「Good work」

There is no sign of the red dot in the sensing magic. It seems to have been eradicated without incident.

Rinshia-san retrieves the sword lodged in the General’s chest, wipes off the blood, and walks slowly over to me.

After the battle, Rinshia-san’s expression was still grim, her golden eyes tinged with a strong will.

I greeted Rinshia-san with some trepidation.

「Is there any prob――! ?」

I spoke to her as she quietly approached, and she suddenly dropped to one knee in front of me and held out one of her two pairs of swords…… the black sword.
「My Lord, please accept my sword」

「Eh…… Ehh?」

Why did Rinshia-san kneel to me?

Why did Rinshia-san call me Lord?

Why is Rinshia-san holding out her sword to me?

Why, why, why…… My mind was instantly confused.

「Won’t you please accept it?」

「Eh, ah…… thank you」

She looked up at me with her golden eyes, and in my confusion, I couldn’t help but accept the sword.

At that moment, a magic circle unfolded around me and Rinshia-san, and we were enveloped in light.

「W- What is going on…… ?」

I tried to analyze it, but it was too fleeting to catch up. The only words I could read were the words “Shadow Wolf Contract”.

「We, the Shadow Wolf Clan, serve those we recognize as our masters, and that is our mission and joy. I pledge allegiance to my Lord to be her sword and shield, along with my two pairs of swords」

Still on her knees, Rinshia-san bowed deeply.

「I refuse!」

「! ? ! ? ! ?」

I guess she didn’t expect my answer, because she looked up and her eyes fluttered.

「Why is that?」

She looks at me with an expression as though she’s about to burst into tears, but I have to overcome that expression and firmly tell her why I refused.

「Because…… I’m not worthy of being sworn allegiance to. And I’m sure that my purpose is not the one that you want!」

「Then, what is the purpose of the Lord?」

「My purpose…… is home」


「Yes, someday I would build a home in a serene place, make a living by gathering medicinal herbs, healing people’s illnesses and wounds, and end my life in peace and quiet!」

This is my purpose.

That’s never a goal you can be proud of, is it?

「Then I will protect that home」

「How can you be so sure! ?」

I am not a hero who saves the world, nor a saint who offers equal love.

However, I am an E-Rank adventurer who is good at auxiliary magic, who was called an abomination.

If you are expecting me to do something, I can’t help you.

I tell her that, but she says that she doesn’t mind.

Serve, refuse, still serve, and telling her she can’t.

We went back and forth and I finally gave in.

「Then how about forming a party first and getting to know each other?」

「Party…… is it?」

「Yes, I think it’s not too late to determine whether or not Rinshia-san really should serve me」

「There is no need to determine. The Lord is the Lord, and…… The contract is already in place」

「The contract…… the magic circle?」

「Yes, it is a contract magic passed down in the Shadow Wolf Clan. It is a magic that is activated when I swear to a master worthy of my service. Once a contract is made, it cannot be broken」

What can I say? It seems that before I know it, things are getting difficult.

「What happens if I break the contract?」

「I don’t know if you can, but if it is destroyed, it means you don’t need me. Then my life is worthless. I will take my life」

I felt like holding my head in my hands.

Even though I was confused, I didn’t expect the sword I received to be so heavy. Of course, it’s the importance of the matter, you know? It’s not the weight that’s making the sword I received from Rinshia-san start to shake and tremble.

「A-ny-way. Why don’t we start by setting up a party and then think about it?」

「I have no room to think about it, but if the Lord says so」

「And please don’t call me Lord. I have a name, Yuan. Also, I don’t like your tone of voice, it sounds like you’re a stranger」

「But the Lord is the Lord……」

「It’s Yu・an! Please refer to me as you did earlier, and speak. That’s non-negotiable!」

When I told her to remind her, Rinshia-san gave me a puzzled look. She looks a little cute when she’s frightened and acting suspicious.

「I understand……」

「There’s a difference, no?」

「Okay…… Y- Yuan. Here, okay?」

She’s looking up, tilting her little head, and the ears on her head are twitching!

It’s kind of too cute and I feel dizzy.

「Yes, I know I’m not perfect at everything, but I’m looking forward to working with you」

「There’s nothing that Yuan can’t do. I’m looking forward to serv―「Ahem」…… work with you as well」

She tried to use honorifics again, so I coughed and encouraged her to correct it.

I have to keep an eye out for this lest it happens again. Besides, I think I can trust you, Rinshia-san, so I want to do my best not to be left behind.

After all, it’s a full-fledged party, not a temporary one!

With this determination, we cleared away the Orcs with my storage magic and returned to the village to report back to the guild.

When I came, I was alone, but on the way back, there were two of us. The circumstances were a little strange, but I felt comfortable walking in the forest with Rinshia-san.

「The Shadow Wolf Clan’s settlement is located in the north of the Republic of Artika. I was born there」

「What kind of place is it?」

「A very cold place with snow all the time」

「That’s…… that sounds like a lot of work」

「The Shadow Wolves can handle the cold」

As we walked back to the village, I asked Rinshia-san about her hometown. As a friend who will be spending time with her from now on, there are many things I would like to know about her.

As we walked along, I was able to ask her a few questions about herself, and she told me that she was 17 years old, older than me, and had an older sister and a younger sister. I was told that once one becomes old enough to be an adventurer, they are forced to leave the settlement and cannot return to the settlement unless they receive the Chief’s recognition for their achievements or bring their Lord with them.

It seems that the Shadow Wolf Clan are forced to live a very harsh and severe life.

But that means that unless she works hard and make a recognizable achievement, or be recognized by the Chief of the Shadow Wolf Clan, Rinshia-san will not be able to return to the settlement, right?

Evidently, it’s a big responsibility, huh?

「Yuan doesn’t have to worry about it. Because I don’t want to go back」

「Is that so?」

「Grandpa…… The Chief is hard-headed. Besides, if I go back to the village, they’ll make me marry someone」

It seems that the Chief of the Shadow Wolf Clan is Rinshia-san’s grandfather. Her father is going to be the Chief someday, but since her grandfather seems to be still in good health, it will be a while before that.

In other words, Rinshia-san is the granddaughter of the Chief and seems to be one of the candidates for the position.

However, it seems that Rinshia-san doesn’t want to go back because she doesn’t like the idea of being forced into marriage.

There is a tradition of marrying those who are allowed to return to the settlement in order to preserve the clan with strong blood, and they cannot choose for themselves.

「So I don’t need to be recognized, I just want to be free」

「I understand. I don’t want to live a life where I’m demanded or desired by someone else」

「That’s why, I will live with Yuan」

I may get married someday and start a family, though. I don’t have any plans to do so at the moment, but what about you, Rinshia-san…… ?

「But really, Rinshia-san……」

「Shea is fine. That’s what people close to me call me. I want Yuan to call me that, too」

「I understand. So, Shea-san, can we leave the Empire and go back to the territory of the Republic of Artika?」

The place I’m headed to is the Republic of Artica. It’s a country where Beastmen like me gather, and although it may be harsh where Shea-san lives, I hear it’s famous for its rich nature and mild climate.

But if she follows me, she’ll have to go back again after having come all this way, right?

「I do not mind. I’ve just been traveling from place to place in search of a Lord. Anywhere is fine as long as Lord…… Yuan, is there」

「I’m glad you’re here, Shea-san, but…… are you really sure it’s me? No, why me?」

「Yuan saved me from death. You healed my wounds and surrounded me with a warm light. You brought out the best in me. I knew in my gut that I needed Yuan」

「I- I see」

I was embarrassed by the straightforwardness of her feelings, which she conveyed without embarrassment.

This is the first time I’ve been recognized to this extent, and I don’t seem to have a tolerance for it.

「And thanks to Yuan, I’ve learned to use a little magic myself」

「Because of me?」

「Yes. Because I was able to connect with Yuan through contract magic」


Although I don’t seem to understand it, Shea-san feels a connection with me.

「Yuan is constantly channeling magic power into your body, so it can be transmitted to me. If I also channel my magic power, maybe Yuan will be able to feel it」

Saying that, Shea-san channeled her magic power into her body.

Then, I could feel the connection between Shea-san’s magic and mine.

「At some distance I can locate Yuan. If I use my magic, Yuan will be able to tell…… maybe」

「No, it’s okay, because even if Shea-san doesn’t use her magic, it will be transmitted properly」

「Quite right, my Lord」

I can sense their location through sensing magic, and even more so, I can tell their condition.

「After that, I could use a little bit of Yuan’s magic」

「My magic?」

「Yes…… Dark Shield」


A jet-black mist was deployed around Shea-san. This is a counterattack magic that can’t prevent the opponent’s attack, but instead returns it.

「Dark magic…… yes」

「Yuan can use it」

「I can…… use it. But I’m better with light magic, so I don’t use it much!」

「Un. Yuan is light, and I’m dark, and that’s just fine」

「Yeah, that’s right!」

I’m just as bad at dark magic as I am at offensive magic…… and that’s okay.

Let’s change the subject before she asks why.

「What about other magic?」

「There is…… Vanishing spell Vanish」

Shea-san, who was supposed to be right in front of me, disappeared. I tried to smell her, but I couldn’t even pick up her scent.

Simply put, it’s magic that allows you to become invisible.

「The effect is short, but as I make my living being fast, I appreciate the magic」

It is not impossible to track Shea-san’s speed with the eyes. However, if she suddenly disappears from sight, the opponent will lose their target and that opening will lead to death.

「I’m glad you got some useful skills」

「But even though I can use magic now, I don’t have much magic power to begin with. So I can’t use it continuously」

「I can help you with your magic, if you want. Let’s train together」

「Un, please do」

「And…… there’s no benefit for me! ?」

If Shea-san benefited from her contract with me, then I should also benefit from it, right?

A little bit, I’m hoping for the best.

「Of course there is」


There it is! What benefit did it give me? Learning new magic is exciting, I feel like that!

「Un, when Yuan dies, you can transfer the wound to me instead. So, for one time, Yuan won’t die」

I’ve put even more pressure on her! ! !

It’s no exaggeration to say that I hold Shea-san’s fate in my hands!

「I don’t want it! I don’t need that benefit!」

「Don’t worry, Yuan won’t die. I’m not going to die either. I’ll protect you」

「That’s not the point……」

「We’ll work together」

Shea nodded in agreement alone that there was nothing wrong……

「That’s fine…… Mou~」

I can’t help but droop a little at the lack of any benefit that seems like a benefit to me. No, it’s probably a pretty big benefit for some normal people, but for me, who is confident in my defensive magic and has no desire to use people’s death to survive, it’s not a benefit.



「I think your physical abilities just got a little better」

There it is!

I had a benefit from the contract magic! ! !

「How much exactly?」

「Try holding this」

I was offered the sword that I received when the contract magic was activated, and when I accepted it, it felt a little lighter than that time…… I think.

「How is it?」

「I don’t know what to tell you……」

I grab the sword with both hands, extend my arms, and position it……

I couldn’t do it.

I can’t last more than 5 minutes. My arms start to ache.

「…… Once you’re familiar with contract magic, you’ll have more physical abilities…… maybe」


In the end, I couldn’t tell how much my physical abilities had improved.

I wish I could feel the increase in my physical abilities as Shea-san said……

However, I am glad to hear that Shea-san benefited a lot from it.

However, if Shea-san, who is a C-Rank skilled player, has gotten even stronger than this, then maybe she is around B-Rank.

I’m not sure if I can really stay with her, being E-Rank.

While I was thinking about this, we arrived at the edge of the forest.

「We made it out safely」

「Thanks to Yuan」

「It’s because we both worked so hard」

「Un. I’ll take that as a yes」

「Once again, I look forward to working with you. Shea-san」

「Likewise, Yuan」

A gentle breeze blew over us as though to bless us.

With a nice breeze on our skin, we slowly made our way to the village to report back.

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