I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 183 Backup

I won’t mention my ex-girlfriend anymore.

Anyway, he and his girlfriend stayed and flew together in Europa, so it was a pleasant little life, and there was no need for Li Pan to suffer from pancreatic acidosis in the garbage dump.

Anyway, take care of yourself first.

The Uzumaki Gang's vigilance has become tighter again. So many people died during the last air-conditioning riot, but it grew stronger. They even directly expanded out to the outskirts of the city and controlled the garbage dumps as resource points.

Although there is no one to compete with them...

In fact, this situation is easy to understand. There will only be more and more poor people. More and more more and more...

Wealth will inevitably transfer to the rich. Without strong secondary distribution, the end of the gap between the rich and the poor will be the collapse of the financial crisis order.

When that happens, it will be a corporate war. Only when one whale falls and everything survives can the cycle continue.

But if a real war breaks out, even large companies will be seriously injured, and the supporting companies in the upstream and downstream of the various supply chains will naturally not fare much better. Even if it does not become a collateral casualty, it cannot escape the loss of funds, bankruptcy and unemployment.

As a supply chain is interrupted, the company group is bound to move its production lines to a more stable world to stop losses. This transfer will not come back until the next war. As a result, the number of people who have lost the largest trade order in the world and have been reduced to the fringes and the bottom has become more and more countless.

And the poor are also divided into three, six or nine grades. Compared to corporate dogs that easily make hundreds of millions in transactions. A person who is bankrupt and unemployed is a poor dog, and a person who earns 10,000 yuan a month is also a poor dog.

So for those who have been laid off from the company, if they still have a little money, they can open a grocery store, a hotel or something to resell garbage.

But without savings, without citizenship and company social security, and without unemployment benefits, it is natural that you cannot lie flat in a building apartment.

Since you don't dare to grit your teeth and stomp your feet and jump off the rooftop to see if you can awaken your superpower and make a comeback, at least you have to fill your stomach, right?

There is a shortage of supplies in the wasteland. It is not that we are desperate, and no one wants to go out to the bad land to wander and suffer and pick up garbage.

Needless to say, if you want to be a cyberpunk mercenary thug, Red Tengu, you must at least have some ability to be noticed by others. If you really have that kind of ability, you won't be fired.

As for gangsters working in sewers and living in the world, they have to be born bad, ruthless and heartless enough to survive, otherwise they will be meat on the chopping board and the power supply material in Black Mewtwo.

In comparison, the Uzumaki Gang is relatively easy to join. There is basically no threshold. As long as you grit your teeth, stamp your feet, sell your retinas, kidneys, bone marrow, etc., put on a prosthetic body and obey the command, you can join the family war group.

Although the Uzumaki Gang doesn't pay wages and still requires you to work hard, at least you have three meals a day and enough bullets...

In short, Li Pan discussed with the sentries of the Whirlpool Gang and asked them to borrow a way. He thought that relying on his relationship with Bobo would be fine.

As a result, I didn’t expect that she was also new here, and she didn’t recognize her breasts and boobs at all…

Li Pan wanted to simply pay the toll to solve the problem, but it turned out that the other party didn't have an iris scanner. They were in a remote wilderness outside the city, and there was no use for eight billion in his account...

But Li Pan had already taken off his equipment down to his pants, so he couldn't strip the two sick people in the car, right?

Of course, he could also raise his fists and beat these guys into stars in the sky and ice crystals on the ground, but considering that the Uzumaki Gang always swarmed up and said "RPG!", he had to forget it. It's not easy to pull a truckload of goods here.

In the end, Li Pan had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and help them repair a pickup truck, two machine guns, and four motorcycles. He only passed the test when his face was covered with engine oil.

After bumping and bumping like this, we finally entered the industrial area that is the territory of the Whirlpool Gang.

Most company dogs really don't want to come to this kind of rat den. In addition, Li Pan specially used Xuan Ming Crystal to draw a spell on the truck track to hide it. It seems to be quite effective, at least all the way to the Whirlpool Gang's territory. No company dog ​​will come to block the way again.

In short, Li Pan drove the car to the gate of the Uzumaki Gang's super factory and first helped Cai Zi find a prosthetic doctor.

"Internal bleeding, stomach perforation, fractures, fractures, broken spine, paralysis, concussion, possible intracranial hemorrhage... It's hopeless. Just wait to die. His eyes are not bad, so dig them out for me."

The prosthetic doctor glanced at Cai Zi with his eight prosthetic eyes and offered Li Pan a price of 2,800 yuan for the piece of meat.

Li Pan took the card reader and pressed it repeatedly, scanned his pupils, and swiped twenty-eight thousand for him.

"Save her."

"Hey! Her whole body is broken! It's like she was rolled over by a train! She only managed to breathe after being equipped with a prosthetic body. It's already a miracle that she survived until now. How can she be saved?

If you really can't bear to part with it, why not cut everything up for you and put it in a jar? If you keep it well, it will last about two years? "

"Oh shit! It's not because she was lucky that she didn't die. It's because the person who beat her spared his hand and didn't want to beat her to death!

Stop talking nonsense, save her if she can be saved. "

Li Pan swiped another twenty-eight thousand.


Sure enough, money can buy everything.

The prosthetic doctor took a look at Aiko's blood quality with a disappointed look on his face. He opened her eyes and scanned the implant model number printed under her eyelids. Then he walked to the kitchen-like prosthetic factory at the back and tinkered for a while. Pulled out two spines from the refrigerator, one stainless steel and one bone.

"There are not many matches left. This one is 18,000, this one is 2,660, whichever one you choose."

Li Pan frowned. The metal was rusty. He picked up the bone and spine and smelled it.

"Hey, are you kidding me? A living person's piece only costs 300 yuan. Why does this thing cost 18,000 yuan?"

"Then it's not from a living person. It's from a company dog. A bunch of androids died a while ago. Do you want it? There are no fresh ones to match."

"Okay, put it on."


The prosthetic doctor threw Caiko face down on the operating table and cut open her clothes.

"Oh, right,"

While Li Pan was paying money, he turned to Letitia who was in a daze and said,

"Hold her down."

Leticia, "Huh?"

Then the prosthetist used an electric saw and smacked Caiko open from the back.

Ayako, "Ahhhhhh——!!"

Leticia, "Fah, ah, ah! You didn't take anesthesia, ah! Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!"

Li Pan was responsible for sweeping the money.

"There are no serious anesthetists in this shitty place. Don't touch the needle if you see it. You may have used it many times. If you prick it, you will definitely get AIDS."

"--Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Caizi twitched for a while and became motionless.

Leticia's face was sprayed with blood, "Hey, hey, hey! Is she dead?!"

Li Pan felt it,

"It's okay, Qi is still here, he just fainted.

Don't worry, Ninja Ninja, they are very tolerant, and some people will be fine even if they are cut into pieces and canned. "

The prosthetic doctor laughed.

"Girl! Don't worry, I graduated from the Department of Medicine of Dongda University. I am absolutely professional. I guarantee that I won't kill her."

Leticia glared angrily, "How can you, a graduate of Tokyo University, end up in a place like this!?"

The prosthetic doctor spread his hands and said, "Because this poor place is close to home."

The robotic arm of the operating table stretched out, removed the doctor's hands and prosthetic eyes, unfolded the special prostheses and miniature microscopes covered with scalpels, and at the same time inserted various metal wires and drug pipes into his spine.

At this moment, the operating table seemed to come alive. Countless mechanical arms were like spider's feet. They dissected Caiko's entire body in the air and took out the damaged organs and prosthetic plug-ins that were beaten to pieces and bruised with blood. The fresh garbage and cheap goods in the morgue are as delicate as weaving a web.

Letitia was stunned.

Li Pan continued to brush his eyes, "Don't worry, you can see how capable he is when you see so many successful cases of the Whirlpool Gang jumping around.

Hey, she has cold air entering her body... In short, her lungs can no longer be used. She needs to replace them with synthetic ones. Wai, you don’t want it if you are addicted to drugs! "

High technology is high technology. Of course, places like the Whirlpool Gang don't have those level 5, 6 or 7 orange equipment. It’s fun to find a level 4 implant that can be used.

So the doctor cut while cutting, and from time to time he took out a damaged internal organ that needed to be replaced. The internal organs that were accidentally punctured by him during the operation also needed to be replaced. From time to time, he found that the internal organs had been eroded by Xuanming Zhenqi and had to replace them. Li Pan said Didi, didi, didi, you have to pay with your eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's by the way. Do you want to dress up too? I'll treat you."

Leticia stared at the shocking scene in front of her, shook her head violently, and then reacted.

"What are you sucking!"

Li Pan chuckled, "Don't you want to be my pet?"

Leticia raised her foot and kicked him.

Li Pan casually twisted his waist and dodged past.

"The action of raising the shoulders is too obvious. Don't always attack the upper section, use more stepping and stepping. Come on, suck, suck, suck."

Leticia was angry and chased after him for a while, but unfortunately she couldn't touch Li Pan now.

The doctor from the Uzumaki gang was annoyed, "Hey! We're in surgery! We need to have sex and go to the morgue!"

Li Pan stopped teasing Letitia. He paid off the medical expenses of his subordinates, settled the balance of the mission, and asked her to wait in the operating room to continue taking care of Cai Zi. Take the goods back to the factory warehouse and hide them yourself.

When he returned to the parking lot, to his surprise, there was a red-haired child staring straight at his truck despite the talisman drawn on it and the canvas covering it...

Um? Red hair?

"Oh, you are Xiao Duanshou's disciple, right?"

The child turned his head, and sure enough, it was the child Li Pan had seen in Duan Kecheng's cave.

He was indeed revived, but the skin had not yet been transplanted. His face was bloody and bloody, and blood symbols were painted on his eyebrows, heart, hands, and back. He was indeed a blood puppet clone.

This is basically the lowest-level slave of the Blood God Cult. It is not considered a disciple, but a servant and puppet. When necessary, it can be used to seize materials from dead soldiers. To a certain extent, it is similar to a prosthetic android.

"Is your master okay?"

The child looked at him in confusion, as if he didn't understand.

Li Pan thought for a while, opened the container, took out a box of eight bottles of Xuan Ming Crystal, and stuffed it into the child's hand.

"The souvenirs brought back from the trip are for your master."

The child was stunned, and suddenly the talisman between his eyebrows flashed, his eyes lit up with blood, and his face suddenly became brighter. He looked at Li Pan and said,

"Brother! Oh, big brother! Oh, come as soon as you say you will! What else do you need to bring!

Yo! Yo yo yo--! Brother! Where did you get such good thousand-year-old ice? "

Li Pan didn't hide it from him either, pointing to the sky,


"Wow——! No wonder I haven't seen you for a few days. My elder brother has made great progress! It turns out he went to Tianwai Tian to practice! He also obtained such a treasure! Congratulations! Such a good thing! Do you have any more?"

"Damn! For the sake of your knowledge!"

Li Pan moved another box to him.

"You use this first, and I'll put the rest in the warehouse. If you want to come back to pick it up, help me guard it."

"Hey brother! You! Relax! Let's go!"

The child laughed, holding the two boxes above his head, and jumped into the crematorium.

Uh, is there actually a 'back door' there...

Don't mention it, although my brother is often stupid, he actually has some rough and tumble details, and he has quite a different idea...

That's good, I can come visit you more often in the future.

How should I put it, although the younger brother is set up to be a great demon who wants to conquer the earth and is the public enemy of all mankind in the world. In order to become a regular company manager, the task objectives must be eliminated.

But let’s be honest...

As long as he hides in the cave to practice all day long, the most he can do is steal some corpses, and go out every few decades to catch some children. In these days, he can be said to be harmless to humans and animals, and has a kind heart.

Now that he has a lot of troubles, Li Pan simply doesn't care about him.

Whatever, I don’t know if the company or something is still there, I might just change jobs...

Unfortunately, the company is not that simple. After spending a small amount of 200,000 yuan to perform surgery on Cai Zi, when Li Pan drove his car to the Panlong factory, he saw the company's floating car parked in the factory yard from a distance.

Ashiya Shiki was wearing a mage's robe and drawing talismans on the roof. Kotaro, Aqi, Rama, Lao Liu, and Husky each took a handful, applied it with glue, and pasted it on the glass on the wall to defend the fort, and on Li Pan's factory It's like a cursed house, no, a cursed house where you've lost thousands of rounds of mahjong.

So this Onmyoji is a heretic. He can’t even put a talisman on it, he sticks it everywhere...

"Hey Husky! Don't put the super glue on the glass! It's hard to wipe off!"

Li Pan was also confused.

"No, why are you all gathering here?"

The floating truck Shiba floated over and helped move the containers to the warehouse.

"Boss, the company was attacked by the enemy and closed for rectification. The lights in the office and warehouse were turned off.

The regular employees have evacuated to the whale aircraft carrier, and now they have activated the stealth mode and are hiding in the deep sea.

We were all temporary workers, without permission to board the ship, and the company had no other assets, so we came to Panlong to take shelter temporarily. "

Oh shit, is it so miserable? Temporary workers have no human rights...

Floating car.18,

"And the boss, now the headquarters suspects that there is an insider in the company, which has caused the company's location to be leaked.

And this time your coordinates were intercepted by other companies and the support troops were ambushed.

Now the technical department is investigating the golem within ICE and requires communications to be silenced. Company communications are temporarily unavailable. "

Li Pan was confused for a moment.

"What does it mean to be leaked? Isn't the company location printed on the business card? How about such a big building..."

Aqi came over and explained,

"During a corporate war, the company will activate the "Company Asset Protection Agreement." After you sign and activate it, boss, it stands to reason that uninvited visitors and bidding opponents will be temporarily unable to access the company.

But this time, people from the hostile company took advantage of the moment when the support troops were ambushed and broke in directly from the gate. If it weren't for the large number of clone soldiers in the technical department who resisted, and the support troops broke out of the encirclement in time to return to the rescue, the consequences would have been disastrous.

This timing was too precise, so the headquarters believed that someone inside violated the rules and leaked the secret. "

So that's the case, no wonder he was left alone, but the "Protection Agreement"?

Li Pan, "Have I signed it? Oh, just think I have signed it..."

Anyway, he signed so many documents that he barely looked at them...

"But speaking of the mole...where is Yamazaki Ayato?"

Floating car.18,

"He was put in a whale position because he is a PMC legal person. Now that the PMC is in the process of approval, he needs special protection."

Oh, has the mole been given priority to protect...

"And boss, because of the emergency evacuation, the office stuff has been moved here for you. This is your formal attire. This is the task assigned to you by the headquarters."

Ah Qi handed over the formal attire and portfolio.

"Oh...you won't be allowed to take paid leave, right..."

However, the formal attire was reversed just right. Li Pan in shorts changed into Li Pan in formal clothes, finally looking a bit human again, and then he opened the sealed file bag and took a look.

Hey, let me go, what time has it been? Can you believe that the series of monster purchasing tasks will continue?

Well, after all, the company supports you to make money, not just for free. If you can't die, just keep doing it!

But it should be called 'monster recycling'. After all, you 0791 had so many warehouses dug up, and the general manager must take the responsibility to get the things back.

And luckily among the misfortunes, the 'war' part of the bidding war will be taken over by regular workers sent by the company. After all, 0791's three melons and two dates are really of no use.

Since the authority was previously transferred to 0113007, Li Pan no longer has to direct everything. He will coordinate other 007 dispatch tasks as the acting minister.

So yes, Li Pan was actually kicked aside.

He had nothing to say. After all, the 'Holy Grail Bidding War' was essentially the final selection task for the general manager.

The company doesn't care how you do it, the most important thing is that you can complete the tasks assigned to you.

Now, his several action plans and proposals, no matter what reasons or excuses, mostly ended in failure.

The head office must be dissatisfied with him. Isn't it time to replace someone now?

"So do they still want Heiyou?"

Eighteen, "0113007 will send someone to pick it up. In addition, if it is contaminated, you will also need to pick up a box for testing."

Li Pan didn't bother to care anymore.

"Okay, let's get back to you, I'm off work."

"Ah? Boss, are you getting off work now?"

"I've been working overtime for a few days, okay? What do I want with two thousand and five thousand?"

Li Pan went to the equipment warehouse and rummaged around and found the military electronic eyepiece ordered by Three-Headed Dog. It was like an eye patch and equipped with various optical aiming, wind direction calculation, low-light infrared night vision scanning and encrypted communication functions. Log in to your personal account and check your email.

"And there is a big customer who can't wait any longer... Oh shit, Ah Qi! There is a photon quantum chip on my desk! Where did you get it!"

"Here I am, boss."

Floating vehicle Shiba floated over and ejected the magnetic stripe of the 'Mikoshi' chip from the hard drive.

"Don't worry, I have backed up all the company's documents and data during the evacuation."

Li Pan was stunned, "Already prepared...wait, have you seen it?"

Eighteen, "Yeah."

Li Pan was speechless, "No, isn't this thing encrypted?"

Eighteen, "Of course there is encryption, Gao Tianyuan's dynamic matrix ICE, but when I was in the invasion drill before, I practiced breaking through similar access control. Although this is an upgraded version, I know the backdoor and the company's equipment supports it." , it’s not difficult.”

Li Pan was curious, "Then what is in here? Key? Code? Electronic ghost?"

18. "No, it's just a deep learning algorithm, a very special RNNs recurrent neural network model. It's quite interesting. It's different from what I've come across, but it's not complete. I estimate that this is only three-thirds of it. One, I don’t know what the complete program is yet. But it’s probably the design blueprint of some kind of intelligent system.”


Li Pan actually didn't understand what she said, but what about the system design drawing?

"So how much is it worth?"

Eighteen, "I don't know. How much is the transportation system worth? How much is the public safety system worth? And it depends on the final function, but it is at that level. Of course, the premise is that it can be completed smoothly. Without committee The approval system is illegal.”

Well... is it actually a system... If you only exchange ten kilograms of spices, you have to pay 10 billion. Isn't this business a bit of a loss?

However, Gao Tianyuan has done a lot of prohibited technologies of this kind and every one of them boasted loudly, but they only saw the establishment of projects but no success. Otherwise, why would someone be beaten so badly?

Anyway, the incomplete illegal system is of no use to him. The value of ten kilograms of spices is still there. If he can get it, at least he can get tens of billions more from the company.

Anyway, just send it to Amakusa...

"Oh, by the way, put the encryption lock on him! There will be consequences for cheating me out of my money!"

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