After Mu Qinghan finished speaking, he immediately got up and left.

Su Hao also wanted to go out, but the two big sisters blocked the door.

If you want to force it out, you have to pass it through your chest.

After hesitating for a second, Su Hao still didn't choose to go out. He sat on the chair and looked at his phone quietly.

Obviously, he wanted to protest in this way.

Just like Tang Seng is as stable as Mount Tai in his daughter's country, he is also full of determination now.

After the women looked at each other, they all showed interested smiles.

That's how challenging it is.

After thinking about it for a while, a rather cold-looking sister Yu pushed the door and walked out. After a while, she came in with a cup of tea.

"Xuedi Su, are you a student of Dongda University? Actually, I also graduated there."

Sister Gao Lengyu brought the tea over, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, revealing a gentle smile.

She looks like a confidant big sister.


Su Hao responded calmly.

"Then Su Xuedi has a girlfriend, there are many good-looking sisters in Dongda."

Sister Gao Leng continued to ask.

"I found it, there are several."

Su Hao was still extremely calm.

After hearing this, Sister Gao Lengyu couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

Why is there no truth in this apprentice's mouth?

Then only the most straightforward way can be used.

When Sister Gao Lengyu retracted her hand, a pen fell to the ground and rolled to Su Hao's feet.

Sister Gao Lengyu suddenly bent down and went to pick up the pen.

The figure under the skirt was vividly reflected.

Su Hao looked at Sister Gao Leng Yu who was bent over, and his mood did not fluctuate at all.

Sister Gao Lengyu stood up straight, glanced at Su Hao's expression, and was immediately frustrated.

Why is he so calm?

An eldest sister with an amazing bust blinked and a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and sat beside Su Hao.

A pair of long legs in black silk overlapped, looking dignified and charming.

"Little handsome guy, what's your name?"

She flirted directly, looking neat and tidy.

"Su Hao."

Su Hao glanced at the big murderer and the long legs and then withdrew his gaze.

The fierce can't compare to Lin Jiayu, and the long legs are not as good as her sister.

Why did you miss your sister again?

Su Hao felt a little melancholy in his heart.

Speaking of which, thanks to his sister's practice yesterday afternoon, he can now hold back his impulse.

In this way, the big sisters who looked at them all had sullen expressions on their faces, as if a tiger was eating the sky, and they had no idea what to say.

As for the younger girls, they behaved even more unbearably, and they were even nervous when talking to Su Hao.

Some people might be attracted to such a shy girl, but Su Hao didn't feel it.

in the office.

Mu Qinghan leaned back on the chair and looked at the computer screen seriously.

The computer at this time displayed exactly what was happening in that conference room.

Mu Qinghan stretched, with a bit of satisfaction on his face.

She wants to take this opportunity to carefully screen out those who may appear in the company with bad intentions.

In this way, you can cut off the possibility of greed for your own man in advance, so that the company will be in a harmonious state.

You can also squeeze employees by the way, which can definitely be called a multiplier.

"Little brother, your patience is very strong, why didn't you find out before?"

"However, strong and strong, I can always find your flaws under their offensive, and the final winner must be me."

The smile on Mu Qinghan's face became more obvious.

meeting room.

Su Hao couldn't bear it anymore.

These big sisters seemed to be more aggressive looking at his calm look.

There were actually two of them who started to pretend to touch their bodies inadvertently, and it seemed that they had reached the point of getting started.

If he stayed here and didn't leave, I'm afraid he would be given to that by the women who kept testing his bottom line for a while.


These women are so scary!

He suddenly got up and quickly walked towards the door.

Can't stay here anymore.

Before a few big sisters could react, they were surrounded by Su Hao, looking a little annoyed.

Chapter 197 After all, the goblin is still superior

Su Hao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, feeling a little frightened.

This kind of fragrant encounter, others flock to him, but he only feels terrified.

In comparison, he was blocked in the alley by more than a dozen big men.

The woman behind him seemed to come out. Su Hao didn't have time to hesitate and ran towards Mu Qinghan's office.

I have been here several times in my last life, and naturally I will not get lost.

He pushed open the office and closed the door.

"What's the matter, little brother, the time hasn't come yet."

Mu Qinghan put his legs on the table and asked in a very casual manner.

If someone who is not good-looking makes this action, it will only make people feel vulgar, but Mu Qinghan made this action very elegantly.

This face-to-face world.

"Sister Mu, I admit defeat, don't let those bad women come!"

Su Hao said quickly.

He looked back and saw that those women were already waiting at the door of the office, but they didn't come in because of Mu Qinghan.

This is really scary enough, as if a group of zombies are waiting outside to eat meat.


Although Su Hao is very strong now, he can't fight all the way, can he?

"They are all good girls, why are they bad girls? Don't talk nonsense."

Mu Qinghan said unhurriedly.

"If you don't let them go, don't blame me for not giving you face."

Su Hao's face had a bit of ill will.

Not doing anything now is to save Mu Qinghan's face and not let her sweep the floor in front of the staff.

"You... well, let's go."

Mu Qinghan's pretty face flushed, but he didn't insist any longer, and waved his hand towards the outside.

Seeing this, the women outside looked annoyed and left.

The corridors also echoed the voices of them complaining to each other, which sounded very annoyed.

"Really enthusiastic..."

Su Hao struggled to say such a sentence.

He really didn't know how to describe this kind of thing.

"There's no way, there are not many men in the company, and the yin is rising and the yang is declining, and the younger brother is so good."

"It's normal for them to be a little excited. If they don't respond, they should go to the doctor."

Mu Qinghan clicked his tongue twice and said.

"Okay, is this all right?"

Su Hao walked to the desk, looked at Mu Qinghan who was there with the old god, and pinched the soft black silk feet.

My sister's training is quite effective.

It is much gentler than the training of Juicy Ji, and there are no side effects! just feels a little bad.

"Well then, I haven't done anything yet."

Mu Qinghan shivered and quickly retracted his feet.

There is a sensitive spot on her foot, and if she gets up, she will lose her strength.

"What else do you want to do? I tell you, don't blame me if you let them come again!"

Su Hao was alert, and after looking around, he nodded.

"How can they be cheap? Little brother, come here and sit down."

Mu Qinghan put on high heels and stood up and said with a smile.

Su Hao looked at the boss chair and sat down after finding that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Let's play a role-playing game. I'm the secretary and you're the boss."

Mu Qinghan's eyes flashed with excitement, looking a little excited.

"Sounds like fun, let's play with this."

After Su Hao thought about it for a while, he also decided to cooperate with him to play the game.

Maybe I don't agree, and there will be some strange ideas waiting for me, so it's better to be simple.

Mu Qinghan pursed his lips and smiled, went to the water dispenser to pick up a glass of water, and walked over with the water glass.

The crisp sound of high heels stepping on the ground is very rhythmic, making Su Hao feel a little uneasy after listening to it.

"Boss, drink water."

Mu Qinghan came to Su Hao's body, bent down, holding the water cup in both hands, looking quite well-behaved.

Under this bend, the white shirt in front of the uniform became more bulging and taut.


Su Hao took the water glass, took a sip and nodded, with a bit of satisfaction on his face.

"Boss, is there anything else you can do?"

Mu Qinghan stood there straight, with his hands folded, his long black silk legs stretched straight, looking neat and shrewd.

This role-playing, she undoubtedly substituted quite well.

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