side: Kabai

「Are you ready?」

「We are ready to go whenever you are, Kabai-san」

We did what we could. We’ve been saving our strength for this day. We have gathered as many members of the Resistance as we can, with over 30 people in the hideout. However, even if such a large number of people are gathered, the opponents are all Knights and even more so Imperial Guards are guarding the lord’s mansion, so a tough battle is expected. It is not even possible to predict how many of these people will make it out of the city alive.

But still, there is no sadness on the faces of those gathered. Those who gathered were all those who had lost family, loved ones and friends due to the lord, and they were all eager to have their revenge on their enemies.

「Now, let’s go」

There is no leader among these members. This is because if you are working towards one goal, you can do without a leader. Nevertheless, it certainly takes someone at the top to bring people together at the crucial points. It could be in combat, in intelligence, behind the scenes, there are guys who are relied upon in every sector. It is in the form of a person who is not a leader, but who plays a similar role, conducting the situation on the spot.

I have, until recently, been mixed up with bandits, gathering intelligence. Thanks to that, my comrades trust me a lot. The decision to raid the lord’s mansion today came about after I received information from Snow. That girl’s identity is open. Therefore, she was deemed trustworthy.

「Our aim is to buy time」

The plan is for us to cause a ruckus above ground while Snow and her fellow adventurers arrange to break in from underground. The longer we persist, the more time we can buy for the rescue.

「But will it work?」

「We have to do it」

It is noticeable that a large number of people are on the move. That’s why we’re running to the lord’s pavilion. We’re trying to reduce the amount of time they have to prepare to intercept us. It is close to the lord’s mansion from where we gathered. It is just a stone’s throw away.


「On the contraty…… Hey!」

As we approached the lord’s mansion, we came across patrolling knights, but the two of them could not stop this number on their own. One of our companions cuts off the knight and just keeps going without slowing down.

「With this, we’re all fine rebels」

「Ah, there’s only one way left to go!」

That’s what it means to mess with a knight. And to attack a lord’s mansion would be treason. Now we will be labelled as criminals.

「Let’s keep going!」

The lord’s mansion was visible.


The voice did not come from a knight, but from a fellow member of the group.

「This is…」

I couldn’t believe my eyes… I wish I had. As we approached, knights started running out of the gates of the lord’s mansion one after the other.


「Yeah… it seems they’ve been watching our every move」

It would have been one thing to go straight into it, but we were stopped in our tracks by the appearance of the knights.

「Drop your weapons, you are already surrounded」

True to their word, knights began to appear one after another from nearby houses and alleyways.


One of my companions clenched his fists in frustration.

「Everyone… ready for battle! Let’s go wild!」

But none of us have given up.


「Don’t fight alone, always engage your opponent in pairs at least, and get back into the circle before you’re surrounded!」

We are surrounded by more than twice as many people. If we fight on our own, it is obvious that we will be destroyed individually. Fortunately, from what I have seen of the Knights, there are no magicians or archers. The only way to knock out our mass is to get close.

「Come on, let’s fulfill our role as liberators here!」

Our aim is to buy time, a situation that could be called hopeless at the earliest opportunity, but we have no regrets.

… I would have liked to catch a glimpse of my daughter Nagusa again, though.

Our battle has now begun.

side: Ladi

I lived quietly in an underground passageway with my friends. Then one day, when my body and vision were enveloped in light, before I knew it I was transported in front of a girl. Knowledge flows into my head. I knew at that moment what I had to do. I will help and live with the girl in front of me. That’s reason enough.


I ran to protect my Master.



Strangely enough, I have a lot of subordinates. Not friends, but subordinates. Not only my original friends, but all the other Demonic Rats in the underground passageway listen to me. This is convenient. I give instructions to my subordinates. Find out who might be able to help the girl.

My subordinates dispersed. And soon reports come in that 3 girls of about the same age as my Master are said to be in the underground passageway. I didn’t hesitate to go and see them. I am aware that I am a monster, but I didn’t hesitate. In conclusion, the girls helped my Master. On the way there, I was so happy that I got carried away and the wolf beastman stared at me, but I managed.

My Master I saved gave me the name Ladi. I was very happy. I want to be useful to my Master, so I decided to gather information to be as helpful as possible. My Master wanted to know what was inside the lord’s mansion. So I let my subordinates break in.

「Leave it to me」

Information was easily gathered. My subordinates are not good fighters. I am also weak. But there are many of us. Some of my subordinates were out of touch, but I gathered a lot of information that my Master and her friends needed.

「Thank you, Ladi」

My Master gently pats me. That’s all I need to keep going.

So I want to be more useful.


I gathered as many of my subordinates as I could. I got a name, a stronger bond with my Master, and I’m smarter. I have more knowledge. So I decided to make the Demonic Rats stronger. I thought it would make me more useful.

Their combat skills didn’t improve much, but the Demonic Rats became stronger. I became a little stronger too. That’s why we’ll fight too. My Master and her friends are underground. I’m doing my best to create a diversion for the people fighting up there. Therefore, I’m helping them too.

「Engage in the battle above」


There are many paths leading to the surface, unknown to humans. There are many paths that only we can travel.

More than 100 subordinates were on the move.

Because that is the way to serve my Master and her friends.

side: Yuan

「Where did you guys come in from…」

As soon as we popped out of the basement, we were immediately noticed. But we moved first. The knights in the pavilion were armed, but they seemed to be completely preoccupied with outside matters and were not ready for battle.

「Enchantment Magic 【Explosion】. Kiara-chan, knights at the entrance, please!」


I cast enchantment magic to the bow. The result of combining water and fire is an explosion. It is important to keep it down to a minimum, as it is known that adding and subtracting the wrong amount can be catastrophic.

One arrow fired by Kiara-chan pierced the door and blasted it as well as the knights who were standing by to protect it.

「Wha…… !」

The knights, who were at a fortunate distance, were stunned by the sight.

「No time to look away」

Snow-san does not miss that opportunity. She closes the distance, and with a flash of her sword, the knights fall to the ground. Seconds later, the knights around them fall as well. 4 members of the Resistance moved in a similar way and have defeated the knights.


「Shia-san is my escort」


Shia-san stayed by my side instead of joining the fight. Shia-san is itching to join the fight as she is the only one who has not joined.

「What’s going on!」

Hearing the commotion, knights emerged from the back.

「Once outside, join the Resistance!」

The rear is at the back of the pavilion, so from the opposite direction to the entrance. Therefore, we decided to go outside in order to meet up with the Resistance.

「I won’t let you get away!」

「We’re not going to run away」

As an added precaution, Shia-san cuts off the knights who appeared.


「It’s okay. Go ahead」

「Please come back soon」

Snow-san and the others have already started to move on, and I follow them. Leaving Shia-san behind, we went outside to find an unexpected sight.


「First, we have to deal with the Demonic Rats… ga!」

「Watch out, they have poison and paralysis!」

Numerous Demonic Rats were swarming around the knights’ feet. Many knights have already collapsed, and all I can see are knights lying on their sides, twitching convulsively or with a very white complexion. The situation has left the group surrounded by knights bewildered.

「Um… was it Ladi-kun’s doing?」


「To subordinates, asked support」

Oh, he’s speaking a bit more fluently! And that’s not the point.

「From the looks of it, the damage looks minimal」

The fallen knights still seem to be conscious, and a good number of the Resistance are still there, although many of them are wounded. Unfortunately, some people seem to have run out of steam, though.

「What should we do?」

「For now, let’s control the front of the pavilion!」

We attack the knights from behind, who are in disarray.

「Go back to sleep for a while!」


Snow-san slashes a knight from behind. The knight is blown several meters and falls to the ground. Seeing that there is no blood, she striked with the back of the sword.

「Everyone, we’re here to support you!」

「Tori, Sanya! You’re safe!」

「Yeah, but we’ll talk later, let’s control this first」

Resistance has also started to move. The Demonic Rats attacked, they were forced from behind, and the Resistance fought back. The knights must have thought they had an overwhelming advantage. But not anymore.

「H-Hold tight! Avoid attacking them individually!」

The knights gather in one place and somehow try to prepare for an intervention. But it’s a mistake, you know? After all, unlike the knights, we have magicians mixed in with us.

「It’s not safe to stick together… Stun Spark!」

The lightning chain begins. This magic was used during the Orc fight. This magic has no ability to kill or injure, but is used to stun opponents, and the higher the density, the more effective it is.

「O bo bo bo bo bo!」

A chain of lightning strikes, causing the knights to gradually fall. However, the effect is gradually reduced, so not all can be stunned. However, although not all of them, they are definitely slowing down. The Resistance then launches an assault.

「T-They’re coming!」

An anxious knight shout, but the momentum does not stop. Knights and Resistance clashed. The battle between friend and foe begins as it does. Victory is not won or lost by force, but by a fractured spirit. Already completely backed into a corner from our overwhelming advantage, the knights have no time to fight back and are struck down one by one.

「It’s not good」

The scene was devastating. The bloodthirsty Resistance is attacking the discouraged knights. This only leads to more deaths in vain. The battle for control of this place has already come to an end.

「That’s enough! Please cool your head… Water Ball of Recovery・Healing Bottle」

This is the magic that led Orio and Natasha to call me a potion. Several water balls are flown at the Knights and the Resistance, hitting them directly.


A cold, frigid ball of water poured down, and the suddenness of the situation caused the Resistance to stop moving.

「M-My wounds are healing?」

It also has a recovery effect. It cannot heal serious wounds, but it can at least seal the wound and reduce the loss of blood. I don’t want to heal the Knights completely and have them fight back again.

「Stop fighting back. If you lay down your arms, your life is guaranteed」

Snow-san urges the knights to surrender. The knights’ duty is to fight. However, when one knight drops his weapon, they follow suit by throwing their weapons to the ground one after the other. It appears that they have given up.

「Kabai-san, the matter in the basement is over. So, after capturing the knights, please escape from here」

「But there is still the lord」

「Leave the rest to us… we’ll have back-up soon」

I won’t say who, but that seems to have got the message across. Kabai-san nodded and gave instructions to the Resistance.

「… All right. Everybody, we’ll scatter to different locations as planned!」

For those who cannot move, recovery magic is applied and the knights are captured. The death toll is lower than expected, but it is on both sides. However, we have managed to get control of the situation.

「Oya oya, this is…」

It was just as I thought that. It appears that there were still knights left in the mansion, not many, but a tall man in conspicuous armor appeared with a group of knights in tow.

Evidently, it is not over yet.


The subtitle is different from usual due to the mix of multiple viewpoints.

This is a procedure to make it easier to understand when reading back or editing at a later date.

As always, thank you for reading.

I’d be very grateful for your ratings, feedback, etc.!

Thank you for your continued support.

I want to get better at describing battles.

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