I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 187 Unit 2

Although he won the battle, Li Pan felt that his body was a bit overloaded by exerting all his strength.

In fact, the amount of energy consumed by the Black Ice Palm's True Dragon Break is only average. The current superman's physical ability can be used for another day and night. The main reason is that the method of escaping consumes a huge amount of energy.

Li Pan himself was out of breath after running away four times in a row. He had to take a moment and drink a bottle of crystals to regain his breath. During the fighting at the back, he rushed into the defensive net to hide from the nuclear bomb, and escaped three times in succession. He used it frequently, and his heart was already aching. If he tried harder, he would probably damage the meridians and leave hidden dangers, which would be more than worth the loss.

In fact, among the escape methods in the world of immortality, "Yixianyou" is actually very low in energy consumption. Especially when it comes to water escape in the sea, it can greatly increase the escape speed and distance and reduce losses. Unexpectedly, he I can't stand it after escaping seven times in a row. It seems that my skills are not enough...

And there are so many dogs in the company. If two more bastards from those different worlds 007 come out to repay kindness with hatred, and take advantage of his weakness to deceive and attack him, then the boat may be capsized in the gutter.

Therefore, according to the experience of the seniors of the Shangzhen Sect, after the war, you have to find a safe place, retreat to adjust your breath, and carefully repair the meridians to avoid leaving hidden dangers for practice. At the same time, you must review the experience and shortcomings in the battle, and summarize it as " Stuff like "Sword Fighting Wrong Question Book". If you review it yourself from time to time, can you pass on your experience to your descendants in the future?

So Li Pan didn't hesitate to leave such trivial matters as salvaging and rescuing people to Aqi and the others. He directly started the BRONCO300T automatic navigation and went to hide in the apartment of Baofeng Building.

But there is no need to be too modest. Although the opponent is unprepared and has no carrier-based aircraft, it is a bit overwhelming, but it is indeed very strong to be able to defeat three aircraft carriers alone. It is a bit ridiculously strong.

And this is not the limit of this body.

Li Pan had just broken through to the fifth rank of Nine Yin, and his body had not yet reached its peak. The gap in combat power between the early stage of the fourth rank and the peak of the fourth rank was already huge. As long as he can master the skills of Zhenxuan Mingqi, Yixianyou, and Xuanbingzhang thoroughly during this retreat, his combat effectiveness should be able to rise to a higher level.

In addition, while the No. 1 unit of the main body is being overhauled, Li Pan can also refine the No. 2 unit, the clone of the Blood God Son!

When the time comes, two will fight one, wouldn’t it be nice?

So Li Pan called Baofeng's customer service in the car and bought a vampire's 'rebel' prosthetic body through their channels. When he arrived at the apartment, the coffin was already ready and placed in the bedroom.

As expected of a luxury goods group, a specialized service organization directly bought Li Pan an 'ANCILLA Blood Knight'. Judging from the label, it used the genes of the Talianus family. Although it was not a specialized fighting blood knight, But he is still two hundred, seventy or eighty years old, and he can barely be considered a level five prosthetic body.

However, the enhancement is mainly about social aspects. The implant enhancement of charm perception memory is probably for civilian diplomats. In addition, the genetic ability of this prosthetic body does not seem to be blocked. It does not seem to be a 'rebel' that was sold as a regular commodity after being dealt with by the Ye Group, but more like an illegal prosthetic body that was stolen and kidnapped by hackers.

Anyway, it’s just a material used to cultivate the Blood God Son, so it doesn’t matter what it is.

So Li Pan spent 8 million to sign for the 'Blood Warrior', gave the prosthetic body access to the garage of the Baofeng Group apartment, and started refining the No. 2 machine.

In fact, the method of using the brain to insert a link, transfer consciousness, and then practice on your own like last time is not very formal. The combination of science and technology and cultivation of immortality belongs to it.

This time, Li Pan followed the systematic blood puppet refining method in the "Blood Barrel Heavenly Book" and drew a jar of blood himself. While injecting it into the 'Blood Warrior', Li Pan pressed his hand on the head of the vampire prosthetic body to use internal energy to help , let your blood circulate according to the circuit, forming the prototype of meridians.

Then he pressed the scalp of the prosthetic body, pulled it, peeled off the human skin, and directly used his fingers to carve blood on the flesh and coffin, forged and reshaped the body, expelled all the messy implants from the body, and refined them into ones that could be cultivated. personal.

Finally, he adjusted the power of Jiu Ming's demon-breaking fingers and exerted force from a distance. On the inside of the refined blood puppet's head, he engraved the secrets of the divine religion with the blood talisman used to store the soul and control the puppet.

Then Li Pan set up the spirit gathering array by himself, opened two bottles of crystals, inhaled and returned the breath at the same time, and used the "Shangzhen Xuanming Qi Refining Technique" to refine the Shangzhen Qi, repairing the meridians bit by bit.

Wait for Unit 1 to enter a state of seclusion and trance cultivation, then project the Yuan Shen out, enter the orifice from the divine court, drill into the skull of Unit 2, take away the blood puppet body, and then practice it yourself "Taoxi Blood Refining", refining the clone of the Son of Blood.

Thanks to Li Qingyun's extraordinary talent and hard work, he has thoroughly read and memorized both magical arts of the Shangzhen Shen Sect. It would have been Li Pan himself who practiced both magical arts at the same time, which would have led to schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive behavior. Woolen cloth.

However, by putting the Shangzhen Taoist body and the Blood God Son Taoist body together for cultivation at the same time, Li Pan found out through intuitive comparison that whether it was cultivation or performing exercises, Xuanmen's kung fu seemed to be more solid, and slow work produced fine work. What? However, the divine sect's martial arts are particularly domineering. The sword moves in an eccentric direction and the soldiers move dangerously, which is extremely dangerous.

There is such a significant difference when practicing the exercises, and when you practice to a higher level, the growth curve is also obviously different.

Now Li Pan is in the fifth turn of Nine Yins, the Supreme True Xuanming Neidan, and the Yixian Travel Escape Technique. At the beginning, Li Xuehong also practiced the inner elixir of the Son of the Bleeding God, and by the time Li Qingyun reached the fifth stage of Nine Yin Transformations, he could also use the Blood Shadow Magic. So it's completely comparable.

If we simply compare the skills and destructive power, Li Pan's body has gradually caught up, and even the Xuanbing Palm is a little more powerful than Li Xuehong's bloody hand.

But being a little bit more powerful is actually a loss. Who among the divine sect is not a sea of ​​blood, with countless Blood God Sons? You can barely fight one of them, but how can you fight countless others?

Moreover, the Blood Shadow Divine Movement method has more obvious advantages than Yixianyou. There is no need to escape from water, as long as the essence and blood are consumed. The only flaw is that when seizing the body, there is a slight stiffness and the inability to perform the exercise. Otherwise, it would have been easy to dodge the nuclear bomb.

In addition, because the divine sect's skills are too eager to achieve success, the calamity is more dangerous than the Xuanmen's skills. As long as Xuanmen's disciples plan ahead, they can get through any catastrophe, whether it's killing, tribulation, thunder, or death, step by step, but the divine sect's It's different, there is a crisis of death and danger all the time, anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, although at the stage of 'refining qi and transforming into a god', it is true that the God's Blood God Son method is stronger overall. But if you continue to practice, there is no doubt that the foundation of Xuanmen will be deeper, the techniques will be more varied, and the inheritance will be more complete. No wonder my brother is still trembling with fear when mentioning the 'Demon Sect'...

So he casually cultivated Machine No. 2 to the point of 'refining essence and transforming qi'. When he reached the bottleneck of having to pass the killing tribulation before he could continue practicing, Li Pan temporarily stopped practicing. A wet and bloody man came out of the coffin. Put on human skin.

Li Xuehong Unit 2! start up!

It's not bad, the 'Refining Qi' is almost ready for use, and the divine teaching method can be practiced very quickly. I'll go to my younger brother to help him, overcome the killings and tribulations, and refine the inner elixir of the Son of the Blood God, and then I can practice it at night. The capital moved sideways.

The main body was kept here and continued to retreat. After missing work for a few days, he finished absorbing the box of Xuanming crystals he brought. After all, practicing from the fifth to the sixth level requires a huge amount of Qi, and it is still based on the cultivation of the original body. At worst, if the company asks, they will just say that the aircraft carrier was injured.

So Li Pan drove the No. 2 machine, cough cough, so Li Xuehong changed into casual clothes and went out. He was about to drive a sports car and go straight to the motel in the garbage dump outside the city to continue to break through and level up.

As a result, he took the elevator to the lobby and suddenly saw a familiar figure flashing past.

It's Ryoma Ito.

Oh, it's the one with thick eyebrows who messed up his interview and sent someone to almost kill him.

This guy was not wearing the uniform of the Security Bureau. He was dressed up. He was wearing a formal dress and a watch. He was spraying perfume and looked like a human. He looked like he was here for a date.

Then take revenge easily.

So Li Xuehong slipped out of the elevator in a flash and followed him swaggeringly. Anyway, he looked like a cosmic vampire, so he was not afraid of being recognized.

Following him all the way into a high-end hotel, Li Xuehong found a seat in the corner of the lobby. I casually ordered a 100 yuan cup of mineral water and pretended to be surfing the Internet. My soul left my body and followed the other person into the private room inside.

I originally thought that this guy was here to have a blind date with Sister-in-law Regan, but it turned out not to be the case.

In the private room was an Oriental woman in a low-cut backless evening dress. The aperture on her temples shone with blue light, and her skin was as white and smooth as ivory. She should be a luxury-grade high-end prosthetic body customized by Sky People or Space People.

"Miss REIKA, I've kept you waiting for a long time. It's a real honor to meet you."

Ryoma Ito stood at attention and bowed respectfully.

"To each other, please sit down, don't be so polite."

The REIKA lady nodded and asked to sit down.

Ryoma Ito sat down cautiously, "I don't know what your instructions are, but I will definitely comply with them."

Miss REIKA smiled,

"Ito-kun just came from the bureau, don't worry, let's satisfy your hunger first. This is a directly operated store, and the food tastes quite authentic and you can eat it."

As soon as she finished speaking, the waiter came in to serve the appetizers. They were the kind of dishes that looked expensive, the prices were shocking, and they were barely measured. Ito Ryoma had a straight face and sat down serious. He looked like he was chewing rubbish and he probably didn't have any intention. Dine here.

Miss REIKA could also tell. She took a sip of white wine and smiled gently.

"The MICC people are planning to quit."

Ryoma Ito's face suddenly stiffened.

"What! Sorry, I lost my temper..."

REIKA didn't care and pushed a chip from the table wrapped in a handkerchief.

"This is the battle video that has just been sent back. The teams sent by REA, PTG and DSC were all wiped out. However, this time the other party held back and did not kill many people. The upper management of MICC also accepted it as soon as possible. They have reached an agreement with the other side and submitted it to arbitration. The committee returned the bid.”

Ryoma Ito took the chip and did not connect to the private link for the time being. He just stared at the data card and frowned.

"Even the military-industrial complex is...there are only ten companies left..."

"No, there are only five left."

REIKA corrected him with a smile,

"The SEC group has no interest in the Holy Grail in the first place. Their attention has been attracted by the monsters in Jupiter. Don't look at them. They sent all the Titans here one by one, but they are all here to participate in the Jupiter bidding. Here they are just I’m just accompanying you, I won’t really get involved and offend the supplier.”

Ryoma Ito was silent for a moment.

REIKA slowly and slowly raised her knife and fork to eat. She waited until the other person calmed down before wiping her mouth and continuing to speak.

“However, MICC has indeed withdrawn too quickly this time. I think the remaining players will also be surprised. If they are not fully prepared, no one will take action for the time being.

But I have to say that the technology there is really impressive. It’s only been twenty years since the last corporate war... twenty years ago, right?

There has been such technological progress in twenty years. It seems that there is really some incredible legion technology hidden here in 0791.

Tsk, it fell into the hands of those monsters again. "

"REI, Miss REIKA..."

Ryoma Ito stuttered a little.

REIKA raised her eyebrows and smiled at him,

"What, Ito-kun, are you scared? That's right. If my enemy was so lucky and was transformed into such a monster by the company, I would also be very scared.

So, do you want to quit? How about arranging for you to escape to another world? "

Ito Ryoma seemed to want to agree for a moment, but he still controlled his emotions, took a deep breath, and took a sip of wine.

"No, I'm fine. I'll abide by the contract. Please give me your orders."

REIKA smiled and clapped her hands gently,

“That’s great, I like nothing more than dealing with people who stick to their contracts.

Then, let's continue with our original plan, you go and marry the young lady of the Reagan family. "

"Yes Yes……"

Ito Ryoma seemed a little puzzled, but his position was obviously too low and he didn't dare to ask.

Instead, REIKA raised her fork, ate a piece of steak, then tapped the plate and emphasized,

"Hey, don't wait too long. We are not asking you to fall in love. It doesn't matter whether you use drugs or violence. In short, get married as soon as possible, get her pregnant, and give birth to a legal heir. We will do the rest.

All you need to do is focus on getting the Regen family's property, and we will help you with other things, including your enemies. Understood? "

"Hi, hi eh!"

Ryoma Ito nodded solemnly.

REIKA looked at the plate in front of him and waved his hand,

"It doesn't seem to be to your liking, so there's no need to force it."

"Yes, yes, I'm taking my leave."

As if he had been pardoned, Ito Ryoma stood up stiffly, bowed, and exited the private room.

Li Xuehong recovered enough to open his eyes and look at the back of Ryoma Ito, who was wiping his sweat and leaving the hotel in a hurry.

REIKA, is it written as Lihua or Reika? I don’t know which company it represents. Could it be the mastermind behind the Collectors Association...

Otherwise, why not just kill her here?

Or should we take the long term and catch big fish?

Li Xuehong couldn't make up his mind for a moment, especially since REIKA also lived in Baofeng Apartment. It was a bit too coincidental. There was no way he could have come with him. Then maybe there are ambushes lurking around...

But then again, if he really smashes these two girls with two slaps now, who can stop him?

However, just slapping Ito Ryoma to death seemed...a little bit frustrating, right?

No matter what, we have to drag him behind the BRONCO300T and circle the Night City twice, right...

Well...it's better to be steady! It’s better to play it safe first! If you are alone and weak, you may end up overturning!

When the No. 1 machine is repaired and the No. 2 machine is upgraded to the Blood God Son, the two 'Qi Transformation Gods' will come together! Hit your lungs! I promise to push you to the top of the sky one after the other!

Yes, don't be in a hurry, play slowly, these Xiyi are too brittle, they will die if you are not careful.

When the divine sect has mastered its magical power, learn the methods of the soul and so on, and find a urinal and spittoon to hold their souls!

Play it upside down! Guaranteed to be different every day! Only then can I understand the cruelty in my heart!

Li Xuehong drank 100 yuan worth of water in one gulp, then went directly to the garage and found that his BRONCO300T was scratched...

No, it wasn't a scratch, it was a blind person who drove his car directly into it, displacing his car. After all, his car is made of battleship-grade alloy, so it won't be a big problem if it gets bumped, and it doesn't need to be repaired with sheet metal. However, the paint is scratched off a bit.

"Hey, hello! That's the car I just bought! Who is it? Get out of here!"

"Sir, please be civilized. I have something urgent and I came in a hurry. I didn't mean to do it."

Li Xuehong stared and turned around, and saw Ito Ryoma coming from behind, carrying a bunch of perfume bags and jewelry just bought from a luxury store in both hands, and said with an impatient look,

"Add a link and I'll pay you directly..."

"I'll beat your lungs out——!"

Now Li Xuehong couldn't bear it any longer, and she hit the bull's-eye with her vaginal legs.


Ryoma Ito was kicked so hard that he flew up into the air. He hit his head on the ceiling, cracked his neck and rolled on the ground.

Well, it seems that although he also has a high-strength prosthetic body, it is the original one, but this kick hit his lungs, so he probably needs to have it modified...

“Don’t drive if you’re blind!”

Li Xuehong resisted the urge to crush the guy with one foot, showed his five claws, and scratched five streaks of paint on the other person's car door. Then he got in the car and turned on the automatic navigation and drove away. He was afraid that he could hold the steering wheel in his hand and roll the guy's head under the wheel and crush him repeatedly.

But sometimes, trouble can't be avoided by simply enduring it.

Not long after driving on the highway, the NCPA followed and stopped his car.

Since the traffic system was automatically navigating on the highway and was remotely taken over by the NCPA, Li Xuehong had no choice but to watch the sports car stop on the side of the road, then sit in the car and wait for the NCPA auxiliary police to negotiate.

But the other party was sitting in the car and did not get out of the car. He used the temporary authority of the traffic management system to lock the BRONCO300T's power system.

No, what's going on? It's been five minutes, why don't you come and issue a ticket?

Li Xuehong was strange for a moment. When he turned to look, there was a loud bang in his ear, as if something hit the glass.

Li Xuehong stared at the cracked side window like a spider web.

It was a sniper bullet, level five, but it was stopped by bulletproof glass...

"Woo——!" "Bang!" "Clang!"

Then an automatic heavy-duty truck rushed out from the side of the road, hit the sports car, rolled over, and was pushed into the wall. The front of the truck was flattened.

Li Xuehong looked at the vehicle status panel. Well, the body was fine, but the traffic system was still locked by the NCPA over there, and the paint on the body was completely destroyed.

Looking in the rearview mirror, I saw the NCPA police car, one blue and one red, flashing lights.

Blue red blue red blue red blue red red red red...

Li Xuehong covered his face.



Mad Mad Mad Mad’s new car! ! ! ! !

Li Xuehong took a deep breath, turned on the manual mode, rolled down the window, unfastened the seat belt, and jumped out of the car.


Li Xuehong turned his head and the sniper bullet shattered his chin, and fragments of his tongue and jawbone flew everywhere.

But Li Xuehong had no expression on his face. He dipped the plasma sprayed from his mouth and nose and drew a blood talisman on the palm of his hand.

Just after brushing, the blood talisman turned into a blood claw and clawed into the void, so Li Pan stood up and walked towards the police car.

The two auxiliary police officers in the police car looked at him with their mouths open, and the coffee cups in their hands fell down.


Unexpectedly, there was another shot, and the high-explosive warhead directly tore into Li Xuehong's left shoulder. His arm flew out in a spin, and the spray of blood sprayed half the street.

However, Li Xuehong still kept walking, drawing blood on his chest while walking toward the police car.

The auxiliary policemen finally came to their senses after being burned by the coffee spilled on their crotches, stepped on the accelerator, turned around and tried to escape.


Another shot shattered his right arm, but Li Xuehong ignored it and spat out a bloody sword from his mouth to finish drawing the talisman.

The blood jar turned into bloody hands and grabbed into the void, while Li Xuehong ignored a pair of broken arms, spurted blood, and rushed towards the police car!

He jumped up with a big jump and jumped onto the front hood of the police car with a clang. "Bang!" He hit his head on the windshield, causing blood to splash everywhere.


The two auxiliary police officers in the car looked at the bloody man in front of them and screamed like a little girl. It was not until Li Pan smashed the tempered bulletproof car window with two headbutts that he remembered that he had a gun in his hand and pulled out his gun. Come on, "Bang, bang, bang, bang!" and hit the bloody man in front of you until all his flesh and blood are shattered, and then DUANG! Suddenly, the out-of-control police car hit the heavy truck on top of the bloody man, splattering with blood.


Then the heavy breathing of the auxiliary police officers disappeared.

In front of them, a hand stretched out from the bottom of the car. The flesh and blood gathered together like a living thing, and finally turned into a bloody human skeleton.

It climbed onto the police car, stretched out a pair of bloody claws, held their faces, and opened its mouth full of fangs and asked.

"Why did I break the rules? Ah!"

No one answered. The two of them seemed to have been frothing at the mouth...

Li Xuehong was about to tear off their heads when he suddenly saw a bright light shining in their pupils.


Then he turned his head and saw a blazing golden light from the dome of the sky, tearing through the clouds and breaking through the sky, shining directly down on his head!

In just an instant, his blood puppet body was burned into ashes and extinguished in smoke!

Li Pan opened his eyes suddenly, stood up from his trance, and rushed to the floor-to-ceiling window of the apartment.

Outside the window, one could clearly see the flaming beam of light that was still radiating brightly. The ultra-high-energy ray explosion was burning the neighborhood not far away into a prairie fire and a hell of fire.

All the smoke, dust, ghosts and ghosts were swept away into dust at this moment.

Oh shit, it’s the Tianjiyang electronic cannon...

Damn, you turned around and attacked the city with the anti-ship-class orbital turret in the low-Earth orbit defense circle? ? ?

Okay, so my car is gone again...

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