I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 419: Stowaway time and space dimension

In the next period of time, Lin Fang walked past all the girls he knew in this world.

He is now a soul body, which can freely switch between reality and reality.

Unless he wants to, the girls can't see him at all.

Lin Fang followed his initial footsteps, starting with Xia Xuejian, the first girl he came into contact with in this world, and came to their side one by one, silently accompanying them for a day or half a day.

Lin Fang used someone else's body before, so Lin Fang's feeling wasn't obvious.

Now that he is a soul body, he can clearly feel that every girl has different feelings for him.

Not to mention the intensity, there is no common experience, there is no long-term company, all the good feelings towards the opposite **** are just the first glance in the crowd.

Lin Fang silently distinguished, if it was based on greed, of course he would like to have **** with every girl.

They are so young and beautiful, so youthful and beautiful.

They are either plump, tall, wavy, or small buttocks, each with their own sweetness and beauty.

It would be even more wonderful to be able to have a happy gathering with them one day.

It's just that Lin Fang had already made a decision, so he had no choice but to press his thoughts, and finally accompany the other party for a short or long day and a half to draw a final stop for himself in this world.

When everything was over, Lin Fang came to the abandoned Qishan Hospital.

A few months have passed, and earth-shaking changes have taken place outside.

This hospital is still almost the same.

Even if the hospital was purchased by Longxia Group and a new fence was built outside the hospital, it just enclosed the abandoned hospital inside the fence.

As for the inside of the hospital, no one visited or cleaned it.

Lin Fang walked around the wall and found that the person who repaired the wall was dead-hearted. He really only repaired the wall, not the door.

However, this saves the trouble of finding someone to guard it. If you don't use some tools, the two-meter-high fence can't be climbed by ordinary people.

With Lin Fang, it was much simpler.

He just needs to wear it lightly, 365 soul sand particles all over his body, and his body becomes blurred, and he wears it naturally, which is even more useful than "Wall Penetration".

You don't need to hold a spell, and you don't need to worry about going through your head.

After entering the hospital, Lin Fang briefly walked around the place he had been before, and then went straight to Ward 307.

Anyway, there is an extra wall outside the hospital, and the inside is completely the same.

Even the places that were destroyed by visitors from outside the sky still have traces of the past.

That is to say, there are signs of violent destruction in the open space behind the hospital, where the traffickers planted poisonous weeds.

After the police received the report, they naturally wanted to eradicate the place.

No poisonous weeds are left.

Together with the drug-making tools in the cave, they are all used as evidence to give each of them a bullet to end their sinful life, adding a heavy weight.

Apart from that, there is no other place where the abandoned hospital has been passive.

Lin Fang simply looked around and entered the 307 ward.

He took out a pen and paper, put the small LED horse lamp that Duoduo bought aside, and pressed the switch.

Not to mention, the rechargeable lantern I bought for twenty dollars is quite bright, and it illuminates the dark and opaque room as if it were daylight.

Lin Fang followed the steps of summoning the pen fairy, and was about to do things step by step, when he suddenly thought of something, he couldn't help grinning.

He suddenly thought that now he has no physical body, but only a soul body.

According to the knowledge obtained by Taiyi World swallowing black and white balls, the high-dimensional world interferes with the low-dimensional world. If it is so subtle that it enters this stage, only the soul will come.

When the soul comes, it needs to invade a body.

However, Lin Fang has no physical body, and the coordinates locked by the visitor from the high-dimensional world are Lin Fang's soul body. Isn't that going to descend into his soul body?

So now...

Lin Fang smiled and continued to do things.

Gululu! Gululu!

Lin Fang followed the steps a few steps, and suddenly a signature pen rolled out from the darkness.

The signature pen rolled over all the way, making a faint sound.

Lin Fang looked at it with the naked eye, but he couldn't see anything.

But in his mental vision, a blood-stained pen was approaching him while making noise.

The blood-stained pen rolled over many places, and many of them had stains of one kind or another.

But this pen rolled all the way. Except for the cap, there was something like blood that had just dripped hanging there. There was no unclean place in this pen, it looked very strange.

When he was approaching Lin Fang's side, the blood-stained signature pen suddenly stood up. Two thin things protruded from the two sides of the pen tip, which seemed to be two legs.

It walked towards Lin Fang swaggeringly, taking steps that it did not recognize its six relatives.

Lin Fang brushed it with his mental thoughts, and immediately noticed its fragility, and immediately lowered the intensity.

Even so, the signature pen seemed to have been blown by a tenth-level wind, swaying from side to side, back and forth, and it took a while to stabilize.

The position of its pen cap reveals two sesame-like things, like two eyes, looking left and right.

After observing for a while, it continued to approach Lin Fang.

With the slight collision just now, Lin Fang has basically determined what this signature pen is.

It is a group of soul creations. If nothing else, it should be half of the beacon left in this world by the aliens.

The reason for saying this is that Lin Fang sensed a set of numbers from its body, similar to the coordinates of the Star Dragon people left by the little boy to Lin Fang, except that two huge sets of data were missing, and there were only four sets of numbers in total.

And these four groups of astronomical numbers represent the dimensions of length, width, height and height, respectively.

In other words, the spiritual dimension and the time dimension are missing.

Lin Fang looked down at himself and couldn't help but smile.

I see!

No wonder, no wonder that extraterrestrial visitor needed to use the ritual of the Die Immortal Game to come to Earth.

The person who plays the Die Immortal game is a native of the earth, and the body itself carries the time imprint that belongs to the earth. It can naturally provide the coordinates of the time dimension. In addition, the person is highly concentrated when playing the Die Immortal game. The direction of the mental frequency modulation.

Naturally, the coordinates of the spiritual dimension where the earth is located are also open to visitors from outside the sky at the same time.

With the beacon of the signature pen, the six groups of numbers completely form a series of numbers, a group of numbers representing the exact coordinates of the earth in the multi-dimensional universe.

At this moment, Lin Fang has figured out the means of smuggling the aliens.

If he wants to, he can completely swallow the soul creation in the shape of a pen as a snack.

But in this way, the big fish in the high-dimensional world will not necessarily come down again.

If the other party didn't come down, how could Lin Fang find that gap, go upstream, and sneak into the other party's high-dimensional world?

There are two ways to enter the high-dimensional world, one is to exceed the speed of light, and the other is to go through a dream.

It's just that these two methods are not realistic for Lin Fang for the time being.

Exceeding the speed of light, the actual earth technology cannot reach it for the time being.

And through dreams, the knowledge of the spiritual dimension needed is what Lin Fang lacked.

Some religious ceremonies may be able to enter a certain dream state through self-hypnosis.

However, the dreamland pointed to by this ritual is probably a one-way road, and it is not very safe.

He can come, but I can't.

And Lin Fang's body soul turned into another possibility.

A possibility that does not require the blowout of earth technology, nor does it require Lin Fang to master the knowledge of the spiritual dimension, it is also possible to go upstream!

The blood-stained signature pen continued to move towards Lin Fang's hand. Even if Lin Fang couldn't take it, it jumped onto the paper on its own. With a light touch, the signature pen that Lin Fang was carrying fell to the ground. He leaned aside and took the place of the signature pen.

Suddenly, Lin Fang noticed that the blood-stained signature pen released a wave, a wave in his soul.

The light in front of him was distorted, and the blood-stained signature pen became visible to the naked eye.

If it were an ordinary person, he wouldn't even notice that the signature pen at hand had been quietly replaced, and even the bright red bloodstain on the blood-stained signature pen would be ignored.

It's a pity that Lin Fang has already completed the incarnation of the soul sand. In his eyes, a low-level soul creation like a blood-stained signature pen has no mystery at all.

Lin Fang remained calm, and continued to play the pen fairy game.

He was holding a blood-stained signature pen, and he naturally felt that there was a strange rhythm in the ordinary pen fairy game before, and this rhythm surrounded Lin Fang.

The core of the rhythm comes from Lin Fang's signature pen. The amazing thing is that Lin Fang himself also participated in the rhythm unconsciously, and provided some spiritual energy for this rhythm.

Lin Fang had 365 grains of soul sand around his body, and unconsciously wanted to shine brightly and break through the disturbance of this rhythm.

Fortunately, Lin Fang's reaction was fast enough to restrain the runaway of the soul sand, allowing the spiritual energy to overflow.

Spiritual energy is the smoke attached to the outer layer of the soul sand. It is usually some impurities. Only when a person is concentrated and his thoughts are clear, will this spiritual energy become pure and then flow back to the soul sand.

But most of the time, these impurities will only dissipate on their own, and will not flow to the soul sand.

The rituals of the extraterrestrial visitors can think of using these soul energies. I have to say that the idea is still somewhat ingenious.

Lin Fang didn't do any damage, and the Pen Immortal game went very smoothly.

After a while, the rhythm reached a certain extreme. It seemed that the frequency was adjusted correctly. Lin Fang could clearly feel that the space in front of him was folded, and at a certain moment, it suddenly rippled.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be thrown by a stone, and the ripples spread evenly.

In the center of the ripples, a small hole was broken.

A slender worm-like thing emerged from the small hole.

It is about a finger wide and more than one meter long. It has hands and feet, no eyes, and only a mouth full of fangs. Its appearance is not ordinary ugly.

Just when the worm was about to break free from the ripples completely and pounce on Lin Fang, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the worm.

Lin Fang's original plan was to let the worms fall on his soul body and then care about it.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Lin Fang didn't expect that he would be able to see with his own eyes that time and space could form folds and ripples.

This was a bit of a breakthrough in his understanding, but if the worm could squeeze in like this, Lin Fang saved a lot of trouble.

Just hitch a ride, isn't he fragrant?

As expected, the bug that squeezed into the space-time was suddenly caught by Lin Fang, and was taken aback.

It struggled for a while, but how could it break free.

In desperation, the worm immediately turned around and left, crawling back to where it was when they came and went.

Lin Fang smiled lightly, that's exactly what I want you to do!

With a slight shake, his soul body shrank to the size of a sesame grain in the blink of an eye, attached to the worm, squeezed into the opponent's body, and then boarded the worm train, successfully becoming a time-space smuggler.

The bug visitor who has been freed has no time to think about how the person who caught him suddenly disappeared.

The near-death experience made him just want to return to a safe place quickly, have a good drink, and relax and relax.

Just when the bug visitor was about to withdraw, he suddenly looked back, opened his mouth and sucked the blood-stained signature pen, and the soul energy condensed on the signature pen was suddenly sucked clean by it.


The bug visitor drilled back into the hole, and the broken space-time ripples rippled for a while, as if it was repaired by some unknown force, and the layers of folds seemed to be smoothed out by something, and became empty again. one thing.


The blood-stained signature pen was drained of soul energy by the bug visitor. This soul creation was no longer supported, and it was crooked on the paper. The blood on the cap of the pen was wiped clean at some point, and it was crooked on the paper. The signature pen on it, as if it had gone through a long time in the blink of an eye, weathered at a very fast speed, and finally turned into a pile of powder, which was scattered by the wind.

At this time, Lin Fang, who was riding the bug time-space train, was experiencing an indescribable feeling of discomfort.

Traveling through time and space is really not a pleasant experience, especially when smuggling from a low-dimensional space-time to a high-dimensional space-time, you need to experience an unknown distortion.

Just like a paper man from a two-dimensional space-time, if he wants to successfully smuggle into a three-dimensional space-time, even if he meets all the conditions and successfully smuggles along with a hitchhiker, he must experience a twist at the moment of reaching the three-dimensional space-time.

An inflatable twist, the producer, he wants to transform into three-dimensional, to become flesh and blood, to combine the rules of three-dimensional space-time.

Right now, Lin Fang is also going through all this.

Fortunately, his soul sand formed the soul body. In a sense, the soul body itself is a high-dimensional body, and with its high-dimensional familiarity, Lin Fang needs to experience a lot less distortion. .

It may be a little less distorted than the two-dimensional space-time paper people need to enter the three-dimensional space-time. When Lin Fang got used to this kind of distortion and no longer felt dizzy, he opened his eyes and saw that he didn't know when, He fell into an open field in the wilderness.

Everything around is like somewhere on earth, weeds, dirt roads, dwarf trees.

Lin Fang looked around and felt that something was not quite right.

What he saw with his eyes and what he heard with his ears told him that this was a wilderness, but...

something wrong!

"In the wilderness on Earth?"

Lin Fang suddenly realized what the problem was. He put away the vision he had deliberately kept with his naked eyes, and looked at it with the eyes of his heart and soul.

Suddenly, everything around him suddenly magnified.

Lin Fang noticed that he was in an empty room, and all the furnishings in the room had an indescribable sense of technology.

It gives him the feeling that any inconspicuous thing in the room is at least thousands of years ahead of the earth.

Lin Fang didn't bother to look at these, so he subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the place where he came.

Seeing this, Lin Fang couldn't help being startled.

It was a billiard table-like machine with the earth suspended above the machine, translucent and unreal at all.

And at the position of the pool table below, the seven continents and four oceans on the earth are laying flat there.

Countless black spots, busy on the pool table.

The top one that rotates is the satellite.

The next layer is the plane.

The little black dots sliding on the sea are oil tankers or freighters.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fang felt a chill down his spine. For a while, he couldn't tell how he felt.

After Lin Fang was stunned for a while, he twisted his body and returned to his normal body shape, but he still controlled himself, leaving himself in a virtual state and did not show a real body.

After getting bigger, Lin Fang saw it more realistically.

The machine in front of him is really about the size of a pool table, and the translucent Earth phantom suspended in the center of the sky is slowly rotating, as if it is really spinning.

Not far from the shadow of the earth, there is another shadow of a small ball, that is the moon.

Around the shadow of the earth, there are many satellites, and occasionally a rocket can be seen taking off.

Earth, it seems, is also a game, a game that was designed to satisfy the desires of the Fourth Calamity...

What about the bug?

Where did it go?

Lin Fang searched everywhere, even if he searched the whole room, he couldn't see any trace of the bug.

He hesitated for a while, walked to the vicinity of the pool table, leaned down slightly, and found the province where Jincheng was located. Just as he was about to take a closer look, the shadow of the earth on the pool table suddenly flickered.

The four corners of the pool table slammed open, and various weapons popped out.

Lin Fang was taken aback~www.readwn.com~ and took a step back unconsciously.

These weapons give him a great sense of danger. If he is hit, even his soul body will be severely injured. If it is not done well, his soul will collapse.

"Di! An unknown visitor is trying to illegally log in to the Fifth Epoch Earth Era. Danger alert! Please retreat to a safe distance and wait for the test, or log in normally with the corresponding authorization! Otherwise, my laboratory has the right to shoot you down!"

"Di! The second authority is detected, and the alarm is lifted! Mr. Lin, there is a message from Dr. Xia, do you want to check it?"

A language that seems to be Chinese, but has richer meanings, more power, and can even shake Lin Fang's soul, appeared out of thin air in his heart.

Lin Fang directly understood all the information sent to him by the shadow of the earth.

It did not spread through the air, and appeared directly in Lin Fang's heart, or in his soul.

"The Fifth Era Earth Era? Is this Earth really just a game?"

Lin Fang turned to look at Jincheng, which was gradually enlarging, for a moment he didn't know what it was like.

(The volume of Soul is over, and the next chapter of the new volume is officially launched. This chapter is a supplement, and I’m still staying up late to code words on New Year’s Eve. I’m really diligent!)


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