「Jō-chan! Rinshia-san! Thank goodness you’re safe!」

When we arrived at the village, we were promptly stopped by the ojisan guard.

「As you see」

「I see… no, the adventurers who just came back… Orio and Natasha, I think? They reported that they encountered a horde of Orcs in the forest, and that Rinshia-san fought them alone. And I knew that jō-chan was headed to the forest, too, so I…」

As soon as I heard that, I could see that Shea-san’s eyes became sharp for a moment.

To cover it up, I interrupted ojisan. I feel the same way as you do, but I have to be patient for now.

「You were worried about us」

「Of course!」

「But we’re back safe and sound」

「No problem」

「I see… so what happened to the horde of Orcs! ?」

「They’ve been defeated. By Shea-san」

「No, the two of us」

「Really? There was a report of about 30 of them, though…」

「We have proof, you know?」

「Whoa! All right, just put it away, please!」

I took a few Orcs out of storage and put them in front of ojisan, and he fell on his butt.

I just gave you the evidence, and you were that surprised.

「At any rate, I believed you. Then go and report to the guild. I’m sure they’re probably forming an Orc strike team right now」

「Yes, I understand」

Evidently, it’s become quite an issue during our trip back.

「Shea-san, please be patient at first」

「…… I know」

「I’m also angry along with Shea-san for what he said, so I’m with you」

「Yes, together」

With those words, Shea-san finally seemed to calm down.

Now, let’s go back and show them how upset we are.

「I told you, it’s true! I saw Rinshia-san surrounded by a horde of Orcs!」

「Orio’s right! We should head there to help her… Rinshia-san helped us escape… and now we’re going to help Rinshia-san!」

Loud voices could be heard even when we were outside the guild. To be honest, just hearing those voices makes me angry.

「Shea-san, please calm down」

I barely restrain myself from doing so, and grab Shea-san’s hand, who is probably more angry than I am, and call out to her.

「Yuan… thank you. I’m calm」

「Okay, let’s go inside」


When we entered the guild, there were people gathered in front of the request board.

「It’s not too late… that’s why, everyone…」

I’m beyond angry and disgusted by the stupidity of the theatrics.

Natasha was in front of the adventurers, covering her hands with her face and crouching down, letting out what sounded like crying.

「What about me?」

A cold voice echoes through the guild. The tone of the voice startled the adventurers, while Orio and Natasha showed visible twitches in their faces.

「R- Rinshia-san, you’re alive…」

「I returned because I’m alive. So, what’s the matter with me?」

「Orio and Natasha…」

「I’m not asking you. The ones I’m asking are those two」

Interrupting the adventurer who was trying to explain the situation, Shea-san pointed at Orio and Natasha in turn.

「Answer me」

Silence descends on the guild.

Orio and Natasha kept their faces down under Rinshia-san’s gaze, refusing to speak a word.

The silence was interrupted by a man.

「The strike team has been assembled――Rinshia! You’re alive!」

A middle-aged man came down from the 2nd floor, and when he saw Shea-san, he ran to her side.

He’s large……

He seemed to be about 190 centimeters tall, with muscles so toned that it was hard to believe he was middle-aged, and a large sword on his back that was almost as tall as the man himself.

He’s the kind of person you can tell at first glance that he’s a strong man with a long history of battles.

「Safe. I did have a problem」

「Okay, so what’s all the fuss about? I thought I was supposed to be organizing a strike team?」

「Guild Master…… But, Orio and Natasha suddenly started screaming」

「That’s them?」

「Yes, and as soon as Rinshia-san returned, they were quiet」

The large, stout man seemed to be the Guild Master.

When one of the adventurers explained the current situation to the Guild Master, the Guild Master frowned.

「Let’s hear the report again. Tell me the truth」

The Guild Master approaches Orio and Natasha.

「In the forest, we were looking for a monster that could make us some money, when we saw Rinshia-san and approached her」

「So, with Rinshia-san’s permission, we accompanied her」

「Rinshia, is what they say true?」

He listened to the two of them and then turned the conversation over to Shea-san to see if it is true.

「It’s true that we met. But I never gave them permission to come with me」

「W- What are you saying?」

「It’s a lie. Rinshia-san said not to disturb her. That can be taken as permission to accompany her as long as we don’t interfere, right?」

That’s a ridiculous crappy argument.

「All right, let’s say she gave you permission to go with her. And then what?」

「We went into the forest and found a hoard of Orcs. There, the Orcs noticed us, and… Rinshia-san helped us escape」


Is it true? He asks with his eyes.

「I was observing the horde of Orcs. Then those idiots made noise that got their attention」

「No, it was you who made the noise, Rinshia-san. Wasn’t it, Orio?」

「A- Ah. Yes!」

How can you keep lying through your teeth? I want to sew your mouth shut right now.

「And after that?」

「We don’t know. Rinshia-san let us escape」


「While I was momentarily debating whether to retreat or take them down, I was hit in the back of my head… 「We’re going to use the stunned Rinshia-san as bait to escape」, I’m sure you remember those words」

I was at a loss for words when I realized that the scar on her head from being surrounded by Orcs was a scar that Orio had inflicted on her.

「Do you two have an excuse? Because, at the moment, I have faith in Rinshia」

「Y- You have no proof!」

「That’s right, you don’t have any proof that Orio did it」

The words themselves sound like an excuse, but then again, they sound like idiots. I think it would be better to say that you don’t know.

But it’s true that there is no evidence, which is a bit troublesome.

「Well, we can examine the evidence later. So, Rinshia, what happened to the Orcs?」

「No problem. All defeated」

「I see」

「Mostly because of Yuan」



The two of them didn’t seem to notice me. Nor did they seem to be aware of their surroundings.

「After I was attacked, Yuan was the one who healed my wounds. She saved my life」

「A healer, huh」

No, I’m an auxiliary magician.

When I stood next to Shea-san, Orio and Natasha looked at me hatefully, but I think this situation was self-inflicted.

「Someone whose only skill is healing is interfering with our――Guha!」

「Small fry are small fry and should stay quiet――Gu!」

Before he could say everything, Orio flew through the air and Natasha held her stomach and bent over.

「Yuan, incompetent? A small fry? Was it my imagination or did it come out that way?」

In a split second, Shea-san seems to have closed the gap, kicked Orio away, and slammed her fist into Natasha’s stomach.

I was running out of patience after the two of them made fun of me. What Shea-san did, I am feeling a little, um, happy.

「Rinshia, calm down」

「I’m calm. The fact that they’re making fun of Yuan and letting this happen is proof of that」

「Okay, okay. So, do you have any final arguments? If not, I’ll see what I have to do」

The Guild Master asks the two of them, but they seem unable to do anything but grunt as they were beaten by Shea-san.

「I don’t have a choice. Recover」

Of course, I won’t fully heal you, okay? It’s just a little bit of healing, just enough to talk.

「I- I didn’t do it」

「You can’t do this to me, my dad in the capital, won’t let you」

Orio gets a clear head, and Natasha’s dad… he’s a Guild Master, right? She seems to be using that as a shield.

It would have been nice if they could have thanked me for helping them recover, but they don’t seem to have time for that. The truth is that they don’t feel like it in the first place.

「I wish they could have told us themselves, but I guess it’s inevitable. Hey!」


The Guild Master called out, and a man stepped forward from among the adventurers.

「「Deng! !」」

That person was one of the members of the party with Orio and Natasha. It looks like they disbanded today, though.

「What were they like, the way you saw them?」

「Yes. Orio has committed intimidation, blackmail, and assault in the short time we worked together」

「What about Natasha?」

「They also took advantage of the fact that her father was a Guild Master, and used the Guild Master’s name to commit fraud and extortion」

「And Rinshia?」

「I can only tell you what happened along the way, but I can confirm that they went to the forest to take advantage of Rinshia-san’s generosity」

「After that, it’s like what Rinshia said… All right, thanks for your help」

「Deng, you bastard, you sold us out!」

Orio yelled out, spitting at Deng-san who left the scene.

「Ah, I think you’re confused, Deng is not an adventurer, he’s a former adventurer. He’s now a guild employee, and he keeps an eye on people like you」

Orio’s mouth watered at the truth.

It’s a sting operation.

「What are you gonna do to us? My dad won’t be quiet about this for long!」

「Ah, that’s the thing. They got him」


「I heard that he was threatening female adventurers and holding them captive, taking bribes from adventurers who didn’t rise in rank and illegally raising them, and using adventurers to kidnap women he liked. Now they’re investigating the rest of the crimes. Of course, he no longer has the title of Guild Master. I’m sure he’s having a good time with the interrogators in the Imperial City as a criminal now」

In addition, the woman he tried to kidnap seemed to be a daughter of a Marquise, and he seemed to be very upset about it.

「And I’ve been instructed to capture you and your family. It’s my fault that we’re so far behind, but it’s a good thing you’ve been spilling the beans about your father」

Natasha’s face grew increasingly pale at the Guild Master’s words… Eventually, she turned white as a corpse and collapsed as if she were anemic… She fell apart.

「Rinshia, I think I’ll leave the rest to the interrogators in the Imperial Capital, do you mind? As you can see, when the Marquis is involved, it’s hard for me to get my hands on anything」

「It doesn’t matter」

「Thank you, and jō-chan… was your name Yuan? I hope you don’t mind either」

「I’m just an extra, please don’t worry about it」

「Okay… Oi! Get the guards」

「Y- Yes」

A staff member who looked like a lackey ran out of the guild in a panic.

「W- What’s going to happen to me?」

「You… You’re right. You’ve been disqualified from adventuring because you’re not fit to be an adventurer, and you’ve been reported by the residents. And from various cities. Oh, and by the way. I’ll ask the interrogator from the Imperial City to check you out, too.」

Apparently, the Guild Master knew about the two of them to some extent. Was he just waiting for the right moment?

The two were then detained by the guards and taken away. Orio was treated as a murderer, although he didn’t commit any such act, and Natasha… It seems to depend on the Marquis’ feelings.

I hope their heads won’t fly off.


The details could have been made more intense.

However, I wanted to make it easy for you to read, so I had to limit myself.

Maybe I’ll rework it at some point, when I do, I’ll report back.

As always, thank you for reading.

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