I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 188 Opponent

Li Pan, who just felt that he was okay again, invincible, and could walk sideways, calmed down again.

There's nothing you can do if you don't calm down, Tianjiyang electronic cannon! You can't escape without running away, okay?

That kind of thing bombards the atomic nucleus. Don't say you can't hold it after five or six spins. Even if you become a god, you can kill anything in the material world with one hit! !

Alas, space-based weapons are the satellite defense systems that are found in every Earth's low-Earth orbit, the kind of super weapon platforms that can fight battle arrays, Dreadnoughts, and even Titans.

This highly lethal strategic weapon is hidden in countless satellites orbiting low Earth. Of course, the muzzle is usually facing outward. Directly turn the earth into the largest fortress.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, corporate wars are not purely humanitarian and do not carry out serious bombing of the surface. Instead, they take into account the losses that the fleet and orbital turrets may suffer from the bombardment and cost considerations.

What's more, the advantage of the fleet is that it can constantly jump up and down, change positions, and flexibly strike strategically. It is too foolish to use it to fight a war of attrition against celestial-level positions.

Therefore, in most cases, corporate wars use the method of blocking star gates and cutting off trade supplies to exert pressure. Even in the last Takamagahara war, after the committee's combined fleet almost completely destroyed the three main Titan fleets in Takamagahara, they did not directly besiege the earth. Instead, they gave up and accepted the surrender.

So naturally, the super forts deployed by Gao Tianyuan in low-Earth orbit were divided among major companies. Those companies that withdrew from the bidding may not have similar weapon systems and trump cards. But they are only controlling the bidding costs, worrying about the scale of the conflict, and trying not to escalate the war.

But it is obvious that the companies that are still bidding are serious. No, kill Li Pan's No. 2 machine and BRONCO300T with one shot...

Wuwuwu, my BRONCO300T... my butt is not even hot yet. Wuwuwu...

This prosthetic body and chariot caused a sudden loss of 26 million, which made Li Pan's heart tremble. I couldn't recover for a long time.

No, is it worth it?

Do you think you should use a positron cannon to attack an individual soldier? ?

ah! ? ?

But to be honest, the No. 2 machine point is too memorized. It seems that if you want to refine the Blood God Son, you will really be punished by God. If you're not careful, you'll be dead as soon as you step out...

It seems that if there is no one else to help protect the magical skill of the Blood God Son, he really has to find a cave to hide in a blessed place like his younger brother, manage it well, and arrange a full array of magic circles before he can practice it safely.

Li Pan was also helpless. He looked at the remaining vampire prosthetics of the Baofeng Group. They basically cost tens of millions, and most of them were entertainment service prosthetics.

Although Li Pan has made a little money recently, he has more places to spend money. How can he be willing to spend it on fat that does not benefit the battle?

Moreover, among the local population of 0791, there are not many people who are qualified and able to practice. His evil method of sucking blood and refining blood was also devised by himself. He used the special physique of the vampire prosthetic body to suck the essence and blood of the original body to assist in the exercises, and then he reluctantly refined the blood puppet clone for use.

But in other words, only vampire prosthetics can be used, and in other words, low-level child prosthetics are enough. Anyway, it is necessary to re-train the whole body, so there is really no need to waste so much money.

It's just that there is no place to buy a suitable vampire prosthetic body. Li Pan's body also needs maintenance. He can't move lightly for at least three days, and he can't draw too much essence and blood frequently to avoid damaging the foundation of his practice.

So in desperation, Li Pan had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​refining Li Xuehong No. 2, no, No. 3 machine, and bought some cheap goods from Baofeng to cope with the situation.

No, there is no need to do implant surgery. Hundreds of thousands of things will be gone once they are reset. And given the strength of the body, it is actually very difficult to modify it. I might as well just get a full set.

VK-MT380, a fourth-level bionic man, was originally priced at RMB 3.8 million. Although this outdated product usually has a large discount, and you can negotiate a half discount, the price has gone back up due to recent market fluctuations, plus the service fee. , so the final implementation cost nearly five million.

But it is still worth the money. After all, the VK-MT380 is the most top-end version of the second-tier brand bionic prosthetics. In terms of sports performance and quality output, it is already close to the fifth-level prostheses of the AG-A series. Many of them are The power components and muscle modulation are both a system, which is a very cost-effective product, no, extremely high.

However, technology updates are too fast these days. The old products from decades ago, such as ICE, radar, and intelligent assistance, are at least two or three versions behind the products of cutting-edge companies. They can still be considered Level 4 and a half on the market. In a rural place like 0791, you can kill indiscriminately. If you have the support of Shiba, it can barely be used in a corporate war. But the dogs of big companies no longer use such outdated products.

In short, after paying the purchase tax for VK-MT380, registering it as a legal prosthetic body in his name, and shaping it into his own brain and face, Li Pan followed the same pattern, referring to the previous method of making a blood puppet, using Jiu Ming Breaking Finger Power, Transform the talisman into the head of MT380.

Then he illuminated his soul, turned it into blue light, and penetrated into the prosthetic body, then he took possession of the body and took possession of it.

Finally, he opened his eyes, put on his formal clothes, and transformed into a serious company dog. Li Pan 380.

Well, it worked. It seems that I can actually use Yuanshen to steal the prosthetic body in the future...

As for the quality of this clone puppet, it's actually pretty good. Even if it's outdated technology, it's still a bionic body with superhuman performance.

It's just that the bionic human body not only has no meridians and cannot practice cultivation, but also lacks most of the human organs. To put it bluntly, it is a genetically modified maggot that grows into a human-shaped body. Its stomach is hollowed out and filled with a bunch of reinforced internal organs and alloy bones. It is an artificial thing. Imitation of a human being?

This original prosthetic body also has no other weapons and requires custom installation of combat modules and equipment. You can go to a prosthetic shop and buy some mantis knives, plasma cannons, etc. If you have money, you can DIY them yourself.

Moreover, Li Pan tried it and found that the "Nine Yin Manual", "Sword Pill", "Leather Bag" and "Jade Tablet" he brought out from his dream could not be seen with the eyes of the MT380 prosthetic body. Yes, only the soul can see it when it leaves the body.

But the company's 'silver key' and 'handkerchief' can still be seen and touched, and should be able to be used. Well, the charm that Teacher Xian put on the 'handkerchief' can no longer be seen.

Could it be that the same monsters are also bound to accounts and equipment? Or are those monsters on the immortal side really unable to use their bodies without the qualifications?

Li Pan couldn't understand it at the moment, but as long as he had a 'handkerchief' and a 'key' to use, he could still escape even if he couldn't defeat him.

I connected to my QVN account and checked my mailbox. Sure enough, the private messages were full again.

Alas, there is a lot of business, but the wallet is not growing. Why is this...

Li Pan roughly confirmed the progress of each project, and the first batch of spices and ten boxes of perfume were delivered to the port warehouse. Nana confirmed that there was no problem and the oranges had been signed for. As long as the money is raised, the second transfer of 5 billion can be arranged and the remaining part collected.

There is also a new quotation email from the Jinsen Chamber of Commerce. In order to show goodwill to Li Pan, the refinery said that it would open a production line for him with a maximum production capacity of one ton per month. Although it is not yet at full production, with the existing Inventory, at least 600 kilograms of goods can be ready before the settlement date of this month.

To show sincerity, the unit price can be based on the original price, as long as you are willing to pay an emergency overtime and maintenance fee, totaling 20 billion.

In addition, the boss of the Jinsen Chamber of Commerce and the refinery backstage also asked Li Pan to pick up the goods in person next time, meet and exchange business cards.

The chain saw-class treasure chest was also captured. Nana and the others set up a jamming position and used jump blocking and tractor beams to stop the chain saw-class. Now the two cruisers are being unpacked and shipped.

Aqi also fished out all the company's employees from the sea, and now a group of people are brought to the North District Factory.

In addition, there was no news from K in the past few days. Li Pan specifically contacted Serena, only to find out that she had returned.

Well, I went back to the vampire's home planet. It was said that she needed psychological treatment. After all, she was recovering from the blood beast state. It is estimated that Ye Shi also had to give her a comprehensive physical examination to see if there were any sequelae of mental illness or something.

Okay, let’s start making money first. Anyway, let’s make some money first. It’s time for the settlement day this month. I have a lot of people waiting to be fed...

So Li Pan.380 directly turned on the prosthetic sports mode, drove at high speed, and ran to the North District Factory with his legs.

Well, it's awesome. It can run faster than a car. This is the movement mode of the VK bionic man.

After all, this is the era where price equals combat effectiveness.

Probably he had detected the prosthetic body approaching at high speed a long time ago. 081007 was waiting at the door and was the first one to come out and shake hands with him.

"General Manager 0791, thank you for coming to our aid. I heard that you fought alone this time to force MICC Military Industrial Group to withdraw from the bidding. Please allow me to express my respect."

Li Pan deliberately ignored him, "Oh, you're so polite, why is CC so difficult to beat?"

081007 is not embarrassed and is still enthusiastic.

"Naturally, these people are arms dealers. They come to cause trouble every time they bid. They treat war as a weapons testing ground and auction. They are the most troublesome enemies.

I didn't expect them to be persuaded to retreat so quickly this time. Your ability is impressive. "

Li Pan looked at him and shook hands with him.

"Is it what you should do to work for the company?"

Then other 007s also came to meet in turn.

They greeted each other with greetings, smiles and joy, making everyone feel like a big warm family.

You know, you know, these are all working professionals from the company. They are very polite and do a good job of saving face. But when someone wants to mess with you, stab you in the back, throw you off a building, etc., your hands will never shake.

The second batch of employees who came on a business trip all had a random appearance, without any special appearance. At first glance, they were all Asian company dogs in formal attire, and even those with face blindness could hardly recognize them.

However, Li Pan noticed a very interesting phenomenon, which was their numbers. Except for the special case of 081007, everyone else seems to be in order.

0114007, 0115007, 0116007, 0117007, 0118007, 0119007, 01131007.

Taking into account the naming rules of the star gate, Li Pan also roughly guessed it.

01 Earth is the stargate hub of the All Worlds Company and the core world of the first inner circle. The managers of the eighteen super Earths from 02 to 019 are the eighteen permanent directors of the Public Safety Committee. Earth 0 The top goalie.

Earth 011 is the base camp assigned to TheM Monster Company.

The entire trade route of Star Gate 11 is under the direct control of Monster Company.

Therefore, derived from 011, the nine worlds from 0111 to 0119 are all the core territories conquered by TheM Monster Company and firmly controlled by TheM Monster Company. Therefore, all the 007s in these subsidiaries had nothing to do. When 01 announced the start of the war, the first batch came to support and earn extra money.

Therefore, 0113 can complete the Holy Grail bid and dominate the earth, but 0213 cannot. In fact, there are reasons for this.

Too close to the core circle, other companies' will to resist and the scale of the war will be different. Lu Chen would never compromise even if he was beaten. But in a country like 0791, I don’t have that kind of worry...

After the greetings, everyone held a meeting in Panlong Construction's office. Except for Li Pan, the other temporary workers were kicked out to see the door and had no right to observe.

And 0113007 took out a music box and started it with the silver key. The ballet figure in the music box began to spin in circles, and the voice of General Manager 01 came out.

"0791 Subsidiary, the sixth general manager meeting begins."

So Li Pan made a report, basically reading the email, saying that Xiao Xiao had brought another ten kilograms of spices and a ton of black oil to the company. Everything was ready, and he only owed funds. Oh, and he also casually beat a bunch of company dogs to death, picked up a bunch of 007s, and disappeared.

0113007 also made a report, saying that after a small agency for a while, the office building was smashed, the ship was sunk, and it was almost destroyed and disappeared.

After such a comparison, General Manager 01 did not hesitate.

"The Holy Grail bid is still handled by 0791001, assisted by 0113007."

Well, after all, the performance is here, giving you the opportunity is useless...

However, this meeting was not about anyone's fault, and 0113007 did not show any apparent unwillingness or dissatisfaction. It quickly entered the topic of the meeting and began to report to the company managers the progress of the current 0791 Holy Grail bidding war.

In fact, the process of the 0791 Holy Grail bidding war was unexpectedly fast. It had only been less than a month since the start, and the opponent had already gone more than half way.

Among the eighteen members of the Standing Committee of the Security Committee, Paradise Group was actually the first to withdraw from the competition. After all, the backdoor of ICE was still controlled by the company, and Li Pan had an accident on their special car. They wanted to avoid suspicion and had to rebuild the firewall. This thought was so stupid that I didn't come to participate in the bidding at all.

Of the remaining sixteen bidding companies, five withdrew in the first round.

This was certainly due to Li Pan's fight on a rainy night and killing many people across the network cable, but it was also mainly due to the financial department headed by the First Reserve Bank, as well as the RM Baofeng Group, which deals in luxury goods. Although they have abundant funds, due to their main business, they have little interest in the Holy Grail, technology, or conquest of other worlds.

In addition, Earth 0791 is originally in the hands of the Ye Group, and it is actually considered their own territory. It would be meaningless to destroy it, so I just wanted to help my younger brother and give him a price.

And as Li Pan overheard from REIKA and Ryoma Ito, five technology companies under the SEC Ethics Committee also withdrew. These five technology companies naturally represent the pinnacle of current human civilization and science. If they want to take serious action, they may be quite difficult to deal with.

But the 'Holy Grail' is a common thing in the world. It can be found in any world. However, the astronomical anomaly of Jupiter in 0791 and the lost high-dimensional battleship are more interesting. In addition, the relationship between TheM and the SEC has always been good, and no one will really fall out with TheM until there is a second monster supplier. So they also withdrew from the bidding war one after another under the coordination of the company behind the scenes.

Then there is the MICC military-industrial complex this time.

To be honest, this company is a pure troublemaker in this kind of bidding war.

After all, in the military industry, how can it ship goods if you don’t fight?

beat! Beat him to death! If you don’t hit me, I will!

So although the Holy Grail is actually of no use to these arms dealers, they happily chase TheM and beat them up. They engage in space warfare, submarine warfare, and special warfare. They even smash the company offices for you.

Of course, after Li Pan showed his ability to destroy a fleet by himself, MICC decisively gave in.

After all, others may not be able to understand it, but those who work in the military industry know what the concepts of individual soldier jump and individual soldier storming a ship are.

This is a technical generation difference! If you continue to fight, not only will you not be able to get good results, but it will also look like your own equipment is poor, and you may lose orders! No fight, no fight!

So these troublemakers took a sum of money from the head office and simply withdrew the bid.

In this way, the top three groups in the three major committees, namely the Department of Finance, the Department of SEC, and the Department of Military Industry, all withdrew.

There are only five rivals left to bid.

And these are the real opponents.

It's not that they are really interested in the Holy Grail. In fact, I'm afraid they are more interested in TheM itself.

After all, these days, just like every company has a system for elimination, so does the committee.

In addition to the eighteen permanent directors, there are also countless emerging forces eyeing it.

No one dares to touch the territory of the top predators, and most of the market share has long been eaten up by them.

Therefore, in order to compete for the remaining scraps, the fighting and replacement among the last members is the most brutal and fierce.

Seize every opportunity to tear off a piece of meat from your opponent to eat, so that you can avoid being the feast on the next dinner plate.

0113007 is also a PPT expert. He holographically projected the remaining five bidding rivals for background analysis.

"Gully Industry has been the largest mining and alloy smelting group in the world since the beginning of Earth Zero.

MutiversePec Zhutian Petrochemical, a petrochemical giant, produces and distributes various fuels and chemical products.

OFEC Grain Export Organization, a bargaining group united by major grain and biological companies.

TERRA HOLDINGS Terra Holdings is mainly engaged in near-Earth livable transformation, environmental engineering and space station construction.

DAWN SPACETECH, the original SMS manufacturer, produces various space equipment.

The companies are ranked according to their market capitalization. "

Well, these companies, especially the first three, are all giants with such great names that even country people like Li Pan have heard of them.

Especially the first three companies, which are engaged in mining, petrochemicals and food, are all super established primary industry giants. Although among the companies in Zhutian, companies such as financial technology and military industry have the highest profit margin and added value, but the output value of these old companies is also there, and they usually come for the exclusive mining rights of your company's world.

Just like a pack of wolves, the most common thing the three of them did was to rush in and beat up a small company like Takamagahara, and then destroy the Earth, Mars, the asteroid belt, and all kinds of other places in the solar system. Mineral veins, oil and gas resources, and grain production areas are divided and packaged into pockets.

The methods are crude, but the benefits are huge. Moreover, a giant crocodile of their size cannot be full easily. Just talking with words and negotiating with a few dollars can't get it done. They will not simply give up and withdraw from the bidding without ceding the resources of one or two worlds.

As for Terra and Dawn, they don’t need much introduction. Strictly speaking, these two space technology companies are both technology companies and members of the SEC committee.

However, the enthusiasm for space development has long passed, and now QVN’s technology in the virtual network direction is more attractive and attractive to investors.

In addition, both companies have their own difficulties. Either they are hindered by things like "bee", or their technological transformation is slow, and their product capabilities are no longer what they used to be, and they have gradually fallen to the second echelon.

The most obvious thing is that in the SEC's internal Jupiter bidding, both companies were very self-aware and did not send Titan to participate. However, they seemed unwilling to simply withdraw from the Holy Grail bidding.

After all, if you retreat further, you will be eliminated from the last place!

Seeing that the normal market competition is at a disadvantage and the turnover is declining year by year, if we don't seize this opportunity to fight, rush orders and ship goods, and wait for the opportunity to get a piece of meat from TheM, there will really be no chance to turn around in the future!

When the next serious corporate war breaks out, they may be the ones being preyed upon.

0113007 marks the local companies, factories, offices and assets of these five companies in 0791 on the star map.

"Spy satellites have detected that they are preparing for war with all their strength, expanding production lines, and deploying fleets. They have no intention of negotiating. It seems that they will not give in without a serious fight to determine the winner.

Considering that the business scope of the other five companies covers almost all product lines from production to combat to supply, we must also seize the time to build Star City.

Otherwise, with the strength of the local fleet, if Titan does not enter the field, it can only barely deal with the fleets of one or two companies. If five companies come together, or even become a war of attrition, they will definitely not win.

In addition, we must also consider the existence of the ACA Collectors Association. They have not taken action until now, and they do not know which rival is hiding behind the scenes. In order to avoid being stabbed at the height of the war, we still have to continue searching for the whereabouts of ACAS68..."

The 007s also offered their suggestions. After all, they are the sales pacesetters and business backbones of each company, and everyone knows that it is best to make money during the war. The company's military funds cannot be made by the general manager alone, right? Therefore, everyone enthusiastically raised their hands to speak and came up with their own channels to contract for the construction of Star City and fleet supply.

Li Pan didn't listen carefully for a moment. He just stared at the name of one of the bidding rivals on the PPT and fell into deep thought.

Terra Holdings…

When 01044 came to investigate ACA Collector, did he specifically mention many things about Terra Holdings to him?

Is that really just a coincidence...

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