"It's all right."

Su Hao had to say this.

Although he has seen a lot, he has never been such a boss, and he is novel but also does not know what to do.

"Okay, boss, if you have anything, just leave it to me."

"As the boss's secretary, sharing your worries is a matter of course."

Mu Qinghan looked loyal and reliable.

But Su Hao always felt that something was not right.

The secretary has something to do, okay?

Is this connoting yourself?

"It's okay, you can find a place to sit."

Su Hao wanted to let her go and enjoy this rare peaceful time.


Mu Qinghan answered without hesitation, and sat on Su Hao's lap all of a sudden.

The soft buttocks under the skirt are amazing to the touch, giving people a feeling of enjoyment.

"Sister Mu, what are you doing?"

Su Hao asked with some discomfort.

This is why the training given by my sister is not good. Although the concentration has improved, the body is still very honest.

If you have a feeling, you will be able to stand up.

"Boss, what's the matter, didn't you let me sit down?"

Mu Qinghan blinked, looking a little aggrieved.

But when she said this, she sat inside again and leaned directly into Su Hao's arms.

A pair of long black silk legs were naturally placed on Su Hao's legs, slender and charming.

"Don't move!"

Su Hao took a breath, feeling that this was a little too exciting.

"I didn't move around, boss, it's just that the position was uncomfortable."

"It's just that it's a little strange here... What is that hard thing that's holding me up?"

Mu Qinghan turned his head sideways, his eyes full of ignorance and curiosity.

This look is very pure, like a high school student who just graduated and doesn't understand anything.

With this kind of acting, even Su Hao, who acts all day, is ashamed of himself.

"Sister Mu, I'm really convinced, why don't you come down?"

Su Hao expressed his admiration for her acting skills and said.

He always felt that if it went on like this, he would not be able to bear it anymore.

After all, he was the one who was buffed by his sister himself, so he wouldn't be taken down so easily, would he?

But here is completely the right place and the right people.

Mu Qinghan's business attire and black silk high heels had an extra bonus in the office.

Coupled with the respectful tone, ignorant eyes and expressions, it can even evoke desires in the depths of people's hearts.

This is simply the ultimate temptation for an office girl. This senior senior president is going to give herself to ko here!

"Everything I own is yours, why would the boss say such a thing?"

"As long as you give the order, I will do it meticulously, please don't fire me!"

In the second half of Mu Qinghan's words, it became a plea from a pitiful secretary who was about to be fired.

There was mist in those bright eyes, a look of random bullying.

Su Hao felt the soft and warm body in his arms and the faint body fragrance coming from the tip of his nose.

He felt that his face was a little hot, his heart was beating faster and faster, but his thinking was gradually slowing down.

This nasty bad woman!

Su Hao cursed inwardly.

To actually make fun of yourself like this, don't you know that this is playing with fire?

It's really exciting to do this in the office.

Especially when there is a possibility of passing, this stimulus is infinitely amplified.

Su Hao didn't know that Mu Qinghan had already told her secretary that no one would be allowed to come over.

"Boss, I know I've done something wrong, so don't drive me away, okay? If you really can't stand it, just... just..."

"Just bully me, I won't tell anyone else."

There was a bit of shyness in Mu Qinghan's eyes, and he closed his eyes as if resigned.

She pursed the corners of her mouth slightly, her red lips opened slightly, very attractive.

"I won't watch Oscar without you, Mu Qinghan, you brought it on yourself!"

Su Hao couldn't bear the humiliation, he couldn't bear it anymore, his reason finally stopped occupying his consciousness, and his instinct issued an order to go up.

He hugged the slender waist with one hand, and put the other hand on the slender thigh.

The mouth was also not idle, and the incomparably seductive cherry lips were suddenly blocked.


Mu Qinghan let out a groan, and a seductive blush appeared on his fair face.

She opened her eyes, and her beautiful eyes were still filled with mist, but she was cunning and content.

The incomparably beautiful appearance made Su Hao a little stunned, and he forgot his movements for a while.

Seeing Su Hao stop, Mu Qinghan was a little dissatisfied.

She turned slightly sideways and responded enthusiastically.

Su Hao responded passively, but seemed a little embarrassed, and his previous preparations were shattered by this role-playing.

Coach, you didn't tell me how to deal with it here? Being ko is not entirely your own problem!

But the next moment, the phone rang, bringing Su Hao back to his senses slightly.

He took a few deep breaths and glanced at his phone, only to feel more rational.

Because this phone number belongs to Sophie.

Sister, I am ashamed of your teaching!

Su Hao sighed in his heart, made a silent gesture to Mu Qinghan, and then answered the phone.

"Little brother, where did you go early this morning, are you back at noon?"

So Feiyan's voice was extremely gentle, and it made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Sister, I'll be back at noon, will you be back today?"

Su Hao asked.

After being silent for two seconds, Mu Qinghan couldn't help it anymore.

She stretched out her slender hand and slowly took off Su Hao's pants.

"Well, come back for lunch at noon, remember to come back early at noon, and pay attention to safety on the road."

Sophie said with concern.

"Relax... Take it easy, sister, I'm not a child anymore."

Su Hao gritted his teeth, trying his best not to sound so strange.

He wanted to stop Mu Qinghan's hand, but that slender little hand was too determined.

If it was forcibly stopped, there would definitely be a disturbance, which would be embarrassing.

If my sister finds out, she must be quite angry...

Mu Qinghan showed a smug smile, took off Su Hao's pants smoothly, and his slender hands began to move up and down.

"Even if you are no longer a child, I have to care about you. Who made you my little brother?"

"Little brother, what are you doing now?"

Sophie smiled softly.

"Nothing to do, just stroll around outside."

Su Hao's heart came to his throat, but he still said calmly.

Now he can be said to be in pain and happy.

Pleasure is a physical sensation, pain is a pain of the conscience.


The training can't keep up with the changes, senior sister directly took advantage of the right time, place and people to come here, and my sister is still one step away from chess.

But in the end, it's still not up to the standard...

"Well, I have work again, little brother, I'll go to work first!"

After Su Feiyan quickly said these words on the phone, she hung up the phone directly.

While busy, she didn't seem to hear any strange sound at all.

Damn senpai!

"How is it? Is the boss still satisfied with my service?"

Mu Qinghan raised his head, wiped his hands with a tissue, and showed a charming smile.

"You fairy finally revealed its true form!"

Su Hao gritted his teeth and said.

"Boss, what are you talking about? I can't understand a word."

Mu Qinghan blinked and returned to her innocent and pleasant appearance.

"Stand up for me!"

Su Hao shouted in a low voice and put on his pants.

He wants to let this abominable senior sister know that teasing himself has to pay!

Outside the house, the female secretary was faithfully guarding the door. No matter who approached, she would be pushed away.

However, she heard a strange sound vaguely coming from the office.

This voice... seems to belong to Mr. Mu...

The secretary's pretty face couldn't help but turn red, and she was full of amazement.

Unexpectedly, President Iceberg also has a moment of melting.

Is that man the real son of Mr. Mu?


Su Hao rejected Mu Qinghan's intention to send him home, and directly called a car back.

In the sage mode, he only felt that he was too unsatisfactory.

Sister Mingming only gave her special training not long ago, so she disarmed and surrendered so quickly.

This is a denial of the sacrifice made by my sister!

Back home, Sophie had been waiting for a long time.

"Little brother, when you're back, just wait for you to eat, go and wash your hands."

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