There's no help, I'm already helpless!

Su Hao lowered his head, feeling extremely depressed, his whole body exuded an air of defeat in life.

"Big brother, although I don't know why you are unhappy, please don't be sad."

"Let me play a song for big brother, it will make big brother happy."

Dong Puti thought for a while, then directly reached out and touched Su Hao's face, revealing a very healing smile.

"it is good."

Su Hao nodded immediately.

Dong Puti raised the jade flute and began to play it softly.

The sound was not loud, but it was extra obvious in Su Hao's ears.

Su Hao didn't know what this song was, but it was extremely beautiful, like the sounds of heaven.

This music was like a clear spring, slowly flowing into Su Hao's heart, making his depressed mood gradually calm down.

Music does have the power to heal the heart.

In particular, Dong Boti's Xiao Sheng seems to be able to resonate with people's hearts.

At the end of the song, the frustration on Su Hao's face was swept away.

If you go to any competition at this level, you will definitely win the prize.

"Big brother, do you feel better?"

Dong Puti breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the change in Su Hao's expression.

"Well, it sounds very good. I really hope I can hear it again in the future."

Su Hao nodded again.

Soul-cleansing music, isn't that what he needs?

When the evil fire that Mu Qinghan or Liu Qingwu stirred up, it would be great if there was a real piano sound.

"As long as the big brother likes it, I'm willing to play it for you at any time."

Dong Puti said very seriously, as if he was making a promise.

"Little sister, come and play a song for us, no matter how much money you want."

A young man in his twenties shouted.

The other three youths who looked about the same age as him laughed, as if they had discovered something interesting.

People who can come here have some money in their pockets, and money represents a person's confidence.

But it's still the same sentence, no matter how rich a person Dong Puti doesn't know, he is just a nouveau riche and can't get on the stage.

"No, I just played it for my big brother."

Dong Puti shook his head and refused.

It's just that this refusal is too weak and has no deterrent effect.

"What big brother, aren't we all your big brother? Hahaha!"

"That's right, we didn't want to hear the result and heard it just now. To make up for it, you also played a song for us!"

"Little sister, what's your name? Let's get to know each other."

A few young people started talking in a word.

They are quite experienced in chasing girls, and the deepest experience is four words.

Take measures.

In the bamboo hut, a few strong men are about to stand up on the seats that can be seen here.

But he was stopped by Dong Puti with a gesture and sat back again.

Chapter 200 Good girlfriends, hand in hand, let's go together

Dong Puti didn't speak any more, and looked at Su Hao with an aggrieved look.

It looks quite protective.

"You guys, can't you keep your mouth shut?"

Su Hao stood up and said coldly.

"Who are you, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty? We didn't want to do anything, we just wanted to get to know her."

The young man who was clamoring at first was a little unhappy, and said with a cold snort.

Su Hao didn't say anything, he just got up and walked to the side of those people.

"What are you doing, want to fight?"

Several young people were suddenly unhappy, and all stood up one by one with a bit of provocation on their faces.

They are not good-tempered people in the first place. If they were in other places, they would have hurt people long ago.

If it wasn't for not knowing the identity of the man and the woman, there would be no room to speak.

However, they had room to spare, but Su Hao had no scruples.

"Don't you know the truth that disaster comes out of your mouth?"

Su Hao said with a smile, and clapped one hand on the table.

With a loud bang, the thick bamboo table was smashed into pieces.

The tea set on the table also fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The scalding hot water in the teapot was also poured on their feet, and these young people suddenly screamed.

What happened here also caught the attention of others.

A clerk in an antique uniform glanced here, and just as he was about to come over, he was stopped by a big man.

Only after the big man said a few words, the clerk left with a look of surprise.

From the looks of it, it's clear that he doesn't plan to take care of it.

And after the screams of the young people, they were instantly furious.

They shouted angrily and clenched their fists, wanting to teach this ignorant boy a lesson.

Su Hao didn't speak, and slowly extended his hand.

Those young people's bodies suddenly stopped, and reason instantly gained the upper hand.

They looked at the very heavy table that was torn apart on the ground, and looked at their arms...

For a moment, everyone was silent.

There is a saying that the arm can't twist the thigh. These people are domineering and domineering on weekdays, but they also know how much they weigh.

They don't know if the person who smashed the table is a thigh, but it's true that their thigh bone is not as hard as a table.

"You can tell me your name!"

A young man couldn't swallow this breath, but he still said it.

A few of his friends subconsciously stayed away from him, for fear of bringing disaster to Chiyu.

"You don't deserve to know."

After Su Hao dropped such a sentence, he returned to his position.

Those young people looked at Su Hao angrily, but when they saw the hesitant manager standing outside, they were afraid for a while.

This is already a high-end consumption place, and there are people behind it.

In the past, no one dared to make trouble here because they knew that making trouble here would not end well.

Even they don't dare to cause trouble here.

If it wasn't for Dong Puti being too cute, they wouldn't have said such a thing.

But such a store with a background is actually a little afraid of these troublemakers.

It can be seen that these two are definitely not simple!

After being swept away, the young people who were screaming and screaming finally endured this sigh of relief and left in despair.

"Wow! Big brother is great!"

Dong Puti clapped his hands with a look of admiration on his face.

"What's the matter? You can just wave a few bodyguards and drag them out."

Su Hao smiled.

He could see that there were several Dong Puti's bodyguards here.

"That's different. The bodyguard is the duty, the big brother is to protect me, and Bodhi is very clear."

Dong Puti said very seriously.

"Then some bully others to protect you. How do you feel?"

Su Hao teased.

"It's... very safe, very happy, big brother scared them all so much that they didn't dare to do it."

"If you have big brother by your side in the future, you don't have to worry about bad guys!"

Dong Puti was talking, his face was a little red from excitement, it was really good-looking.

The morning time passed quickly by talking, laughing and laughing. At noon, the two had lunch in this quiet bamboo pavilion.

Although they were all light dishes, the two of them were very happy to eat.

What you eat is not about the food, but about who you eat with and where you eat it.

After lunch, the two went to a small independent courtyard.

This is the inner courtyard of Qingyou Bamboo Pavilion, specially for VIP rest.

It can really be said that it is surrounded by bamboo trees on all sides, and there is no one there, and it feels extremely comfortable inside.

"Big brother, I'm a little sleepy."

Dong Puti yawned, and there was some mist in his eyes.

"I didn't think about it carefully. You are recovering from a serious illness, so you should have a good rest."

After Su Hao heard this, he suddenly said with some guilt.

"Don't say that, big brother. I feel very happy with big brother. It's just that Bodhi is a spoiler."

"Can big brother hold me to sleep? I don't want to go back yet."

Dong Puti said obediently.

"Of course you can, but it's a little cold here, is it really okay?"

Su Hao hesitated for a while before asking.

Everything is good in the quiet bamboo pavilion, but there is one thing, even if there is the sun, it seems a little cold.

"As long as the big brother hugs me and warms me, it's fine."

Dong Puti said in a natural tone.

"it is good."

Su Hao nodded and sat on the bench to find a place with the best sunshine.

Dong Puti shyly sat in Su Hao's arms and curled up.

Her slightly shy face was pressed against Su Hao's chest, and she let out a rather relaxed breathing sound.

Before long, she fell asleep.

Big brother's embrace is extremely reassuring.

Su Hao hugged Dong Puti's slender and lovely waist, felt her breathing, and there was a bit of pity in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and touched Dong Puti's forehead lightly, then pushed away the one or two strands of naughty white hair.

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