I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1933: The world's first martial arts competition!

"Then...what about the magical machine?"

After listening to Gu Ling's ability to dispatch generals, Doflamingo was very curious about the divine machine.

"A magical machine can refine all weapons. My magic blade is made from it, and it is N grades stronger than the supreme sharp knife."

Jiang Siming opened his mouth, how could the Magic Knife Thousand Blades be refined and refined with great skill? Both are from different dimensions.

The Thousand Blades of Magic Knife comes from "Assassin's Five Six and Seven", and the magical machine comes from "Under One Man".

The reason for saying this is definitely just trying to fool people.

"It's better than the supreme knife..." Doflamingo swallowed.

As long as they are pirates, they dream of having a powerful weapon. Even those who practice martial arts, if they can have a powerful glove and equipment, their strength can be improved.

Doflamingo thought that if he could obtain this magical machine, build thousands of artifacts, and buy people's hearts, there would be countless masters willing to surrender.

Even if you don't want to, you can at least sell your love.

The value of this magical machine, it seems that it is not lost to the general Gu Ling.

"Then... the last medicine?"

"It's called fairy beans. No matter how many injuries you have, you can heal instantly by taking one."

"This...this is impossible..." Doflamingo was a little suspicious.

But the next second, he was punched and flew, and his whole person knocked down a tall building on the ground, embarrassed.

Doflamingo discovered in horror that Jiang Siming punched him and he couldn't stand up. This was the worst injury he had ever suffered.

This guy... terrible!

He wouldn't want to kill himself...

Doflamingo just thought about it when a bean-like thing was thrown at his feet.

"Eat." Jiang Siming said calmly.

Doflamingo was dubious, picked up the beans and ate them.

In an instant, full of blood resurrected.


Doflamingo patted the dirt on his body and asked thiefly: "Master Devil, dare I ask if I can participate?"

"Anyone can participate, and those who win are eligible to get these three treasures." Jiang Siming replied.

"I will help you get things done!"

"Go, I am waiting for your good news."

Doflamingo left, and went very simply, not only stepped down from the throne of Dresrosa, but also released Violet's father.

By the way, Rebecca's father, Violet's brother-in-law, was released, and the family was finally reunited.

Jiang Siming also successfully temporarily led the Kingdom of Dresrosa.

Although Violet's father was still reluctant to take the throne, Jiang Siming saved him, and he had no right to object.

After becoming king, Jiang Siming's first order was to expand the bullfighting arena and transfer all the residents of the area around the bullfighting arena to other places.

Finally, he took the Ming concubine and pirate group grandiosely and moved into the palace.

The bullfighting arena will be transformed into an unprecedented scale of martial arts arena, where Jiang Siming is going to hold the first ‘World’s Number One Tournament’ in "One Piece".

The prizes are naturally the three treasures he took out.

At that time, not only will there be countless contestants, but also countless spectators will come.

The little thief cat, Nami, started to sell tickets for the world's No. 1 tournament at a high price. A ticket to the farthest corner was also sold to tens of thousands of Baileys.

It is estimated that when the tickets are sold out, Jiang Siming will still make a lot of money.

It's just that Jiang Siming is not interested in this little money.

He just wanted to complete the two nine-star missions earlier.

But at this time, the palace is holding a grand banquet.

Jiang Siming's Ming Concubine Pirates and Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates finally meet again.

The two groups sat at the dining table and laughed freely.

Jiang Siming also met Luffy, Sanji, Sauron, Usopp, Frankie, and Brook who had reunited after a long absence.

In addition to his departure with Nami Robin and Ramlem, the Straw Hat group also joined several newcomers.

Among them, there is a girl from Nine Snake Island, followed by Jinping from Murloc Island, and Xiao Feng who was violently abused by Jiang Siming before, that is, the ladyboy, Mr.2. Feng Kelei.

Xiao Feng was still extremely jealous of Jiang Siming, and was afraid of being beaten before.

Now Jiang Siming is even more expensive as the Five Emperors. He even sits far away from eating, for fear of being beaten by Jiang Siming again.

"Brother Jiang, I heard that you are going to hold the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in Dresrosa?" Lu Fei was full of energy when he heard the news.

Is there anything more attractive to him than this? Then only good food.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Yes, do you want to participate?"

"Of course, but I didn't go for your reward. My goal is to win the first place. After all, I want to become the man of One Piece!" Luffy said for granted.

Jiang Siming looked at Sauron again. He also knew Sauron's urinary **** well: "Sauron, do you want to participate too?"

"You can't hide anything from Brother Jiang, of course." Sauron admitted generously.

This kind of good opportunity for competition, he, a swordsman who dreams of constantly getting stronger, of course must join.

"Very well, you all want to participate in the competition so much. I think other people must also want to come and participate. This competition will be very exciting."

With that said, Jiang Siming started to look forward to it.

In fact, just as he expected.

When Doflamingo spread the news, the whole world was shocked.

The Five Emperor Jiang Siming, Lord Demon, will host the world's number one martial arts tournament in Dresrosa!

The prize of the competition is actually the master demon master's magical skills, the lingering generals and the magical skills, and an elixir!

Doflamingo also described the role of these three things, and said that they can be guaranteed by life, and these three things are by no means false.

In fact, he didn't need to guarantee him, just rushing to the title of Jiang Siming, everyone believed.

After all, no big man has eaten and has nothing to do with this to deceive people.

Besides, even if there is no prize, the title of No. 1 in the world alone is enough to make all the masters fascinated.

Who doesn't want to be the best in the world, who doesn't want to be the strongest in the world?

Whitebeard, Moby Dick.

"Gu la la la la... Jiang Xiaozi deserves to be you, the world's No. 1 martial arts competition, haha, sounds very exciting, I must participate in the white beard!"

Baibeard looked at the news in the newspaper and laughed.

"Father, I want to participate too! I haven't seen Brother Jiang for a long time." Ace signed up enthusiastically.

"Me too!" Marco was also quite eager.

The white beard laughed loudly, waved his hand, and said, "Go all! By the way, go to Dresrosa and ask Mr. Jiang for a drink!"


First more~

Yesterday I went back to my hometown to prepare for the Mid-Autumn Festival. I drove the car for a day and didn't install the net. I had a pigeon for a day. I owe three chapters. Sake remembers.

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