I'm opening a store in Doupa

Chapter 252 Master I don't want to be your apprentice

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"This is a teacher?" Seeing that the blush of his face is a face, the green scales think that this is definitely a teacher who is brought back from the outside. Even if it is still not, it is definitely in a few days. .

In the voice of the Qing scales, Lin Yu obviously heard her dissatisfaction, the heart could not help but not say that they were dissatisfied with the lace, how can you follow the dissatisfaction now, is it really too much? ? I don't want to give them a home ... (manual funny)

"No, I am just the owner's weapon!" When you hear the blue scales, Xiaoqing quickly waved, this kind of thing could not say, in case ... that is not ...

"You have a heavy weight." Lin Yu did not explain anything, but instead sighed to the weight of the blue scale.

Wen Yan Qing scales immediately jumped from Lin Yu, and said that his mouth is dissatisfied: "I am! I am clear that it is not fat!"

The green scales say that it seems to be in his own waist, it seems to show his little waist.

Lin Yu looked down, and the waist of the green scales did not even find a little meat, saying that it was a water snake waist.

Lin Yu took a step forward, and the blue scale is more than the reason why she has changed, and now the green scale has a lot, and it is no longer the previous child. It is also in this Dauto mainland, and it has been more than six years. The Qing scale is now a 167th big girl.

"Well! It's a green scale!"

Take Lin Yu playing: "Growing up, it is what you have to marry the Qingxi! The emperor of Tiandu City is good, how do you think you do?"

"Don't!" I heard Lin Yu said that the Qing scales did not want to reject directly, and didn't say that the emperor didn't feel, the Qing scales have been put in my heart.

The heart is struggling with a small meeting, and the Qing scales said to Lin Yu: "I have a person who likes."

"Oh! It turned out to have a person who liked it." Lin Yu took the chin curious asked: "That Qingshi said, who is the person you like, Master guarantees to catch him, he is dare I don't agree with me, I will interrupted his third leg. What do you think? "

"Hey, hahaha ..." Qingshi heard Lin Yu, couldn't help but laugh, and looked at Lin Yu asked: "Master speaks."

"Oh ..." Lin Yu said unrespending: "You dare to doubt your Master,

I naturally be out, and the horse is hard to chase! "

"Hey!" "Qinglane does not make a smile," said the opportunity to ripe, I told Master, Master Master, don't regret it! "

"Harm, how big is something, I will never regret!" Lin Yu didn't matter, no matter whether it is a trip to the mainland or Dou Luo mainland, who is Lin Yu's enemy, it is not simple.

"Hey! One words are customary!"

The blue scale now looks very happy, not waiting for Lin Yu to talk, she will walk away.

I didn't take two steps of the blueprint suddenly stopped my body. She seems to have thought about what she can't be dragged. If I have returned to the mainland, I have time to say. Now Master is basically full of nights every day. When I go back and go back and two teachers, I am a little chance! No, I have to do it tonight!

After the determination, the blue scales rose a smile and jumped back to the room to prepare the night action.


Lin Yu is lying in bed, there is more boring, there is more boring. Originally there is only ancient moona, he still thinks that there is a battle at night, but I didn't expect that Gu Yuna will actually take him. Refused!

The reason is actually raising the tires. Lin Yu is a evil, and the ancient moon is more than two years. I have never seen her raise the tire. I actually engage in this evening!

So Lin Yu is ready to practice in the bed, now Lin Yu's blood has awakened a small part, and the strength of his strength is also very big. Directly reached the stage of five-star holy, now Lin Yu is also fighting in the mainland. It can open up the characters in one side, but this can't make him comfortable.

I can learn from the small young mouth. Now my strength is not worth mentioning than that of the emperor, the strong people in the emperor are just a fingern of the 18 million Lin Yu. .

Moreover, the appearance of the light is also contrasting the strength of Lin Yu's strength. It is a weakness because of the injury. It is now the same strength, but even if it is like this, Lin Yu can't stop Xiaoqing. one move.

But this is not a problem, as long as I work hard to practice, I still caught up, and the realm of the next world, this world is not difficult!

Lin Yu felt that after awakening the blood, his cultivation speed was ten times more than before, this is just awakening a small part of the blood, now there is still a lot of shackles on Lin Yu, if these shackles are all If you fall off, the speed of the cultivation is simply unimaginable.

Lin Yu has already entered the state of cultivation, and the energy in the Linyu room has been rich in a very pole. The energy of the entire Qiwei space is almost gathered here, and the Shenwei space is still uninterrupted from the outside world to supplement energy from the outside world. Can still be absorbed by Lin Yu.

It's just a time, Lin Yu woke up from the cultivation, not because he ended cultivation, but he absorbed the energy has appeared intervals, the Shenwei space supplement energy could not keep Lin Yu absorbed the speed, so it caused Lin Yumi absorbed without energy, there is no energy, no way, no way can only interrupt cultivation.

"Call ~" Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes, spit out a touch of breath, muttered: "Give it to this Shenwei space to place a gathering array. Otherwise, this Shenwei space is far from can't keep up with the speed of my cultivation, It is estimated that it will be abandoned. "

"Well?" Lin Yu didn't intend to open the knowledge, and actually found a person who was lying on his room at the entrance of his room. "How do you have this?"

The breath of the Qinglai is not injured or fainted, but fell asleep, Lin Yu has something to do, good bed does not sleep, sleep at the door, is my door?

Open the door to see the Qingxi, who is sleeping in the door, Lin Yu shook his head, leaned over to pick her up.

The blue scale seems to be a feeling, the two arms are in a way to stop Lin Yu's neck, and the corner of the mouth is quietly evacuated.

Lin Yu took the green scales and walked toward the green-scale room. Because Lin Yu lived in the blood during the day, Lin Yu replaced a room, and now this room is far away from the green scales, slowly walked over. It still takes some time.

In Lin Yu Huai, the Qingxi is frowned. She is actually waking up in the moment of Lin Yu, she just didn't open her eyes. I have raised it at that moment in her mind. plan.

Lin Yu was willing to put her in bed and gave it to the quilt, then he slept next to it, after all, I slept in the past. Then the green scales can begin to start ...

Before Lin Yu's time in the Tagore desert, the big bed room where he had to live outside, the Qing scales are naturally a person sleeping, and Lin Yu is with Xiao Xun. Therefore, the Qing scales are thus thinking.

But I didn't think of it. How did the journey of just a few steps have been walking, the room is not behind Master? Is Master to send me back to the room? It is definitely, what can I do, then my plan is not a soup!

Lin Yu's attention did not have a green scales in his arms, so he did not pay attention to a few expressions on the Qinglai face at this time.

Suddenly, the lack of laminated, she thought of a wonderful attention!

"When Master wants to put me in bed, I will sleep all my neck and don't let him go. So Master will definitely take care of me, then stay in my room, when I can ...... "

After taking a note, he said on the face of the green scales, she also knows that she can't be discovered by Master, but she still can't suppress excitement and tension in my heart.

This secret has been hidden in her heart for seven or eight years. She is not courageous, because she is apprentice, if the apprentice and Master's words, it will definitely be condemned by the world, but she finds Lin Yu It seems that it is not that a human persons, which makes she have a confidence, and then I have said that today, Lin Yu has always been a speaking calculation, so the Qing scales have decided to do this.

It is planning to plan in the brain. Lin Yu has come to her room, gently put the room door open, and I am afraid to wake up the green scale.

The green scales are a little trembling, although she is planned, but let her actually act, she is still nervous.

The Qing scales have shaken this, and Lin Yu has no reason to not find. He is just some of why you don't understand what you are, what is it? But she didn't go out these two days, and the family will also be such a few people, and some people will be bullying.

"Qinglaity, what's wrong with you?" Lin Yu asked, put her on the bed. At this moment, the breath is some disorders, and the breathing has become a little urgent, and she has already woken up.

After listening to Lin Yu's question, the greenness of the green scales fierce, slowly opened his eyes, she knew that today may not play, if she is just she, she can comfort herself, but now awake Come over, how to say that you have this hurdle.

"Master ..." Suddenly she wronned to cry, so it's hard to get determined, if this failed, the next time it is hard to mention courage.

"What happened to you?" Lin Yu frowned, and the tears that were accidentally overflow for green scales. In the impression of Lin Yu, the green scales have never had such a situation. Although her character is weak, she has become a lot after a period of time with Lin Yu, has become no longer Heart has no lungs.

So in the eyes of Lin Yu, the green scales are a cheerful girl. If such a girl is a matter of thinking because of a thing, it can only explain that this thing is very big for her impact.

Want to say anything, but she still dares, shakes his head to recover the arm hung on the neck of Lin Yu.

When I saw the Qing scale, Lin Yu certainly won't give up asked questions, and the heart has been determined to have something happening, and the impact on her is quite big. This Nizi has never seen it, and it will also take things in her heart.

Lin Yu took a soft voice of the blue scales: "Qing scales ... What do you say, Master is not outsiders, I will help you solve it."

The blue scale is no longer so smaller before, before Lin Yu's eyes, it has always seen the Qing scales as a child, so the head of the head is not a strange. But now it's different. Now the green scale has grown up, and the childishness is all faded. Now Lin Yu's brain's head will feel weird.

"Master, I don't want to be a brother!" She didn't plan to hide again, even if she resolutely said that she left a regret to stay in my heart.

When I heard the Qing scales, Lin Yu was wrong. It is obviously that Lin Yu did not think that the Qing scale is now because of this problem, but I want to come, the Qing scales are also true!

Although Lin Yu received a green scales, he did not have to take the responsibility of Master. In addition to throwing a copy of the Qinglai, then gave her something, he seems to have never seriously teach After a blue scales, she has been in practice, and Lin Yu's guidance can come out.

It's just that the Qing scales are not willing to be the reason for your apprentice.

"Hey!" Lin Yu sighed a sigh of relief. In fact, he also be a little reluctant. After all, who didn't like there was a lovely apprentice, but this is also a matter of doing something, it is your own Let her have a leaving idea.

"Since you have decided, you will not stop you, you also ask for a request, just send your last gift!"

When I heard Lin Yu, the blue scale seems to be a bit touch. After that, after that sentence, it has already spent all of her courage. However, when Lin Yu said this sentence, the green squadron ignited hopes.

"Master ... I ..." But when you want to open, she still twisted.

Lin Yu's hand once again put it on the head of the Qingxi, gently smashed, softly said: "Nothing, you will say it, I won't blame you." Lin Yu thought green Scales are because they don't want to do their own apprentices, they will be afraid that they are angry, so they will comfort.

I heard that the Qing scaled biting his teeth, nor he hesitated, under the eyes of Lin Yu, kissed on the lips of Lin Yu with Thunder.

"Master, I don't want to be you apprentice."

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