As soon as Lin Xinghai stepped into the mercenary guild, a huge noise came to his face.

In the middle of the hall, there are many mercenaries standing or sitting, but without exception, their eyes are focused on the landing screen in the middle of the hall.

There are constantly refreshing information on the light screen, such as the task information released by the mercenary Union, the recruitment information sent out by the mercenary regiment by spending points, or seeking cooperation.

On the light screen, there is naturally information about the hunting team, but the space occupied is only one small space.

Next to the hall is a larger area than the mission Hall bar!

The main noise came from the bar. Even though it was only in the morning, the number of seats in the bar reached more than half.

A lot of mercenaries are talking about it. Most of them come to relieve their pressure. Of course, a small part of them come to seek cooperation.

During this process, mercenary disputes will occur from time to time. Of course, they are just disputes.

Here, no mercenary will turn a quarrel on the corner of his mouth into a fight on his fist.

It's not how civilized the mercenaries are, but how dare they do. They will be thrown out of the mercenary guild in a minute.

After looking around his surroundings, Lin focused on the information scrolling on the big screen, especially on the hunting team.

Soon, he saw three hunting teams on Roger's list.

After initially finding the target, he went to the side of the self-help computer, took out the mercenary badge for scanning, and then logged into the mercenary guild's intranet.

And then we got the details of the three hunting teams.

Soon, Lin Xinghai locked in a team called the power alliance.

The number of people in this hunting team is only 5, which can be said to be able to meet the minimum team formation standard, but miraculously, these five people are all powers.

Such a line-up is really luxurious for a hunting team. Even in many mercenaries, the number of awakened powers is not as large as them.

But as Lin Xinghai looked down carefully, his face became a little strange.

According to the information, after scanning the mercenary badge taken out by Lin Xinghai, the attendant continued: "I have landed here for you. Please go to room 235 on the second floor and talk to the members of the alliance of powers team in person."

Lin Xinghai takes back the mercenary badge and goes up the stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor of the mercenary Association, there are almost all rooms, large and small. All mercenaries can rent them temporarily and then use them for talking and cooperation.

After all, not all mercenaries like to talk about cooperation in the hall or in the bar, which is noisy.

What's more, the cooperation between some mercenary regiments needs to be kept confidential. It is quite appropriate to rent a room at this time.

According to the room number, Lin Xinghai found room 235.

As he had made an appointment and brushed the mercenary badge at the door, the door opened automatically.

This is a small room with an area of only 10 square meters. There is an ordinary tea table and an ordinary sofa, but the charge for one hour is 10 points.

There are four people in the small room. Lin Xinghai takes a glance at them and almost matches their appearance with the information they have seen before.

Of course, you don't have to think about who the twins are.

The young woman sitting quietly by is Zhang Meiling.

As for the young man standing in the middle and looking at him coldly, after using the elimination method, Ling Xiu is left.

He is also Lin Xinghai's most concerned, because the other side, as a vice captain, must be the temporary captain of this mission.

Lin Xinghai is looking at several people in front of him, and the other party is also looking at Lin Xinghai.

"Hello, are you awakened or are you over 60% Ling Xiu looked at Lin Xinghai and asked directly.

Lin Xinghai: "awakened the power."

Ling Xiu: "what power."

Lin Xinghai wanted to tell the truth about himself, but he stopped talking.

Because he suddenly found that his speed ability didn't seem to work for the team.

As for their combat effectiveness, these men have not seen it with their own eyes, and they will certainly not believe it.

"My ability is called: shoot. It can hit zombies 100% after use. " Lin Xinghai said.

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