I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 627: Going to the rescue (Part 1)

You should know that the general team can only receive one distress flare at most when traveling, even the top team like Lin Xinghai is no exception.

In the case of releasing several distress flares in a row, either the identity of the person seeking help is very important, such as a senior military official or some important person, who has multiple distress flares.

Or other rescue teams that have arrived will help release flares after receiving orders.

But no matter which case, it means that the identity of the person seeking help is extraordinary.

And such people are absolutely extremely important to the human camp.

"Speed ​​up and rush there. In addition, prepare the fuel-air bomb." Lin Xinghai said seriously.

The expressions on the faces of the rest of the people changed slightly after hearing this.

But they didn't say anything, but prepared nervously.

Especially the fat man, who asked people to prepare all the individual missiles and purgatory bombs that can be launched remotely.

If you encounter a level 4 mutant zombie, no one except Lin Xinghai dares to step forward to help.

At most, they could only stay far away and provide a round of fire support, and after the battle, they had to leave as quickly as possible to avoid being dragged down.

As the armored vehicle accelerated, the engine suddenly made a low roar and drove along the street towards the target area at lightning speed.

While preparing, everyone could not help but turn their eyes to various detection instruments, wanting to know the situation over there in advance from the detectors.

As for Lin Xinghai, he closed his eyes, fully released his perception, and spread in the direction of the distress signal.

This green poisonous fog will not only isolate various detection instruments, but even the perception will be weakened to a certain extent.

However, the degree of weakening is not large. For example, the detection range of various detection instruments has been weakened to almost one-tenth of the original.

But for perception, this degree of weakening is much smaller.

For example, Lin Xinghai, his current perception range is 3 kilometers, but even after the weakening of these green poisonous fogs, he can at least detect things within a radius of 2 kilometers.

So when the armored vehicle traveled a distance, Lin Xinghai was fully aware of it, and a scene of a battle appeared in his mind.

It was a convoy that was breaking through. Although there were only 5 armored vehicles in this convoy, there were 10 mechas nearby to protect it.

Lin Xinghai could see that two of them were rare mechas, which meant that there were at least two people in the body-shaping realm in this team.

In addition, there were hundreds of elite soldiers in the team.

The reason why they were called elite soldiers was that Lin Xinghai found that at least 50 of the 100 soldiers had reached the blood-qi realm.

Such a configuration of warriors was only a hair's breadth away from the military's trump card team.

You must know that these elite soldiers are well-trained, and with the special equipment equipped by the military, the combat power they can burst out under the situation of mutual cooperation is definitely not weaker than a team composed entirely of blood-qi realm warriors.

Under this circumstance, there are still two rare-level mechas in the team. Such combat power can definitely rival the top college teams.

But at this time, such an elite team was beaten so badly that it was even difficult to break through.

The reason is that the siege was actually a group of more than 100 mutant zombies.

To be honest, even Lin Xinghai has never seen such a large group of mutant zombies. After all, ordinary mutant zombies are solitary. It is the best to have more than a dozen of them together.

But at this time, there are hundreds of mutant zombies. It has to be said that such a scene can only be seen in the abyss channel.

Among these hundreds of mutant zombies, at least 10 are third-level mutant zombies comparable to the body-shaping realm.

Although the rest are only second-level and first-level mutant zombies, the combat power they burst out when they cooperate with each other will also make people feel scalp tingling.

Without saying much, the nearly 10 "spitters" in the distance, the venom they spewed out was overwhelming, causing great trouble to this team.

In addition, there are 5 "bloodworms" here, and the number of blood beetles released from their bodies at this time is estimated to have exceeded 500,000.

Such a huge swarm of insects is like a bloody wave. If it weren't for the army's incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, these blood beetles would probably have destroyed them.

In addition to these mutant zombies that harass from a distance, the close combat is even more terrifying. The three mutant zombies of "death claws", "giant arms" and "iron armored corpses" joined forces to suppress this team and it was difficult to break through.

And there are "hunters" in the dark, hiding and attacking at any time.

In addition, the abyss creatures gathered here are also increasing rapidly. With the venom of the "spitters", these abyss creatures have a terrifying combat power after entering a violent state.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a miracle that such a team can persist until now.

Of course, this was not the only elite military team present at this time. There was also another military team on their right.

It's just that this is just an ordinary military team. They didn't dare to get close at all. They could only hide in the distance and provide fire support.

On the other side, a college team just arrived at the battlefield.

Compared with the military team, the college team is much stronger.

After all, no team that dares to go deep into the green poisonous fog is weak.

There are three warriors at the level of the body-shaping realm in this college team. At this time, these three people have already displayed the divine body and immediately rushed to the edge of the battlefield.

But even these peerless geniuses from the three major colleges and universities dare not mess around in the face of more than a hundred mutant zombies. These three body-shaping students, even if they use their full strength, plus the other members of their team use long-range fire support, can only contain a small part of the mutant zombies in the outer area.

This has little impact on the overall situation of the battle.

At least even if they use their full strength, they can't save the besieged team at all.

According to the current situation, it is estimated that the besieged military convoy can only hold on for three or four minutes at most.

What surprised Lin Xinghai was that the college team that had just arrived for rescue seemed to have received some orders. Some members also took out the distress flare and fired it into the sky.

Soon the third flare lit up.

This made the rest of the Xinghai team tremble with fear.

After Lin Xinghai figured out what happened, he breathed a sigh of relief.

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