Lin Xinghai really didn't expect someone to be so powerful.

The other side can defeat the blood demon, does it mean that his body is strong enough to compete with mecha?

"It may not be as simple as breaking the four gene locks. There are several big realms of gene optimizer, and he may be beyond the existence of two great realms of gene optimizer." Roger thought about it and replied.

If you just go beyond a big level, you can't win the mutant zombie under normal circumstances. Even if it can, it can't be that easy.

Lin Xinghai gradually excited, as long as someone can achieve such a degree, then he has a system, there is no reason why he can not.

"By the way, what power is the opponent using? Attack and defense are integrated, so powerful. " Lin Xinghai asked again.

He didn't know much about powers.

Lin Xinghai thinks it is necessary for him to have a good understanding of all kinds of powerful powers, so that in case of meeting in the future, he can also have a clear idea.

"That's not a power." Roger's first words, let Lin Xinghai stunned.

"After breaking the four genes, we can completely release the human body's potential, thus digging out a kind of strange energy hidden in the body. It's this strange energy that he uses to attack and defend Roger said this in a light tone, but his eyes were full of envy and desire.

Who doesn't want to break four gene locks and become another level of existence!

And the fundamental reason why that level can surpass the gene optimizer is to master this kind of strange energy.

"Strange energy?" Lin Xinghai recalled that the other side released the bloody light and his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

To tell you the truth, he is not very satisfied with his speed ability, especially after seeing the domineering power of split sky power, this feeling is even stronger.

But at this time, he finally saw the light.

"Well! That strange energy seems to be called The power of blood. "

"In addition to being used alone, it can also be used with powers. The superposition of powers and blood power is really terrible." Roger explained again.

But heard his words, Lin Xinghai heart but set off a storm, he is with a great will power, to restrain himself without losing his temper.

"What did you just say, blood, Qi, Zhi, Li?" Lin Xinghai asked word by word.

If it wasn't for the video he just watched, and if it wasn't for the casual tone of Roger's speech, he would have thought that his system was exposed.

Roger looked at Lin Xinghai a little strangely, but he still said, "if I remember correctly, it's like that's the name! The head of the regiment just mentioned it briefly before. He said, "at that level, cultivating the strength of blood and Qi is the fundamental to enhance the strength.". By the way, that realm seems to be called the state of blood and Qi. "

"Cultivating the power of blood and Qi is the fundamental to enhance the strength." Lin Xinghai mumbled to himself and repeated this sentence.

He remembers that when he first acquired the system, similar words appeared in the task description of the system.

Of course, he has a system, no need to practice, just collect.

Standing on one side of Jing Huan Lian, seeing that they stopped talking, she said, "you two, do you want to continue playing the next martial arts video?"

"Let it go Lin Xinghai nodded.

The next martial arts video is about hammering. In the video, there is a strong man waving a huge hammer. The strength of the strong man is also terrible, and the hammer method is more destructive. But Lin Xinghai just looked at it and his mind was not on it.

He is thinking about the system, and he is also speculating about how his practice will be when he breaks the four gene locks?

Others need to work hard to improve their strength, but he

Lin Xinghai shook his head and no longer thought about it, because he did not know whether the blood power stored in the system belonged to himself.

Even if he has a lot of speculation, before the strength has reached the level of blood, they are just speculation.

Jing Huanlian is playing one martial arts video, but after watching ten martial arts videos in a row, Lin Xinghai doesn't have a particular one he wants.

On the other hand, Roger ate the fruit with relish. He had eaten more than half of the fruit plate on the table.

"Next, the martial arts shown in this video are more special, because it is the only body method type martial arts in our star shield shelter, which is called phantom body method."

Hearing this introduction, Lin Xinghai suddenly came to be interested.

Jing Huanlian has been paying attention to Lin Xinghai's expression. She is also in a state of spirit. She immediately puts more effort into saying: "the characteristics of phantom body method are that it is unstable, and the figure is like a dream, so that the enemy can't catch the direction you are going."

At this time, there is a figure in the hologram, he is also facing a large group of zombies.

But different from the previous video, he did not kill him directly, but his body was erratic, shuttling through the dense corpses.The figure is not only fast, but also extremely strange.

When he seems to dodge to the right, he actually dodges to the left. When he rushes forward, he may be retreating.

This kind of sense and reality dislocation, just to see, will make people extremely uncomfortable, as for want to lock on the other side to attack, that is more difficult.

What makes Lin Xinghai care the most is that when he changes direction and even suddenly retreats, his speed does not drop at all.

This is simply against the laws of physics.

But the other side relies on that special step, and The power of blood has done it.

It can be imagined that such a body method can have great advantages in close combat.

And this is also reflected in the second half of the video, in the battle with mutant zombies.

This time, a mutant zombie with three meters tall and sickle like arms appeared.

Such a mutant zombie is definitely a small type, but Lin Xinghai can also see that because it is "small", it is particularly flexible, which is good at speed.

However, this mutant zombie, who is good at speed, can't even touch the corner of each other's clothes even though the scythe of his arms is waved to the strong one in the video.

And the strong man, relying on his own speed, held a gun in his hand. The mutant zombie was blasted to pieces.

The mutant zombie has no chance to escape in front of such a strong man who is good at speed.

Lin Xinghai was really more and more pleased to see it. When the video was over, he said without hesitation: "I decided to buy this phantom body method."

The smile on Jing Huan Lian's face is more brilliant than ever before.

However, before she could speak, Roger said: "wait a minute. According to my understanding, this phantom body method is the most difficult to learn among the 15 martial arts of Star Shield shelter. It seems that no one has been able to practice it to a small degree."

"What's more, if the phantom body method wants to really exert its power, it must reach the state of blood and Qi and cooperate with the strength of blood and Qi."

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