"I'm leaving, you have a good reflection here."

Su Hao said without hesitation.

Sophia only felt uncomfortable. When she wanted to keep her, Su Hao had already left.

At dinner, Su Feiyan was a little strange.

"Little brother, where did Sophia go, why didn't you see it?"

Sophie asked casually.

"I did something wrong and I'm being locked up."

Su Hao said.

After Fu Yingying heard this, she glanced at Su Hao's room with some sympathy.

She didn't know what was going on in the room, but she saw that Su Hao would go in every once in a while.

When she opened the door once, she clearly heard the begging sound of the killer maid.

This made her feel a little sad.

"Well, don't be too harsh on bodyguards. It's not easy for people to do a job."

Sophie laughed lightly.

"I listen to my sister."

Su Hao is quite well-behaved.

After Su Feiyan returned to the room after eating, Su Hao also returned to his room.

"I don't want it anymore, Master, I really don't want it anymore..."

Sophia retracted into the bed with difficulty, as if she wanted to stay away from Su Hao.

This feeling of being forcibly terminated later, even a strong-willed killer could not resist.

Especially when it comes one after another, it is simply torture.

She struggled too, trying to get the rope free.

But Su Hao's binding method was professional, so she couldn't even find the strength.

After all, he had experimented on Sophia many times in the last life, and of course he knew how to tie the killer.

Sophia's smooth blond hair was wet with sweat, there was mist in the eyes of different colors, and there was crystal saliva around her mouth.

This look of being played badly almost made Su Hao uncontrollable.

"If it wasn't for my sister's words, I wouldn't let you go tonight. Go take a shower and eat."

Su Hao patted the soft buttocks and untied the rope for Sophia.

Sophia's body trembled suddenly, with a bit of happiness in her eyes.

She got up in embarrassment and staggered to the outside.

If she wasn't leaning against the wall, I'm afraid she would fall to the ground.

It seems that the punishment is quite in place.


The next morning.

Sophia huddled in the corner of the bed, looking at her skin.

There was a faint blush on the snow-like skin, and there were red marks tied by ropes.

I have to wear a longer maid outfit.

Now, she really knew she was wrong.

In the morning, Su Hao received another voice message.

"Big brother, would you like to come to Qingyou Bamboo Pavilion? Bodhi misses you."

It was Dong Puti's invitation.

Who can say no to a cute white-haired man?

Without hesitation, Su Hao agreed directly.

With Mu Qinghan, Liu Qingwu or Juicy Ji, his bottom line will be lower and lower.

But the feeling of being together with Dong Puti and Cao Zijin is different, and they can supplement their ever-decreasing integrity.

Go, of course!

But since it's going to an appointment, it's not good not to bring some gifts.

Su Hao took a hairpin made of jade, which was the jade he obtained last time.

Under the influence of the banknote ability, the finished jade is carved quite quickly, and this hairpin is just right for giving.

In a prosperous city, there are always some places that can provide a place to purify people's soul.

Qingyou Bamboo Pavilion is undoubtedly one of them.

Inside, you can not only get close to nature, but also drink tea and talk about things. It can be said that it feels quite wonderful.

Dong Puti likes this kind of environment that is integrated with nature, and she herself is as close to nature as it is.

Qingyou Bamboo Pavilion can be said to be a high-end place. All the consumption in it is expensive, but it is also worth the money.

The structure of the bamboo house is similar to that of the tea house, but it is made of bamboo.

The outside is very different. You can see the tall and straight bamboos through the window.

When the wind blows, the bamboo leaves rustle, which is quite poetic.

Su Hao entered the quaint bamboo house, and after looking around, he easily found Dong Bodhi.

In the bamboo house, many people are drinking tea quietly, leaning on bamboo chairs and looking at the scenery outside.

But there are also many eyes looking at the girl.

Her appearance is delicate and flawless, as if with a natural affinity.

Wearing a white princess dress, pure white stockings and princess shoes on her legs, plus white hair, makes people feel a little unreal.

Dong Bodhi.

Today's Dong Puti is not in a wheelchair. Compared with the previous meetings, her delicate face is a little more bloody.

It looks much healthier.

"Big brother, you are here."

Dong Puti showed a very happy smile.

This smile is like her own, giving people a healing power.

"Well, look what present I brought you."

Su Hao smiled, sat opposite her, and took out the hairpin made of jade.

The jades he chose are of good quality, and they were made by the best craftsmen. Naturally, they were crystal clear and beautiful.

"Ah, what a beautiful hairpin, thank you big brother."

A look of surprise appeared in Dong Puti's eyes.

After her slender palm had finished marking the hairpin, she was quite fond of it.

After a while, Dong Puti's eyes turned to Su Hao again, as if he had something to say.

"Shall I put it on for you?"

Seeing her happy look, Su Hao also smiled.

"it is good!"

Dong Puti agreed without hesitation, his eyebrows curved and he smiled happily.

He knows himself.

Su Hao sat beside her and gently touched the very natural looking white hair.

He knew that this was Dong Bodhi's birth, not the result of de-dyeing.

Soft to the touch, as comfortable as touching a cat.

Dong Puti lowered his eyes and looked at the tea set in front of him, feeling a little nervous.

Although she was mentally prepared, the feeling of wearing a hairpin made her a little nervous.

It took a long time to tie the hairpin, but Su Hao spent a lot of time.

He is giving Dong Boti a hairstyle that suits her.

In the last life, as a scumbag who likes to please girls, I have learned a lot of these methods.

It's just that Dong Puti was a little nervous when he was tying his hair, and Su Hao couldn't help but laugh at his cute appearance.

"Relax, just tie your hair, not shaving you."

Su Hao joked.

"The big brother is really, I don't want to be a monk."

Dong Puti said in a low voice.

"It's not really asking you to become a monk. It's just an analogy. Well, it's so beautiful."

Su Hao looked at Dong Puti and said with admiration.

However, this is also because Dong Puti is good-looking, otherwise it would not have such an amazing effect.

"Big brother likes it."

Dong Boti said something subconsciously.

"What I like, shouldn't you like it?"

Su Hao sat back again and asked strangely.

"Ah! No...nothing, I like it very much! Big brother, drink tea!"

It was only then that Dong Puti realized his slip of the tongue, and quickly corrected himself, adding some tea to Su Hao in a hurry.

Looking at the other party's reaction, Su Hao was a little suspicious, but he still didn't ask anything.

He felt that if he asked again, very subtle things might happen.

"Big brother, let me tell you, is Xiao okay?"

Dong Puti said suddenly.

Su Hao was drinking tea, when he heard this, he spit it out, pouring the bamboo on the side.

"Big brother, are you alright?"

Dong Puti walked to Su Hao's back with worried small steps, and patted him on the back lightly.

"Bodhi, you... what did you just say?"

Su Hao coughed a few times before finally recovering, and asked with some difficulty.

He doubted that something was wrong with his ears. Why would the pure Dong Puti say such a thing?

Does it mean that the world is going to end?

"I said that I wanted to give the big brother a blowjob. I've already brought Yu Xiao."

Dong Puti ran to his seat and took out a jade flute from his bag.

The expression on Su Hao's face suddenly changed.

From the shock just now to stiffness, and then to gray.

Have you completely become such a person?

Obviously he wanted to be a good person, but his integrity fell into the abyss.

In front of such a girl who looks like a pure white princess, I actually think this.

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