
When the door was broken down, five women were found inside, all of whom were frozen in one place. They appeared to have been locked up without handcuffs or shackles so that they could move freely.


「We are adventurers. We’re here to rescue you」

My appearance is useful in these situations… because, at first glance, I look like a child…

「Rescue… is that true?」

「No reason to lie」

She is probably the one representing this room, standing in front of us, poised as if to protect everyone. Her clothes are pretty in a grey dress, but her appearance makes it hard to believe that she is an amateur.

「And you?」

「I’m Tori, a C-Rank adventurer in the Resistance」

She was not an amateur, after all, but an adventurer.

「Why are you in this place?」

「While working in the Resistance, I was attacked and captured」

C-Rank is the same rank as ours. Kiara-chan is different, but even she is called a veteran.

「How did you get caught?」

「My defence is that I was up against a skilled opponent and he got me. I’m the only one who survived…」

It seems that her companions were also C-Rank like Tori-san, but they were beaten in vain for their defiance.

「Who can beat a C-Rank?」

I heard some unpleasant information.

「Have you come with the Resistance?」

「No, we didn’t. We went from the basement. The Resistance is creating a diversion outside」

「What! We have to go and support them immediately!」

Tori-san tries to run out of the room alone.


However, just before she ran out of the room, she crouched down in pain.


「I understand」

It appears that the slave collar has taken effect. It is likely that this was caused by an unauthorized attempt to leave this room.

「Stay still, please」

It is possible to disarm the device smoothly because it has been analysed once before with Kiara-chan. I would look at the details of the collar once, though, just to be sure.

「Inexcusable 」

「No. But it’s not safe for you to go alone」

「I understand. But I can’t just run away when my friends are fighting」

It seems useless to stop her.

「Any other trapped comrades?」

「I’ve been locked in this room for so long that the details…」

「Then rescue the people in the other rooms first. Then we can talk about it」

First, remove the collars of the remaining four. When the girls were freed from their collars, they crouched on the spot and cried. But there is no time to cry. We get the girls up on their feet and head to the next room.



She slashes the door as before and goes inside.


「Tori! You’ve been captured too」

「Yeah, inadvertently」

「But I’m glad you’re safe」

「Sanya, too」

Apparently, they knew each other. They take each other’s hands and rejoice in each other’s safety. However, they soon realized we were watching them and corrected their posture.

「Tori, who are these people?」

「These are the people who came to rescue us. And… on the surface, our friends are fighting.」

「Oh, no… we have to go and support them immediately」

「Yeah, I know. Before we go any further, any other captured comrades?」

「As far as I know, Nono and Misa were here… if they haven’t already been taken out」

Unsurprisingly, a number of members of the Resistance were captured.

「OK, I get it. Then let’s get enough people ready to fight first」

The collars of those who were with Sanya were also released, and one after another the doors were broken down and freed.

「They caught so much」


A total of 54 girls were caught. Originally they had planned to take them out gradually, but I think this was not possible and the number gradually increased.

「There are only 12 people who can fight…」

There were only four members of the Resistance in the end. The rest are low-ranked adventurers.

「What should we do?」

「Leave it to Yuan」

「It looks like they’ve got some good skills, and it’s not right to just let these four girls go」

Even if we stop them, Tori-san and the others will surely go to support them.

「At least a weapon might help a little」

Sanya-san muttered in frustration. No potential weapons are located. Even though there are slave collars, they can fight back a little bit, so they wouldn’t bother to put anything that could be dangerous.

「Oh, which reminds me」

I remembered. The things I kept in storage.

「You can use this as you like if you want」

Although battered, swords, spears and knives are laid out on the table. I remembered that some of the loot I got from defeating the bandits a while ago was lying in storage. I didn’t have the right time to sell them and they were just sitting in storage.

「Not great quality, but… it will do」

「Can I have one?」

「Yes, because we don’t need it. Please help us in any way you can」

I even forgot about them until this point, and I’m not going to regret it.

「If we can, can we have one too?」

「It’s okay」

Adventurers also took up arms.

「Yuan, what are you going to do by handing over your weapons?」

「Yes, the Resistance members are inevitably going to support us, right?」

All four nodded to my question.

「Then I’ll help you, too」

「If Yuan is going, I’m going too」

「Me too」

「I’ll follow you. But what about the rest of them?」

The rest of the people are anxious to hear that we are going to support the people in the surface, as we are here to help.

「I will have the rest of you escape from the underground passageway with the adventurers」

Fortunately, there are 8 adventurers in the group. We’ve already confirmed that there are no dangerous monsters in the underground passages, and I don’t think there will be any problems even if their ranks are low.

「But what about traps?」

「Traps are not for amateurs to deal with」

「That… Kiara-chan」

「Understood. I guess it’s Ladi’s turn」

Kiara-chan seemed to have guessed what was going on and immediately called Ladi-kun.

「Leave the traps to me, I’ll show you the way」

There were screams of surprise and fear when a Demonic Rat suddenly appeared, and moreover, the Demonic Rat spoke.

「It’s okay. This child was summoned by Kiara-chan」

「Nice to meet you」

When they saw Ladi-kun standing up on two legs and bowing, they finally understood that he was not dangerous. But still, he is really clever.

「What about the adventurers?」

「It’s unsettling, but it’s better than going above ground from here」

「Then, please take care of everyone. The way to the ground will be guided by Ladi-kun’s subordinates, so please follow them. Once you’re on the surface…」

There is a bit of a problem. The guards are in the hands of the lords and the guild doesn’t feel safe.

「Luri will handle it well」


「I asked Il-nee and Luri to help yesterday」

Shia-san was also prepared for this and is willing to help in getting on the surface.

「And so, it seems that Shia-san’s sister is on the surface, so please follow her instructions」

It was decided to split up and act accordingly.

「Speaking of which… is Rose-san’s granddaughter here?」

「Uh… that’s me」

A girl who looked no older than 10 raised her hand.

「Good. Rose-san has been looking for you for a long time. I’m glad you’re safe」

「My grandmother… 」

「It’s too early to cry. So please listen to everyone and get back to Rose-san safely」


I think our original request has now been achieved. But our fight is just beginning.

「Then are you ready?」


For some reason, I somehow ended up taking the lead. The people in the Resistance also listen to me, who is clearly younger than them, and nod their heads.

「The route, as explained, leads to the back of the staircase, so there is no need to stop and join the Resistance」

I have told Shia-san and Snow-san to attack if there is an opening. We don’t know how well the people from the Resistance fight.

「Then, let’s go!」

With Snow-san in the lead, we set off. Shia-san is at the back of the group, protecting our backs.

「Shia-san, please don’t let your guard down, as there are some skilled people out there.」


「I believe in you」

Through the basement, up the stairs and out into the mansion we go. There, the knights were seen fortifying the entrance.


Finally, this chapter is coming to an end.

But it is not the end. There may still be something to come. Or maybe not.

I hope you enjoy reading this novel, as it can be a lot of fun to anticipate things.

As always, thank you for reading.

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