Lin Xinghai, driving the mecha, drove in the hall for more than ten minutes before stopping.

"It's a great feeling to drive a mecha." When the hatch opened and saw Roger, Lin Xinghai couldn't help feeling.

When driving a plane, Lin Xinghai really has an omnipotent feeling.

In fact, as long as you give him more time to practice and familiarize himself with mecha, he really dares to fight with mutant zombies.

But compared with Lin Xinghai's good mood, Roger is a little difficult to accept.

So after Lin Xinghai opened the hatch and came out, his first sentence was, "how many meters is your perception?"

When asked, Roger had a kind of gnashing his teeth. He felt that his most proud perception would be crushed by Lin Xinghai.

Hearing Roger's question, Lin Xinghai's heart thumped.

"I'm not going too far?" Lin Xinghai is interrogating himself.

But soon, he denied this idea. Although he had just driven the mecha, his movements were very smooth and he had carried out some difficult movements, but it should, maybe, still be within the reasonable range!

"14 meters." Finally, Lin Xinghai underreported a 0.

"I knew that." Roger has a feeling of loss. He should not compare with Lin Xinghai, no matter what.

Looking at the rich expression changes on Roger's face, Lin Xinghai didn't know what to say for a moment. Fortunately, Fang Tianhe came over.

"Stars! I have two plans for refitting, which one is up to you to decide! "

"The first modification plan is to increase the base moving speed of mecha to the upper limit, and after the modification, the basic moving speed can be increased by about 50%. But "power amplifier" can only choose the next level, the power amplification is 5 times

"The second plan is just the opposite. Choose the best power amplifier. The power can be amplified 10 times, but the basic movement speed can only be increased by 25%."

"These two schemes cost 100000 points, which is the limit amount that our mercenary regiment can take out." Fang Tianhe added at the end.

If the money is not poor, he certainly wants to choose the best, but no money is hard injury.

Lin Xinghai nodded clearly. The cost of mecha, weapons and refitting costs all add up to 318888 points. After the mercenary regiment is promoted to the second level, it also needs to recruit members, buy weapons and so on, which also costs a lot of money.

Now that you can get so many points to buy mecha, the split sky mercenary Corps is already rich.

"Chief, do you have any suggestions?" Lin Xinghai is very good at listening to other people's opinions. Of course, the premise is that the other party is a professional.

"It depends on whether your ability can be upgraded again. If you are confident that you can upgrade to level 2, then I suggest you choose a second modification." Fang Tianhe said.

In fact, Lin Xinghai also has this idea. The power is magnified by ten times! It's a bit of a feeling to think about it.

The basic attribute of mecha itself is high. The speed of 800 points is increased by 10 times. Isn't it the horror level of 8000 points? This speed is something he didn't dare to think about before.

"Well! Although the power is magnified 10 times, it may be different from what you think Fang Tianhe seemed to be able to guess what Lin Xinghai was thinking. He coughed and explained quickly.

"Well?" Lin Xinghai was puzzled.

"If your powers are released in the form of energy, such as my split sky power, then the power amplifier will actually increase the power by 10 times."

"But your ability is mainly to enhance itself. When used on mecha, it's not so easy to use, because the size of mecha is much larger than your body, so when your power acts on mecha, the effect may be only 10% of the original."

"Even if the power amplifier enlarges your power by 10 times, the effect of your power can only be the same as when it is used normally."

"Of course, the basic speed of mecha is so high, even if it is only doubled, it is very terrible." Fang Tianhe explained.

Lin Xinghai looked at the side of the 5 meters high mecha, also can not help nodding.

Although this power amplifier is not as exaggerated as I think, it is also very scary.

If you cast your speed ability, you will only increase your speed by 30 points.

But if you cast the power on the mecha in front of you, you can increase the speed by 800 points, which is more than 10 times!

"I chose the second modification plan." In the end, Lin Xinghai decided that his ability would be improved later. Of course, it was a cost-effective second modification scheme.

Fang Tianhe nodded and went back to chat with the engineer. After 5 minutes, the plan was finalized.

Then it is to pay the money. After swiping the card and giving the points, the follow-up procedures are simply handled at the speed of light.

When he got the certificate of purchasing mecha, a smile appeared on Fang Tianhe's face.From this moment on, there were three mecha under the name of the split sky mercenary regiment, which met the requirements of applying for the second level mercenary regiment.

"I'm leaving. I guess I'm busy today. I'll wait for the head of the regiment to apply for promotion to the second level mercenary regiment, recruit members and buy weapons. If you're OK, you can help." Roger patted Lin Xinghai on the shoulder.

"Something! I want to buy ancient martial arts. " Lin Xinghai immediately said.

"Do you really want to learn ancient martial arts? That's 10000 points... " Roger said here, thinking of Lin Xinghai today just issued the bonus, suddenly stuck.

However, he changed his mind and continued: "as I said before, if there is no dagger like martial arts, you might as well spend more time on shooting skills"

"I can change a weapon, I don't know where to study, you can take me there!"

Roger looked at Lin Xinghai seriously for a while. After confirming that the other party was not joking, he could only sigh, "OK!"

He wanted to say that even if he bought it, it would be a waste of points, but he thought of Lin Xinghai's various unconventional performances. He could only swallow such words back into his stomach.

After explaining the situation with Fang Tianhe, they separated from the team.

Lin Xinghai followed Roger for about 5 minutes, and then came to another building that was not inferior to the mecha Institute.

There are three big characters in the hall of martial arts.

"So many people come to learn martial arts!" Lin Xinghai looked at the people coming in and out of the gate and couldn't help feeling.

"Most people just go in and have a look. Do you really think 10000 points can be easily taken out?" Roger said it without salt.

There are many people in the martial arts hall, including mercenaries, soldiers and ordinary gene optimizers.

These people will gather in groups in front of a screen, watching something, and occasionally will give out one or two exclamations.

"They're watching a demonstration of martial arts video," Roger explained, and took Lin Xinghai forward.

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