I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 316 Forgetting The Dust And Stealing The Heart, Su Li Stands Up

"call out--"

Gongcheng Qingdie's knife directly stabbed Su Wangchen.


Su Wangchen's hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the knife.

Then his hand squeezed hard, and the front part of the knife was directly curled up.

"You really don't talk about love at all."

Su Wangchen spoke lightly.

"What do I need to say to you?"

Gongcheng Qingdie's tone carried a hint of sarcasm.

At this time, Su Wangchen was not angry, but said solemnly, "Do you know the existence of the 'Heavenly Emperor Treasure'?"

Gongcheng Qingdie shook his head and said, "You mentioned before that the Prehistoric Royal Family has a Heavenly Emperor treasure house, but there are not too many words."

Su Wangchen said, "The Honghuang royal family does have such a treasure house, but the treasure house is on the emperor's body."

Gongcheng Qingdie said, "So, you think that the Magic Treasures of the Emperor are all from the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house? Why did you disclose this information?"

Su Wangchen said, "No reason, I just wanted to say such a sentence, alright, I have finished speaking this sentence.

I, Su Wangchen, have never needed a fake hand to do anything.

In addition, I am really disappointed with you this time. Although I am not particularly good to you, I have tried my best to give you the best, but—"

Gongcheng Qingdie said lightly, "Why do you have hope for me? Of course I also know that you never need a fake hand, because you don't trust anyone at all.

You don't even believe in yourself, you even want to subvert your own choices, what else do you want to do?

So, didn't you realize that the weapon I used to attack you wasn't really sharp?

It can kill ordinary people, but it can't kill a strong man like you. "

Su Wangchen said, "Yes, I really shouldn't have hope for you, I am indeed wrong, because even if someone like me has shown sincerity, in the eyes of others, there is actually nothing. Sincerity.

That's it. In fact, it's never you who's tying yourself up, it's me. "

Su Wangchen said, turned around, stopped looking at Gongcheng Qingdie, and murmured, "The cloud is green and green is like rain, and the water is dank and smoky.

The columns lack thunderbolts, and the hills collapse. The stone gate of the cave opened in the middle.

Qingming is bottomless, the sun and the moon shine on the gold and silver platform.

Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the princes of clouds are coming down one after another.

The tiger drum squeaked back to the car, and the immortals lined up like hemp.

Suddenly the soul throbbed and moved, suddenly startled and growled. "

"One dream of Huangliang, one dream of Huangliang, after all, I still can't change the past."

"But like this plan, I'm just a random game, and only three people can know it.

But now, this situation has caused countless murders.

Do you think, in this world, who is wronging me? On the contrary, only the people who I thought would blame me did not blame me; those who I thought would not blame me all blamed me. "

Su Wangchen said, glanced at Gongcheng Qingdie, raised his hand and took out a spinning top, flicked it with his fingers, and the spinning top suddenly spun very fast in the void, and even made a sound of breaking the air.


At that moment, Su Wangchen looked up at the sky, and five thunders exploded in the sky.

At the same time, a huge gap was suddenly opened in the sky, and a huge Soul Requiem tablet suddenly fell from the sky, smashing towards the area of ​​the wild flames.

That blow seemed to destroy the world.

When the huge gap appeared, Su Wangchen's figure turned into nothingness and disappeared.

At this time, Gongcheng Qingdie raised his hand and grabbed Su Wangchen in the void, but he completely grabbed the empty space and caught nothing.

At the same time, in the void, there seems to be a destructive light constantly covering it, covering the void in all directions.

At this time, although Gongcheng Qingdie was a little unwilling, after all, it turned into a streamer at an extreme speed, disappeared here, and soon turned into nothingness.

And when an unknown stream of blood suddenly covered this piece of heaven and earth, suddenly, the environment in this area seemed to be re-covered.

In the turbulent sea of ​​blood, the huge waves rolled like a raging sea and swept directly towards the entire Wanli Sacred Land.

Among the huge waves, there seemed to be two blood-colored eyes, hundreds of meters in size, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying.

However, these bloody eyes had already passed through the void and directly locked onto Yun Xiufeng.

Yun Xiufeng is still Yun Xiufeng, but the cultivator who originally existed in Yun Xiufeng has turned into a young man who looks very ordinary and weak, with red lips and white teeth.

There are Su Li, Yun Qingxuan, Gongcheng Tiansheng, Zhuge Wuwei, Hua Yunxiao and others.

However, some phantoms in Yun Xiufeng quickly dissipated.

The blood-colored giant wave collapsed before it was completely covered.

Because, in the void, behind the young man's figure, a very vague figure appeared.

The blurry phantom stood quietly in the void, and in his eyes, a flash of divine beauty suddenly condensed.


Shenhua shot out, and in the sky, the sea of ​​blood that was like a furious sea immediately collapsed, exploded, and turned into blood mist powder.

The next moment, the sky is clear and cloudless.

Yun Xiufeng has returned to normal, but this is no longer the Yun Xiufeng of the early days.


The phantom also suddenly dissipated at this moment.

At this moment, in the depths of the dark void, Su Wangchen set foot on the sky road step by step.

On the road, it was pitch black.

On the dark road, Su Wangchen did not know how long he had been walking.

Then, he came back to the golden gate of the Heavenly Emperor's vault.

Here, he easily pushed open the golden gate.

Inside the gate, golden rays of light shone out and landed on Su Wangchen's body. A long dark shadow was also drawn on the ground.

After walking into the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house, Su Wangchen saw the white-clothed boy standing quietly in the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house—or rather, the figure of a young man.

"see it?"

Su Wangchen said lightly.

"I see."

The young man in white spoke calmly.

Su Wangchen said, "How do you feel?"

The young man in white said, "I don't have any thoughts. Isn't everything in your calculations?"

Su Wangchen said, "Do you think I'm so powerful?"

The young man in white said, "Take yourself as a bait and let me know that even if you are as smart as you, you will still be calculated at any time, right? But you are too much."

Su Wangchen said, "It's not that I'm too much, it's that I use myself as bait, and they will do everything they can to stand up. More importantly, you already know several extremely important secrets, right? When I can't The more secrets you know, the harder it will be for me to succeed."

The young man in white said, "Judging from your performance, you have never thought about success, what you want is failure, but if you let me do this, I will succeed instead - this is definitely not what you want to see the result of."

Su Wangchen was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Su Li, is Shunfenger's ability right in you? This time you have an unprecedented advantage!"

The young man in white was Su Li, but his tone was calm, "You can think what you want, but if you really have such abilities in this world, many things won't be so complicated."

Su Wangchen said, "There are only three people in this world who can live up to me. But you are not among them, so I was wrong."

Su Li said, "You are not wrong, it is only the world that is wrong, what does it have to do with you?"

Su Wangchen said, "You don't have to ridicule me, since I decided to draw a clear relationship with you, you don't have to have any hope for me, my path has already come out, and where it will go in the end is my own choice. If it is good, it will be broken into a butterfly, and if it is not good, it will be a cocoon."

Su Li said, "Do you think you have a chance? Don't act again, I won't judge your behavior with normal logic, but I know the purpose of your actions, you are accumulating all the information together, come Stud once.

But unfortunately, you, Su Wangchen, in this big gamble, actually never participated in it at all!

You are even me at this time - you copied me, used myself to play myself, and almost succeeded. "

When Su Wangchen heard the words, his face suddenly changed.

Su Li said again, "This game is too big, and even risking the exposure of the system to do such a thing, why is this necessary? Su Wangchen, you and I are one, and we are rooted for each other. Why is it too urgent? You will really only make me completely disappointed in you.

I am different from Gongcheng Qingdie. The result of my complete disappointment with you is that you will no longer have the control of the system.

I don't care about your life or death. "

Su Wangchen said solemnly, "Are you deceiving me?"

Su Li said, "Does it make any sense for me to deceive you? Su Wangchen, you are a real wise man, you should understand that the most perfect plan must also have the most fatal flaw.

And this time, before I participated in this plan, I found that I could use the system to lock you to view your life file!

Su Wangchen, tell me, what's going on?

Faced with this situation, I have only one thought, and that is that I and you are not the same person at all.

But then I found out that this idea was wrong.

Because we are actually the same person.

That being said, it must be another 'Su Li' that has a problem.

So based on this information, I deduced it in reverse and came to some very bizarre conclusions.

Aside from all the factors, those very bizarre conclusions are often the truest conclusions.

And you cut off part of your good thoughts, gathered part of the source of hope, and created a clone. Do you want to return this clone to the devil with the small system that you stripped out again to cover me?

At the same time, you feed eagles with meat and tigers with your body, just to observe the various changes in this series of Karma, in order to spy on those existences that really have ulterior motives for you, you are too poisonous! "

Hearing this, Su Wangchen was a little stunned, and said, "Impossible, you must be mistaken! If it is really a replica, it will never be detected by the system, and it will never be viewed in the life file! Among them , something must have gone wrong!"

Su Li walked over step by step, glanced at Su Wangchen at the same time, and said, "You lost the painting in Qingdi Palace."

Su Wangchen said, "Without that painting, how could the Qingdi Palace be transformed into reality? Without the Qingdi Palace, how could you establish a prosperous wasteland? You did all this, I'm just filling you with Karma!

Including the protection of the ancient money of the Five Emperors, it is all me.

Otherwise, as you have seen before, you are sure to die! "

Su Li said, "The scene I have experienced is currently the passage and development of real time, so you just want to cover it without success. Of course, this is more of a derivation and temptation for you!

Now, you have successfully told me three things, and instead confirmed some of my judgments.

The first thing, you or I gave your life to zero - but you are wrong, zero does not exist at all, zero itself means non-existence, that is just your imagination or you are giving yourself 'self-indulgence' a reason.

The lunatics in this world will always find a suitable reason for themselves to be crazy, right?

The second thing, you said that Yun Qingxuan is the daughter of Mu Junyi and Concubine Mu Qing, while Mu Yuxi is not the daughter of Mu Junyi and Concubine Mu Qing, and even the origin of Mu Yuxi is unknown. it is not important.

Whether she is the daughter of you and Gongcheng Qingdie, or the daughter of Mu Junyi and Concubine Mu Qing, does it matter?

The third thing, Wangyoucao - I believe that Wangyoucao is produced by the system, but it is a bit too much when it involves Feng Chan and that Granny Meng.

Because some Karma I haven't decided yet, you want to help me decide Karma in advance? Then you come to fill Karma?

Do you think that's possible?

Knowing that I'm not going to fill Karma for you anymore, I'm not going to wipe your ass anymore, now you're starting Karma as me and helping Damn's ass?

How can you think so beautiful? "

Su Wangchen said, "It seems that someone must have betrayed me again. Otherwise, with your intelligence, how could you peep into such a deep secret?"

Su Li said, "You must not be thinking about these things, but you are sure in your heart that I have the ability to listen carefully, right? Because there is no one who can betray you, and those who can betray you either no longer exist in the world, or I have forgotten everything and walk in the long river of time and space."

Su Wangchen was silent for a while before he said solemnly, "It seems that you have come to this point after all. Are you going to show off with me?"

Su Li said, "At this point, what's the point of you saying all this? I won't help you find out, I won't help you repay Karma, and I won't help you upgrade your system. Just what you think of the light blue. The means of injury, really, you can't pay for it as a cow or a horse in your whole life!"

Su Wangchen said, "Ha, ha ha ha ha ha, it's ridiculous, sad!"

Su Li said, "There is nothing funny or sad."

Su Wangchen said, "You can be friendly to strangers, you can be kind to ordinary people, but you can't be a little more forgiving to your own brothers; you can be kind to enemies, you can forgive the betrayal of bitches, but you can't tolerate your own brothers. a little bit of infidelity.

The most ridiculous thing in the world is this. "

Su Li said, "I know myself, so I know you better. Everything about you is based on greed for pleasure, self-entertainment and self-satisfaction, all for your own interests, desires, etc. You are just for yourself. And live.

If there is anything that makes you not much different from ordinary people, it is the only remaining trace of conscience and kindness.

But this is precisely what you cut off.

This formed me Su Li.

Now, when you think it's ridiculous and pathetic, why don't you think about the mentality you had when you cut it off?

Yes, this is self-inflicted sin and cannot live.

Being friendly to strangers and being kind to ordinary people is only due to one's own self-cultivation and literacy, which is also a kind of courtesy.

But are you worth it? Are you worthy? "

Su Wangchen said, "Yes, I am selfish, greedy for pleasure, and an exquisite egoist, but in this world, if it is not like this, can there be a way to survive? Besides, I regret it now, and I want to find my conscience and conscience. Good thoughts, even I have tried to cover us with the clones derived from good thoughts and let us re-integrate, but you are blocking it in every possible way? And what good things are Hua Zi Li Li Mu Xue Neng?

And the other powerhouses who have appeared, which one of them is not peeping in the dark, waiting for an opportunity? "

Su Li said, "That's your business. Zhang San beat you, you are the victim, you went and killed Li Si's entire clan??? May I ask what kind of grudge Li Si has with you?"

Su Wangchen said, "Li Si has the strength to punish Zhang San and the power to supervise Zhang San, but he didn't discipline Zhang San well, so what's wrong with me killing Li Si's entire clan?"

Su Li said, "There is a treasure in the Zhang San clan. You are destined to go to the Zhang San clan to seek treasure and save your life. If you don't give it to the Zhang San clan, you will leave with dignity. As a result, after your rise, you destroyed the Zhang San clan and captured Zhang San's entire clan. The treasure among the three clans, do you think you are right?"

Su Wangchen said, "Don't I beg him to give him a Face? Does he know how heaven-defying I will be if I grow up? Shouldn't he use the power of the whole family to offer all the treasures to save me? , train me with all the resources? They are short-sighted and are not suitable to exist in such a world, so what if I send them on the road?"

Su Li said, "Your deduction ability is heaven-defying, so Hua Zili admires you very much, and is willing to marry you and bind you with marriage. But one day, your ability disappears, you no longer have the ability to derive, no longer Valuable, in order to carry forward the ancient Hua clan, Hua Zili broke off your marriage, but at the same time, he gave you a lot of resources to compensate you and make up for you, but you directly broke your face and asked her to wait and see?

Then after your rise, you locked her Deva soul, planted countless calamities on her, and let her watch the ancient Hua's clan be exterminated?

She doesn't have the ability to predict, she just wants a powerful dao companion prosperous family, what's wrong?

Don't you know when you are married that there is no real love in this kind of political marriage?

To accompany you through thick and thin, that should be cherished, but if you are down and others do not accompany you, is it just sorry for you? Did no one pay you back?

Su Wangchen, born as a human, the world does not revolve around you, it is rare to know oneself as a human being. "

Su Wangchen said, "You know all my past???"

Su Li said solemnly, "I don't want to know, but didn't you deliberately open up your memory this time and let me know?"

Su Wangchen was silent for a long time before sighing, "I really didn't have it this time. I was really feeding the tiger with my body, and I was fishing on purpose. I wanted to see how many people jumped in to chase and kill me. But I did. Hit."

Su Li said, "I see."

Su Wangchen said, "I'm a very arrogant person, and I always say that I will not fail. In fact, why am I not a clown? I can understand what you said, just like there is no emotion in the capital market.

But reason is one thing, and reason is another.

Yes, political marriage does not have any feelings, but isn't the marriage between you and Que Xinyan? Don't you have feelings for each other?

Not all women are Meier and Mu Yuxi - and what I want to say is that people in this world are all black, so don't think too much of it.

Because what you think is beautiful is only that your ability to listen is not taken away, it is only that you have truly become the emperor.

When you are not the emperor, when you lose your ability to listen carefully, when you truly become a waste, try to see if someone will accompany you!

If you haven't been down, don't be generous for those who are down.

Those who advise you to be generous, you must stay far away from them.

And now, are you trying to persuade me to be generous? You must be a little too virgin, right? ! "

Hearing this, Su Li shook his head and said, "I never persuaded you to be generous and forgive."

Su Wangchen said, "What is that? Then why did you mention my past?"

Su Li asked, "What's wrong with Light Blue?"

Su Wangchen said, "She gave you good things, and she took the initiative to take out debt and sell blood to help you, but she never said it; she gave me bad things, and she never took the initiative to take debt and prevented me from asking for it."

Su Li said, "What does she owe you? Sheng Mien fights rice feud?"

Su Wangchen said, "Why is she good to you and bad to me?"

Su Li said, "Isn't she good enough for you? A person who is willing to sell blood for you to eat, drink, and have fun, what right do you have to criticize her? Su Wangchen, your conscience was really eaten by a dog!"

Su Wangchen said, "Maybe I really cut my conscience, but now I want to get it back, you give it to me? You are so great, you must be willing to give me a conscience, right?"

Su Li stared at Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen also stared directly at Su Li.

Su Li suddenly asked, "What happens if people don't have a heart?"

Su Wangchen said, "Why do you want to imitate Bi? In such a world, you will die if you have a heart, but you can live without a heart."

Su Li said, "If you say that, then I will give you my heart, and you will die. If I can't bear to harm you, I will not give you my heart."

Su Wangchen said, "But if you have a heart, you will die."

Su Li said, "Then one person and half, I'll give you half of your conscience."

Su Wangchen was stunned for a moment, and said, "You really want to be a virgin and give me half of your conscience? You know, this is not just conscience, given, it is equivalent to half of all your achievements.

In this way, my system permissions are restored, and I can continue to wave. "

Su Li asked, "Is light blue okay?"

Su Wangchen said, "You—what are you asking about this? How do I know the situation of Qianlan?"

Su Li said, "I have come this way, and many things have always fallen into other people's calculations. Even if I have practiced until now, there are no good results.

Now Meier will have an accident again, this time, I looked at it, I have no way to deal with such a crisis.

Simply let me fulfill you, you are strong enough and smart enough, and you are even more rational and powerful than me.

I also know that you suppressed Light Blue and blocked it somewhere.

So, the next thing I will do is - if you promise me two conditions, I will not only meet your requirements, but also give you everything you want.

For example, the heart of the world.

Isn't that what you're talking about? "

Su Wangchen heard the words, frowned deeply, and stared at Su Li deeply, "How do you know that I suppressed Qianlan? This secret has always been known to only me, and I have never told anyone, including Light Blue doesn't even know!"

Su Li said, "The little light blue you copied is very afraid of you."

Su Li said, "That kind of fear comes from the fear in the bones and soul."

Su Li said, "Also, let me tell you what I would do if I were you and faced the three things in your past."

Su Wangchen said, "Do you spill dog blood?"

Su Li shook his head and said, "The first thing, Zhang San hit me, so I tried to fight back. Li Si didn't supervise well, so I tried to get rid of Li Si's supervision authority and let someone who is capable take over."

Su Wangchen said, "What about the second thing?"

Su Li said, "There are treasures in the Zhang family that can save lives. I will ask for them, and I will pay commitments, benefits, costs, and even exchange of benefits. I really don't want to. Don't all the rich people have to use their wealth to save the terminally ill patients? If they don't save the terminally ill patients, will they kill the entire rich family? In this world, no matter the past life or the present, it is definitely not that you are poor and you are justified, and you are weak and reasonable. ."

Su Wangchen sneered and said, "Okay, so what about the divorce? Am I bad for her? Isn't it good enough? Didn't I help him a lot when I could deduce it?"

Su Li said, "If I were you, then when I couldn't deduce, I didn't need her to say more, I took the initiative to let go, so that I could get together and leave - because there is a kind of love called letting go, it can't give her what she wants, Just let her go. For you, what you lose is someone who doesn't love you; for her, what she loses is someone who really loves her.

The so-called making her regret, making her regret the original is just your ridiculous self-esteem as a man.

Now that they have all been reduced from genius to waste, let’s take a step-by-step approach and rise again.

Talk to her, and cherish her if she is willing to accompany her; if she does not want to accompany or even mock you, just let it go and no longer feel nostalgic.

Why do the ancients say that one confidant in life is enough? Because I dare not ask for too much.

What's more, you have never thought about it, why are most of the betrayers who follow you, and the ones who follow me to the end of the day? Most of the reasons are on their own.

You pay seven points and hope others give you nine points?

Are you thinking of peaches?

Isn't it because you pay nine points and others pay six points?

Not to mention, if you are so preoccupied with emotional matters, I advise you not to talk about feelings. "

Su Wangchen sneered and said, "You must think that the woman around you will not betray you? When faced with an important choice - for example, when Yun Qingxuan chooses the public transport Qingdie and chooses you, she will definitely choose Public ride blue butterfly."

Su Li said, "So what? I don't blame her. It's like choosing between Meier and you, I will definitely choose Meier and kill you. Do you think this is betrayal? No, it's because You are not paying enough, your importance is not enough!

Suppose one day Yun Qingxuan knew that Gongcheng Qingdie was her adoptive mother and had been using her secretly, then she would definitely regret it, regret not choosing me but choosing Gongcheng Qingdie.

So if you take these out to talk about things, there is absolutely no need to talk about them. "

Su Wangchen said, "I reserve all my opinions. It seems that we disagree after all. But I promise to give you what you want. Look at the treasure house of Heavenly Emperor. Here is the Taiyi elixir you want. It can save Mei'er from the chaos of the Seven Souls.

But you have to pay attention, there is only one Medicine Pill, this Medicine Pill may be a trap cage and poison, once Meier takes it, he will surely die.

It may also be the real Taiyi elixir, but it's just an imitation, because my system can't generate the real elixir -- of course, your system doesn't have the ability to create the real elixir now.

So, the effect is definitely there, but not so exaggerated.

However, if you take this elixir yourself, there will be unexpected and great benefits. "

"There is only one Medicine Pill, and there is also a Heartbroken Grass, Yun Qingxuan will definitely get it and take it.

After you get out of here, most of Yun Qingxuan will also start taking it. At that time, who will you Medicine Pill save?

Save Meier or Yun Qingxuan?

You have to know that Yun Qingxuan might actually be your daughter! "

Su Wangchen's tone was calm, indifferent and ruthless.

Su Li said, "You said it too, but it's just possible—not to mention, I have nothing to do with Gongcheng Qingdie, and you should have nothing to do with her either. If there is, then Yun Qingxuan is just your daughter, not her. my daughter."

Su Wangchen said, "Before she became our daughter, I was you and you were me, no need to deny it. The reason why I am no longer you is just because I cut off my good thoughts and conscience.

For a person without kindness and conscience, without a source of hope, the life and death of everyone else is irrelevant. "

Su Li said, "Didn't I say, two requirements?"

Su Wangchen said, "Yes, I can agree, but there is only one Medicine Pill - but you can beg me to set the refresh system and get one. Or you can wait until the Tianji Mall refreshes and see if the Tianji Mall can be refreshed. What to refresh!

But you have to think about it clearly. At this time, even if you don't directional refresh, your system will take the initiative to directional refresh to refresh Medicine Pill.

At that time, you will definitely let the system know the bottom line, let the system bear huge debts, let the system directly collapse the memory forbidden area, and create many time gaps.

Well, now you have to figure it out! "

Su Wangchen said, his eyes were full of jokes and a hint of mocking coldness.

(s: Keep up with the second one~Tearful for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~Thank you very much~)

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