I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 185 Five Turns

In fact, in the comics and games that Li Pan read before, skills like the Xuanbing Lotus Palm were similar to the Fireball Technique. They looked very powerful, but in fact they couldn't kill anyone at all. They could only force a flash. I didn’t expect it to be so effective at clearing the place here.

Of course, the main reason is that Shangzhen Xuanming's Qi is so powerful that it can directly freeze people into crispy ice. The force of the palm will explode into pieces of ice, and the blood and water will melt away and no bones will remain.

He smashed hundreds of people to pieces with one palm and broke the siege forcefully. Even if the company had no shortage of cannon fodder, it had to consider whether to surrender people like this. These days, a fully armored combined battalion would cost tens of billions, okay?

Li Pan also took a small breath, breathed and breathed for a while, and recovered as much Xuan Ming's true energy as possible, then raised his palm to blast the floor all the way, used the blinding technique, and slipped out of the sewer circle out of the encirclement.

Although I don’t know if the company has other informants in the commuting area, it seems that the other party should be able to see the background data tracking of the transportation system, so calling for a taxi is equivalent to exposing one’s whereabouts in advance. Give your opponent a chance to prepare an ambush.

Fortunately, Li Pan was familiar with this part of the commuting area and had connections, so he turned left and right and walked to the Peace Hotel.

"Lao Wu, Lao Wu? Hey, where is your boss?"

The Peace Hotel was deserted, with no one around. There were just a few gangsters sitting on chairs playing cards. One of them lost all his money and the one watching nearby was just doing nothing. He glanced sideways at Li Pan and said,

"This place is no longer under the control of Old Wu. From now on, the Peace Hotel will be the territory of our Hutou Gang."

"Tiger Head Gang?"

Li Pan took a look at their clothes. There was indeed a tiger head logo embroidered on their chests. It was probably stamped by a handicraft workshop. The tiger head was chubby and quite cute...

"I've never heard of it. You are an emerging force? The powerful Tianlong Gang was destroyed by you?"

The gangster rolled his eyes.

"What? The Tianlong Gang went bankrupt. The Ye family cut off their investment in us and turned against each other to pursue loans. Wow, nine out of ten and thirteen out, who can afford to pay back!

So the gang went bankrupt and reorganized, and the local gangs divided the gang's assets and let us do business on our own to pay back the money. Lao Wu and the others rented the hotel to the gang and retired.

Do you want something to eat? Let me tell you in advance that we will only make noodles and add some tomato sauce to the soup. "

Li Pan, "...then let's have two pots."

So Li Pan replenished carbohydrates in the restaurant while chatting with the gangsters playing cards.

It turns out that during this period, the underworld in the City of Night was experiencing a turbulent Warring States Period. Those old-school societies back then were dead and injured.

Needless to say, the East City Alliance and the Shura Society were all eradicated from the physical level. They had already fallen into disarray.

Naturally, the Ye family would not let the remaining Tianlong Gang dominate, especially since there were still a bunch of underworld martial arts masters in the Tianlong Gang. Without the suppression of the underworld by the prosthetics of the Dongcheng Alliance, these old men were completely powerful against the ordinary gangsters on the market. Crushed.

However, an organization like the Tianlong Gang with no brute force is simply not enough to stand up to Ye's level. The secret party bank made a sudden burst of capital operations, cooperated with the Seventh Bureau of the Security Bureau, sealed the black gold account of the Tianlong Gang, cut off the flow of money, suppressed it a little, arrested the leader for tax inspection, and immediately forced this huge gang to a desperate situation, directly It went bankrupt and liquidated, and each person still had to bear a large amount of debt.

Now those old men like Lao Wu have completely lost their temper. Not only have they been living in the underworld for a long time, but they still have to work to pay off their debts at an old age, and they still have to fight with the young people. Starting from scratch, this is too much. It’s so miserable.

As a result, the old men retired one after another and stopped working when they couldn't stand it anymore. Without this group of elderly double-bonus sticks to support the table, the Tianlong Gang would exist in name only.

But in a place like Night City, where the gap between rich and poor is huge, the underworld cannot be eradicated.

Overnight, small groups like the Hutou Gang were like maggots born on the garbage left overnight, densely packed and everywhere.

Don't look at them now. They are all harmless, with only poker and kitchen knives in their hands. But if they can take advantage of the aftermath of this corporate war, pick up some junk equipment left behind by the company on the battlefield, collect protection fees street by street, and then gradually replace it with level four second-hand prosthetics from the black market to strengthen themselves, Then the fighting power will quickly expand, and it will become an evil party that can dominate the civilian population and dominate the market.

Of course, they can also take this opportunity to be good, stop being bad guys, and learn cooking skills online to start a restaurant. After all, the location of Peace Hotel is quite good, and not to mention, the noodles are quite delicious. …

After a full meal, Li Pan even became friends with Hu Tou, the eldest brother of the Hu Tou Gang. In short, he first followed the rules of the Peace Hotel, paid 20,000 yuan for the meal, made some suggestions for improvement, and added some suggestions for improvements to the hotel. When I was working here, I gave the contact information of the smuggled vegetable seller who followed Lao Wu to purchase goods.

Hutou was also very generous, so he gave Li Pan a badge from the Hutou Gang, dragged Broom Tou into the Hutou Gang's group, and also gave him backdoor permissions, so he could enter the restaurant at any time to cut noodles and eat them.

Li Pan didn't put the sticker on properly, but it was a little more convenient to have the friendly relationship with the Tiger Head Gang, so he went out and turned left, then used the blindfolding method, turned around in a circle, covered his eyes and walked back In the Peace Hotel, you passed through the tiger heads gathered together to study the recipes, passed through the back kitchen, walked down to the cellar of the Peace Hotel, opened the secret passage with familiarity, and entered the icehouse in the basement.

This icehouse used to be an air raid shelter. There is also a secret door in the icehouse, which is a secret passage leading to the New Tokyo Underground City. It was transformed by Lao Wu into a hotel icehouse to store goods and to escape in case of emergency.

The Hutou people lived nearby and were temporarily sent to see the scene. Of course they didn't know about the existence of this underground icehouse.

But Li Pan knew that he had killed fish here before. Smuggled fish, meat, ribs, and all kinds of other things were delivered from the underground city. He opened the door to pick up the goods, processed them, and stored them in the icehouse and In the cellar. Of course, sometimes, the fish sent down from above were cut open and dismembered, and then sent out from the dungeon.

All in all, it's a pretty secretive place. It's guaranteed that there are no spies on the security system, so it's perfect for breaking through.

So he closed and locked the freezer door, Li Pan took off his formal clothes aside, sat down on the knife board of the desk, crossed his legs and meditated. Mobilize the refined Shangzhen Xuanming Zhenqi stored in the inner scene of the qi orifices of the whole body, wash and impact the meridians and the heart, and then force it all into the "Neidan Dragon Ball" in your abdomen, wash it with the Zhenzhenqi repeatedly, and refine it. Shangzhenxuanming inner elixir.

During these days of cosmic journey, he had already filled the meridians of the Tao body shaped by the Nine Yin Four Transformations with the Nine Yin True Qi, and his strength reached its peak. Coupled with the two bottles of Xuanming Qi, although most of them were used to beat the dog, the remaining high-concentration Qi was more than enough for a breakthrough.

Soon, there was a snap, followed by a burst of bones, and Li Pan's body broke through the shackles again and began to grow.

The ceramic armor all over his body was shattered in the battle before. Now, as the muscles and bones grew, the muscles expanded and cracked and shattered. His face and body looked like tiles and eggshells, and pieces were shattered and cracked. Xuan Ming's true energy was like steam, spraying out from the cracks in the skin all over his body, freezing the objects in the surrounding icehouse with thick frost.

Li Pan also tore open his face, tore off the pieces of dead skin on his body, crawled out of the skin, stretched his muscles and arms, stretched his body, raised his head, and hit the ceiling with a thud.

Uh, okay, the fourth-level Taoist body is actually over two meters tall. The fifth-level Taoist body is still human-shaped, but has doubled in size and is now about four meters in size. So much so that Li Pan could only huddle in the icehouse.

The skin on the body is also covered with white scales, and horns have grown on the back and elbows. If you touch your face, you can feel that the entire skull is deformed, and fangs and horns have grown out.

Okay, after reaching the fifth turn of Jiuyin Refining, he has completely mutated into a weirdo.

If he continues to practice like this, based on the changes in Li Qingyun's skin shedding during his sixth turn, he should be in the shape of a person three to four feet long, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake.

And by the time of the ninth turn, it was probably completely transformed into the Taoist body of Zhu Yin, the God of Zhongshan with the head of a human and the body of a snake, which Li Pan saw for the first time in his dream.

According to the company's definition, he was gradually eroded by the 'monster "Nine Yin Manual" and became an inhuman demon.

It's not easy for this weirdo to wander around, otherwise the SEC might think he is a chimera that escaped from some laboratory.

Fortunately, Li Qingyun had already learned the method of "transforming the fetus into a human form and reviving the Nascent Soul".

So Li Pan also sat in meditation and adjusted his breath, gradually retracting the scales and claws of his body, transforming into an adult form.

Of course, compared to Li Qingyun, Li Pan was still a little bit behind the level of being able to transform into a human being instantly.

It took him a full day and night to shrink his body back to about two meters in size, and there were still some details that he couldn't deal with. After all, he was taking a shortcut by replicating Li Qingyun's Taoist body, and he relied on the Xuan Ming Crystal. Li Qingyun's body was flawless and perfect.

But now after Li Pan's fifth turn, the Dragon Ball inner elixir only has a single attribute of Shangzhen Xuanming Zhenqi, so that the entire body characteristics of the person are affected by Xuanming Zhenqi.

For example, the surface of the skin is as cold as ice flakes, the hair is affected by the dual infuriating energy of Jiuyin and Xuanming, turning into a mixture of gray and white, the eye sockets also turn into dragon pupils shining with white light, and heavy ice will form when breathing. gas.

Li Pan tried to exercise his skills, raised his hand and struck with an empty palm. The Xuan Bing palm hit the icehouse door with a bang, leaving a clearly dented palm print on the alloy door panel. At the same time, the remaining Shangzhen Xuanming Qi on the palm print, Ice crystals formed quickly and spread from the center of the entire door. After a while, there was a crunching sound, and a big hole appeared after freezing and shattering.

This time it was not bad, my skill was greatly improved. Just now, he used the Xuanbing Lotus Palm, made breakthroughs, and transformed into a human being. He had already exhausted the true energy in his body. He didn't expect that the Xuanbing Palm still has such power. Wouldn't it be wrong to go back and inhale five or six bottles of crystals? You can walk sideways in the Night City.

Putting on his formal clothes, Li Pan got out of the back door of the Peace Hotel, closed his eyes and observed for a while. The company dogs in the commuting area seemed to have retreated.

The company that had ambushed him before did not continue to send troops, but quickly recovered the remaining equipment and troops and quickly evacuated. Then the NCPA came on stage to wash the floor. Of course, agents from the Security Bureau were also wearing heavy radiation protection suits and inspecting the ice lotus flowers that had not yet melted in the ruins.

Okay, it’s basically safe, you can go back to the company and continue making money.

But Li Pan discovered a new problem.

There was something wrong with his iris scan.

He had previously taken an SBS military goggle from the company and originally wanted to log into his personal QVN mailbox, but it didn't work and he thought he had frozen during the breakthrough.

But when Li Pan found another street vending machine and scanned his eyes, he still couldn't pay. Looking at the white vertical dragon pupils on the glass, which were as thin as ice needles, he knew it was broken.

After five rounds this time, the original shape of the human eyeball may have been destroyed, or there may be other radiation. In short, the scanner does not match the information Li Pan originally logged in, and he cannot log in to his account.

This is equivalent to Li Pan's body now being regarded as an illegal prosthetic body that has not been logged in to the system!

Alas, this is the only trouble in the technological age. Account login and citizen certification are required everywhere, otherwise you won’t even be able to buy shit paper...

Of course, Li Pan would not lose his citizen account and billions of assets. The simplest way is for him to go to the nearby NCPA to log in, log in the prosthesis to his account and enter his physical signs.

However, logging in to a new prosthetic body requires a purchase tax, and Li Pan is now clearly an "illegally produced combat prosthetic body," so he has to report to the customs, go through biological quarantine, and pay a fine after logging in before he can use it. No, considering that Li Pan's damage ability is clearly beyond the fifth level, I'm afraid the Security Bureau will not allow his 'dangerous prosthetic body' to stay on the earth...

"It's really troublesome. I can only spend some money..."

Well, these days, most of the troubles can be solved as long as you are willing to spend money.

Naturally, not all employees from other companies who came to participate in the bidding war on business trips came through customs honestly. Moreover, rich people usually look for excitement, and from time to time they will buy two illegal prosthetics to experience life, which of course costs a lot of money.

So in fact, these prosthetic body registration systems only control honest people. For large companies, they don't care whether it is illegal or not. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy services.

Especially for high-end luxury stores, they naturally do not use low-level iris scanners with transfer limits like vending machines, but instead use private bank servers that have direct access to the public security system.

As long as you register a few bank, medical insurance, and social security account numbers, and then confirm the amounts of the recent private transactions, you can authorize the payment. You will not be reviewed and inspected by the local security bureau at all, and there is a company-level ICE Ensure data security, absolutely assured. It’s just that the only ones that can provide this kind of service are ‘luxury’ stores…

So Li Pan covered his eyes, jumped three times and twice, listened to the music to identify his location, and jumped along the subway line, flying all the way from the commuter area to the central area. Then he put his hands in his trouser pockets and casually walked into a luxury store.

"...Hey, what are you selling here?"

This place was decorated like a five-star hotel, with bars and cafes, but Li Pan didn't notice them at all.

The waiter using the dancer's prosthetic body flashed his eyes and scanned Li Pan, detecting a lot of 'unknown information', 'high radiation reaction', 'extremely dangerous', and a piece of company formalwear. He immediately knew that business was coming, and he smiled happily. Come up.

"Dear Sir, our company is a brand store under the RM Baofeng Group. Our company operates a full range of products, and has dedicated channels and customized production lines. If you have any needs, our company can meet your needs and deliver them to your door."

As the waiter spoke, he used a holographic projection to show Li Pan the menu.

Li Pan had never heard of Baofeng Group, but after looking at the names of their sub-brands, including various jewelry, bags, clothing and cosmetics, Li Pan also knew that they were mainly engaged in six-level customized luxury goods. It is true that these days, the premium for sixth-grade products is the highest, often starting in eight figures.

Li Pan took a casual look and saw that they were all things to please the rich wife. Oh, this sexy underwear is quite...ahem!

"Do you have a car? A motorcycle... no, a car is fine. It's at least resistant to level 5 armor-piercing bombs, and the best one can withstand nuclear explosions. Pick up your car now."

The waiter immediately brought out a streamlined supercar.

"Our company's DB-Advantage series of customized supercars, the most advanced customized intelligent assistance, has recorded the entire local transportation network and road network information of more than one thousand and eight earths, updated in real time, anti-gravity system, magnetic deflection position, Liquid nano-alloy layer, gravitational wave radar, six-level optical terrain optical stealth, water, land and air full system mode, PPE/SF dual engines..."

Li Pan saw a series of zeros at a glance, and took a breath of air-conditioning. He secretly thought that I was still confused, and I dared to enter such a store, so he showed off his strength and said,

"Well, the tax on imported luxury goods has tripled, and the price/performance ratio is a bit low..."

The waiter smiled and quietly changed the car to a matte black coupe, and the price dropped by two digits.

"BRONCO300T, URTRALBOOST limited edition, fearless-grade high-strength alloy body, can withstand battle-grade rail gun fire, five-level on-board track assistance system, basic ECCM protection and ICE module, super-powerful SF turbocharged engine, one-click Activate the manual mode, but it is recommended to drive with a level five or above prosthetic, otherwise it is recommended to add an additional AGSS system.

Because it is a product made three years ago, it has passed the local product protection period and is not subject to additional tax penalties. Now the full price of the car is only 17.8 million. If you issue an invoice headed by a local company, you can enjoy a cash rebate of up to 26 yuan. , free of charge film foot pads for the first time..."

Li Pan's eyes lit up, "That's it!"

Although the smart system and interior are average, they are a bit crude for the positioning of a luxury sports car. But to put it bluntly, it means buying a special high-horsepower engine and adding a Dreadnought-level armored body. It can even carry a battleship's rail gun twice, it's like a tank! Is this kind of wild horse so exciting to drive? value!

The waiter smiled and recommended again,

"Would you like to take a look at the apartment? It's upstairs. There's a corporate war going on in the local area recently. Our high-end apartment in the Baofeng skyscraper is just available. It's in a prime location in the city center. The monthly rent is only 140,000, with one deposit and one payment. Tenants enjoy the treatment of valued customers of the group, enjoy protection in the group’s territory and come with a private garage space.”

Li Pan thought for a while, "Is your group participating in the recent bidding?"

The waiter had such an expression on his face,

"Please rest assured that our company has withdrawn from the first round of negotiation. It is a neutral and non-warring area, ensuring the security of your identity and data. Customers who violate regulations in our service area will be immediately cleared by the local defense system. "

Well, that's equivalent to 140,000 yuan to buy a month's war shelter. Although Li Pan also has authority in the Paradise Group, he was assassinated last time and he didn't dare to live there. This time he changed to Baofeng Group is here to stay.

So I spent millions lavishly to log in the BRONCO300T under my own name, and I can directly log in to my personal account using the in-vehicle intelligent system.

As a result, I lost contact for a day and my mailbox exploded again. There are a lot of missed calls from the company. I don't know if I'm in a hurry. Anyway, something bad happened again.

Alas, didn’t we agree to leave the corporate war to you? Why does something happen if we are absent from work for just one day? Is this okay?

Li Pan had no choice but to call the 18th connection.

"Crooked, eighteen, and swollen?"

"Boss? Boss!! No, boss! The Whale has been sunk! All members of the company have lost contact!"

Sigh...I'm so bored and want to change jobs...

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