I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1934: Gathering of heroes!

Cake island.

"Damn it! Damn Jiang Siming! How dare you take out the Gu Ling dispatch general as a prize, do you want everyone in the world to bully Charlotte Lingling?"

The aunt was furious at home and destroyed countless treasures.

None of the sons and daughters outside dared to enter.

"Quickly, mom is about to fall ill again, quickly send the cake!"

The aunt in the room, after eating the cake, her mood improved a lot.

"Okay, I must get this general Gu Ling! It is absolutely impossible for anyone else to take it away! Damn, which island sent this cake from, it’s so awful, destroy this island for me!"


Red-haired Pirates.

"Haha, interesting and interesting, the world's No. 1 martial arts competition? I must participate in the red-haired competition. I don't know if Jiang Demon will sell my face."


The country of peace.

"Number one in the world? That must be my Kaido! Just to learn how many catties are there in the legendary Five Emperors!"


In addition to the four emperors who moved after hearing the sound, there were countless pirates who wanted to become famous, and Qiwu Hai was also all out.

The navy headquarters also plans to send generals to **** the prizes presented by Jiang Siming.

The Navy Headquarters attaches great importance to the sacred machines.

In addition, even the world government is interested in this world's No. 1 tournament.

In short, this time of competition, the whole "One Piece" world was stirred up.

Countless ships set sail and are heading to Dresrosa. ,

Luffy and the others are also staying in Dresrosa, Jiang Siming arranged for them to live in a monastery, allowing them to train with peace of mind.

They are actively preparing for the battle, especially Luffy and Sauron, who are full of enthusiasm for this tournament.

Of course, it is estimated that the result will definitely hit them.

This time the Four Emperors were dispatched.

Compared with the world's No. 1 competition, the previous duel held by Doflamingo is simply pediatric.

Jiang Siming still stayed in the palace, taking Nami Xiaobaixing and the others to'practice' assiduously, while waiting for the day when the martial arts conference began.

At first, he was still the original squad, but later, Violet was confused and joined in.

Originally, she just wanted to report to Jiang Siming about the expansion of the arena, but she did not expect to meet Jiang Siming who was ‘cultivating’.

As a result, it goes without saying that Violet, who did not resist much, was forced to join the army of ‘cultivation’.

"Auntie, why are you weird these days? You run to the palace every day."

Rebecca found her aunt a little weird.

Violet blushed awkwardly, and he explained: "Because Lord Demon gave me the task of expanding the arena, I need to report the progress to him every day..."

"Oh." Rebecca believed innocently, with her hands on her face, and sighed: "Oh, I don't know when Lord Devil can accept me as a crew member."

When Violet heard this, he thought of an absurd picture inexplicably, and he blushed like sunset.

As for the picture... ahem...

One month's time passed quickly.

There are only two days left before the world’s No. 1 competition.

The population of Dresrosa is more than ten times more than usual!

Countless people from other places poured into this island.

Some of them came to participate and some came to watch the game.

Dresrosa suddenly became the most lively island in the world.

Of course, with so many pirates coming, quarreling is essential.

However, Jiang Siming let go, as long as he dares to fight before the tournament, he will be completely disqualified from the competition and will be expelled from Dresrosa.

If this news was released by King Liku, it is estimated that no one would take it seriously.

But the words of the Five Emperors are different. He said that you are disqualified. Do you dare to compete with the Five Emperors?

Even the Whitebeard Pirates, who came to the scene first, followed Jiang Siming's rules, and Whitebeard prohibited his sons from making trouble in Dresrosa.

With him taking the lead, other people naturally do their jobs.

Even if there are grievances, they will endure it and plan to settle it in one go at the tournament.

The arrival of White Beard also surprised Jiang Siming. He personally greeted him and arranged for the White Beard Pirates to stay in the best hotel.

As for the other Four Emperors who came later, they would not receive this treatment.

He took the white beard entirely because of his friendship with Baibeard, otherwise the strongest four emperors Jiang Siming would not be a bird.

Staying in the palace with Violet, a mature girl, isn't it good practice? New favorites, you must accompany you more.

Little White Star: "Don't be proud of Violet, everyone has glorious moments, don't take a moment forever~"

Almost everyone who is going to compete has already arrived in Dres Rosa.

Not to mention that the Four Emperors were all present, Qi Wuhai also came.

The crew of Hawkeye, Doflamingo, Bassoromi Bear, and Luffy are very flat.

Except for Krokdal's death, the Empress withdrew from Qiwu overseas.

The new Qiwuhai has Teja Fargaro and Bucky the Clown, and they are all here too.

In addition to this, the navy has come to three, the green pheasant, the yellow monkey, and the Fujitora, as well as the female navy, who is a direct disciple of Zefa.

Regressive fruit part-time female swordsman, the strength is no less than the general level.

In short, this time, the heroes gathered together, and the pirate navy gathered together.

And they all get along peacefully without disturbing anyone.

This is the first time in a century.

Two days later, the competition officially began!

The former bullfighting arena has been expanded more than ten times and can accommodate 300,000 spectators.

It's just that such a large auditorium still can't satisfy the audience this time.

There are 300,000 seats, and there are no empty seats.

The area of ​​the arena is equivalent to ten football fields, and the floor of the arena is all paved with the strongest stone in One Piece. Of course, it is not sea floor stone.

Near the ring are all the contestants, among which the Four Emperors are the most eye-catching.

Followed by the three admirals of the Navy, as well as the Qiwukai like Hawkeye.

Then there are CP0 and CP9 sent by the world government. Their purpose is to go to the baby Jiang Siming took out.

In addition to them, many of the remaining contestants also have great backgrounds.

In short, this time there are thousands of participants alone!

This day also happened to be sunny and refreshing, and it was a good day for competition.

Before long, when everyone was waiting a little impatient.

In the sky, a figure suddenly appeared above the arena, floating in the air so easily, looking at them condescendingly.

Everyone looked up, and it was the Five Emperors, the Demon God Jiang Siming!

"I am very glad that you all come to participate in the World No. 1 Tournament held by me. The number and scale of participants exceeded my expectations, which is very good."

Jiang Siming said with a smile.

If it weren't for Jiang Siming, the four emperors underneath would have been tempted to make a move.

If this is replaced by Doflamingo, he will definitely be hung by the Four Emperors.

A little turkey dared to put a cup in front of them.

But just forget what Jiang Siming said, after all, the Five Emperors.


Second more~

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