not 5 seconds, but 10 seconds.

Because blood demons squeeze bullets out with blood.

When the blood is pressed against the incendiary bomb, it will be continuously burned, which greatly reduces the effect.

Together, these factors also led to the incendiary bomb, which caused more damage to the blood demon than expected.

Everyone can see that with the continuous evaporation of blood, the blood demon's body size is steadily and continuously shrinking.


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