I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 189 The master behind the scenes

After a day of meetings, TheM Company basically finalized the plan.

In short, the general direction is to prepare for war.

Although they have tried their best to cooperate vertically and horizontally, the negotiations with sticks and carrots have reduced the number of opponents from the diplomatic level.

But the remaining opponents, the siege of five Tiantian-level companies, are no joke. TheM must also go all out.

Keep up the good work, continue to develop spices, black oil, ammunition, and fleets, rebuild the company's appearance, and daily business cannot stop. At the same time, Star City must be accelerated, and the troops and fleets must be mobilized to prepare for a decisive battle with the enemy company's main fleet at any time.

Moreover, 01 also requires that preparation in the universe is one thing, but it cannot be idle on the earth. You must take the initiative and come up with a plan to retaliate. There is no reason to be beaten over your head all the time. You have to show enough respect for your opponent.

In the end, it was said that Mr. Li Pan was put in charge, but in fact nothing changed. After all, he was not familiar with most of the business, so he still had to rely on 0113007 to help with management and coordination.

Moreover, he will continue to be responsible for the production of spices and black oil. Anyway, these two are scarce strategic resources. As much as is needed, the company will absorb them all. As for other equipment procurement and construction projects, it will be arranged by other 007s.

After all, you have to leave some soup for everyone to drink, right? Subsidiaries in other worlds are so enthusiastic about sending people on business trips to support them because they also want to attract orders for their own companies.

Li Pan didn't have any objection. After these 007s had divided the pie among themselves, he would just sign and that would be it.

He wasn't jealous either. After all, he didn't have access to suppliers from another world, so he couldn't find one even if he tried to find a window. Moreover, the two items of light spices and black oil are basically going to blow up the upper limit of each account in his name. He can't digest it anymore, and he may even bring trouble to the tax bureau and the Seventh Bureau again.

In short, based on a rough calculation, I sold the first batch of spices 20 times to the company and signed orders worth more than 60 billion. I have already made a lot of money. After settling the remaining balance of 7 billion from the fleet, spices worth almost 120 billion will arrive. If you keep a little, it will be enough for yourself.

Then spend another 20 billion to buy 600 kilograms of black oil. As long as it can be safely transported back to the company, according to the previous quotation of 500 million for one kilogram, another 300 billion will be obtained.

These two transactions add up to a gross profit of 400 billion. Even after deducting the inevitable expenses in tax and finance, there should be almost 300 billion in the account, basically achieving wealth freedom.

And this is still the first month.

In the future, when the fleet battle breaks out, spices will definitely not be so easy to obtain, but as long as the company can be stably supplied with one ton of black oil every month, it will be a turnover of 500 billion and a profit of 470 billion. , It’s like digging into a golden mountain.

Of course, considering the shelf life of black oil, the price only during the war, and the unstable production capacity of illegal suppliers, the supply lines may be intercepted by hostile fleets at any time.

This business is actually the kind of ultra-high-risk business with profits that repeatedly jump between minus 30 billion and 400 billion, and it is as high-risk as an electrocardiogram. If Li Pan doesn't use the powerful combat power of the main body to destroy the fleet alone, he will personally follow the ship. Escort, this wealth really may not be pocketed.

So if you can make a fortune, it's a fortune, right? Whether it succeeds or not depends on your fate, and the risks are all included in the price. It's not easy to do business.

Of course, Li Pan, who earns a monthly salary of 2,500 yuan, is satisfied with just imagining such a future, and his thoughts of changing jobs have faded for a while.

After all, the price offered by MICC is an annual salary of 100 million. If it is 300 billion, you will have to be a dog and work hard for three thousand years! In this comparison, TheM Company is much more generous...

Oh, by the way, because he persuaded MICC to quit and completed the small task of rescuing the company's employees who died, Li Pan got two more silver keys.

It's okay, although there is no plug-in for cultivating immortals, but there are three silver keys, which are three handkerchief transformations, and you can fight with ordinary company dogs.

After the arrangements were completed, the company's 007s split up to prepare for the upcoming war. Li Pan also arranged for his local employees to split up and conduct daily monster investigations. Now that so many companies and major militant factions have withdrawn, no one will come to trouble the temporary workers.

And 0113007 came here alone.

"Manager, before the CSI park is being rebuilt and the company's facilities can reopen, we need a professional laboratory to house a technical team and build a human cloning gene factory."

"Oh, you go and do it. I still have to make some soy sauce."

"The place has been found, but you are a local legal person. The owner of the other party has asked you to meet and sign the contract in person."

"Tsk, it's so troublesome...huh?"

Li Pan saw the contract that 0113007 had denied, looked at the address, and then looked at the name of the owner, and couldn't help but frown.

"Where did you find this place?"

0113007 explained,

"It was recommended by Dr. Osumi. He mentioned the local science and technology park during a chat by chance. It happened that after he obtained the technology of 0213, he also had plans to expand the research institute, so he contacted one in advance.

This is here. It used to be a new biomedical technology zone jointly established by Tokugawa Medical and Tokyo University. However, Tokugawa Medical has now gone bankrupt and reorganized, and sold the park at a low price. It has been acquired by MELCHIOR, a member of the SEC committee.

Although this MELCHIOR company is not a permanent member of the committee, it is similar to Ye's Group. It is a second-tier large company with strong financial strength. It is a cutting-edge enterprise with top technology, especially in gene coordination, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical development.

There are various medical and biotechnology-related, upstream and downstream supporting companies in the park. Under the umbrella of the SEC, it will not be easily attacked by other forces.

Moreover, this address was originally a pharmaceutical laboratory. Because the legal person of the pharmaceutical laboratory conducted illegal human experiments without reporting it, violated the taboo technology ban, and was arrested by the Ethics Committee in accordance with the law. Now the research facilities are vacant, and the equipment and site only need simple preparations before they can be put into use. used. "

"Well...I know this."

This address is Tamura Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Well, Rama was ‘produced’ from this place.

And this owner, MELCHIOR Sage Company, 0791 subsidiary manager, Yamada Reika, is a local sky person...

Reika is also pronounced REIKA, right?

There are too many accidents and coincidences...

"Okay, let's go meet, okay? Why are you leaving? Why don't you come with us?"

0113007 shook his head decisively,

"I'm not a fighting type. Although the militant group at MICC has withdrawn, they may be assassinated by other companies. Moreover, at this time, the other party also requests to meet by name, so it may be a trap.

It's better to ask professionals like you, the manager, who are always in danger to handle such a dangerous matter. "

Hold! Don't say it in such a high-sounding way! How come I deserve to be cannon fodder and take such a risk! And this body is not considered specialized for combat! Five million cannon fodder is too expensive!

However, a 'ding' notification flashed in front of my eyes, and I saw that the company didn't say a word and silently took a picture of 60 billion on its face. Thinking about the foreseeable 300 to 400 billion yuan in the near future and financial freedom, Li Pan gritted his teeth, navigated the coordinates, and went out to work.

Life is miserable. I have tens of billions to my name and still have to run my own business. I don’t even have a private car...

After rushing all the way to the place, the entire park has been rebuilt by MELCHIOR Company, and the security team has been arranged as Sage Company security guards. Judging from the notice board at the entrance of the park, quite a few technology companies affiliated with SEC have already moved in, not only in the biomedical field, but also many suppliers of high-precision equipment.

It seems that the corporate war is coming to an end. The SEC quite recognizes the educational quality of 0791. Many companies have come to recruit local cheap researchers for technology development. While wholesale purchasing local indigenous people for large-scale drug human trials.

Before Li Pan entered the reception room, a silver and gold, sporty luxury coupe drove to the entrance of the park, turned off the privacy mode, and opened the panoramic windows.

Sure enough, Bai Fumei, who was lying on her side in the sedan with her long legs crossed and wearing a translucent evening dress, waving to him, was the REIKA he had seen yesterday.

Li Pan also kept his expression straight, dressed in formal clothes, stepped forward and said,

"First meeting, Ms. Yamada, I am TheM's local manager and agent Li Pan."

The other person nodded and smiled, then opened the car door with a wave of his finger.

"Just call me REIKA. Get in the car, Manager Li, and take you around."

Is there anything to go around? If you look at it from the satellites in the sky or look at the cameras on the roadside, there is nothing you can't see.

However, Li Pan still got in the car and glanced at Yamada REIKA and her dress.

You might say she's not wearing anything, but actually if you look closely, you'll see that she's still tightly wrapped in a tight-fitting dress. Considering the other party's identity, it's no surprise that she also has top-notch nano-defense systems.

But you have to say how dignified she is dressed. Except for the black fabric on her shoulders and arms, the other parts of the fabric are all frosted and translucent. The skirt is also slit all the way to her ribs, making it look like a uniform. A cloak. Under the transparent dress, under the hazy visual effect, like smoke and sand, the curves of the prosthetic body are looming, every detail is visible, like a piece of smooth and white ivory jade wrapped.

Just, like wearing, like wearing...

The clothes are secondary. This luxury prosthetic body is almost like a marble statue and a classical painting. It is a perfect work of art with golden proportions. It is smooth and delicate, without any redundancy or flaws. Just looking at the shape, which is obviously made by skilled craftsmen and coordinated and beautified bit by bit, is not on the same level as the maggot prosthetic body cloned from the genetic template.

By the way, isn’t Yulia also in the same mood? I don’t know whether this minimalist style, which is close to nature, cool and convenient, is a recent trend among the top beauties in the era of heaven, or whether they just enjoy the attention of the onlookers. But yes, it would be a pity to hide a prosthetic body that has been customized and modified at such a high price and not show it to others.

I wonder if a positron cannon would hit this prosthetic body if it turned into REIKA-chan...

No, considering the current gap in combat power between prosthetics, maybe it will be him, Li Pan 380, who gets photographed in a fight, right?

"Miss REIKA is a local?"

REIKA smiled and said, "Of course not. I bought this identity. The local citizen registration company has preferential policies and is convenient for tax avoidance. You know it well, right?"

That's true. Now the company requires him to sign for everything. If something happens and the company runs away, I don't know how many years he will be in jail...

"Look at this park. It's all specially designed and decorated by our company. The security, network, and ecosystem are all top-notch specifications in the world. This area is a pharmaceutical company's zone. It has ecological isolation walls, molecular-level sieves, and all Regional isolation monitoring, separate water circulation system..."

The coupe circled the park. REIKA made a casual introduction, then turned on the intelligent brain-assisted automatic playback of the park's investment introduction. Then she reclined on the sofa-like coupe seat, raised her feet, and Regardless of Li Pan sitting next to him, he lay across the sofa and leaned on him.

"How about it? This place is not bad."

Li Pan looked at her feet and then her face.

"Why, are you the type who can't trust each other unless they sleep together?"

"Haha! Are there still people like that?"

REIKA laughed so hard that she sat over and rubbed his dress pants with the soles of her feet.

"Manager Li, I have heard your name for a long time, and I came here specifically to see you today. I originally wanted to learn your skills in person.

But I didn't expect that you would only dare to show up to me with an android body. This is really disappointing. "

Li Pan sneered,

"Isn't that right? I can see that you have been coveting my genetic code for a long time."

REIKA's eyes lit up, she sat up and came close to Li Pan,

"Then are you willing to give it to me? I will extract your genetic information myself. Don't look at me like this, my skills are very superb."

Li Pan rolled his eyes,

"What do you think I am..."

REIKA, "For an enhancer of your level, I'll quote you two billion per milliliter. I'll charge you as much as you have."

Li Pan figured it out, hiss... then why the hell am I still fighting hard! If you grit your teeth and work hard, you will achieve financial freedom in one day!

REIKA put her elbow on Li Pan's shoulder and leaned close to her. The bulging evening gown almost occupied his entire field of vision.

"You don't have to worry about entering into an NDA agreement with the company. If you want, we can arrange for you to be released from the company and regain your freedom."

Li Pan frowned, realizing that this matter was not simple. He grabbed REIKA's hand that was unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it down under his abdominal muscles.

"You? Who are you? The Collectors Association? The Petrification of the Sky? Terra Holdings? Or Dawn?"

"Haha, do you want to know..."

REIKA chuckled, wrapped around Li Pan like a snake, squeezed over, put her head next to Li Pan's ear, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then come here, come to me, I will raise you, be my dog, I will show you everything..."

As a result, before Li Pan could speak, she suddenly pushed Li Pan into the sofa with force, then straightened up and knelt down on Li Pan. Unfortunately, under Li Pan's slightly expectant gaze, she just twisted her waist and sat back on the seat next to her.


REIKA looked at him with a smile,

"It's a pity, so manager, you still don't believe me yet.

But after all, this is our first meeting, so that’s enough for today. I will send the lease contract to your company right now. "

When Li Pan came back to his senses, he realized that the supercar had already arrived in the center of the city without even realizing it.

Oh, I don’t even feel the start-stop acceleration at all. Is the chassis so stable? It’s such a good car...

REIKA had already crossed her legs to chase away the passengers, and Li Pan couldn't take a closer look at the car, so he had to put on his formal clothes and reluctantly got out of the car.

Watching the luxury car levitate silently, turn into a golden light and disappear into the sky. It was like a breeze blowing by. It didn't exist in the system radar at all, let alone being scanned and locked.

Li Pan was also disappointed for a moment.

I'm afraid if he hadn't struggled for a long time and killed a bunch of dogs, he wouldn't be able to afford that car with the money he earned...

But now is not the time to sigh. Li Pan opened a cafe, connected to QVN, and then used a program to draw a portrait of REIKA, scanned it, and sent it to Erin Reigen via private message.

Golden-waisted swallow, "?"

Broom head, "Your fiancé's mistress. We met at Baofeng Restaurant last night."

Jinyaoyan said, "Okay."

Well, although the other party is a rich and powerful sky man and the legal representative of a large company, as long as he plays this game within the rules set by the committee, he must abide by the rules of the game.

Although during this meeting, Li Pan simply searched the other party's 380 garbage system and found no useful information. However, if the other party wants to do business in 0791, he must have a legal and compliant login identity in the public security system. .

In this way, no matter what Xiao Jiujiu is hiding in the matter of the pharmaceutical factory, he may be able to hide it from others, but he will definitely not be able to hide it from the ninth generation policemen, the Reagan family who are in charge of the NCPA Metropolitan Police Department.

Maybe, they were plotting against the Reagan family's industry, and they might have some connection with the NCPA system.

After a while, Jin Yaoyan actually sent the file of ‘Yamada Reika’. I have to say, it’s really convenient to have someone in the police force.

Li Pan looked through it carefully and found that Reika Yamada was indeed a standard sky person. The Yamada family was the sword tester of the Tokugawa family. They were responsible for various other world affairs including security, execution, drug testing, black gold trading, etc. . Basically, it is similar to the role of those personal guards under the leadership of the Oda family. He is in charge of the secret treasury for the Tokugawa family.

But what is interesting is that all the other members of the Yamada family have died. It seems that it was during the recent civil war in Takamagahara and the battle between the two major chaebols, Tokugawa and Hashiba. From the head to the young master, the Yamada family has a family of more than 140 people. Without exception, they will die violently. But considering that this family was originally the confidant of the Tokugawa clan, and the White Gloves of the other world had a very high priority on the hunting list, no one was 'surprised'.

So now, the Yamada family's property, and even the Tokugawa family's secret treasury, have all fallen into the hands of the last lone seedling, 'Yamada Reika'.

And this little daughter, whose identity is almost transparent in the family, is a socialite taught by the middle school affiliated to Jinyao Women's College. As a member of the circle of 'Pure Gold' eldest ladies, she has already had a relationship with the 'United Society' sky people. The young master of the Chaya family, a wealthy chaebol, entered into a marriage contract and lived in the Chaya family's villa as a rich wife, thus escaping the disaster.

Bai Fumei, who has planned her future since she was born, certainly doesn't have to take the exam to apply for a place at the University of Tokyo and the Institute of Science and Technology with a talented boy like Huang Dahe.

So after graduating from Jin Yao Academy, she went to study abroad in another world. She used QVN links almost all year round to study and travel in other worlds and enjoy a wonderful life. She only had to wait until she graduated from college and obtained a degree to get married and become the wife of a rich man.

But what's interesting is that 'Yamada Reika' doesn't seem to be satisfied with being a housewife, and she seems to be doing well in the scientific research and social circles of Isekai University. Not only has she met a group of company executives, but she has also made friends with many people from the SEC. The top master, following various experimental teams, has co-signed many scientific research projects.

So after graduation, she was directly recommended to join a large company like MELCHIOR and became a top company dog. No, her status can no longer be called a dog. She is completely a collaborator who brings her own resources to invest. .

And now after the demise of the Yamada family, Yamada Reika has once again been promoted to regional manager by the Sage Company headquarters. She is directly sent here to inherit the family business and connections, run the branch smoothly, and help extend Sage's minions to 0791. .

This kind of life experience is so smooth that it's hard to describe it as perfect. Is it really possible for a wealthy young lady raised in a boudoir to do it?

In other words, although the shell is still 'Reika', the inside has been replaced by 'REIKA'.

Jin Yaoyan also read the file and complained directly,

"This is not a concubine, she is clearly his master."

Isn't that right? Killing a whole family, invading a person's body, taking away their property, and being treated as a dog at every turn. This is a very wild way...

Tsk tsk, maybe, this is the master behind the scenes with a dog leash in his hand.

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