I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 142 Star Gate

I wonder if any of you have had the experience of being deceived, deceived, tricked, and robbed of 80 million yuan?

Now Li Pan has it.

Be open-minded, there is a first time for everything, calm down and think about what to do next...

So he took the shuttle back and worked for a day. Li Pan didn't even know what he had done, so he just sat in the office and thought about it all day...

It’s really hard to endure the more you think about it, the more you think about it! The more I think about it, the more I get angrier!


In the vast sea of ​​sand, a blood dragon rose into the sky! Stirring up the anime sky!

For a moment, a bloody storm poured down, causing a huge amount of blood! Thousands of miles of yellow sand will be submerged by the red water pouring from the sky! The vast desert turned into a boundless sea of ​​blood!

The tsunami set off swept over the entire desert, leaving only an area of ​​sand dunes around the white felt tent, like an isolated island in a sea of ​​blood.

"hold head high--!!"

Then from the boundless sea of ​​blood, a red dragon broke out of the sea!

On the red scales, drops of blood and tears were sprinkled. On the dragon's neck, there was a human-faced dragon head, with an angry beard, golden eyes and black horns. Blood and fire spurted out from the mouth and nose, red breath lingered, and red clouds wrapped around it.

"Congratulations, big brother, for practicing Qi to transform into a god. You have achieved great success! Big brother, this son of the blood god, is so domineering, majestic and murderous. He is worthy of being the god of my teaching, hahaha!"

Duan Kecheng, who transformed into a handsome young man, opened the tent and strode out, laughing and clasping his fists at the blood dragon.

The red dragon stared at Duan Kecheng, swept its tail, swam around, and set off a huge wave of blood. The blood wave was overwhelming, like a pair of big hands hitting Duan Kecheng.

Duan Kecheng just smiled and remained motionless, watching the huge waves roll in front of him on both sides.

Then, from the sea of ​​blood, a young man of about fifteen or sixteen years old, with black hair and golden eyes, a red line between his eyebrows, and wearing a blood robe came out.

"Brother, please use it!"

Duan Kecheng invited Li Pan to sit in the tent and poured him a glass of water and wine. Seeing his gloomy face, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Eh? Brother, what's wrong with you? It's a great joy to refine the Son of Blood God. Why are you not so excited?"

Li Pan muttered, "I was fooled..."

Duan Kecheng was furious and started to fight.

"Who! Who is so bold and dares to play tricks on my brother! Brother, tell me! I will help you kill his whole family!"

Li Pan, "...I don't know who it is, I just know it's a man."

"Okay! I'm going to kill all the men in the world..."

Duan Kecheng paused and sat back again.

"...Brother, can we be more specific?"

Li Pan shook his head, "Don't worry about it, crushing him to death is like crushing a grasshopper. The problem is how to get back the money he deceived me..."

When Duan Kecheng heard this, he said strangely,

"Being defrauded of money? But my eldest brother has great supernatural powers, extraordinary powers, calculations, and a clear understanding of Taoism. How could he be deceived?

Ah, could it be that that bastard broke his promise and regretted it later?

snort! I hate this kind of profiteer the most! When doing business, one must be honest and trustworthy! Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand! He actually passed off a shoddy product as a good one and passed it off as a fake product!

Brother, don’t worry! I will definitely help you kill that profiteer and his family! "

Li Pan said, "That's not true. There is nothing wrong with what he sold me, but he gave me some extra small gifts that I don't like and want to regret it."

Duan Kecheng, "..."

Li Pan didn't pay attention to him, so he drank the drink in one gulp, looked up to the sky and sighed, "Trash! My money! Give me my money back!"

Duan Kecheng quickly filled the bottle for him and said with a smile,

"What am I saying? This is not a big deal! Brother, if you are short of money, just go and rob it! Rich people in this world are most afraid of death. They can kidnap a few of them and give them a few scares. If they don't pay the money, they will kill them. His whole family will definitely pay the ransom obediently. After so many times, the first time it was a surprise, the second time it was familiar, and then he himself sent the members in advance, and he also wants to hold you up! He has always tried his best!"

Li Pan looked at him askance.

"Brother, you don't know the dangers in this world. You will suffer losses if you act so unscrupulously. Besides, let me tell you, there are people in the company who will deal with you. Be careful and don't hurt me."

Duan Kecheng waved his hand nonchalantly,

"Brother, just don't worry! This is no big deal. Our divine religion is conquering all the heavens! Attacking all realms! We will kill demons when we see them, and we will kill gods when we encounter them! Enemies are spread all over the world!

There are so many people who want my life, at least one or two! Don't worry! Come! Cheers, brother! "

"...Why is this something worth showing off?"

Li Pan drank another drink with him.

Ah, this drink is quite delicious, it’s actually apple flavored...

"Don't mention this anymore, by the way, brother, I got an interesting thing!"

Duan Kecheng walked behind the tent and brought out a wine jar.

"Brother, look!"

Li Pan went up to take a look and saw a person soaking in the wine vat. He was also a child. His skin was peeled off from the neck down and he was soaked in a jar of blood wine.

Li Pan looked at the young man, then at the wine plate in his hand, and silently spit the wine in his mouth back into the plate.

"Who is this?"

Duan Kecheng giggled, "I don't know, I picked it up on the road."

Li Pan squinted at him,

"...You didn't know who it was and you picked it up? Why did he also cheat you out of money?"

"What kind of money is it? Brother, look at it."

Duan Kecheng reached out and squeezed the child's chin. The moment he opened his mouth, Li Panzheng saw something in his mouth, like an eyeball looking out.

The eyeballs looked at each other, then retracted and rolled down the child's throat.

Li Pan frowned, "What the hell..."

Duan Kecheng smiled and said,

"I heard it's called Beheit. It's probably the egg in this world. The egg is one of the things you took out from the cave. It seems to be an existence that can touch the 'Tao' of this world.

I thought it might be useful to break the heavens in the future, so I searched for Petro's soul and found a way to sacrifice it.

Yesterday, the natives of this sector happened to be slaughtering the city. I saw that many people died. I didn't want to waste the opportunity, so I borrowed the land to offer sacrifices and summoned this egg.

Well, it chose this kid, so I picked him up. "

"Oh, 'egg/egg', right..."

Li Pan looked at the boy again, and suddenly noticed that there were many runes and blood jars on the inner wall of the wine vat, which were glowing with red light and injecting traces of blood into his body through the medicinal wine.

So Li Panruo realized something, blinked, and two bright lights shot out from his eyes, shining on his face like high beams, and he saw through the opponent's prototype.

Yes, this desert and this sea of ​​blood are not the real world.

Now that he has learned the "Book of Blood", Li Pan already knows that this gap has been shaped by Duan Kecheng into the secret world of the divine court and the illusion of the soul.

The various shapes of boys and dragons between the two people are all illusions of the soul, and the boy in the wine jar is actually in a 'dream'.

But now that he has seen through all kinds of illusions, he can see the truth hidden in the gaps behind the dream.

The child had been grilled to medium rare. He was burned like a veal steak by the incendiary bomb. His body was severely burned and he was almost out of shape.

At this time, there were many screws and steel drills inserted into various acupuncture points on his torso along the meridians. Of course, this was not a barbecue, but a wonderful method of using golden needles to draw pulses and point acupuncture points to revive the soul.

Li Pan also recognized that this technique was the healing method in the "Blood Barrel Book".

"Isn't this the magic of restoring blood and reviving souls? Do you want to save him?"

Duan Kecheng smiled and said,

"Brother, I have achieved great success, and I have indeed remembered it all! Yes, it is the method of restoring blood and reviving souls!

The building this kid lived in was burned to death, but he was protected by his parents and swallowed the 'egg/egg', so he was able to breathe.

I think this man survived the catastrophe and will be blessed later, and he has some qualifications, so I plan to accept him as a servant.

Even if you can't save him, you can still make a blood puppet clone and use it! "

Li Pan also sighed after hearing this, all living beings are suffering...

Then he opened his mouth and spurted out a glistening red drop of blood. It turned into a divine light and shined on the boy's head, leaving a blood jar mark between his eyebrows.

It's not particularly useful, it just helps him protect the divine court, condense his soul, and support him for a while according to the secret spells in the "Blood Barrel Book".

Duan Kecheng clicked his tongue and praised,

"You are worthy of being a big brother. This hand that guards the heart is fast, good and standard. It seems that he has guided many Yishin disciples in their practice.

I see that you have been the leader of a large altar at some level, or at least a world-protecting Dharma King. It is really a blessing for me to be friends with you! "

"Okay, okay, stop bragging. Didn't you say you were going to some magic cave tonight? Let's go."

"Okay! Let's go! Let's go to the human world to worship the moon."

So the two of them left the illusion and revealed their true bodies, a blood man and a blood baby, crawling out of the refrigerator.

The blood baby said, "Brother, I have calculated the time accurately, set up the barrier, and set up the altar, which is foolproof. When the moon appears later, we can fly directly to the realm of the devil's cave, but you have to obey me three times. thing."

Li Pan said, "Say."

Xue Ying said, "It's not a big deal. Even those lambs smell sweet, but they all belong to their owners. Although some old-timers are used to being domineering, I teach strictly now. I will reward those who have merit and punish those who have made mistakes. , Qiu has done nothing wrong, you have to pay for things you buy. Brother, you must not show your ferocity and kill wantonly. If you are seen by the law enforcement lord, you will be severely punished for violating the rules. "

Li Pan thought to himself that you think too highly of your brother and me.

"rest assured."

Xue Ying shook his head and said, "Secondly, if we go here, we can't meet anyone from the Magic Mountain and the Demon Sect. The Magic Mountain is just fine. They are all fellow villagers from the same place, and they can even talk to each other as relatives. , exchange some opinions, but the Demon Sect is our feud, I can’t guarantee that you, brother, were also harmed by the Demon Sect in your previous life. You have not yet achieved your magical power, but you must endure it, the overall situation is the most important thing."

Li Pan also knew in his heart that the Demon Sect was the Xuan Sect, and the divine sect's skills were indeed a bit weak in the later stages.

"I see."

The blood baby nodded, "If big brother is willing to obey me on these two items, it won't be a big deal. As for the third item, it is actually rare after all, but big brother doesn't remember his previous life, so it is customary to inform him of this.

That is, if we meet people from Jian Zong, let's run away separately, live and die according to our destiny, and be brothers again in the next life. "

Li Pan, "...No, who is this Sword Sect? Are you so afraid of him, brother?"

The blood baby sighed,

"Sigh... They are a group of lunatics. Fortunately, they are not many in number. It is not that they will not encounter death disaster, but if they encounter it, they will not be able to escape...

In short, brother, you will remember it by yourself later, and little brother, don’t talk nonsense. The time has come, let's set off! "

So Li Pan followed Xue Ying to the garbage pile. Only then did he notice that the garbage mountain had been rebuilt. It was piled into forty-nine piles and arranged into a Zhoutian magic circle. In the middle, another piece of flat land was cleared, and a vague-looking figure was built with mud.

The blood baby knelt down in front of the statue and said, "Worship the Lord!"

Li Pan also knelt down in a dignified manner, "Worship the Lord!"

He bowed down and felt a ray of light shining down from the top of his head. As he stood up, the stars were changing. When he raised his head and looked around, the world had changed.

It seems like this is the realm of the Demon Cave...

It was said to be a devil's cave, and it was said to be a lamb. Li Pan thought it was some kind of cave on the top of the mountain, or a primitive society like Hemudu.

However, what Li Pan saw before his eyes was a prosperous city. It looks like an ancient city from the twentieth century, when humans were still bound to the surface by gravity.

The pedestrians running around are not much different from the Night City except for their old-fashioned clothing styles.

But when Li Pan looked at himself, a skinless bloody man standing in the middle of the street, while the humans around him were busy with their own affairs and completely unaware of the sudden appearance of the alien demon, he understood.

Is it disguise?

Li Pan closed his eyes and opened them again. The electric light in his eyes flickered, scanning the crowd like a searchlight.


The streets are empty of pedestrians.

Empty and clothed, the skin was dusty coming and going on the road.

As he glanced away, those skin bags lit up with flames and turned into ashes.

But the people are fake, but the city is real.

It looks like a bustling, bustling street, but it's actually an empty, abandoned ghost town. It’s like a virtual game that’s rushed to launch but has no time to write AI scripts and no money to hire real NPCs. It looks like the screen is full, but in fact there is nothing real to interact with you at all. It’s just a scam to defraud money.

But what Li Pan didn't understand was that if it was just a disguise, or some unfinished building project, the city would be too realistic. He punched the ground, and it was all reinforced concrete.

"Brother, don't make trouble. You have to restrain yourself when you come to other people's territory."

Suddenly, someone pulled him aside. Li Pan blinked, turned away his golden light and looked around.

Duan Kecheng casually grabbed a passerby's skin, put it on the blood baby's head, and used illusion magic to construct the human form of the white-clothed and red-haired boy in the illusion.

"Those skins are the methods of the divine religion? But this city should have been made by people from my side, right?"

Li Pan also followed suit. He grabbed a piece of human skin and put it on his body, transforming it into a human-shaped blood-clothed body.

"Eldest brother is indeed very perceptive and talented, and he can master the seven exquisite orifices as soon as he learns them..."

"Hey, if you keep flattering me, I'll flatter you."

"Hehe, the elder brother is so humble. Everything the younger brother said is from the heart, how can it be flattery."

Duan Kecheng smiled and led Li Pan into the downtown area while pointing to the crowd around him and explaining.

"This world is the territory captured by the demon cave people. The original human race has been eaten up by them. Because it is very close to your world, big brother, it can be used as a springboard for smuggling.

I heard from people in the Demon Cave that ‘extraterrestrial disaster stars’ would come to inspect from time to time. So you have to be careful to hide the secret, so as not to let the other party see the flaw. Throw down thunder and fire to destroy the world. "

Catastrophic stars from the sky, thunder and fire from the sky... Couldn't it be the SEC's scientific research vessel...

But if it is true, then this is already the border earth.

Li Pan looked at the illusory city in front of him. It was almost the same style as the Night City, no, almost the same as New Tokyo. He could even see Oda's family crest, and suddenly he had some guesses about the location of the Demon Cave.

I have to make a strong point here and mention the naming rules for the heavens, the worlds, and the parallel earth.

In the Legion era, there was only one Earth, and the other planes were all colonies, and the names were randomly chosen by companies from various countries, such as Gaia, Kyushu, New Eden, and Takamagahara.

Among these colonies, Earth 01, the first alien world developed by mankind with all its strength, is known as the capital of the old human union and has built wormhole star gates leading to all other planes.

After the committee was established, while sorting out the debt crisis, it also numbered the worlds in the heavens, and allocated positions according to the order in which each parallel earth colony paid off its debts, such as selling the earth to a certain company, and formally joining the trade treaty between the heavens.

That is, after the initial Earth 0 and the old capital Earth 01, the order increases, starting from 02 and going backwards.

But this sorting method was soon disrupted due to mergers between companies, corporate wars that destroyed everything, various species extinctions, all kinds of scientific research disasters, the upgrading of super weapons, one after another solemn agreements, etc. Various reasons.

Every day in the war, an Earth could be destroyed. In every century of peace, it is also possible that a destroyed world will be rebuilt.

Therefore, in order to facilitate management, after a war that almost destroyed 30% of the world, the new Security Committee made changes to the Earth numbering rules.

Now they are numbered not in chronological order, but in 'path', according to the star gates leading to each parallel world.

Yes, in the past, wormhole star gates could lead to all other worlds. But now, the cross-world routes of the wormhole star gate are restricted.

Taking 0791 as an example, it is actually Earth 0, Earth 01, Earth 07, Earth 079, and Earth 0791 in this order.

And 0113 is sorted by Earth 0, Earth 01, Earth 11, and Earth 0113.

Of course, this is just a rough official naming rule. In fact, there are many privileges and exceptions.

A basic principle is that Earth 0 is the beginning and end of everything. But the stargate leading to Earth 0 is top secret. No ship can approach Earth 0 without passing through 01.

The second principle is that Earth 01 can be omitted in the numbering sequence, because in Earth 01, there is no longer an Earth.

This is the battlefield where the Legion was destroyed, and it is also the fleet headquarters of the Security Committee. Countless Titan and Dreadnought bases are suspended above the wreckage of the damaged Earth.

The third principle is that the construction of the Star Gate must be approved by the committee.

There is an upper limit to the number of star gates allowed to be built on each earth, from 0 to 9.

But all Gate 0 are so-called ‘Return Star Gates’.

Take Earth 02 as an example. In the Earth 02 plane, the official star gates are 020, 021...029, these ten gates.

Among them, door 021 leads to Earth 021. Gate 020 leads to Earth 01.

Of course Earth 01 is an exception.

The officially approved star gates of Earth 01 are 02, 03, 04...019, these eighteen.

But in fact, in addition to the hidden Star Gate 0, Earth 01 serves as the transportation hub of the heavens, the capital of the old human government, and the location of the offices of the Security Committee of the heavens.

Each large committee company has more or less built its own star gates and secret channels here.

At the same time, Earth 01 is the only place that preserves the original wormhole to all multiverses.

Therefore, the fleet belonging to the Security Committee can appear in any galaxy anytime, anywhere to maintain the absolute order of the committee.

But the reverse is not true.

For example, if the civilian merchant ship of 0791 wants to do trade in other planes, it needs to jump up from the 'Return Star Gate' step by step.

Pass through the three star gates of 07910, 0790, and 070 to reach Earth 01 before heading to other paths.

For another example, if 0113 sends a ship to pick up Tai Sui, if it uses civilian channels, it will theoretically have to go through five star gates to reach 0791.

And every time a star gate is crossed, the cost and tariffs that need to be paid are sky-high.

However, TheM Company is a member of the Safety Committee and naturally has its own privileges, so the other party directly went through the committee channel and sent the Dreadnought to jump directly to 0791, arriving in an instant.

By the way, under this trading system, the most cost-effective ones are naturally the owners of the eighteen worlds from 02 to 019.

Because they are the closest to the trade nodes of the All-Heaven Star Gate, they can reach Earth 01 in just one hop. At the same time, other earths on the derived path must also pay tolls for them.

Yes, the owners of these eighteen worlds are members of the Security Committee in a general sense.

Obviously, the construction of all star gates and the development of all new worlds require the approval of the Safety Committee.

When the Ethics Committee's research ship discovers a new century, only the company that wins the bid is allowed to build the door to the new world.

By the way, it is impossible to travel to other worlds from Earth 0791.

Because there is only one return star gate here, namely Gate 07910, and Gate 07911 does not exist.

In the era of the Eighth New Tokyo, Takamagahara once had such an opportunity.

Opportunity to develop a new world ‘07911’. Opportunity to become an alternate member of the committee.

But Gao Tianyuan has taken too big a step. They are bidding for Earth 07911 while also bidding for committee seats. The result I want is that I can’t get anything.

So as New World's bid failed, the 07911 development plan, which had invested a lot of resources, was suspended, and Gao Tianyuan's shareholders lost everything.

The Oda clan was unwilling to accept failure, and forcibly and secretly promoted the construction of Star Gate 07911, illegally building the Star Gate, and finally committing suicide on the head of the King of Hell, which violated the taboo of the Safety Committee and led to the outbreak of a full-scale war.

With the destruction of one Titan and the destruction of both Titan fleets, Gao Tianyuan finally failed to defend the 07911 Star Gate. The illegal Star Gate was completely destroyed by the Security Committee fleet and was defeated by GG.

So Gao Tianyuan declared surrender, fell short of success, and was completely bankrupt.

So, could the location of the Demon Cave be that of Earth 07911...

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