"Martial arts demonstration video?" When Lin Xing Haydn became interested, he wanted to go around and watch.

But as soon as he raised his leg, Roger caught him.

"Well?" Lin Xinghai is puzzled.

"Real buyers like us don't have to be in the demo hall to watch videos like these people." Roger waved to a few people in the distance.

There are four or five times more waiters in Wuxue hall than those in mecha Institute.

But they are only distributed around the hall, unless there are customers in the past to ask, or they will not take the initiative to introduce and talk to each other.

Of course, there is no way to do it, because there are too many people coming to the martial arts shop. Even if the number of waiters here has increased several times, they can't take care of them at all.

What's more, most people just come in and have a look. There are only a few who are willing and have money to buy.

But with Roger's wave, one of the waitresses, with a warm smile, trotted over.

"Hello, I'm Jing Huanlian, the gold medal attendant. What can I do for you?" Jing Huan Lian asked enthusiastically.

In the martial arts shop, the most important thing to be a gold medal attendant is her eyesight. She almost saw the mercenary badge on their chest.

The mercenary group has the highest probability of purchasing ancient martial arts.

Of course, if only two ordinary mercenaries, she would not be so enthusiastic to come here. After all, there are no few mercenaries here every day. But there are not many mercenaries with computers on their wrists.

What's more, she recognized at a glance that what Lin Xinghai was wearing was the star version of the wrist computer.

Well Magic Lotus instant confirmed, in front of these two are "high quality customers".

"We want to buy ancient martial arts, take us to the VIP room!" Roger had nothing to be polite about. He asked for it directly.

"Good! This way, please The smile on Jing Huan Lian's face is more brilliant. She quickly takes two people up the escalator and then goes up to the second floor.

On the second floor, the decoration here is more gorgeous. Even the hall is divided into blocks by screens and sofas.

As for VIP rooms, they are more like small reception rooms, sofas, tea tables and fruit plates. In the middle of the room, it is not a display screen, but a holographic projection.

This standard and treatment has been upgraded to a higher level in an instant.

"Tea, gentlemen." Jing Huan Lian poured a cup of black tea for each of them, and then asked, "I don't know what kind of martial arts you want to buy."

Roger took the cup and drank it. He smashed it on his mouth and said, "this tea is not as good as last time."

"I'm sorry, sir. This is a new batch of tea. If you don't like it, I can change it for you."

"This is the real buyer. Don't worry about me." Roger pointed to Lin Xinghai beside him, then picked up a bunch of grapes in the fruit plate and ate them.

Well fantasy lotus mouth slightly twitch, but as a gold medal attendant, her face still maintains the most cordial smile, and then put the inquiry eyes, to Lin Xinghai.

Roger's attitude is open to eating. Now she can only pray that Lin Xinghai will really buy Martial Arts.

After all, in the end of the world, neither fruit nor tea is cheap. If two people just eat and don't buy, she will be deducted performance points.

Of course, the other party will also be blackmailed by the system. If he comes again next time, he will not be able to enjoy this treatment.

"I haven't thought about what kind of ancient martial arts I want to buy, so I want to have a look." Lin Xinghai said.

"Good!" Well fantasy lotus face with a smile to operate the holographic image, at the same time in the heart: This is just like a normal dialogue!

Soon, a slender figure appeared in the hologram. He was holding a long knife, but he was facing a huge group of corpses. The number of the corpses exceeded 1000. It is not too much to call it a small-scale corpse tide.

However, the figure did not hesitate to launch a charge to the corpse group. In a flash, a zombie's head flew up.

At this time, Jing Huan Lian also opened his mouth and said, "the first ancient martial art displayed is sword technique: qiandielang. After the qiandielang sword technique is applied, the sword will be continuous and its power will become stronger and stronger. It is most suitable to be used in the face of group attack. "

Lin Xinghai is no stranger to qiandielang, an ancient martial art. He even had to learn it because he had seen Fang Tian and exerted qiandielang.

However, at this time, the knife technique of this person in the hologram is even more terrifying. His long knife is surrounded by bloody light, and every knife cuts out, there are several meters of knife awn extending out.

No matter ordinary zombies, intermediate zombies, or even senior zombies, they are almost instantly killed when they are touched by this bloody blade.

Moreover, the speed of the figure getting out of the knife is faster and faster, and more and more knife awns appear, and finally become a piece.With a big drink from the figure, the pieces of bloody knife awn, as if turned into a bloody torrent, swept towards the body group rushing in.

After the flood of blood, there were corpses all over the ground, and almost all of them were cut into four or five sections.

Although Lin Xinghai can't count them in detail, he can be sure that his last stab killed hundreds of zombies in an instant.

"How powerful Lin Xinghai couldn't help swallowing his saliva. The strength of the other side is not Fangtian and can be compared.

However, what makes Lin Xinghai more shocked is the second half of the video.

Scene conversion, the figure in the video, this time facing only one enemy, a giant as if composed of blood.

Lin Xinghai is familiar with this thing. It's the blood devil.

However, the other side did not control the mecha at all, still carrying a long knife, rushed up.

The bloody sword reappeared, straight to the blood demon.

Lin Xinghai was shocked.

Although the cut of the bloody blade is not as big as that of Fang Tian and the control mecha. However, the bloody Dao mang splits on the blood demon, but makes a hissing sound. Then it touches the blood of the Dao Mang and quickly evaporates into a blood mist.

In this process, the blood demon will not only be beaten, but most of its attacks are dodged by the strong man with a knife. When he can't hide, the blood demon's body surface will also emit that kind of blood light to resist the blood devil's attack.

However, his thousand fold wave sword technique became faster and faster, and his sword became more and more continuous. He even defeated the blood devil. In the end, the blood demon could only escape from the ground.

"This is the strong one who broke four gene locks and broke through to another level?" When the video finished, Lin Xinghai didn't come back to himself for a long time and asked Roger beside him.


it has not been updated on time for a long time. There is still a chapter tonight.

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