Su Feiyan smiled softly and gently helped Su Hao take off his coat.

Siblings can't do this, it's more like a wife gently waiting for her husband to come back.

"Sister, you have done so much work this morning. Wouldn't it be better to take a rest after eating early?"

Su Hao's heart was full of emotion, and at the same time, he felt even more guilty.

With such a sister who is kind to herself and thinks of herself everywhere, she actually let her down.

"With my little brother here, I can eat it with peace of mind. Don't my little brother know there is a saying called... a beautiful meal?"

So Feiyan seemed to see that Su Hao was not in high spirits, and laughed very briskly.

The word "sexy and delicious" seems a bit strange when it is placed on a man.

Chapter 198 The real killer always faces punishment bravely

"Sister... I'm sorry."

Su Hao felt even more ashamed, and opened his hands as if begging for a hug.

He didn't resist the temptation, and when faced with such a sister, there is no need to say more about the discomfort in his heart.

"What's there to apologize for, what a child... I like to wait for my little brother, go wash your hands and eat."

"In the future, if you want to call your sister, I will answer it anytime."

So Feiyan hugged Su Hao at once, and gently touched his head.

Su Hao smelled the fragrance from his sister's body, nodded vigorously, and obediently went to wash his hands.

When he got to the table, Su Hao found that Su Feiyan was very close to him.

Much closer than the previous seat distance.

Just at a glance, he knew that this was because his sister knew that she was in a bad mood and wanted to comfort herself.

"Little brother, what are you thinking? Come over to eat quickly."

Sophie smiled and patted the chair next to her.

The two were almost sitting next to each other, as if they could feel the body temperature of the person next to them.

"Come on, eat this."

"This is your favorite food, and I actually like it too."

"Speaking of which, our tastes are surprisingly consistent, and we don't know who influenced who."

Su Feiyan was eating and feeding Su Hao from time to time, looking extremely gentle and considerate.

And this made Su Hao feel even more guilty.

Such a good elder sister, it's really inappropriate that she has betrayed her trust.

After dinner.

"Sister, do you want to go in the afternoon?"

Su Hao asked with concern.

"Of course, the company's affairs are inseparable from people, even I can't walk away often."

Sophie smiled softly.

"What time does my sister leave? I should rest for a while."

Su Hao asked again.

"Well, take a break and spend more time with my little brother. If you want, I won't go there in the afternoon."

Sophie nodded.

"It's still officially important, and I don't want my sister to become King Zhou You... Isn't it a bit strange to say that."

Su Hao laughed suddenly as he spoke.

What are you, Baosi?

But gender doesn't match identity.

"Sister, let me give you a massage to relieve fatigue."

Su Hao said with concern.

"Huh? Why is my brother suddenly so diligent today, did he do something bad?"

Sophie raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

"No, my sister has worked too hard. This is the only thing I can do for my sister."

Su Hao shook his head and said very seriously.

However, his heart was full of panic.

As expected of her elder sister, her skill in looking at people is really top-notch.

"It's rare for my little brother to have this kind of filial piety. I'm very happy, but this is not the only thing that little brother can do."

Sophie smiled and sat on the sofa.

"What else can I do, my sister can tell me."

Su Hao patted his chest and looked like he was wrapped around me.

"You don't need to do anything, as long as I see you, my mood will improve. This is your role."

Sophie replied.

"Ah? So I'm still someone who can bring joy to others, sister, how do you feel here?"

Su Hao came behind Su Feiyan, put his hand on her shoulder, and squeezed it lightly.

"It's a little sore, little brother, rub it for me."

Sophie said.

Su Hao nodded lightly, staring at the proud and fierce man, a little lost.

This shoulder pain symptoms should not be caused by work, but caused by too much evil, right?

For people with big breasts, this is also a trouble. I really don't know how Lin Jiayu runs with the ball all day.

Su Feiyan narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling the moderately heavy **** on her shoulders, and let out a comfortable breathing sound.

Her heart was secretly proud.

It seems that his training is very good, the invisible strategy is the most deadly and the most effective.

As long as one day the younger brother becomes accustomed to the intimacy of the two, and then showdown by himself, it will definitely have an explosive effect.

Isn't this faster and more likely than those fox spirits outside?

So Feiyan didn't know what her little brother had been doing all morning.

If she knew, she would have to do another anti-murdering training.

the other side.

Mu Qinghan sat on the boss chair, smiling and looking at the pictures on the computer.

Although she didn't have time to take pictures when the two were intimate in the morning, the computer faithfully executed her orders.

Those are some pretty precious photos.

If it can be sent to someone, it will definitely have an explosive effect.

This made Mu Qinghan's eyes show some anticipation.

Just when she was thinking about this, a phone call came.

Willow Fox.

Very good, before she made a move, she took the initiative to send it to the door.

Without any hesitation, Mu Qinghan answered the phone directly.

"Hey, Qing Han, have you eaten yet?"

Liu Qingwu's relaxed and pleasant voice rang across the phone.

"Eat, what's the matter?"

Mu Qinghan's tone was also very light.

Liu Qingwu on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment and looked at the phone number.

Mu fairy, that's right.

How can you reply with such a good tone?

However, she didn't care much.

"I want to ask you for help with some things. Our company... ah, there is a problem with the sales of my company and my little brother."

"I think, can Qinghan give way to the market and make room for it?"

Liu Qingwu asked seriously.

"You are the brains of the Liu family, what do you want to say hello to me on these matters, it's better to just direct the family to open the way."

Mu Qinghan snorted and asked.

She knew what the other party was going to say next.

"No, although the little brother gave me the full authority of the company, it's not that he doesn't care."

"I often call me to ask about the company, and if I don't let me use the power of my family, I can only ask you for help."

Liu Qingwu sighed, sounding a little melancholy.

"Oh, so that's the case, then there's no way, I'll make it easier for the company."

Mu Qinghan said very calmly.

If this happened yesterday, she would not be very angry, but now that she has just finished eating, she can say anything.

Willow fox, you said how close you are to your little brother, can you still eat it secretly?


While thinking about it, she slipped her hand gently and sent a photo there.

It was a photo of the two of them looking quite intimate. Mu Qinghan was sitting in Su Hao's arms with a contented expression on his face.

On the other hand, she showed her snow-white neck. On the neck, the red strawberry prints were extra obvious.

Then sent another sentence.

[Ah, I accidentally clicked on the photo. 】

Between the two, it can be said that there is an opponent.

Liu Qingwu is the hidden Versailles, while Mu Qinghan is the bright Versailles.

It seemed that Mu Qinghan was even better.

Liu Qingwu looked at the photo, her teeth itching with anger.

It's still too slow to start, but this nasty Mu Qinghan has succeeded in advance!

She squeezed her fist and slammed it against the table with a loud thud.

The maids around shivered suddenly, and all of them didn't dare to breathe.


So Feiyan went to work, leaving Su Hao at home.

Of course, he is not alone, there are maids at home.

Among the maids, there was a person who looked extra angry.


Su Hao glanced at her and went back to his room without speaking.

Not long after sitting down, the door of the room was pushed open.

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