I'm opening a store in Doupa

The 253th chapter receives a blue scale, build a spirit

It is not necessary to prevent Lin Yu to carry a blue scale. In this moment, Lin Yu is really understanding the words of the Qing Score.

The Qing scales don't want to be his apprentice, and the causes of Lin Yu wants to have a little, but those are not the most important. The brothers who don't want to be Lin Yu, the most important reason is that the Qing scales want to be Lin Yu ... wife.

Lin Yu did not push the blue scales. Since she wants to let her relax, Lin Yu himself is happy.

The two did not last long, that is because the active people are not Lin Yu but a blue scales, and the Qinglai is a full newbie, so the two people last time only a short time.

The blue scales are red and white, and the little asked: "Master, before you say what you said?"

Want Lin Yu stunned, what did he say before? I can't remember it in a time.

Suddenly Lin Yu recalls that he gave the Qinglai warranty when he gave him a morning, saying that people like the Qinglai like it. If you disagree, you still have to interrupt his third leg ...

And there are other people who like, this Lin Yu should guess, and the people who have been in contact with the green scales have no other people in addition to these people, and the men who have contacted the continent are also small and less. In this Dleo Continent, outside the emperor, the male contact with the green scale is only Lin Yu, how can she like others.

"Hey ..." Lin Yu taught himself: "The lace is coming back and will definitely, but it is the so-called me who is not in hell!"


The green scales were in the clouds of Lin Yu, and his answer and her problem will not be ridier!

I haven't waited for the words of Lin Yu, and she felt that the chin was lifted, and then he saw Lin Yu's face near, and the two were entangled with the appearance of the same.

However, this time two people last, it is not as short as the last time, the two continue to last night. Of course, things during this period do not describe ...

"This Nizi sleeps so sticky?"

The green scales hang in the neck of Lin Yu, so quietly, although she sleeps in the fragrance, Lin Yu is so sleepy, can't sleep, it is so embarrassed to sleep for one night.

Nowadays, Tianming still has some time, can't, Lin Yu can only close his eyes, waiting for the Qing scales yourself.


Until the noon, the green scales were wake up, and the scene of the green scale in front of him was so angry. What happened to this?

Last night, the Qingxia has a little response for a while, and it is completely unclear what the situation is now, and he is still on Master.

The heart-wing of the blue scale twisted the body, followed by a tear pain, let her wake up, seeing that he and Lin Yu are now two light, the Qing scales will last night. Give it back.

Thinking of the crazy things last night, the green scales were red, and the heart was dark: What should I do if the master will be like this?

I remembered that she was crazy last night, and the face of the green scales flied in a big shy red, which was obviously painful, but still so excited.

Thinking about the smile on the face of the Qinglai, this kind of speech is also agreeable ...

Feeling that the Qinglane is awake, Lin Yu also slowly opened his eyes, and he saw the green scales on his chest.

Lin Yu didn't have a good look and turned over, "Let's go, press me one night."

I heard the voice of Lin Yu, the blueprint was scared, and I watched Lin Yu, not she didn't want, but she hurt ...

"Master ..."

Put the blueprints slowly, go out on her forehead. "How can I still call me Master now, you feel like we are now, you still ask my Master's words to make outsiders?"

"That ... what should I do?" When the blue squat suddenly panic, in case Lin Yu, because this is not, what should I do,

Pinching the nose of the blue scale, laughing and saying: "That is good, change your name!"

"That ... what should I call?"

"First call a husband and listen!"

"Ah?" The Qing scales always feel that these two words are difficult to call exit, and they are a bit reluctant, and she listened to Xiao Xun and Xiaoqian Xian as if it didn't call, except that all people were called Is the name.

"Ah, you must call this, don't call it!" Seeing the blue scales seem to be too willing, Lin Yu did not play, they didn't work, you of course not do it, he can't help you!

"Oh ~" The Qinglai is extremely reluctant to agree.

"Then, you are listening." Seeing the Qing Scaned, Lin Yu is excited, Xiao Yuer and Xiao Median Xian are very principled that they must be married, they will change the mouth, which makes Lin Yu helpless .

Amy's mouth called Lin Yu, a branch of Amy, and he must have to let the green scale. The blue scales are bullied, and the sound is soft and easy to push down ... (manual funny)

"Husband ~"

The soft voice of the Qinglane is incorporated into Lin Yuuri. When Lin Yu donated, he looked up the chin of the blue scale.

"Well, you must be called this in the future!" Now I have to give a vaccination for the Qingshi. When I have, Xiao Xueger and Xiaoqian are also called, but it is only called them, I don't call them. This makes Lin Yu very distressed.

"Well!" The green hair is nodded. Although it feels very strange, all the things are difficult, and the Qing scales have been called like this. It seems that it is not bad.

"Hey! Master ... Oh, my husband, I am now fighting!" The blizzard of the Qing scales, his strength actually sleeve, directly reached the realm of the fight, which made her joy.

For this realm, she used to be how unhappy, and now I actually reached this realm, and now the green scales feel that everything is not true, like dreaming.

From the moment of seeing him, the Qing scales feel that they seem to have been living in the dream. Everyone said that I am a heterogeneous, only he said that the scales on my arm are very beautiful, that is, I have heard the most beautiful words, maybe From that moment, I will not install anyone else in my heart.

"Of course, I have intensity with me, I can improve the blood, and improve the strength, how many people dream, want to meet me, don't you come again, um? Qingshi should come again?" Lin Yu The water snake waist is lived, and the two will be attached again.

The blue scale is shocked, and the twisted: "Husband ... or not ... It's not good ..." Now you can't come again. The taste of this evening is that she knows until it is still painful.

"I am joking with you, but you should not regret it at night!" Today, it should be letting the green scales, but she is not willing to do it, then Lin Yu will not do, but since she said at night, then on……

"Oh ~"

"Wup Master ... Oh husband, I seem to absorb the soul of this!" The Qing scales suddenly screamed, she now can absorb the soul of this here. Although she can feel this when she is here. The energy around, but it can't absorb.

"What is shocked, all said that I have a unclear with me, and this kind of small things are often good." Lin Yu waved his hand, as if everything was in progress.

"Uh huh, husband is the most powerful!"

Wen Lin Yu is gratified, and only the Qing scales are like this. If they are put on Xiao Xun and the little doctor, they will definitely reveal the white eyes.


"Small young, will you arrange a gathering?" Yesterday, Lin Yu gave this idea that this gave the gods of the gods, but he did not arrange the array.

However, the first person he thought was Xiaoqing, but she had the strength of the emperor, and it is very simple to arrange a gathering.

"Of course, the simple array of gatherings can be arranged in the moment." Xiaoqing is just a sword spirit, but she is also a strong man, and she is all integrated. If she is going to teach one man now, she will definitely cultivate it into a strong strong, that is no problem.

"What do you need to prepare?"

"No, the owner is optimistic!"

Close the small green will slowly close your eyes, and pinch the proof in her hands.

Seeing two steps after Lin Yu retreat and left a sufficient mating space for Xiaoqing.

The continuous transformation of the card in the small daughter's hand, Lin Yu's breath is as possible to capture the movements in Xiaoyan, but now in his eyes or not fully captures the trajectory on the small bus.

The constant changes in the form of the golden charm, the law containing infinite anodial, flying from the small green hand, slowly surrounded by Xiaoyan, after a few interest, the movements in Xiaoyan suddenly stopped, the characters in the air also followed Hover together in the air.

The stop, the next moment, Xiao Qing suddenly opened his eyes, and the momentum spread from him, so that the mysterious characters were spreading around.

Lin Yu felt clearly that these golden characters were extremely fast, just in an instant to arrive at the edge of the Kwei space.

Then, a long sword in the hands of Xiaoyin, that is her own body.

Xiaoqing raised the sword to wavily waving in the air, the traces of the sword turned into three thousand troubles, forming a seemingly messy but very regular pattern in the air.

Subsequently, Xiao Yue, the sword, heading towards the sky, followed by the pattern, it began to grow up, until the golden characters are consistent, and the whole Quele space is covered.

A portion of the pattern rises, a part of the pattern drops, the part of the rising, and the part of the sky, and the part of the decline and the ground are integrated. Now the entire Kwai space is like a huge faction.

Now you can see that the original dimmed head turns into gold, although the light is not very big, but it is enough to illuminate the dark space. The patterns on the ground have disappeared, and it is completely integrated with the ground. The gathering is completed.

The next second, this gap is like being started, and the source of energy is energized from the outside. It is only a few interest in this generous space. Every corner of the midhouse is full of energy, and this energy is positive It is also from the outside world to the soul of Soul.

Not just this, although the gap is already filled, but it is only a thin layer, and there is no stop operation that has been running. It has always been able to absorb energy from the outside world, just a small meeting time. The whole of the gods, it became a hole. Now, the soul of the soul in the mighty space is rich, it is better than the nine Pinnai!

Whether it is a poor monk, it comes to cultivate it here, and the speed of cultivation will grow.

In addition to the mainland at this moment, it is a chaotic set. They can feel that the energy around them is moving in a direction, although they have not disappeared, but they can't absorb, because this soul flow is really It's too fast, they can't absorb these souls at all, the soul has flowed away.

And those named Dou Luo felt first, where they started, they followed the trajectory of Soul to find Lin Yu's shop.

Some names know what the title I mean is here after seeing the destination, shaking the head and left here.

However, some of the other unknown granules, also threatened to take this small store, and there is really a hand, but this shop is like this mysterious power, the title of Douro The attack has not been touched, it is already a virtual, and they can't absorb the soul of the outside world to restore themselves, so the soul is one less than one point, so they can only let the head, shake the head .

Bisong and the wife of the children in the school, they are all in this ranks, but they are looking forward to the direction. When they are home, they will no longer care about this problem, because there is him. Here, it is impossible to have problems.

In the Shenwei space, the gathering array has slowly stopped, because the Shenwei space in this time can no longer absorb the soul, now the soul of the soul has arrived at a very high value, although it can continue to fill it inside However, if absorbed, it will affect the life of the pedestrians.

Because the energy reaches a peak, it will condense into a liquid or a solid. Although the energy is easily image here, it is not suitable for people to live.

Now this is both the midwest space, but also a gathering, because this gathering array has been integrated with this generous space, while the spiritual array is the same as the range of the Shenwei space. As long as it is damaged here, then this gathering will automatically make up, in a sense, it can also say that the soul of the soul is endless.

Lin Yu tried to learn this law, but even if he is very serious, he is very serious, but it still has not learned, not only he can't see the evolving issuance of the small school, and one is that he is fundamentally I can't understand the mystery of the golden characters.

Lin Yu's mouth smashed, and he looked at Xiaoqing. Uh huh, this is indeed simple, seeing you both below, I didn't understand anything.

In fact, Lin Yu is extremely high, and his flesh is also excellent in this aspect, realizing the way is too half-mexual, but this does not fill the gap between the two strengths.

The reason why it is not learned is still the gap between the two strengths.


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