I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 143 Lamb

The city in this Demonic Cave is actually not completely empty.

When Li Pan and Duan Kecheng drove to the city center...where did the car come from? I snatched it from the roadside. This guy Duan Kecheng said he couldn't fly in the sky in order to 'disguise', but he actually wanted to walk all the way from the suburbs into the city...

In short, after driving to the city center, Li Pan could gradually see some "other things" among the crowd of walking dead.

Those 'things' were definitely not humans, but just like them, 'extraterrestrial demons' dressed in human skin.

Although the body is barely wrapped in a skin and looks like a 'human', colorful energy radiation, liquid Qi body tentacles, shadow scales, horns, and all kinds of messy inhuman organs will be exposed from under the human skin.

It's like the game characters are stacked on top of each other. Even if you don't use magical powers or have a sharp eye to see their true form, you can still recognize them at a glance.

However, according to Duan Kecheng, it is rude to casually see through someone's true identity and is an act of looking for trouble. Brother, don’t just look at it.

Because the people in the Demon Cave have the superpower to travel across all realms, they do business with various civilizations and races, and everyone who comes is a guest. Don't cause trouble on the master's territory.

So under Duan Kecheng's guidance, Li Pan drove to a five-star hotel in the city center.

Solomon Hotel, No. 666.

"It's right here, the lair of the Demon Den."

When Duan Kecheng and Li Pan entered the hotel, the hotel's welcoming doormen were also non-human beings with horns and tails, or snake or animal eyes. The guests dining in the surrounding auditorium were also demons from the outside world. There were some mosaics on the plates. Well, it was really a mosaic. It was probably the effect of magic. They probably ate some indescribable things.

"Good night, distinguished guest, how can I help you?"

The customer service man at the counter was well-groomed, and he didn't burst his skin to expose any scales or light, but his eyes were pitch black, with no whites at all, as if he had a new type of prosthetic eye.

Duan Kecheng flicked his fingers and took out a gold coin from his fingertips. The gold coin had runes on one side and a goat-horned devil on the other side.

"Get a room and ask Belia to serve our brothers... Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Li Pan frowned and smiled sideways with his eyes like his younger brother who was a rapist.

The customer service put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, looked at the gold coin, then smiled and bowed,

"Dear customer, Belia has not been resurrected yet, why don't you name another agent?"

Duan Kecheng looked disappointed.

"Brother, you are too heavy-handed. You really killed me. Then you can arrange any one. We are here to do business and call someone who knows how to appraise treasures.

Oh, by the way, at least find a marquis with territory, otherwise it won't be able to eat our goods. Jie Jie! "

"Yes, your room is ready for you."

The customer service made a call and then respectfully presented two room cards.

Li Pan looked at the room card, which had the name and logo of Solomon Hotel printed on it, as well as a ring. Then he blinked, turned over the card, and saw a golden key.

Solomon's gold key is larger than the silver key. The key handle is made into a ring, and it looks like it can be worn like a ring.

Duan Kecheng seemed to have been here many times, and he took Li Pan to the elevator by swiping his card easily.

This elevator does not go up, but down. From the lobby down, U1U2, all the way down to U2513261...

Well, either the elevator display is wrong, or it's some kind of space magic.

After coming out of the elevator, it is still a hotel guest room. The floor is covered with carpets. On both sides are guest room doors and various oil paintings. There is one hanging directly opposite each door, and it seems that every painting is a magic oil painting. It will An animated GIF, and the content of the paintings is, without exception, hell.

Various skin colors, various appearances, various human or human-like civilizations were brutally exterminated and slaughtered for various reasons. Mass extinctions caused by various reasons such as plague, famine, war, execution, massacre, fire, flood, asteroid impact, etc.

To be honest, when painting the picture of destruction, the inspirations of these heavenly artists are really endless and endless.

Duan Kecheng flicked the doorway casually, and the doorway turned into a golden butterfly, flapping its wings and flying forward quietly, leading the two of them to a door at the end of the corridor.

Li Pan turned his head and looked at the oil painting at the door. The painting depicts the scene of the continental plate rupturing. Kingdoms on land collapsed in the earthquake, and countless creatures and the glorious civilization they once created fell into the bottomless abyss. .

Duan Kecheng opened the door and found that the room was just an ordinary five-star hotel suite.

"Let's wait here, brother. It also comes with a fruit platter. Would you like to eat an apple?"

Li Pan walked to the window and looked outside. The scene outside turned out to be the city center block where they came. Pedestrians and cars could be seen from a distance traveling through the city.

"Is this...holographic projection? Or is it a space power? Or is it an illusion?"

Duan Kecheng gnawed on an apple and lay down on the window, "I don't know. This is the special skill of the Devil's Nest. Among the Devil's Crow, there are only a few magicians with spatial powers."

Li Pan turned to look at him, "Human, are they human?"

"Really?" Duan Kecheng gnawed on the apple, "I heard that they were indeed human beings before, but somehow they got lost into the virtual abyss and drifted to a different world. They were exposed to special cosmic radiation and underwent genetic mutations. They slowly... It becomes human-like. The skin and limbs have changed to adapt to the environment, but the basic appearance and core organs are still similar to humans."

Li Pan recalled the appearance of Belia and couldn't help frowning, "Is that similar to a human being?"

Duan Kecheng also knew what he was thinking, "That's not her original appearance, it's a magic weapon made by the Demon Cave Civilization, which is equivalent to armor.

The materials that can be collected are different in each world. Civilization can only develop based on the materials that are available at hand. For example, the big brothers like to make metal magic weapons. We used to use various jade and stone materials, but the demon cave people used lamb skin. "

"Lambskin? Is that what lambskin looks like? What exactly is lamb?"

"Lamb... wait, he seems to have a magic weapon here that you can watch the introductory video with... Huh? I remember this magic weapon. She raised her hand and waved it like this last time..."

"...You have to press the switch."

"Oh! As expected of my eldest brother! I can also find out the secrets of the magic weapon in the Devil's Cave at a glance! He is really smart and amazing!"

"This is just a remote control... Oh, I'll do it myself."

So Li Pan grabbed the remote control to watch the hotel's TV program and quickly found the record of 'Lamb'.

After the playback started, the customer service staff at the front desk of the hotel just appeared in the camera, and then took a whiteboard, wrote and drew, and introduced the main agricultural product of the Devil’s Village, ‘lamb’, like a teacher giving a lecture.

His crayon drawings are really abstract, and I don’t know if it’s because his hands are shaking or something else. The things he draws have seven or eight legs and tentacles, and he also blackens the picture with large areas of oil paint like a psychotic person. It’s mentally polluting just to look at it. .

Well, in short, it’s an existence that lives in the ‘interstitial’.

It cannot be called a 'creature', because this thing can exist in the endless abyss and chaos, and there is no so-called genetic code. It is obviously different from the 'creature' in the general sense.

According to the research of the demon cave people, these things are a combination of the remaining thoughts of those dead worlds, crawling out of the ruins of ruined civilizations and the remains of human beings, the remaining despair, unwillingness, pain, crazy will, and Something in the gap combines, an existence born from the darkness.

Some people say that this is the spirit of death in the world, while others say that it is the resentment of the extinct collective body of human consciousness. Some people say that it is something that is attracted and summoned by human despair, crawling out from higher dimensions and darker abyss.

In short, these existences are large or small, some are young, some are ancient, and do not have a certain shape or appearance. They prey on each other, hybridize with each other, and merge with each other, just like plankton in the void. And the bottom of Xuyuan's food chain is the 'lamb'.

"Why sheep? Doesn't it have a fixed shape?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because the first one everyone in the Demon's Nest saw had hooves and horns, and it looked like a lamb. Anyway, it became a convention later on, and it even turned into some kind of civilized totem worship."

Perhaps this is the case. The bones of civilization on the scientific side are iron and its blood is oil. There is no doubt that human civilization is built on the Lamb.

Although they don’t know how they do it, it is obviously the secret of their civilization. Not only can the demons hunt, but they can even manipulate and raise lambs, and use the skin, flesh, bones and blood of the lambs to develop a strange civilization that has never been seen before.

And what's interesting is that the lambs that represent destruction in other worlds can actually live in peace with them and be used by them. Even the experts of the divine religion can't figure out the cause and effect.

So even these awesome demon sects who are coaxing and conquering the heavens have to possess their bodies and trade with them on an equal footing. According to Duan Kecheng's description, it's like the primitive tribes that occupied the Silk Road. You can only give them a small fortune because people in other places are really not adapted to life in Xuyuan.

However, the divine religion now has many ways to use lambs. Therefore, seeing that there are almost no usable materials on Earth in 0791, Duan Kecheng plans to trade the company's monsters for some lambs.

While talking, there was a knock on the door, and the people from the Demon Cave had arrived. Li Pan sat upright, secretly concentrating on gathering energy to deal with the demons from another world...

"Hey, hello, gentlemen~~My name is Jimoni, thank you for taking care of my little sister's business~~"

What came in was three... well, it looked like she was some kind of resident lady working in the outsourcing service industry.

Maybe this is the skin disguise she used. In short, she looks like a call girl wearing a low-cut dress and heavy makeup. Except for the dark eyes, she doesn't have any other horns, tail, hooves, small wings or anything like that.

Duan Kecheng said, "Jie Jie Jie! A duke is here! I am very satisfied! You have served our brothers well and will give you extra time! Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Seeing Li Pan squinting at him from the side, Duan Kecheng hurriedly sent a message over,

"Brother, you should also smile twice to show your friendliness. Don't scare others."

Your sister is so stubborn, it will only make it even more terrifying!

Li Pan had no choice but to follow the local customs and say "Jie Jie" twice to deal with it.

"I, Li Xuehong, please take care of me when we meet you for the first time."

This was probably not the first time Jimoni had interacted with people from the Cult. She was not embarrassed. She smiled gracefully and took out her business card from her small purse.

"It turns out to be Master Li from the Divine Sect. I'm glad to meet you. My little sister is an angel from the Demon Cave, Duke level. This is my contract."

Li Pan took it and saw that the business card was densely packed with otherworldly words. It was indeed a contract. Then he blinked and saw the words twisting and changing like worms, changing into a format he had seen before.


ACA Antique Collectors Association

S56 Site Director

DU level collector

"Collector..." Li Pan looked at her, "Did you join the ACA alone, or are you all the ACA?"

Jimoni said with great interest,

"This master seems to be very clear about the affairs of Tianwaitian..."

Duan Kecheng, "Of course! My eldest brother has great powers! He knows everything! He knows everything! Jie Jie!"

Jimoni and Li Pan glanced at him silently, then turned around and said,

"I don't dare to hide it from the two masters. We, the Abyss Demon Clan, have signed a contract with the Heavenly Outsiders Clan, accepted joint venture shares, established a business alliance, become a core member of the ACA Collectors Association, and joined their Heavenly Trade Agreement.

Now our goods can travel all over the world and all over the heavens. As long as you can afford the price, I will have everything you want in all the heavens and realms. "

“You joined the trade deal??”

In an instant, the hair on Li Pan's back stood up.

The company doesn't know about this.

Doesn’t joining the Heavenly Trade Agreement require a show of hands vote by the Security Committee?

The dignified committee members didn’t know that the committee had signed a contract with a competitor behind their backs?

Or are they hiding it from the department managers below...

To put it bluntly, if forces like the Devil's Crows, which deal directly with other worlds, really join the trade agreement, then TheM Company's 'monster' monopoly on trade will definitely be forced to cease.

Late~~autumn~~~ ruins people’s wealth! Killing parents! It seems that there is really going to be a war.

Jimoni glanced at Li Pan,

"Oh, the master is so powerful. He actually knows everything about the outsiders..."

Duan Kecheng, "Ha... Jie Jie! That's natural! All major events in this world cannot escape the palm of my eldest brother's hands, and all changes are clearly visible! What can you, the people in this little devil's cave, hide from my eldest brother's fiery eyes! Jie Jie Jie!"

Li Pan and Jimoni glanced at him silently, then turned around and said,

"I heard that there are people in the outer world who monopolize the 'outside trade'. I guess you are already prepared for war, right?"

Jimone smiled,

"People die for money, and birds die for food. How can we know such a huge profit if we don't work hard for it? Besides, the master knows it very well, right? We have no way out."

What does this mean?

Li Pan glanced at him, and Duan Kecheng sent a caring message.

"Oh, the Demon Sect is about to go through a thousand-year catastrophe. There are a lot of thieves there, and they are constantly going through tribulations. Now that the new generation of disciples have reached the stage of 'cultivating Qi to transform into gods', they are about to start killing people and annihilating their karma.

Now Emei Mountain has led a group of demons to form an alliance, preparing to slaughter the heavens and sweep away all realms. The demon caves are the first to bear the brunt, and they will probably be exterminated when others come to kill them. "

Old man Li Pan looked at the subway with his expression.


Jimone smiled bitterly,

"Yes, they are the demons in Emei. Your religion refused to save them, so we had no choice but to seek medical attention and seek help from everywhere."

Duan Kecheng, "Jie Jie! It's just Emei! What a big deal! Our divine religion raises our hands to destroy them! If we don't destroy them now, it's just that the time has not come yet! Jie Jie!"

He was shouting while sending messages,

"Brother, please don't get into trouble with her. This is a catastrophe that happens once in a thousand years to the Demon Sect. It's the time when they are fighting for their energy. The entire Demon Sect swarms in, and everyone is acting crazy. It's really cruel. There are very few people on our side who will be invaded, and we will only be worse off than them if we fight each other. There is nothing I can do to help."

So Li Pan also understood and smiled and said,

"It's just a demon sect, it's no big deal. If Miss Jimoni wants to seek shelter, there will always be a place for you among the billions of heavens under our divine sect. But we are here to make a deal this time..."

Duan Kecheng also raised his hand and took out a pair of bows and arrows.

"Look, look, he's not bad! Jie Jie!"

"Huh?" Jimone looked surprised, "The Bow of Artemis? It's so well preserved, and the seal of the godhead is not damaged at all... Which world is this projection from?"

Duan Kecheng smiled sarcastically, "Jie Jie! You don't care where it came from, just give me a price! How many sheep?"

Jimoni looked at Li Pan, "As far as I know, such ancient gods will be devoured by the masters of your sect and will not be traded. Unless they are things on the other side of Tianwaitian. But the things there, It’s still so complete…it must have been stolen from the company.”

Do you really know the company...

Duan Kecheng continued Jie Jie, "Of course! My eldest brother has all the plans and can do anything! It's just a company, a chicken and a dog! Jie Jie!"

Li Pan coughed quickly, "Miss Demon Princess, there is something going on. Everyone knows it. Since you want to join the trade agreement, you will have to confront the company sooner or later. Even if you steal other people's things, so what."

Jimoni smiled, "Yes, you can take it as long as you want, so what. I will give you a hundred sheep, and we can all make friends."

Li Pan frowned, "Only one hundred..."

Duan Kecheng immediately pulled his face.

"You bastard! How dare you play tricks on us! Just a hundred sheep want to trick my brother's treasure! You're looking for death!"

Jimoni was stunned, "One hundred sheep is a lot. Artemis is just a god on earth, and her godhood is only worth fifty sheep. However, it is indeed rare to have such a well-preserved sheep. In order to make friends with you two, my little girl has already Much is given.”

Li Pan shook his head, "You're not sincere if you haggle like this, and I don't care if you lower the price, but you have to know that we're not doing serious business, and you can get rare goods. Do you understand?"

It’s not like everyone is unaware of the company’s conduct. I am taking food from a tiger’s mouth and taking huge risks. If this matter is leaked, they will have to send at least seventeen or eight fleets to attack me.

Only when the profit is appropriate can capital dare to take risks. You can’t even part with 300% of the profit, you just want to sit back and enjoy it. There is no need for everyone to cooperate in the future.

Brother, let's go. "

Duan Kecheng simply got up.

Upon hearing this, Jimoni hesitated for a while, then nodded.

"Wait a minute, okay, what you said does make sense, 300% profit... Okay, I'll pay two hundred heads, but this is a big amount, and I have to get goods from other hells."

Duan Kecheng twisted his face and said,

"Brother, I don't think this girl is sincerely deceiving her. Maybe she is really short of money. How about..."

Li Pan sighed, "Oh, why are you trying to make things difficult for me and her when we discuss business? That's all. Let's just give it two hundred. We've lost money..."

Duan Kecheng, "Brother, I was wrong. Hey! Didn't you hear me talking to you? Give us some small gifts! Bring another plate of these apples!"

Jimoni, "...Yes, please wait a moment, I will make arrangements right away."

As soon as the other party left, Duan Kecheng immediately became happy.

"As expected of my eldest brother! I originally wanted to sell all those junk things and exchange them for seventy or eighty of hers! You just sold them for two hundred! That's amazing!"

Li Pan was curious, "Aren't you going to break the restrictions of heaven? Are seventy or eighty sheep enough?"

Duan Kecheng laughed, "Of course! A lamb needs to eat 500,000 people to grow, two hundred! Hahaha! I don't know where to find so many people to herd!"

Li Pan was stunned for a moment, "This sheep...cannibalizes people? Wait a minute, didn't you say that the divine religion...disdains killing people..."

Duan Kecheng smiled and said,

"Of course, the people in that world are not of much use and can only be used as fodder for sheep herding, and only when the lambs are grown can they be sacrificed.

If they don’t feed people, what else can they eat? If you want to go against heaven and erode the way of heaven, you have to eat people.

Don't worry, brother, we don't need to bother catching people to feed it. We just need to put these lambs on the ground and it will grow on its own. Just like the sheep looking for grass to eat.

According to my estimation, as long as a population of 40 to 50 million people is eaten, it will be enough to break the heart of heaven, reshape the way of heaven, and welcome the entry of our divine army!

Ha ha! Two hundred heads! If we eat 100 million of them, there will be 13.9 billion left on the earth, which is enough for us! "

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