I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 261 Repaying Virtue With Resentment, The Enemy Of Life And Death

After Feng Yao finished speaking, Su Li suddenly felt no pressure.

Not underestimate the enemy.

But after Xia Xinning's dialogue "honed", Su Li found that the rest of the practitioners seemed to be of low grades.

Su Li looked at Feng Yao's reckless face, and suddenly felt that the other party was still a child.

Inexplicably, he thought of a sentence from his previous life-he was still a child, so don't let him go.

If he doesn't fight now, he won't have the chance to fight when he grows up.

Perhaps, Feng Yao also thought like this at this time?

If you don't hit me now, you won't have a chance in the future, so you won't be able to beat me, right?

Su Li took a deep look at Lao Fengyao and said, "I understand, okay, I'll give you this chance, otherwise you won't find any chance in the future, it's really pitiful."

Feng Yao "..."

Feng Yao's eyes are a little indignant - those existences of the royal family are really confused, but this time I will show you my excellence!

Feng Yao took a deep breath, and didn't say anything, but turned his eyes to the four directions. In the end, he came to the area where the blood river of Tianchi was located. Above the blood river, there was a faint light spot that was not obvious.

The light was flickering, like a ghost's eye burning with a faint fire, blinking from time to time.

Feng Yao repeatedly looked at such a spot of light, the rebellious color in his eyes gradually subsided, his expression was solemn, and his attitude seemed to become more pious.

Su Li's figure moved and flew over.

This place is under the bridge on the other side of the bridge, but in the area above the blood river.

Su Li had seen such a thing like a ghostly eye long ago.

But it wasn't obvious before.

After he completely 'turned Yin' this piece of heaven and earth into yin, it became extremely obvious.

And when Xia Xinning used the means to swallow 80% of the energy of this world with the "Emperor Qi Transforming Dragon Swallowing the Sky", it was extremely obvious at that time.

Now, the third floor of the restricted memory area is almost 50% restored, but this thing has not been restored, it is very obvious.

Feng Yao found this fault point at the first time. It can be seen that this person's strength is actually not bad.

Su Li stood beside the fault point in this world, his expression also a little dignified.

He could be sure that this time point was the end of the restricted area of ​​the blood river leading to Su Ye, but it was only judged by the 'instinct' and the 'heavenly listening' ability of half a bucket of water.

But how Feng Yao judged it, he didn't know.

Feng Yao glanced at Su Li and said, "There is something wrong with Su Ye outside, can you see it?"

Su Li said, "It's not a big problem. After all, in terms of Su Ye's personality, going to Tianchi Blood River this time is the main body, but going to the Tomb of the Great Emperor is unlikely to use the main body."

Feng Yao said, "That's not what you mean, forget it, you always have to face it, come with me - dare you?"

Su Li said, "You're very unprofessional, come on, I'll follow."

Feng Yao said, "I'm worried that you won't do what you say, so that you've missed a huge opportunity."

Su Li said, "If you don't speak, it's actually more convincing to be dumb."

Feng Yao snorted softly and said, "I'm better than you think."

Su Li said, "Yes, you are indeed excellent. You are a first-class show."

Feng Yao "Is this strange way of speaking the reason why the royal family likes you?"

Su Li heard the words, and his expression suddenly became exciting. "Is the royal family liked because of the way a person speaks? I'm afraid you're not thinking about peaches!"

Feng Yao said, "Wanting to eat pan peach is actually something everyone is thinking about. In the Tianshan Yaochi in the royal family Kunlun, there are 3,600 peach trees in the pantao garden of the Queen Mother of the West.

The first 1,200 plants have tiny flowers and fruits, and they ripen once every 3,000 years. People eat Immortal Ascension and gain enlightenment.

There are 1,200 plants in the middle, each ripening in 6,000 years. People eat Xia Ju and soar and live forever.

The 1,200 plants in the back, with purple grains and fine nuclei, are cooked once in 9,000 years. People eat it with the same longevity as the heaven and the earth, the sun and the moon are the same, and they directly preach the Immortal. "

Su Li heard the words, his breath stagnated, and before he could speak, Feng Yao said with some envy, "If you say that the biggest difference between me and you, it may be that you have eaten peaches and we have not."

Su Li no longer wanted to speak.

Xia Xinning said these words were bombing the truth.

When Feng Yao said the same thing, Su Li felt that this person was mentally retarded.

This is a spiritual world completely immersed in oneself, addicted to yy and unable to extricate oneself.

It's just that even Feng Yao is so convinced of such information, it can be seen that in the past, he really did everything he could to pick up girls.

Of course, such a thing, Su Li is actually understandable.

After all, when she first met Hua Ziyan in Luoxia Barren Mountain, Su Li actually planned to brag and pretend that she was very powerful.

And in fact, it seems to be the case.

From the beginning of making up the master, I have embarked on this road of no return step by step.

Sometimes it's easy to tell a lie, but to maintain the lie, you have to throw hundreds of bullshit to prove the truth of the lie.

In the end, you can only live in lies and deceit, unable to extricate yourself.

Su Li looked at the system panel and saw that the value of more than 500 million celestial secrets was still rising.

Why is it still rising?

Because more and more practitioners come to the Nether Sea area.

Even many ordinary people that Su Li had seen before came.

And some practitioners from the Gold Core Nascent Soul in the hidden Sect also came.

These can't be named or seen, but one or two of them have a face that is either familiar or unfamiliar, or deja vu, which makes Su Li unable to complain.

It looks like a lot of them still haven't recovered.

As long as they are killed, they will recover, or they may die completely, but no matter what the result is, they are obviously not willing to miss such an opportunity.

Not to mention these.

Nowadays, the existences of kings and emperors, such as treacherous and fierce souls, which are almost difficult to see, have also appeared one by one.

Ordinary treacherousness is no longer kept in the minds of practitioners.

But what about the treacherous kings and emperors?

There has never been any real mutual restraint in this world, it just depends on who is more capable.

Water can put out the fire, but when there is not enough water, it may support the combustion.

This is just a slap in the face of Light Blue Star, a Tianhe Hundred Clan.

And this time - what Su Li saw from Mu Yuxi's archives for the next seven days was that - all the worlds and tribes came.

Moreover, Qingyun Tomb is an independent Minor World, not as simple as a simple ancient tomb.


When these gods, geniuses, etc. all believed in this and went to the scene in person, or waited in front of their Soul Soul Tomb and Soul Soul Stele, Su Li's Heavenly Secret Value would naturally rise.

This can already be regarded as a direct Karma connection - because the Great Emperor's tomb was born, these practitioners came here.

Therefore, although the secret value obtained in this way is compared with the Karma that is received head-on, the secret value of hundreds of points is almost a normal income.

In this way, the participation of 10,000 practitioners is one million heavenly worth.

And the number of participants this time, how many?

In total, how much will it be worth?

This number is too much to count, because some of them will have thousands of tens of thousands of heavenly values.

Even the least has nearly a hundred points!

In this way, just when the previous Heavenly Secret Value was almost exhausted, he had 50 million Heavenly Secret Value to cover.

It cost 100 million to paint a picture before, but now it's going up again!

How long has it been?

After Su Li retracted his gaze, he glanced at Feng Yao lightly and said, "You say yes."

Feng Yao said, "Did you take a bite? The one from three thousand years?"

Su Li did not speak.

Feng Yao said again, "The record over there in Soul Town Hall, you mentioned this matter, but the details are unclear."

Su Li asked, "Can you shut up?"

Feng Yao said, "No - before that, let me tell you one thing, a huge truth!"

Su Li's mouth twitched, "You're here too? Playing heart attack?"

Feng Yao said, "Once, when your dao companion was suppressed in the Leifeng Pagoda, you actually lived out the next life as a soul, and at that time you also died and lived out the next life."

Su Li didn't want to talk, but according to Feng Yao, this is actually the story of 'Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian'.

I just don't know what he has made up and changed into.

The memory of the past certainly does not exist.

And Su Li couldn't admit it either.

He couldn't accept the 100,000-year-old Karma—just like he couldn't admit that he became Su Ye's master 20,000 years ago.

He did it, but I can't admit it!

As for Xia Xinning, he didn't admit it either, he just half accepted it in an unbelievable state, but it was Xia Xinning's strong hold.

It's just that Feng Yao is also here at this moment...

Su Li felt a little funny.

Su Li said suspiciously, "Tell me about it."

Feng Yao said, "After you lived in the next life, your name was changed to 'Su Wangchen', and that Que Xinyan, in order to get close to a woman, disguised herself as a man and changed her name to 'Que Xinyan'.

Hahaha, how is it, are you shocked, are you surprised?

Just this matter, I've been making jokes for many years - Hey, why don't you laugh? "

Su Li said, "Just like Que Xinyan, you told me he's a woman? I think I'm more interested if you turn into a charming lady."

Feng Yao's breath stagnated, and Xiaobai's face actually showed the red after being humiliated, "You bastard, I am the Prince of Heaven, how dare you humiliate me!"

Su Li said, "Wake up, you're not yet!"

Feng Yao took a deep breath, stared at Su Li, and said, "Why are you not shocked at all? You are not curious at all? Could it be that you already knew?"

Su Li said, "You are telling me this now, don't you just want to attack me, and then let my fighting strength not be used, so that you can take advantage of it? So why should I listen to you? Everything you said is mine. It's all in the left ear and out in the right ear, I don't care what you say, it doesn't matter to me.

Anyway, it's lonely. Meier and Yuxi are together Indistinguishable Dao dual cultivation, isn't this fragrant enough?

What else do I want to do?

Not to mention Que Xinyan that Tu Feiyuan is a man, even if it is a woman, I can't accept it!

You are just using it to disgust me, but I'm not taboo on meat and vegetables, I can even be "tough" in your incarnation, so what else are you afraid of? "

Su Li's words made Feng Yao's breath stagnate, and then he looked at Su Li with a terrified and shocking look.

After a while, he sighed and said, "Sure enough, you can win the favor of the goddess who forgets the world. It really depends on the ability of this not wanting face! The biggest difference between me and you may be that I am thin-skinned and can't put down Face, Therefore, Face must suffer to the death.

But you are different, you are thick-skinned and even not wanting face.

Not wanting face is cool for a while, not wanting face is cool for a lifetime!

I seem to understand. "

Su Li said, "Congratulations, you can now do not wanting face?"

Feng Yao hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I can't do it, I was born to be the emperor's life, how could I lower my posture and do such a shameful thing!"

Su Li "..."

Feng Yao sighed, "If you don't believe it, forget it, but this time I have seen her suppressed Deva soul in the sea of ​​blood at the end of the restricted area. The end is quite tragic, so you must be mentally prepared."

Su Li "Why did you suddenly change your attitude?"

Feng Yao didn't say much, but said, "You come in, and at the same time pay attention to the hidden crisis, you may be attacked, this time Zhuge Yunshang, Hua Zili and his party have not appeared, and they may be ambushed in that restricted area. "

Su Li said, "I won't say anything about Zhuge Yunshang, isn't Hua Zili Hua Ziyan?"

Feng Yao said, "After splitting, they are all independent individuals, each with its own characteristics, and basically cannot be merged back - unless the rules of forgetting the world can be complete, and then re-integrated to live out the next life, it will be complete.

Otherwise, when the time comes, they will either snatch each other's origins, and only one will survive, and the rest will be fused to death, or they will complement each other.

The most perfect thing is to live out the next life and enter Samsara completely, but the road to forgetting the world is broken and there is no return. "

Su Li said, "You talk a lot, I'm afraid I think this sentence is a bit useful. This point, Zhuge Qiyan gave me a deep impression."

Feng Yao sneered and said, "It's not that I feel very deeply, it's that you can almost sleep with her - with your ability, you can't get any man's dignity on Meier Muyuxi, but you can on her.

She is not any Indistinguishable Dao physique, but will be restrained by you, so you can Indistinguishable Dao her at will, she is like a slave.

So, you think she is easy to get started and fun to play. "

Su Li snorted and said, "Don't call me so dirty, I like her very much, and I am a very pure person."

Feng Yao pouted and said, "What you did after you disobeyed me, do you think I am dead? After I came out of the black kite, I gradually learned something.

Therefore, you are simply... extremely evil.

So others can't recognize your true face, but I do.

You are so inferior to you. "

Hearing this, Su Li glanced at Feng Yao left and right, and said suspiciously, "I vaguely think that you may be more like a woman than Que Xinyan - why don't we try?"

Su Li said and took a step forward.

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Feng Yao was shocked, his face turned pale, and he almost vomited with a 'vomit'.


The muscles on Feng Yao's face twitched a few times before she said solemnly, "I studied the blood of Kunpeng and created "Red Soul Movement Technique" by myself, and I am very sure that I am a man - but there was a time when I was sad because of Feng Qianwei. , cut himself off.

But now it has been completely recovered, don't think about it, I don't think you can take all men and women, I only have Feng Qianwei in my heart. "

Feng Yao said, and said again, "I'll go first, I'll wait for you at the end of the Blood River Tianchi."

Su Li said, "Okay, then we'll make an agreement like this."

Feng Yao heard the words, turned his head and left without saying a word.

He is really fast.

In less than three seconds, the person didn't even have a shadow.

After Feng Yao left, Su Li fell into silence.

He didn't immediately enter that time gap.

Because he thought of one thing - Feng Yao and Su Ye were suppressed to the Lost Realm after being 'file photocopied'.

It's just that the place where they were suppressed - the lost domain, where is it?

At this time, Su Li had to consider that the end of the blood river was the Lost Realm!

"If being suppressed in the 'Lost Realm' is equivalent to being blocked at the end of the blood river, then reverse reasoning can conclude that entering the end of the blood river is equivalent to being suppressed in the lost realm , it is equivalent to being 'defied' under certain circumstances."

"So, the soul of Deva, the Supreme Heavenly Devil, was suppressed at the end of the blood river in my own Tianchi, that is, it was suppressed in the Lost Realm, so I am now equivalent to the soul of Deva, so I used the file to copy 'Su Li'?"

"So who am I?"

"If I am Su Li, if I have been in the state of file copying, who is the body of that Supreme Heavenly Devil? Su Li?"

Su Li called up the system and looked at it again, the value of nearly 600 million in heaven, and the value of Karma at 1 point.

"Where I exist, is the present, is the reality!"

"Is Que De's statement true or false? Can you fully believe it?"

"If this sentence is true—"

"So, does it mean that as long as I enter this fault point now, it is equivalent to being 'defeated', and there will be a me in reality. And the me in the past will fight Feng Yao at this time?"

"So it shows that I live in the present, but I live in the past to fight?"

"So how can the present and the past go on at the same time?"

"Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly Cultivation Technique? It's like the last time Zhuge Jiufeng and the others ended?"

"What is the key to the simultaneous progress of the present and the future? Time gap, two layers of time? Like the last time Yun Qingxuan's trip to the restricted area of ​​memory? And this time, it happens to be another trip to the restricted area of ​​memory!"

"Once it's a coincidence, then twice it's not as simple as a coincidence."

Su Li couldn't help thinking seriously.

After a while, Su Li pinched the center of his eyebrows and had a headache.

There are too many things.

And layer after layer, they came one after another, overlapping in series, making it hard for him to breathe.

The point is, a series of Karmas come together, it is really difficult to deal with, it is difficult to resist.


Su Li emptied all his thoughts, and even the more than 100 clones suspended all thinking.

Afterwards, he let go of his body and mind, and sat quietly by the bridge on the other side above the blood river in Tianchi, maintaining an ethereal state.

At this moment, he didn't think about anything, just kept this state of 'nothing'.

At this time, he temporarily chose to take the road of 'doing nothing'.

After more than a hundred breaths.

Su Li opened her eyes again.

After he stood up, in this area, he took out a good fortune pen, condensed a avatar, turned it into a ghost paper, and drew a picture on it.

This painting is the scene of him sitting quietly by the bridge on the other side.

And why paint such a picture?

That is just a proof.

Prove that in this reality, there is another him.

Can there be two selves in this world?

If it was before, Su Li would definitely say - impossible!

But is it really impossible?

If it is impossible, what are Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan and Xia Xinyan?

If it is impossible, what is the relationship between Su Ye and Su Taiqing?

If it is impossible, what is the relationship between Zhuge Qiyan and Zhuge Qianyun?

Even, if it's not possible, what is the relationship between the dead Lu Yi and Su Ho?

"Is there really a 'Su Wangchen' in this world?"

"So, if I don't go to the past, then that Su Wangchen won't appear?"

"Or - it's not Su Wangchen but those avatars that I released into the Taiyuan era?"

"No, they are only corresponding Karma points, and cannot fully perform self-action."

"There is no so-called 'Su Wangchen'. This is indeed Feng Yao's test. This cage cannot be stepped on."

"Then there is only one possibility - I will go back to the past now, and the future me will go back to the present, and the waste of the past will go back to the future, forming a kind of closed loop!"

"At each point in time, there is only one id. When a certain situation is stable, there can be an operation of 'Tian Ji's horse racing'."

"In the past, I couldn't beat Feng Yao, but now I can."

"The current me, I can't do Qingyun Tomb, but I can do it in the future - so I will come over and leave a legacy."

"And the future me may already be able to crush the heavens, so the waste material from the past I went to the future, and I can hold steady, because no existence dares to test him!"

"Moreover, the fault point of time is actually only a short moment."

"But there are exceptions to everything - what if something happens? When a closed loop is formed like this, if it is calculated, it will definitely fall!"

"So, how to solve such hidden dangers?"

"closed loop."


While Su Li pondered, he gritted his teeth, and after condensing an avatar outside his body, he chopped off the eyes of the avatar outside his body and pressed it directly into his own eyes in the picture scroll of his painting.


The painting shook violently.

Immediately, in that painting, Su Li drew a scene where a good fortune pen was writing the pages of a heavenly book.

The Book of the Heavens is a re-condensed page from the Book of the Emperor's Classics.

Afterwards, Su Li condensed the powers of the two bloodlines, the Pangu bloodline and the Kunpeng bloodline, into ink, and wrote the word 'bull' on the page!

After writing this word, Su Li left the good fortune pen and placed the good fortune pen horizontally under the word 'bull'.

Then the word 'bull' becomes a word for 'sheng'.

After finishing this scene, Su Li took a deep look at the painting. Then, he laid the painting flat on the ground, and placed the good fortune pen under the word 'bull'.

After finishing this scene, the rules of this world seemed to suddenly become more rigorous and terrifying.

In the sky, purple clouds spread all over.

Below Tianchi, the blood river is like a Sea of ​​Bitterness, with huge waves of hundreds of feet, surging.

In the distance, Mount Tai suppressed everything as always.

On the good fortune monument, the names of the gods such as Que De's seem to be stained with a layer of blood.

Su Li took a deep breath, and then sensed the outside world again, before her figure was like electricity, and she disappeared into that cold spot of light in an instant.

The moment Su Li entered, the cold light spot shrank rapidly, and a shadow emerged from it.

It was a young man in a white robe.

The white clothes are like snow, and the temperament is like an abyss.

As soon as his figure moved, it had already manifested from the spot of light.

The next moment, he landed on the other side of the bridge and glanced at the painting at the same time.

His figure was frozen for a moment, and then he showed a faint reflection, a hint of melancholy.

On his very blurred face, the word 'chuan' was locked on his forehead.

After a while, he seemed to understand something, his expression was relieved a little, and there was a little more relief in his eyes.

Immediately, he grabbed the word 'bull' in the painting.


Suddenly, in the void, a green ox suddenly appeared, and the green ox made an extreme Dao sound. After manifesting in the painting, it called out to the young man in white robe, and pouted his head.

The man stretched out his hand and wiped the void, and the green ox immediately surrendered, becoming docile and well-behaved.

The man smiled slightly, his figure moved, and he was already sitting on the back of the cow.

Immediately, the man grabbed the good fortune pen and drew a canyon in the area where the word was, with a pass next to the canyon.

Next to the pass is a mountain.

Then, a scene of Daoist's shadow riding a bull to the west exit appeared above.

After this painting was completed, the young man in white robe immediately stepped into the painting on a bull and disappeared.

At this time, the added scene in the painting gradually disappeared.

However, the place where the original 'bull' and 'one' were, became '亻' and 'mountain'.

It's just that the "vertical" of the mountain in the "mountain" and the "mountain" is exactly where the good fortune pen has been erected.

When this scene changes, the time is only in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the bright spot of the previous shadow was also extinguished very quickly, and Su Li and Feng Yao, who went to fight Feng Yao, seemed to be about to come out.


The edge of the Ziwei star field, the starry sky, the wasteland.

The Tianhe Wasteland has always been a lonely battlefield, and it is also a real burial place.

Su Ye stood quietly in front of a blood tablet with his hands on his back, watching the words that appeared on the blood tablet from time to time, and remained silent.

He chopped off a source clone to go to Qingyun Tomb, but the main body did not plan to go.

It is not fear, but at such an important moment, as a guardian, he has to maintain his defensive duties in the Tianhe area.

But before that, some things still have to be dealt with properly.

Su Ye took a long sigh, glanced at Hua Zili and Zhuge Yunshang in the distance, and said, "There is only one chance, if you don't grasp it, you must not take another shot."

Hua Zili said lightly, "One time is enough."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Su Ye said, "Feng Yao will probably remind him."

Hua Zili said, "It's useless."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "I won't watch Yun Ni go on like this. No matter how favored this existence is by the royal family, it won't work."

Su Ye said, "I don't think you guys will succeed. When he rebelled against me, he already mastered a lot of methods."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "I thought you would stop us."

Hua Zili said, "If everything started because of him, it should end because of him. If you kill him, all positions will come out. Over the years, I have sacrificed so much for the human race, so it's worth it!"

Su Ye said, "It's a pity that you are not a human race, but you are Heavenly Devil."

Hua Zili said, "But didn't he say that he once lived a life of Ning Caichen, who fell in love with Nie Xiaoqian, the Heavenly Devil girl who became the incarnation of Xia Xinyan, who became a devil because of love? And the Heavenly Devil in his words , is actually a treacherous and fierce soul. In this way, even the demons are involved.

So this time he is Su Li, and strange women like Ning Caijian, Nie Siru, Yan Hongyue from the City of No Tears all came out.

If a marriage is continued, the biggest positions will appear. "

Su Ye said, "I don't know anything about this."

Hua Zili said, "Who is Ning Caixu? Where is he from?"

Su Ye said, "I don't know."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "Who is Yan Chicheng?"

Su Ye said, "I don't know either. Besides, don't say such words everywhere."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "Now that Qingyun Tomb is born, there must be Lanruo Temple and the dark demon 'Black Mountain'. Can this matter be a secret? It's all known!

Now as long as he is sure that the certain life he once lived was 'Ning Caichen', or that he existed 100,000 years ago, then he cannot escape this Karma! "

Su Ye said, "I don't know anything. It's useless for you to tell me this. You only have one chance to make a move. , suppress you until Heiyuan ten thousand years."

Hua Zili said, "If I succeed, I will be Liuli, and I will replace Hua Ziyan and become a complete Hua Zili, just like Jiufeng completely replaced Feng Qianqian.

So, at that time, he and I should be the perfect couple. "

Su Ye didn't speak either.

Instead, Zhuge Yunshang said, "You can't replace Xia Xinyan."

Hua Zili said, "If Xia Xinyan dies, or simply doesn't exist, I will get rid of her Karma, and everything will be fine! As long as I can do this, Zhuge Jiufeng will cooperate.

It is not difficult to write a similar mural story to cover Xia Xinyan with the time gaps we have grasped. "

Zhuge Yunshang said, "If you fail, then I will get rid of Yun Ni and let her get rid of this Karma."

Hua Zili said, "No problem - if this is the case, the West Lake will be dry, the Leifeng Pagoda will collapse, and in the Lanruo Temple, the Underworld will be born."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "Can his Karma be on top?"

Hua Zili said, "As long as he dies, he will be able to top him."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "Who can top it?"

Hua Zili said, "Guess what."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "Su Ye, have you asked Que De or Xia Xinning about this?"

Su Ye said, "I can't afford Karma."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "You don't owe a lot of billions, and it doesn't matter if you owe a little more. Now the information on the blood tablet shows that the first three floors of the 'Underworld' are completely independent and can be stripped out.

So you don't have to give him any good looks.

After all, no one really wants to be a soul slave, right? You are nothing but his soul slave, he has admitted it himself, why don't you recognize it? "

Su Ye said, "I owe Karma only for my master, and the rest has nothing to do with me. Besides, you don't have to provoke, this will only make me remember you, and you will be more merciless next time you kill."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "You really are deeply poisoned by him, and it is hopeless."

Su Ye said, "It's hopeless, I think it's your group. Of course, you don't deserve to say this to me. Now, let you read the blood tablet, you can get out! Karma among us has already It's over, and we don't owe each other."

Hua Zili said, "You still owe me a share, do you recognize it?"

Su Ye was silent for a while, then said, "You say it."

Hua Zili said, "Give me the answer! The answer I want!"

Su Ye said, "I really don't know! Although there are many restricted areas in my memory, I can't open them! In addition, Feng Yao has already come, you have to hurry up! If you miss the opportunity, you won't be waiting for it to expire."

Hua Zili said, "Your clone is with Lord Que Dehuan and Lord Xia Xinning, and the information is exchanged. Ask now, and give me the answer when you ask. According to the future information on the blood tablet, he will take dozens of breaths to appear!

You know, this kind of blood monument information, accurate to the time point of one thousandth of a breath, is extremely accurate and can never go wrong. "

Su Ye said, "It's impossible! I asked once, hundreds of millions of Karma's burden, and I owe you, just one. One Karma, repaying hundreds of millions of things, do you think I'm good at talking?"

Hua Zili said, "I will return you a fatal piece of news about your master! I can make an oath - the possibility is as high as 95% or more!

You should know how high is the probability of more than 95%! "

Su Ye said, "You want to know whether Xia Xinyan is dead or not in the future information on Wang Chenhuan's monument?!"

Hua Zili said, "Yes."

Su Ye said, "Wait."

Hua Zili said, "Okay!"

After Su Ye finished speaking, he closed his eyes immediately.

Hua Zili let out a soft breath, looking tired and excited.

Zhuge Yunshang said, "You are really crazy."

Hua Zili said, "Why don't you, do you want to help Fengyao take the position? You want Fengyao to replace Su Li, right? Have you arranged for the City of No Tears?"

Zhuge Yunshang said, "No, those have nothing to do with me. I didn't take the first step well, and the follow-up arrangements cannot be made."

Hua Zili said, "Then you are too rough."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "You are amazing, what have you achieved?"

Hua Zili said, "Actually, replacing Su Li is very simple, but you didn't think of the key."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "Oh? Isn't Feng Yao enough to replace it? As long as Feng Yao wins this time, you must assist me. Moreover, if we take action, Su Li will not have the chance to fight Feng Yao.

At the same time, after he went to Su Ye's restricted area of ​​memory, his restricted area of ​​memory was completely unguarded. "

Hua Zili said, "He thought of this and wiped out all the hidden dangers."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "But the fault point on the third floor is still there. This is the biggest hidden danger. Therefore, as long as he dies, we go in as soon as possible, and we can seize the authority."

Hua Zili said, "It's not that easy."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "But it's not that complicated anymore, isn't it, all the purposes have gradually surfaced."

Hua Zili said, "It's true, it's all out this time."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "So, on your side, who can top it?"

Hua Zili said, "Su Li is irreplaceable, not because Su Li is irreplaceable, but because the light blue behind it is irreplaceable. As long as light blue is replaced, Su Li is replaced."

When Zhuge Yunshang heard the words, his delicate body trembled, and his face suddenly turned pale, "It seems that I am indeed going to lose to you. I have thought of this, but I have never thought about it, so I directly independent of the light blue. Replacing Su Li."

Hua Zili said, "Su Li may just be a puppet pushed out by Light Blue, so, when the time comes, let Feng Yao be on top and Light Blue to bless. I originally chose Su Ye, and Su Ye also has a special affection for Light Blue. Zhong, unfortunately, in his heart, Master is irreplaceable."

Zhuge Yunshang said, "In this case, Feng Yao can only become a puppet, is he willing?"

Hua Zili said, "Don't Su Li know that he is a light blue puppet? You see how nourishing his life is, don't you think? My other soul body, Hua Ziyan, can't wait to be a licking slave for him and can't find a chance. !"

When Zhuge Yunshang heard this, he giggled and said, "He is the emperor now, if you lick it, the benefits are endless!"

Hua Zili sneered and said, "Back then, at the Tongtian Tower, my soul was eaten away by aliens. He clearly could let Qianlan come forward to save me, but he was afraid of revealing the secret and let me go to pieces—from that moment on, I would treat this person with Hatred like crazy!

Therefore, I have sworn a poisonous oath - in the future, whenever I encounter a similar person, needless to say, I will kill it directly! "

Zhuge Yunshang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then suddenly laughed and said, "You have made all of us miserable, because this obsession is in a time gap, so it connects the past and the future, so that the replica Su Li All were killed by you, so no one could study him!

You are making me laugh. "

When Hua Zili heard this, her face suddenly became extremely ugly like a dead old lady.

"I-I'm... instead of helping him a big favor?"

After Hua Zili realized the truth, tears almost fell.

Zhuge Yunshang also didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Tianji Pavilion and Zhenshun Hall have studied this for tens of thousands of years, and can't find anything wrong."

Hua Zili took a deep breath and said, "Don't talk about it, bad luck, Su Ye should have a result soon!"

Zhuge Yunshang said, "Your share of Karma worth hundreds of millions, what information is so heaven-defying? How did you get such heaven-defying information?"

Hua Zili heard the words, but suddenly fell into silence.

Zhuge Yunshang said, "I understand, I won't ask much more - in a moment, let's do our best, and don't let him have the opportunity to fight Feng Yao. In the future information, Feng Yao will lose!"

Hua Zili said, "I know!"

Before Hua Zili spoke, Su Ye had already opened his eyes.

"On the sixth day, you must die! No means can save it! A total of nine monuments have the same result."

Su Ye responded word by word.

Hua Ziliqiao had a beautiful smile on her face, and looked at Su Ye with her eyes, "Your master, at the end of Su Li's Tianchi blood river, was suppressed! The end is extremely miserable!"

(s: The second 10,000-character chapter is here~ Tears for full subscription and monthly pass, old irons, please book all and vote for a monthly pass~ Thank you~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend's 'Sorrow' 100 book coins for your support ~)

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