I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 184 Black Ice Palm

Li Pan put the data strip of the 'Mikoshi' in his formal suit and called a taxi to go to the coordinates given by Amakusa.

This time TheM's home base was destroyed, which frightened the company's employees. They are hiding in the sea, hiding in the suburbs, and dare not go into the city with their tail between their legs.

But Li Pan was fearless.

Before setting off, he specially drank a bottle of Xuanming Ice Crystal to replenish his energy and felt that his whole body was full of strength! Whoever dares to come up to make trouble will be killed instantly with a slap from Xuan Bing!

Ah Qi and the others wanted to come with them, so that they would have someone to take care of them, but they were all rejected by Li Pan.

After all, this time he left the team and acted alone. In addition to mixing things up with Amakusa Shiro, he had to keep a low profile as much as possible.

And after coming back from the universe, Li Pan felt that he could make a breakthrough.

There is a hurdle to break through from the third level of Jiuyin to the fourth level, but there is no bottleneck in advancing from the fourth level to the fifth level. There is Li Qingyun's template that can be copied unchanged. As long as you have enough energy, you can rush to the sixth level and transform for the second time. Only then will there be the next bottleneck.

So Li Pan originally planned to deliver the goods, so he simply retreated in the factory and quickly upgraded "Nine Yin Refining".

As a result, I didn't expect that there would be a lot of people gathered in my stronghold, which would make it inconvenient to practice. So I took a trip along the way, got my business done first, and then found a safe place to upgrade and shed my skin.

This time, the coordinates given by Amakusa Shiro were the commuting area. Li Pan arrived by car, followed the house number into the alley, turned several times, and walked around to an apartment building. He found his destination among the dazzling light signs at the door.

This is a small shop called "Qiju Xiaoting". It is opened in the basement of a group rental apartment. Its service scope is essential oil massage and ear picking...

Tsk, why are there so many wild shops like this? How can they be kept clean...


Li Pan poked his head around and pushed the door open. A charging micro drone squatting on a shoe box floated up, projecting an AI waiter in a kimono.

This small shop is full of Oriental style, and the entrance is quite exquisite and clean. Li Pan explored,

"Is there...aromatherapy massage? The ten kilogram kind?"

"Please enter your membership referral code."

Drones project keyboards.


Li Pan thought for a moment and entered his account number at the 'Veteran Officers Club'.

"Your Excellency Shibata Shigesho, your identity has been confirmed. Welcome to visit us. Please come this way."

Drones buzzed and the projection attendant led the way.

Li Pan followed suit and went down several floors in the basement. He was taken to a small meditation room. He couldn't get into it without bending his waist.

"Please wait."

The drone ignored him and flew away...

Li Pan was also speechless, so he had to sit on his knees with his legs curled up. He waited for ten minutes before hearing footsteps.

As a result, as soon as I got up and sat down, the footsteps passed through the corridor entrance again and went in another direction.

what's the situation? Are there other guests?

There were more than one, and in just a moment, four people passed by, and it sounded like they had gone to other private rooms.

Business is pretty good...

After almost half an hour, a holographic projection flashed in the Zen room. The waiter was projected in front of Li Pan and bowed first.

"Welcome all valued customers to participate in this month's fragrance introduction session."


"The product brought to you this time is a new product launched by Le Jardin Garden Group, Anais IV. The top notes are lemon, lavender, and hyacinth, and the middle notes are lily of the valley, jasmine, and musk..."

In the holographic projection, the waiter talked like a shopping guide.

Li Pan stared at the holographic perfume advertisement for a while in confusion.

No, since we are selling perfume, you should come and smell it on the hour, right? Electronic simulated senses are also available. He can only smell his own feet...

Fortunately, Li Pan is no longer a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. He is a country bumpkin who has seen the world. So he was pretty sure this was not a serious place to sell perfume.

Near his company, he had also seen the official perfume flagship stores of serious luxury goods groups in the luxury commercial streets in the city center. They were all so luxurious and resplendent, with various garden hotel marble floors. I thought it was some high-end theater.

After all, luxury stores are full of high-quality products. In addition to perfumes, there are also various cosmetics, shoes, bags, jewelry, and clothes. These days, ordinary poor people shop online, while those below poor shop in garbage dumps. Those who can also take a floating car to visit shopping malls are usually ladies and eldest ladies from chaebol families. They don't have to go to work, so they go to places like this to spend money when they are bored.

As for luxury goods stores, renting such a large store in a place like the city center is, to put it bluntly, specifically to serve them. It requires an advance reservation, a special car escort, and bodyguards to clear the place. A large store of several hundred square meters in the city center only serves one person, and mortals and dogs are not allowed to get close at all.

Therefore, according to Li Pan's speculation, this small shop is probably secretly engaging in illegal contraband trading in the name of essential oil massage. It may or may not be one of the secret fundraising channels of the Red Tengu organization.

So Li Pan waited patiently for a while. The shopping guide finally finished beeping and finally reached the quotation stage.

Sure enough, this store had a hidden bid, which was based on the public price of Anais IV, which was 80,000 taels per ounce. The product specifications were 3.4 FL.OZ bottles, which is 100 ml. One bottle costs 270,000 taels. Thousands of dollars.

Of course, what is given on the official website is only the official price from a different world of origin, without taking into account the cost and luxury tax. If you are in a remote place like 0791 and want to order through the official website, then you are simply overthinking it and sending a team. Those who couldn't wait were all given to those with connections. Therefore, increasing the price of this kind of smuggled luxury goods from another world by four or five times is a basic operation.

The total number of goods in this transaction is 3,000 bottles, and the minimum order quantity is 100 bottles. At first glance, this base number is smuggled in by cargo ships in boxes and pallets.

Looking at the épice spice content in the Anais IV bottle, which is 3%, Li Pan calculated in his mind and guessed that the ten kilograms of spices mentioned by Amakusa Shiro were referring to this batch.

So that's it. From this point of view, this batch of Anais IV must be a 'fake'. Of course, this is also a 'perfume that blends spices'. It is definitely not the formula of the genuine Anais. It is estimated that the Akatengu printed the packaging himself and mixed it up to make it fake. Causing contraband. Even if it is found, it can be done secretly. It is just a matter of local pirated perfume and going through customs channels to pay personal tax, which will not alert the security bureau.

Now that the quotation has begun, there is still no trace of Amakusa Shiro, but Li Pan touched his chin and guessed that the admission fee was unavoidable, so I immediately asked for it all, ten times the quotation, and paid out all 8 billion to show his sincerity.

I won the bid as soon as I submitted it.

This time, the drone flew over without waiting for a while and took Li Pan away. Several robot geishas passed him on the way, apparently going to massage and pick the ears of customers who failed to bid.

In the basement, a robot geisha was waiting for Li Pan.

"Where's the 'Mikoshi'?"

"You are really careful."

Li Pan handed the chip to the other party.

"How do I get my goods?"

The geisha untied her kimono, opened her alloy chest, and inserted the quantum chip into the server between her ribs.

"The payment has arrived, and I confirmed that it is a real 'Mikoshi'. Someone will deliver the items to you in the LEO-PORT cabin. In addition, we have negotiated for 10 billion, and we have to make up for a batch of logistics and service fees. The balance will be paid when the goods are received. settle."

Li Pan rolled his eyes, "Is this how you deal? At least you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, right?"

Amakusa Shiro, "They are all in the fleet's warehouse. You can't take them out without paying first. You don't have to worry. These 'perfumes' are directly mixed and mixed better than LCL. Just filter them twice before injecting them into the vacuole pool." A bottle of 3 mg is a good dosage. I don’t need to say more, the navigator will understand it when he sees it.”

Li Pan thought for a while, "This is too risky for me. Is this a box of 100 bottles? I will give you a deposit of 3 billion first, and I will also give you the 'Mengyu'. If you confirm that there is no problem, I will give you 100 bottles." Bring the box over and I will inspect the goods, and then we will divide it into five billion and two billion twice, and give you the balance."

Ten boxes of one thousand bottles, but it only amounts to three kilograms of spices, so Amakusa Shiro didn't care.

"Increasing the number of transactions will only increase the risk. If you insist on doing so, that's okay."

Li Pan also breathed a sigh of relief. He only had the 8 billion in hand and still owed the company 144 bottles of black oil. If the company refused to accept the batch of Xuanming crystals, there would really be little money left.

If we can get these ten boxes of perfume first, we can use the excuse of corporate war to sell the company for ten times the price and earn tens of billions. We can then use it as leverage, pay a deposit, and then recruit a group of criminals from the Jinsen Chamber of Commerce. Oil, pry it on the left side, pry it on the right side, and the water will fill up.

To make money, you just buy low and sell high to make the difference. If you don’t take advantage of the corporate war to make a fortune, this village will not have this store if you miss it!

Although the plan is very beautiful, Li Pan himself knows that many of his plans are wonderful, but with his financial luck, the actual implementation will definitely not be so smooth.

But it doesn't matter. There are definitely risks in doing business. If you can't survive it, you'll be lucky. If you can survive, you'll be lucky...


An earth-shaking loud noise came from above.

Li Pan expressionlessly wiped the dust off his head.

Ci'ao, it's here now, right? You're used to it, you're really used to it.

Amakusa Shiro's eyes flashed,

"It's probably the company dog ​​that's your problem again. You go and solve it."

Li Pan said, "That's not necessarily the case."

Amakusa Shiro, "Will the Security Bureau drop bombs into residential areas?"

Li Pan, "That's not necessarily the case."

Amakusa Shiro, "...that's true. Anyway, I'm probably here with you, so you can handle it yourself."

Then it turned around and lifted up the floor, removing the arms, thighs, chest, and hips that were in the way, leaving only the torso, which crawled away from the narrow sewer like a metal maggot.

What Akainu? They all look like mice...

Li Pan sighed, stood up and went out from the front door.

But I guess I did follow him. After all, the only disadvantage of using the transportation system to call a taxi is that you have to log in your personal information and destination.

Although in theory this kind of public system is very safe and cannot be directly attacked by hackers, but again, the system is a system, and the people who use the system are still people.

As long as the company has an insider or is willing to spend money, it is not too difficult to obtain customer data.

Although the company's purpose is generally not to throw guided bombs at customers' heads, it just wants to push advertising packages at fixed points...

However, the power of this bomb was really terrible. Li Pan came out of the secret passage, hid in the ruins and took a look outside. The entire building was razed to the ground and the entire building collapsed.

Although the houses in the commuter area are not all military alloy fortresses, they are still in the city center. The city has been renovated after several corporate wars. High-strength steel is indispensable from top to bottom. The ratio of reinforced concrete is not low, and it is more than enough to be used as a bunker. of. Otherwise, if it were all plywood that bullets could penetrate, gangsters would not dare to live in this place. It can be said that it has been tempered by war.

But I didn't expect that in just this moment, the entire building was blown to pieces and collapsed on the spot. Waves of smoke, dust, gas, and sandstorms filled the city, sending all kinds of masonry, garbage, and metal blocks flying hundreds of meters away, and the human body was torn into pieces. , one by one, it is impossible to put them together. Considering the population density of the commuting area, I am afraid that thousands of people would have been swept to pieces by this time. I don’t know what kind of high-explosive warhead was used...

However, Li Pan estimated that the company dog ​​would not be so naive as to think that even a nuclear bomb would be useless and that a super bomb could kill him.

They probably knew that he was good at parkour and the nearby terrain was complicated, so they simply started by throwing a bomb to clear an open war zone, and then used other super weapons to chase him down. Once he shows up rashly, he is afraid that he will be surrounded by seven or eight large snipers again.

What? Can you use a trick to escape directly?

Yes, yes, but...why did he run away?

If someone hits you, it's natural to hit him back, right?

Now Li Pan no longer has to escape. because of him! Lift! class! Got it!

right! Just do it!

Ahem, of course, Li Pan is a little stronger now. He couldn't withstand one shot before, but now he can more or less withstand two shots. But if the opponent is so compassionate that he sweeps over at 3,600 times per second, let me ask. How should he respond?

So you can do it, but you can’t do it recklessly.

So Li Pan took a deep breath and let Xuan Ming's true energy seep out from the pores of his body, forming a layer of white ice on the surface of his body. His whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of frost. Then he counted with his fingers and raised the palm of his left hand and the palm of his right hand. Gathering his true energy, he drew a spell on the palm of his hand. Then he waved his left hand, built a tent with it, covered his eyes, and walked out of the ruins.


A kind of left-field illusion on the side of cultivating immortals, which involves holding secrets, reciting incantations, and covering the eyes.

If you can't see others, others can't see you.

This sounds a bit deceptive, but in terms of effect, it can also be regarded as a kind of invisibility method. It's just that you have to cover your eyes with one hand, and you have to keep reciting the incantation. The trick is broken as soon as you let go and open your eyes. It's actually quite useless.

In contrast, it is also an invisibility technique. There is a record in the Shangzhen Guan of Xuanmen's most superior latent breath closing technique. Unless there is a destined person, or the skill is one level higher than the other party, otherwise you will not be able to walk in front of the other party. His true identity will be revealed.

The "Nine Yin Dafa" also records the advanced hiding method of escaping into shadows in the dark night. As long as it is night, it cannot be seen or touched. It can be said that it is silent, unconscious, and traceless.

However, spells of that level are too difficult, consume too much, and require too high levels of realm and computing power... In short, Li Qingyun has not learned it yet. Nine out of ten spirits are ineffective, so Li Pan naturally cannot waste his energy and try blindly. Anyway, it is enough to use a blind eye to mistreat people in the scientific world.

So Li Pan covered his eyes, recited a curse, and walked out of the ruins, but he did not run away. Instead, he walked around the ruins with one leg longer and one shorter, as if his leg was lame. At this time, the collapsed building was already filled with smoke and dust, and the sand and dust covered the sky and the sun. Li Pan used another trick to blind him, and no one could see clearly what he was doing hidden in the layer of gray mist in the sand and dust.

So Li Pan also took this opportunity to radiate Jiuyin Zhenqi and Xuanming Zhenqi from the pores all over his body, forming a gray and cold mist, walking into the smoke and dust, increasing the range of perception, and giving Xuanbing Palm To create a damage bonus, he condensed a thin layer of ice flakes in the palm of his right hand and inserted them into the ground one by one to form a formation.

Yes, set up the formation and wrap the ice talisman transformed by Shang Zhen Xuan Ming Zhen Qi into the Nine Yin Zhen Qi. As long as the Nine Yin Zhen Qi is withdrawn, the talisman can be activated and the formation can be triggered.

It's basically the same as digging a trap and laying a minefield. After all, Li Pan was born as an engineer. He learned this little skill the fastest.

Of course, for this kind of small scene, it is not necessary to use the level of the Ten Jue Formation. It is enough to use the formation routines in "One Hundred and Twenty-Seven Roads Black Ice Palm".

It is different from the unique moves stolen from outsiders in "Jiu Ming Demon Breaking Finger". The magical method of Xuanmen is broad and profound. Although it is written as "Palm Techniques", Xuan Bing Palm is all-encompassing and contains hidden secrets. It not only teaches palm techniques, but also teaches arithmetic, formations, spells, Qigong, and Shenfa. It is a complete inherited technique. Dharma, and disciples of all generations will record their own experiences and experiences, which is simply an encyclopedia of tools!

Therefore, Li Pan didn't need to do much original work. As long as he roughly calculated the terrain area of ​​the battlefield, he could imitate the cat and imitate the tiger. He released the true energy ice flakes one by one and arranged the simplest lotus formation on the spot.

After setting up the array, Li Pan returned the same way, jumped into the nuclear defense bunker in the underground garage, hid his body as the eye of the array, and then left his body to conduct reconnaissance.

Soon, the foreign attackers were also prepared and broke into Li Pan's magic circle.

Usually, indigenous mercenaries from the local area prefer to use personal modification implants and SMS equipment, but this group of attackers are well-equipped, with top-grade SBS alloy exoskeleton suits, and also use a large number of drones, spider-style There are fleas, falcons, and harriers, and all of them have had their markings wiped off, hiding their identities. They are obviously the elite security forces of large companies in the world.

Li Pan circled them twice and felt them.

Well, I don’t know which group thinks highly of him so much. I’m afraid there is at least one synthetic camp when he comes back!

The densely packed tanks and aerial vehicles, I don’t know whether it is due to technical strength or financial resources, have escaped the prevention and control system of the Night City. The elite troops broke in at low altitude, airdropped equipment, and the skirmishers quickly reorganized and established an encirclement and blockade. Commuting area. In just a short while, the commanding heights of the corridors at every intersection in the commuter area were guarded by drones and clone soldiers, and a dragnet was set up.

But there are not many real people, only twenty-four are ‘living people’.

These people formed six teams of four and headed straight for the bombed ruins. They are all Level 5 military prosthetics, and there is no guy like Zhang Fang who is particularly playful and comes to fight in a one-on-one fight. They are completely in the special forces mode, with three groups of support and three groups of assault, all equipped with Level 5 weapons. , the support team dispersed, first separated out snipers and observers, and set up three sniper points at high altitudes on the periphery to ambush silently.

Then the drone operator controlled a large number of improved spider self-propelled combat vehicles, deployed a squadron of artillery combat vehicles, and deployed three heavy weapon turret positions. The fire support team opened fire first, continuing to project crossfire from three sides, blasting away all the various Vulcan cannons, howitzers, swarm rockets, white phosphorus incendiary bombs, and cluster submunitions.

Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, rubbish, rubble flying, gunpowder smoke filling the air, amidst the deafening explosions, the intensive firepower once again smashed most of the ruins into pieces, almost razing a large area of ​​flat ground.

At the same time, the assault group charged with artillery fire under fire support bombing.

Each group is headed by an assault trooper and a precision shooter, followed by the drone operator and commander, fifty steps apart from the front, rear, left, and right, and spiders equipped with machine guns and howitzers, as well as clone cannon fodder equipped with the same SBS. The support, advancing in tandem from three sides, hundreds of them forming a dense sieve, the offensive is like waves, one after another, supporting each other at any time, the assault support surrounds, quickly narrows the encirclement, and crushes in.

Professional, this clean and neat tactical quality, and not sitting on the other end of the network cable thousands of miles away using the keyboard to output, these are the commanders who really dare to raise their guns and rush with the cannon fodder. They probably have nails on their foreheads. A veteran, an elite security guard who was directly recruited by the company after retiring.

In fact, for the poor, this is really the best path. First, take out a loan to attend a military school, then serve on Mars and work as a security guard in a large company. This will allow you to enter the corporate dog class.

It's just that the mortality rate at each stage is a bit high and the success rate is relatively low. Moreover, if you join the job in this way, you will only be able to become a security captain. You will be suppressed by corporate sluts who graduated from prestigious schools all the time and suffer workplace discrimination.

Li Pan turned around and saw that they were about to come in, so he returned to his senses, solved the eye-shielding technique, put away the Taoist skills, and took a deep breath. Use all your strength, slap your palm, and strike down with one palm!

"Xuanbing Lotus Palm!"

A palm hit the ground, but it only left a shallow palm print on the ground. The burst of Shangzhen Xuanming Zhenqi Lala shot out a cold current, cracking the ground and spreading like layers of waves. Go, the ice-patterned white frost swept away along the route Li Pan walked, lighting up the crooked footprints on the ground layer by layer, and activating the one hundred and thirty-seven ice fragments and frost symbols buried by Li Pan. !

Shangzhenxuanmingzhenqi soared into the sky, freezing the air into icicles, and at the same time, the cold air bloomed into the sky! Like an ice storm, it suddenly came and only extinguished the smoke of the raging wildfire in an instant. Hundreds of drones and androids froze and exploded, blowing into blood-colored ice crystals that scattered all over the sky, like a flower falling from the clear sky. Snow lotuses are blooming in the city of night!

Li Pan went out of his body to investigate.

Well, Xuanbingzhang is indeed not weak. The living and dead robot clones were all shattered with one slap!

As long as the formation can be arranged in advance and the full bonus of true energy is obtained, a single palm can smash an infantry battalion with tactics deployed.

It can be regarded as a martial arts of large-scale destruction!

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