I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 260 Dragons And Snakes Turn Into Gods, Bloody Battle In The Restricted Area

Nether Sea.

Layers of black waves rolled and rolled up a piece of shocking waves.

The shocking waves slapped on the two huge statues on the edge of the nether sea, rolling up countless nether sea water, and crashed into black water droplets that smashed and splashed in all directions.

The waves burst into waves, and each wave was stronger than the other.

In the sound of the waves, the dark gods, Tianjiao, etc. turned into streamers one after another, falling in clusters and appearing in this area.

The prosperous age of the Cloud Desolate Era seems to have completely recovered and awakened at this moment.

This time, just the Tianhe Hundred Clan, many gods have already participated.

And some who did not come here are also waiting for the birth of the ninety-sixth Soul Soul Stele.

Once they are born, the passage of the Soul Requiem tablet is opened, and they can also enter through the passage.

Similarly, in the other star regions such as the Greedy Wolf Star Region, Lianzhen Star Region, etc., far beyond the edge of the Tianhe in the Ziwei Star Region, and in the Sihai Star Region in the Ziwei Star Region, the Soul Rejuvenating Monument will soon be in the Star Region. The place of birth also gathered countless gods, guardians and arrogance.

One star field has one hundred and eight planets and the corresponding main life races.

But in a planet, there is not only one kind of life race, and there is not only one powerhouse.

Its situation is actually similar to that of the light blue star.

Therefore, when the news of Chi Xuehe spread throughout the universe that day, the sensation and influence caused by the killing of the Immortal Execution Sword Array in the universe spread again and became even more sensational.

So, a god began to deduce Karma and began to listen for news.

Coupled with the spread of news from people with a heart, the birth of Qingyun Tomb of the Great Emperor's tomb is no longer a secret.

Without the knowledge of the gods of the Tianhe tribes in the Ziwei Star Region, countless forces are eyeing them, preparing to seize such an opportunity.

Similarly, the gods of the Tianhe Hundred Tribes are also eyeing, and are also ready to seize such a rare opportunity.

Because, in the past years, there has never been such an opportunity.

Tianchi Blood River is located in the Ziwei Star Region, and it is obviously impossible to attack in a short time!

It is also unrealistic to let the arrogance of Tianjiao kill from the tomb of the soul and the tower of Babel, at least for a short time.

In this way, they have no chance of Tianchi Blood River.

In a short period of time, it is nothing, but if the time is long, the strength of the gods in the Ziwei star field will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. Once there is one who can comprehend the Immortal-level divine soul, it is like the god who has comprehended the divine soul confronting the ordinary gods, just like It's like a practiceer crushing ordinary mortals!

With such a thing, the gods outside the Ziwei star field are naturally anxious.

It is impossible to sit and watch the enemy grow and develop!

So many, many plans have to be planned in advance.

Moreover, in the case of not offending the royal family, head-on competition is not a problem at all - so, some vicious methods that have not been manifested in the past will also be displayed one by one because of this!

In particular—this time, they can enter the Soul Soul Tomb through the passage in the Soul Soul Stele, and then enter the Qingyun Tomb of the Great Emperor Tomb, which is an excellent opportunity for them!

Even, if you can go out from the Qingyun Tomb and go to the area of ​​the light blue star, it will be even more cool!

However, this possibility is almost impossible - because Qingyun Tomb is an independent area, and it is only an entrance in the light blue star.

But that entrance is consistent with the Dao marks of the star field itself.

And the entrance on their side is in their corresponding Soul Requiem tomb, which is consistent with the entrance corresponding to this Soul Rejuvenation Monument, so the normal access is where to go in and where to come out - if there is a chance to come out!

Of course, there can be another situation, and that is--The Heavenly Seed Soul Technique!

Abandon the body, turn the soul into a certain brand, penetrate into the enemy's soul to silence, and then suppress all the breath of oneself, forming an invisible point.

In this way, they can be brought over while the other party returns to the light blue star.

This is the kind of soul, which is equivalent to turning oneself into a cage, planting it in the enemy's soul or in the restricted area of ​​memory, and letting the other party carry it back.

This is similar to the properties of the Lieyang Soul Poison and the Dark Demon Poison.

However, in this way, you can recover by luck without being discovered, but you need to seize a new and suitable body and complete a series of transformations. The conditions are very harsh - but for the gods, the problem is not very big.

It is nothing more than that the body that has seized the house needs to re-condense the Realm. This kind of Realm improvement can be very fast, but it will take some time to settle even if it is fast.

All in all, everything went smoothly.

If it is discovered by the gods during this period, it will be the end of being directly killed.

This is not bad. When encountering a god who is a little bit cruel, it is skinning and cramping, refining the soul and divinity, and the end will be extremely miserable!

Therefore, although there is a way to sneak into the Crape Myrtle Star Field or even into the Light Blue Star, there may not be any gods who really dare to die like this.

At least, it used to be almost non-existent.

But this time is different.

This time, what does the light blue star have?

There is a blood river in Tianchi!

And there are still two, one low-level and one high-level!

Previously, Su Ye was finally stimulated to the edge of the Ziwei Tianhe area, but the Heavenly Devil took it first, so that Su Ye could not be suppressed in the Tongtian Tower outside the Ziwei star field.

If that's the case, at least the restricted memory area can be captured and stripped of the blood river of Tianchi.

This situation is the regret of many gods who participated in the plan of that scene.

And this time, whether or not to use the Soul Dao method of 'Spirit of the Heavenly Seed' is the thought of many gods.

There is nothing absolute in this world, the reason why you don't do it is just because the chips are not big enough.

However, as long as the benefits are sufficient and the benefits are terrifying, no matter how crazy things are, the gods will do it!

The so-called not afraid of losing hard, but afraid of breaking the gamble!

The so-called gamble, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle, a gamble, a motorcycle becomes a Land Rover.

Bet on the Soul of the Heavenly Seed once, save 30,000 years of hard work!

The gods are not blessed but not strong, and the horses are not without night and grass is not fat!

Under this kind of mentality, in this Qingyun Tomb, let alone if there are any traces of Houyi's shooting the sun in it, even if there is not, if Su Li enters, and there are inheritances of 'Wangdi' and 'Congdi', it is enough to make a group of gods They are totally crazy.

Especially those gods who have practiced to the limit, have no hope of breaking the realm, and cannot guarantee that the strength of the life background level will not decrease, but can only wait for the bloodline to start to dry up, sit and wait for the life background level to continue to decrease, and can only wait for death. Choose to fight!

And such a scene is not the case with the gods and spirits of the entire Tianhe tribe, but all the gods and tribes of the entire universe.

Especially those star fields that are hundreds of trillions of light-years away from the Ziwei Star Field. Under normal circumstances, it is not possible to enter the Ziwei Star Field through the Tongtian Tower, and it is almost impossible to locate and invade based on the location of the universe. There is almost no hope in this life. .

Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, you will not miss it.

On the contrary, it is the gods of the Tianhe Hundred Tribes in the Ziwei Star Region. Because they can approach the light blue star at any time, there are more opportunities, and they can even communicate with Su Li directly. There are many opportunities to experience the blood river of Tianchi, but not Will personally take action to break the light blue star's planet defense, direct invasion.

actually is not wanting to, but the royal family is still there.

So, every week or every month, I honestly pay some good fortune, the source of life, the source of the divine soul, and the like in exchange for the perfect Immortal realization, isn't it delicious?

In particular, every one of the gods who have experienced the blood river has made great progress. This is simply a living advertisement, how can it not cause madness?

Under such madness, how terrifying the "Hou Yi Sun-shooting Dao Mark", which is called the real Immortal Dao Mark, should be, what a heaven-defying chance?

If you don’t want to get it, what else is there to practice?

Sit back and wait for the blood to be exhausted in the future, and let yourself rot and die alive!

Therefore, at this moment, even Que De, Xia Xinyan and the others have some scalp tingling.

Not to mention the dark layer, there are also some old-fashioned old men, old women, etc., all walking tremblingly with crutches.

After these seemingly ordinary people came, they stood aside in twos and threes, but a group of gods honestly avoided, one by one, avoiding them like snakes and scorpions, not even daring to say hello.

In addition, groups of children came over laughing and frolicking.

Their laughter is as sweet as silver bells, but when practitioners with methods like Tianshu Shenyan look at these children, they see a peerless murderer that only changes from the virtual to the real. The real entity formed by the soul!

Since the soul realm of these fierce souls has become inactive, it has become inactive.

And now, each and every one of these cute looking children is enough to make one's heart tremble and soul tremble every time he walks out.

"The arrogance in the treacherous is here."

"The evil spirit of the heavenly soul that has been transformed into the fierce soul."

"Some are dark demons and dark Heavenly Devils in the demon race."

"There are also some living fossil-level gods in the extreme realm of gods, whose bloodlines have begun to degenerate and are exhausted."

Que De glanced farther and farther, the rat-like breathing on his face trembled several times, and there was also a hint of deep fear and uncertainty in his eyes.

Afterwards, Que De looked at Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan, and Xia Xinyan in the distance, with a very complicated expression.

"Que Xinyan."

Que De glanced at Que Xinyan, and at the same time raised his hand to derive a ghostly power, shielding the heavenly secret.

Que Xinyan immediately bowed and saluted, "Master."

Que De said, "What do you think about this trip?"

Que Xinyan said, "I don't think so. If you mix with Master Su, you will definitely get better."

Que De said, "What if he gets lost?"

Que Xinyan said, "No, Master Su will not get lost."

Que De said, "This time he is likely to use the ability similar to 'True Void Heaven's Forbidden', but he will fail to perform and be reversed, so he thinks he has succeeded and falls into a state of random killing."

Que Xinyan said, "No, Master Su thinks that he has succeeded, and that is true success. The place where he exists is the present, the reality."

Que De said, "You know shit."

Que Xinyan said, "The disciple really understands this. Farts are the qi of Impurities accumulated in the body. The nature is chaotic. The clear qi ascends as Spiritual Qi, the exhalation from the mouth is 'Breathing Exercises', and the turbid qi sinks into the dirty qi. Door discharge for 'dredging'."

Que De's breath stagnated, "Where does this magical saying come from?"

Que Xinyan smiled proudly, "Master Su's theory of the Chaos Dao, the disciples keep it in mind."

Que De heard the words, his face black as charcoal, "He's in big trouble this time."

Que Xinyan said, "He will be fine if he is reckless."

Que De said, "I said he was in danger, but you don't care?"

Que Xinyan said, "Would it be good if Meier and Mu Yuxi had their hearts on them? He is my brother-in-law, not my husband, what am I on about?"

Que De "..."

Que Xinyan said again, "Don't worry, Master Su has already deduced Mu Yuxi's fate this time, although he said, as long as he deduces, something will happen, but since he has a judgment on the future, naturally he doesn't need to worry too much. ."

Que De sighed, "It's really stupid people have stupid blessings."

Que Xinyan agreed, "Master Su is indeed quite stupid."

Que De said, "I'm talking about you."

Que Xinyan "??? Master, you are bullying others again."

Que De's breathing stagnated for a moment. Seeing Que Xinyan's aggrieved appearance, he suddenly felt sick to his stomach.


Que De coughed, then turned his head away from Que Xinyan, and said, "Did he paint you a picture?"

Que Xinyan shook his head and said, "No, I thought he would draw me a dao companion like Qi Yunmeng. If you don't ask for anything else, just ask for something more realistic, but he refused."

Qued's moustache twitched, "You're right, but he may not have heard it right."

Que Xinyan looked suspicious.

Que De said, "Okay, I have a general idea of ​​what's going on. When Xia Xinning comes out, I'll ask him. I guess he has solved it."

Que Xinyan said, "Master wants to reconcile with him?"

Que De snorted and said, "Is there a lack of evidence? Just him, the direction is wrong! Since there is no shortage, how can there be a shortage? Only when there is a shortage, can we gradually move towards it."

Que Xinyan said, "Master's statement is inappropriate."

Que De said, "What's wrong?"

Que Xinyan said, "In the eyes of the disciples, there is nothing that is lacking or not, it is just called 'there is lack' and 'no lack'.

To prove that there is "no shortage" by "having deficiency" is a step-by-step process, and it is the natural way of Taoism.

The hard things in the world must be done in the easy, and the great things in the world must be done in the details. To do it before there is, to rule it out before chaos.

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The woodcutter does what he does with the axe, but not on the wood; the boatman does what he does with the oars, but not on the water; the practitioners of our generation do what they do for self-cultivation, but do nothing for the front of the road.

Therefore, this is actually the difference between 'doing nothing above and doing something below' or 'doing something above and doing nothing below'.

But is there really a difference?

The disciple felt that there was no difference.

Therefore, from the disciple's point of view, the path taken by Master and Xia Xinning Huan is still the same path of 'nothing and nothing'. Master seeks the effect from the cause, while Lord Xia Xinning seeks the cause from the effect, is there any difference? "

Que De heard the words, and his mood was agitated.

He took a deep look at Que Xinyan - my dear, is this the recovery of the lost "heart eye"?

Suddenly realized?

Que De took a deep breath and said thoughtfully, "You are really good, you are able to understand this step? I am very pleased for the teacher! In this way, you can really be a teacher!"

When Que Xinyan heard the words, she was overjoyed and said, "What Mu Yuxi said is true, I can really graduate, it's so cool—er—"

Que De had already withdrawn his eyes of joy and admiration at this time, stared at him coldly, and said, "I knew you were a jerk who didn't have the ability to say such things. I understand in my heart - how could you say such a thing?

Say, when did Mu Yuxi tell you this? "

Que Xinyan immediately denied, "No, really no, that's not what Mu Yuxi and I said."

Que De said, "How long have you recited this passage? Did it take three days?"

Que Xinyan said, "How could it take three days, Mu Yuxi has only told me until now - no, Master, listen to my explanation."

Que De said, "What's so nice, it's not your ability to memorize this thing, it's your ability to really understand it.

It's not that you can't touch the high level, it's that you don't even have a low level. How do you get to the high level? Mirror flower water moon? "

Que Xinyan smiled shyly, and could only listen to the training honestly for a while.

But this time Que De did not reprimand him much, but took out a red lantern and said, "Take it with you, if you are in danger, just cut yourself off, light the head of the lamp, and light the source of hope.

You have a disaster this time. Whether you can Transcend Tribulation depends on your own good fortune. "

Que De finished speaking, and did not say more.

Que Xinyan was silent for a moment, sighed, and said, "Master, this disciple understands, if this time is gone, it probably won't be in the next life - so that sentence is not what the disciple wants to understand, it is the disciple who asked Mu Yuxi to her. To repay Master's kindness.

The disciple once had a kindness to her, and now it can be regarded as the end of Karma, and it can be regarded as a repayment of the teacher's teaching and training.

If it is still there after this time, the disciple will perform the responsibility of the disciple in the future. "

Que De waved his hand and said, "Okay, after all, we are also the existence in charge of forgetting the world, and the chance of breaking the catastrophe is somewhat greater than that of other practitioners.

It's just that some of the experiences and murals this time have appeared on the No. 99 Soul Soul Stele collected by some strong people, on the Seven Dragons Altar, the Eight Dragons Altar and even the Nine Dragons Altar and the Zulong mural.

In the final analysis, Ancestral Dragon, Ancestral Dragon Demon, Demon Dragon, and Demon Spirit will all appear this time. What will happen? After Qingyun Tomb, the Great Emperor Tomb, is opened, we will know.

This time, as a teacher, I will also go, but it may be more of a bystander's way, not the way of the authorities.

So, you're all on your own.

This is also the most dangerous one, not only you, but also Su Li.

Winning is not particularly profitable.

But if you lose, you will lose the whole game, and even if the throne is lost, many other important positions will be captured. "

Que Xinyan said, "Is the Dark Night Demon Clan going to inherit the throne of Emperor Wang? Or is the White Night Demon Clan going to inherit the status of Cong Emperor?"

Que De shook his head and said, "These are all unknown factors, but the White Night Demon Clan has little ambition, and it doesn't seem to be falsifying, but such a thing involves a lot, and it is not suitable to use Wang Chenhuan's Wangxiangtai ability.

And this method has just changed - that is to say, that Xia Xin Ninghuan took the initiative to use this kind of power, and we can't use it in a short time.

After all, such a use restriction is still very large, and he used it this time, the loss is not light, and the cost is not small.

It can be seen that the situation of his Little Sister is also not very good. "

Que Xinyan hesitated a little, and said, "Master accepted me and my Little Sister as disciples, do you want to re-enact the status of Lord Xia Xinning and Xia Xinyan? Just in case they succeed and our inheritance is broken?"

Que De smiled and said, "Yes, you have really grown a brain, it's not easy."

Que Xinyan was instantly very happy, and there was a little more smile in his eyes, "Of course, but this time I thought of this, but what I thought of myself, it really has nothing to do with Mu Yuxi!"

Que De smiled and said, "Of course the teacher knows, but if it's the truth, you must keep it in mind and don't publicize it everywhere, otherwise, Master Xia Xinning will definitely fight with the teacher!"

Que Xinyan said, "The disciple thinks that this situation is a bit obvious, why doesn't he doubt it?"

Que De said, "It's all so obvious. If he doubts it, wouldn't he look stupid. But this is the same in this world. Things that seem stupid are actually the truth."

Que Xinyan said, "Master Su likes to do this kind of thing the most, that's true! Every time he clearly tells the truth, but he gives people the appearance of nonsense, alas, that eloquent, spittle, The rhetorical performance is really unforgettable.”

Que Xinyan's eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

Que De calmly distanced himself from this bitch.

Immediately, Que De canceled the shielding effect, and then gave Xia Xinyan a thoughtful look.

At this time, Xia Xinning had already walked out of the restricted area of ​​memory.

At this time, Su Li directly manifested the giant hand of Shrouding the Heavens from the restricted area of ​​memory, and grabbed it towards Feng Yao.

Feng Yao frowned slightly, and was very dissatisfied with Su Li's "arrogant" means. While snorting coldly, he honestly let Su Li be caught in the restricted memory area.

Que De glanced at Xia Xinning.

Xia Xinning narrowed her eyes slightly, then glanced at Xia Xinyan again, and said in a gentle voice, "Xinyan, wait here for a while, I'll go talk to Que De about Wang Chenhuan."

Xia Xinyan's beautiful eyes showed a hint of smile and tenderness, "Go big brother, but beware of Que De's traps, so as not to be at his mercy."

Xia Xinning smiled brightly, "Don't worry, the person who can manipulate your brother hasn't been born yet!"

Xia Xinyan smiled and said, "big brother, you and Que De go to the west to talk, the direction to the east is not very good right now."

Xia Xinning heard the words and smiled, "Okay."

As he said that, he just took three or four steps towards the east area and immediately stopped, then hooked his fingers towards Que De, and then turned to go west.

"Xinyan, can you see it here?"

"Three thousand feet ahead."



After Que De came over, he glanced at Xia Xinning and said, "You Little Sister is deliberately manipulating you."

Xia Xinning said, "I can make her happy, so why not be a fool."

Que De said, "When you say that, I feel very uneasy."

Xia Xinning said, "That's okay."

Que De said, "It's done?"

Xia Xinning said, "Want the truth or the lie?"

Que De said, "If the story is a painting, it must be the truth. If the painting is a story, it must be a lie."

Xia Xinning said, "It will be a real painting for you, but I'm afraid it will be very difficult to use."

Que De said, "I listen to the truth and take fake paintings."

Xia Xinning said, "I'm telling a lie, I'll give you a real painting. Do you want it or not?"

Que De said, "Don't you care?"

Xia Xinning said, "Do I care if you care?"

Qued said, "She is your Little Sister."

Xia Xinning said, "She is not only your disciple, but also the key inheritor of the 'Way of Inaction', which is a comprehensive inheritance of our two parties.

Although I care, but this trip is so dangerous, I have tried my best, I will try my best, and I will not regret it after all.

But if you don't try your best, you can only end up regretting it. "

Que De said, "Okay, I've put all my life to try, I'm afraid I'll die if I try."

Xia Xinning said, "Don't worry, I will set up a good fortune monument for you in Wang Chenhuan when you die, and Su Li has set up a good fortune monument on the other side of the bridge, who made you go first?! The monument is set up for you. Don't you know it yet?"

Que De said, "This immoral brat!"

Xia Xinning said, "Don't expect him to be virtuous. I am already thankful for accepting your disciple, Little Sister. It's not your bad idea to raise a goddess as a goddess, is that so?"

Que De said, "Then you still praised me for doing a good job and raising it to perfection."

Xia Xinning said, "Have I ever complimented me? It must have been water in my head at that time, so I was babbling nonsense for a while."

Que De said, "Many gods are also praising this method."

Xia Xinning said, "Those old people praise you because they wish you made mistakes again and again, do you believe this?"

Que De said, "It's a pity now that Su Ye's debt can't be recovered. He owes me nearly one billion Karma, and it's a loss."

Xia Xinning twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I also owe Karma more than one billion yuan."

Que De heard the words and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, "That little brat said that you have a billion Karma in your store, is this how you store it?"

Xia Xinning said, "That's what he told me, and he made a promise... It seems that if it weren't for the catastrophe of life and death this time, we must leave an inheritance. We are afraid that this kid will continue to use each other."

Xia Xinning said, seeming to remember something, and said, "He daddy owes more than one billion yuan! Shouldn't you do that too?!"

Que De heard the words, his face was black as charcoal, "So does the old king and bastard from Su Galaxy Cluster."

Xia Xinning was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Isn't Su Li owed?"

Que De heard that this was a little better, and said, "I don't owe it, this time I made a thousand Karma, but Su Li is fine."

Xia Xinning said, "Let's defend one hand, I taught him Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art, that kind of Sword Technique, I don't know how much it can burn with one sword."

Que De heard the words and almost vomited blood, "You...you taught him this method of burning Karma to increase his killing ability? I just formed an alliance with him, and I promised to move the Nether Sea into it, this—"

Xia Xinning said, "Look, how much I paid, right? It's all like this, so I'm going to fight. What did that kid say before--give it up--"

Que De said, "What a bummer, if you count it like this, the entire force of our Nether Sea has given him free labor for the Su family for 100,000 years! We even lost our own disciples!"

Xia Xinning said, "Calm down, isn't he already firmly in the position of the emperor? Just the plans he mentioned that day in Chi Xuehe, when the time comes to seal the Ziwei star field border and open it directly. After the starry sky giant tomb is opened, it should be It can form an independent Minor World.

I thought that if I could combine the soul realm, I would be able to create a world of the 'True Immortal God Realm'.

At that time, he will be the creator of the world, and we will be the 'enforcers' who govern that side of the world, the real law enforcement practitioners.

If you harvest a single Karma from all living beings, what is more than 10 billion Karma?

If you think so, this time you are willing to go to death, and you can rest in peace when you die.

At that time, I will turn the excess Karma into ghost paper and burn it for you.

Think of the ghost paper flying all over Jingyang Village, it's all Karma, how spectacular!

It's an illusion, but isn't it a good thing to look forward to it?

Not to mention, this scene appeared in the fake Soul Rescue secret realm, and it will definitely appear in the future! "

Que De said, "I have a shortage, you have no shortage, I'm not your opponent. Okay, I'm going to die, top Karma, okay!

Do you think that Su Li's painting is not powerful enough? Want me to call Ollie? "

Xia Xinning said, "What nonsense?"

Que De said, "The mantra of Su Li 100,000 years ago is very magical. It is estimated that he has won the favor of the royal family. I will try to see if I can earn some favor points from the royal family, so that I can die with a little dignity. "

Xia Xinning said, "Didn't he draw a little Joe for you?"

Que De sullenly said, "Don't talk about it, it's leaking. This time the royal family has risen, the Immortal Execution Sword Array has been killed, and Xiao Qiao has been affected, no more, otherwise you see why I am so haggard recently?"

Xia Xinning said, "Su Li's painting is a bit fierce this time. It's too powerful. I want to shout Olly for it, so I don't need to use it until the critical moment."

Que De said, "So let me die without wasting this painting? What's the painting? It's so powerful?!"

Xia Xinning said, "Murder is launched from the ground, and dragons and snakes rise to the ground. My Little Sister was originally a snake, used to be a dragon, and now is a human! Think about it, think carefully."

Que De's breath stagnated and said, "Oli! I'm dead! Can I die a few more times? As long as I don't die, the silver lining is to earn blood!"

Xia Xinning said, "This prince is no longer a rafter!"

Que De said, "What kind of rafters, as long as I can succeed, I'm willing to be anything!"

Que De said, and said again, "Where's the painting?!"

Xia Xinning's eyes narrowed, and Que De's eyes focused on the past.

The next moment, after a light and shadow in their eyes met, Que De took a deep breath and said, "Amazing! The little brat is amazing!"

Xia Xinning said, "It's really amazing."

Que De said, "Is Su Ye here?"

Xia Xinning said, "What do you want to do?"

Que De said, "Lend money and give him tens of billions."

Xia Xinning shivered—you still have so much?

Que De said, "I'm just throwing it at random now, and it's a few hundred million."

Xia Xinning said, "How many gods have you lent money over the years?"

Que De said, "That little brat taught him well 100,000 years ago, otherwise how could he make so much money? Those gods were starting to lose their minds, and they felt that the interest rate was low and it didn't matter. If they used it, they would not be able to get out of this big cage!"

Xia Xinning gave a thumbs up and said, "Six six six."

Que De said with a sullen face, "Don't be six."

Xia Xinning was in a good mood and said, "Okay, this is the best news I've ever heard, and I'm finally at ease. But you are so rich that you cry poor every day, you are really enough!"

Que De looked contemptuous and said, "Don't cry poor but show off your wealth? Was beaten? Those gods know that I'm working hard to pay off my debts, otherwise I can't pay enough for this kid like Su Ye!"

Xia Xinning said, "Let's borrow some first, and give me five million Karma to repay the debt."

Que De "???"

Xia Xinning said, "I'm bright on the surface, but in reality I'm extremely poor."

Que De "..."

Xia Xinning said, "Borrow it or not? I have a dividend from Tianchi Xuehe. You made me bear so much Karma. You can't afford it if something goes wrong!"

Que De said, "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be gambling with those gods? Don't be blind if you forget the world!"

Xia Xinning said, "No, I just killed a few ants that didn't have long eyes. It's a bit too much consumption. My Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art is a big eater of Karma."

Que De said, "Five million is enough?"

Xia Xinning said, "The fifty million?"

Que De said, "You'd better die."

Xia Xinning said, "In the future, we won't lose money! What are you afraid of? When I find the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword, I will only need the good fortune, the original life qi, to destroy the ultimate move. What more Karma do I need? ."

Que De said, "Okay, five million, the last time! Besides, you have to pay me back what you owe me, and I am also Lord Huan. This is what Karma was set for, and it cannot be denied, otherwise those gods would have defaulted on their debts long ago. "

Xia Xinning said, "Don't worry, I'll call you 'Oli' again."

Que De said, "I thank you, don't learn the way I learned to be friendly with the 'Royal Family', and don't spread it."

Xia Xinning said, "My mouth is the firmest. I'm tight-lipped and will definitely not spread the word."

As Xia Xinning spoke, she directly transmitted the voice to Xia Xinyan, told some truth, and told Xia Xinyan not to spread the word.

Xia Xinyan thought about it for a while, and immediately passed it on to Meier, let Meier pay attention and don't spread it.

Then... Meier passed it on directly to the Tianyu Clan and Tianji Pavilion, and told them not to spread the word.

Que De was still about to speak, but his face suddenly darkened—is this your sister's 'secrecy'?

But Que De didn't care anymore, he borrowed five million interest-free loans to Xia Xinning. Not only did he get no income, he had to die for himself...

But when he thought of the painting he obtained, Que De was very satisfied - blood earned.

"This bastard, only at this moment of life and death can he get a little benefit."

Que De murmured in his heart, and then he sensed the painting again, and his heart palpitated again.


Memory Forbidden Zone, third floor.

Su Li quietly looked at Feng Yao with a very calm expression.

"Have you made up your mind? You want to fight me? In fact, the outcome is already decided, you are defeated."

Su Li said lightly.

Feng Yao coldly snorted proudly, making a sound from his throat and snorting from his nostrils.

"Originally, the position of the emperor is mine! And the responsibility for inspecting Qingyun Tomb is also mine!

If it wasn't for the day I inspected the Soul Relief Monument and I glanced at you on a whim, this situation would not have happened today.

You have not only robbed the bloodline of the ancestors of my Wind Clan, but also the throne of the Emperor.

This time, regardless of success or failure, I want to really fight with you!

This battle continues the last encounter between you and me at the end of Su Ye's restricted memory zone.

We met in the past and fought in the past.

So, if I am really inferior to you now, I will admit it, because I was inferior to you in the past!

But if I win, then—you can't sit still!

Because your trip to Qingyun Tomb this time is a huge danger with endless lore and coexistence, you can't do it, you can't stand it!

Even if the royal family forcibly supported you and made you stand in that position, you still can't do it!

You are so bad!

You don't match!

You can't even get rid of the most basic emotions and desires!

Or not to give up, because I have all these too!

But you - you pursue these things too much, you are too personal, you have no royal demeanor and temperament at all.

So you represent the royal family, which will make the royal family look very low-end and humble.

This is not my personal feeling, but that countless gods actually look down on you in their hearts, and feel that you are as humble as an ant. "

Feng Yao said something from his heart.

This kind of thing could only be said under such circumstances.

Su Li said, "Dignity is never given by others, but earned by oneself!

It doesn't matter whether I am looked down upon by others, the key is that no one in the royal family dares to look down upon me.

Because the gods know very well, there must be a reason for me to be the emperor.

That's what they're looking for!

And you just saw my insufficiency.

But what I see is your good point.

So, you've actually lost, haven't you?

The benevolent sees the benevolence and the wise sees the wisdom. I don't need to teach you this basic truth, right?

So, you are really not as good as me.

Also, how did your soul of Deva come back? I released it back.

I built the blood river of Tianchi, and defined the more powerful laws of heaven and earth, the rules of the royal family, so most of the rules of the prehistoric royal family in Su Ye's blood river restricted area were invalid.

In this way, the suppression of your Deva soul will naturally fail.

And why the royal family suppresses you, it seems to you that you are practicing.

This is right and wrong.

Because at the end of the blood river, it is not only you, but also me, and many geniuses!

But everyone failed, only I became the emperor.


Because of my virtue and talent.

The one who is really unworthy is precisely you Fengyao, isn't it? "

Su Li counterattacked directly.

This verbal confrontation of the emperor's status is also a battle.

It's just that this is a battle between Tao and the law. If you can't gain the upper hand, you will fall into extreme passive.

At that time, even if you win, it will not be honorable.

And if the combat power is insufficient, winning with a nirvana will pull the crotch even more.

This is not what Su Li wants to see.

Feng Yao sneered and said, "Whether you deserve it or not, in a world like this, the first element is the strength of the heavenly soul! And the second element is the level of combat power!

Not even this basic thing, everything else is a mirror image.

Therefore, this battle is the most basic judgment!

Let's fight first, and after the battle is decided, I will discuss it with you.

Of course, if you are not convinced when you lose, I am willing to argue with you and convince you!

The future is fixed, but there are gaps in time, and the past is not fixed. The past can be written, and the past can determine the future.

The future may go wrong, but once the past is set, the future will still change! "

(s: The first 10,000 characters are here~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass, dear friends, please come and book a monthly pass, thank you~ In addition, I am very grateful to 'Book Friends 160405225513682' 600 coins for your support~ Thank you very much for book friends 'a Binghuna' 200 coins reward for support, I am very grateful to the book friends 'Wuqi' and 'Tiantian' for 100 coins each for their support~

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