I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 628: Going to the rescue (Part 2)

"You don't need to worry too much. Although the target we want to rescue this time is surrounded by hundreds of mutant zombies, there are no fourth-level mutant zombies comparable to the God and Demon Realm." Lin Xinghai comforted.

Hearing Lin Xinghai say this, the people in the Xinghai team did breathe a sigh of relief.

Although a group of mutant zombies with a number of over a hundred sounds terrifying, in terms of deterrence, it is really not as powerful as a fourth-level mutant zombie comparable to the God and Demon Realm.

Because if their team is targeted by mutant zombies of that level, they may be destroyed at any time.

But with a group of mutant zombies with a number of over a hundred, everyone believes that with Lin Xinghai, even if they can't beat them, they can still escape without any problem.

The two armored vehicles moved forward very quickly. Less than half a minute after Lin Xinghai told them the information, the armored vehicles were only the last kilometer away from the battlefield.

At this distance, the various detectors on the car finally played their due effect.

Looking at the dense red light spots on the zombie detector, everyone felt a tingling sensation on their scalp.

"My God, there are 113 mutant zombies in total, including 10 third-level mutant zombies, 36 second-level mutant zombies, and the rest are first-level."

"In addition, the abyss creatures gathered there have exceeded 2,000, and the gathering speed is still very fast. According to this situation, I am afraid that in a few minutes, the number of abyss creatures will reach 3,000."

"Could this military team have poked the nest of these mutant zombies? How could they be chased by so many mutant zombies?" The little fat man looked at the information detected above and exclaimed.

"Okay, don't be amazed there. I will rush in first to deal with the mutant zombies. You stay in the outer area and quickly annihilate those abyss creatures." Lin Xinghai arranged.

"Okay!" The little fat man agreed.

At this time, the signal receiver on the car lit up. Lin Xinghai didn't pay much attention to it. He just gestured to the little fat man and asked him to pick it up.

This is most likely the communication request initiated by the trapped military team, which is nothing more than asking them to hurry over.

But then Lin Xinghai was surprised to find that everyone's wrist computers actually vibrated and issued a prompt sound of receiving information.

It was not easy to send information to all their wrist computers. After all, under normal circumstances, these wrist computers are like mobile phones. You need to get the phone number to send information.

And the other party can do this, even if they are in the military, they must have extremely high authority to bypass the communication settings of the wrist computer and send information.

So Lin Xinghai didn't hesitate and immediately clicked to check.

He just glanced at it and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The information sent to the wrist computer was an emergency rescue mission.

Of course, Lin Xinghai was not surprised to receive such a rescue mission. What really surprised him was the person being rescued.

It turned out to be a seriously injured God and Demon Realm strongman.

At this time, he finally understood why so many distress signals were sent in succession and why so many mutant zombies were chased and killed.

Indeed, any God and Demon Realm strongman is an important pillar for the country and a core figure in resisting the abyss plane.

In this case, it is only natural to send out an emergency rescue.

After reading the content, Lin Xinghai immediately looked at the task reward below, and his eyes lit up.

Because the reward is indeed generous.

Due to the great difficulty of this rescue operation, facing hundreds of mutant zombies, such a task is equivalent to the most difficult third-class task. If successful, you can directly get 500,000 points.

In addition, the goal of this rescue is very important and the situation is urgent, so according to the special regulations, the rewards for this task are all doubled.

In other words, if you successfully rescue the other party, you can directly get a reward of 1 million points.

In addition, the rewards for killing mutant zombies and those abyss creatures will also be doubled in this mission. Even if the rescue fails, this part of the points will not be deducted.

Obviously, the additional one at the end is to reassure the rescue team, so that they know that as long as they kill mutant zombies and abyss creatures, they can get a lot of points.

The 1 million points in the front are exciting enough, and the latter one makes Lin Xinghai decide that he will go all out this time.

You have to know that he has not reached the body shaping realm. Killing these mutant zombies can get double points. Now it can be doubled. That is to say, the points he gets from killing a zombie can be equivalent to 4 times that of others.

If all these more than 100 mutant zombies are killed, this is another large amount of points.

After reading the mission rewards, the little fat man just connected to the other party's communication.

Lin Xinghai took two steps forward and took the communicator in his hand without saying a word. Without waiting for the other party to speak, he said directly: "I am Lin Xinghai, the number one genius of Donghai College. I already know your situation. Now just defend with peace of mind. Don't try to break through again. Leave the problem of mutant zombies to me."

After saying that, Lin Xinghai directly turned off the communication. The reason why he said this was that in the half minute when they arrived, the other party just forced a breakout and directly lost nearly 20 soldiers.

Since they will arrive soon, there is no need for the other party to make such unnecessary sacrifices.

After hanging up the communication, Lin Xinghai immediately said to the little fat man in a deep voice: "Turn on the rocket injector, let's get there as quickly as possible."

On the other side, the correspondent didn't have time to say a word and looked completely confused.

"What did the other party say?" At this time, the officer waiting on the side asked anxiously.

"He said that he is Lin Xinghai, the number one genius of Donghai College, so that we can defend with peace of mind. He will solve the problem of mutant zombies." The correspondent swallowed and said honestly.

When the officers in the armored vehicle heard this, the expressions on their faces became quite exciting.

Especially a middle-aged officer lying in the armored vehicle. The opponent's abdomen had a fist-sized penetrating wound. His right leg had been twisted and fractured, and his left arm was completely cut off. Even though he suffered such serious injuries, the opponent still had no injuries. die.

But when he heard what the correspondent said, his breath suddenly became confused, "Are all the students of Donghai College so arrogant? Can one of his students deal with so many mutated zombies?"

The officer's face turned red for a while, and even the wounds on his body began to ooze blood again. He was obviously angry.

He took a deep breath and calmed down before continuing: "It's okay if I die here. If I can go back, I must talk to that old guy Hua Zhenghao about how to discipline students."

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