I’m Not a Scumbag

: Happy New Year, and...

Almost in a blink of an eye, 2020 is over.

First, I wish you all the best in 2021.

It has been almost ten months since this book was opened. This is the longest book I have written in the past few years. Many mistakes have been made, and many have been taken for granted. Although there is not much progress, fortunately, there is still progress little by little.

This book has only the last two volumes at present. I originally wanted to write a long one, but after all, I still have to live first. It's good to write a book for a dream, but it's better to live first.

The SIM card hangs up inexplicably, so I can't answer the phone or make a call, so I need to re-apply.

I was too tired a few days ago. I slept for almost a day after making up for the update this morning. When I woke up, I found the above sentence.

In short, the mood is not very good, which affects the mood of the code word, and I want to dove again today.

After careful consideration, I gave up and continued pigeons. This kind of thing is addicting. First pigeons, then procrastination, and finally either eunuchs or unfinished tails. Simply adjust the story line first, organize the mood, and then slowly code it out.

The update is a little later, and there will be more updates.


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