Hearing Lin Xinghai say so, several faces showed a surprised look.

"Shooting power, how could you have such a power?" Zhang Meiling looks at Lin Xinghai with curiosity and exploration in her eyes.

"Your powers, are they eye strengthening and so on? What level of zombies do you mean 100% hit? How many meters can you hit 100% At this time, Ling Xiu, as a vice captain, asked several key questions in succession.

His ability thousand mile eye, the most important function, is used to assist shooting. If the target is an ordinary zombie, then within 100 meters, he dares to say that he can hit 100 percent.

But if it's an intermediate or senior zombie, it's impossible.

Because zombies at that level are not only fast, but also have a strong sense of danger. In order to hit them, in addition to the accuracy of shooting, accurate prediction ability is more important.

However, the ability of anticipation requires a lot of shooting experience, which is not what his clairvoyance ability can make up for.

Hearing Ling Xiu's detailed inquiry, Lin Xinghai also had to pick up his spirits and say, "my powers are not all about strengthening eyesight. After using my powers, I can hit ordinary zombies 100% within 200 meters, intermediate zombies within 100 meters, and senior zombies within 50 meters."

As for the mutant zombie, Lin Xinghai didn't mention it, because he was sure to run away.

Lin Xinghai's answer, immediately will several people to suppress.

It's just too powerful for them.

In particular, Lin Xinghai said that it is unimaginable that 100% of senior zombies can be hit within 50 meters.

Because they dare not go to the city, the biggest threat to hunting teams like them is not the mutant zombies, but the occasional high-level zombies.

The high-level Zombie's terrifying dodge ability, the shooting method is not to a certain extent, want to hit almost dare not think of.

This, compared with Roger, he needs the cooperation of vice captain Xu Hao in order to kill senior zombies 30 meters away.

Of course, Roger is not unable to kill senior zombies alone, but it needs to wait for senior zombies to get close to 10 meters or even closer.

Such a distance, almost to the point of close to hand combat.

But sadly, it's also the way most hunting teams deal with high-level zombies.

Yesterday, they met a senior zombie. In order to give Ling Xiu a chance to shoot at close range, Gao Shan, the captain of the team, fought to stop him and was seriously injured.

If there are mercenaries in their hunting team who have the ability to kill senior zombies in a long distance, it is almost comparable to those newly formed mercenaries.

"Can you really do it? If you're so good at shooting, why don't I see your name on the shooting list. " Ling Xiu frowned and asked.

Lin Xinghai: "because I've just awakened to the ability, I haven't had time to challenge."

Ling Xiu: can we have a look at it

"Yes!" Lin Xinghai nodded.

Although he didn't have the ability to shoot, he didn't lie about anything except the ability. No matter what kind of test he did, it was OK.

Next, Ling Xiu accompanied Lin Xinghai to the mercenary Association, the shooting training ground on the third floor.

Originally, Ling Xiu intended to let others stay to see if there were any mercenaries to join.

However, the rest of the people wanted to go and watch, but Ling Xiu thought about it and didn't stop him. After all, if Lin Xinghai's powers were as magical as he described, it would be enough to have him join in.

And if there are fewer people, there will be more booty allocated to each person in the end.

On the third floor of the mercenary Association, there are all kinds of training fields, including shooting training ground, fighting training ground, gravity training field, and mecha driving simulator training ground.

Among these training grounds, there are complete sets of equipment.

For example, the shooting training ground provides all kinds of guns, moving targets, analyzers, and even special coaches for guidance if necessary.

"Hello, we have a shooting range." Come to the service desk, Ling Xiu said.

"OK, what level of training ground are you going to open? There are primary, intermediate and advanced. " Asked the waitress.

Ling Xiu did not answer, but looked at Lin Xinghai.

"I want to challenge the shooting list. What is the process?" Lin Xinghai wanted to say.

Now that he's here, he doesn't mind being on the list.

After all, the split sky mercenary group is about to recruit new members. It should be helpful for the mercenary group to raise its reputation by taking the title of sharpshooter.

"The challenge shooting list, for the mobile target demand is very high, that needs to pay 1000 points, open special training ground." According to the regulations, the waitress said business.Lin Xinghai listened to the corner of his mouth, this charge is really not affordable for ordinary people!

"If you enter the top 100 shooting list, the challenge cost can be refunded. If you can get into the top 10, you will not only get a bonus every week, but also get the title of sharpshooter. " Ling Xiu, standing on one side, added.

Compared with shooting a few shots on the training ground, of course, it is to carry out such a challenge that we can see more about Lin Xinghai's real strength.

Moreover, if the other side can really kill senior zombies at a distance of 50 meters, such a shooting method is sure to be able to enter the top 100, and there is no need to worry about the cost.

After saying this, Ling Xiu's eyes fell on Lin Xinghai's face. If the other party doesn't dare to face such a challenge, then he has a reservation about the authenticity of Lin Xinghai's words.

Then, he will see Lin Xinghai, that originally tight frown eyebrow, immediately opened.

"Well, open a super training ground for me." Lin Xinghai said, took out the identity card, brush 1000 points to the other side.

"Yes, please follow me." After the waitress collected the points, she led the way ahead.

In general, the servants of the mercenary guild are not indifferent to mercenaries.

But that means ordinary mercenaries.

If there is a leader of mercenaries or some powerful mercenaries, there will be more or less preferential treatment, just like VIP customers.

The mercenaries who dare to challenge the shooting list are half VIP users. It's not surprising that there are waiters leading the way in person.

Not only the waiters, but also Ling Xiu's attitude towards Lin Xinghai has changed.

The importance of a mercenary who is able to enter the top 100 of the shooting list is absolutely more important than that of their ability.

After all, every mercenary group has at least one or two powers, but not every mercenary group has the top 100 mercenaries in the shooting list.

For example, Roger is the best shooter in the split sky mercenary regiment, and his shooting ranking is 138.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. After all, the number of mercenary regiments in Star Shield shelters has reached 100.

On average, each mercenary regiment can have one mercenary in the top 100 shooting list.

But in fact, these mercenaries with good gun skills are the targets of those second and even third level mercenaries.

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