I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 317 Taiyi Elixir, Replacing Wangchen

"A Taiyi elixir, and a bowl of Granny Meng's Soup."

Su Li ignored Su Wangchen's jokes and ridicule, and said.

When Su Wangchen heard the words, his face became slightly heavy, and he said, "How do you know that I have Granny Meng's Soup? I did brush this thing out, and it's in this Heavenly Emperor's treasure trove—but, I don't Maybe for you."

Su Li said lightly, "I know the past life in this life, and the surname is left on the stone in the three lives. I don't know who she is in the next life. I forget the three lives when I drink soup. Legend has it that there is a medicine in the world called 'Granny Meng's Soup', which can make people return to Yang, But it makes people forget the past - have I already drank this thing? When you cut off your conscience, he can't actually survive, but you gave him Granny Meng's Soup, so he has no past, Is it right?"

Su Wangchen avoided answering.

He pondered for a long time, and then replied lightly, "Taiyi elixir and Granny Meng's Soup can be given to you, but - can you tell me, how do you plan to distribute it?"

Su Li said, "I haven't figured out how to distribute it."

Su Wangchen said, "No, you have already thought about it."

Su Li asked, "Where's the stuff?"

Su Wangchen said, "The key is - if you really cut your own heart, if you are no longer you, will you continue to persist in your own obsession?"

Su Li said, "That has nothing to do with you."

Su Wangchen said, "That's right, that really has nothing to do with me."

Su Wangchen said, turned to look at the huge treasure house of Heavenly Emperor.


At that moment, the treasure house of Heavenly Emperor vibrated violently, and layers of azure blue circles gradually appeared in it.

In the aperture, there are more treasures one after another.

These treasures are densely packed and numerous.

Among them, what Huntian Ling Zhaotian Yin Hot Wheels and so on, everything.

Moreover, there are even various colors of Hyundai, Hot Wheels, etc.

These things are Su Wangchen's treasures.

But he didn't care at all.

These babies are strong, but most of them should only be one-shot.

These things are not shocking enough in themselves. What is shocking enough is that if these things are all directional brushed, it is simply unimaginable.

"Isn't it shocking? Think it's unimaginable? If you can't imagine, don't imagine it. Everything in this world has nothing to do with you. Your roots are in China. It's meaningless for you to worry about such a data world.

In my eyes, those lives are NCs and wild monsters that can be slaughtered at will. "

Su Wangchen said, stretched out his hand and patted Su Li's shoulder, and said, "I admit that our relationship may not be just us or a dual personality, but you can't deny that we are the same person, it's just that our time is different. belong to the same point in time.

If you want to influence me, you cannot influence it, just like I try to influence you, try to force you to go into the devil but cannot do it.

At the critical moment, you try to help me save me, and at the same critical moment, I am also helping you save you.

In the same way, there will be a tacit understanding between us, an indescribable tacit understanding, just like we joined forces to kill Lie Yongsheng.

Next, pay attention to Yan Ji and Zhuge Qianlan.

Why is Zhuge Light Blue called 'Zhuge Light Blue'? It's not as simple as you think. "

Su Wangchen said, took out two jade bottles, one of which contained a golden Medicine Pill that seemed to contain the power of the soul, which was the Taiyi elixir.

The Taiyi elixir that claims to be immortal.

One can fly.

But, if this thing is true, will Su Wangchen have leftovers?

But since this thing is produced by the system, it will not be fake after all.

Another jade bottle contains space, among which is Granny Meng’s Soup.

"Take it, give it to Meier, let her get rid of it. Taiyi elixir, I know you are going to bring it to Yun Qingxuan to try, because I didn't eat the Taiyi elixir, so I keep it."

Su Wangchen was silent for a while, then suddenly he took out a pack of cigarettes and said lonely, "Huazi cigarettes, do you want to smoke?"

Su Li gave Su Wangchen a thoughtful look, and said, "Are you having a bad taste? Your psychological shadow is very serious."

Su Wangchen said, "You don't understand."

Su Wangchen said, touched the front end of the cigarette with his fingers, and after lighting it, he sucked the whole cigarette in one breath, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his feet.

Then, after he swallowed that puff of cigarette, it took a long time before he let out a long puff of smoke.

After a while, Su Wangchen took out an identical copy of Granny Meng's Soup, and then he suddenly raised his head and drank it directly without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Su Li was slightly moved.

At this time, Su Wangchen's personality suddenly seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and suddenly there was an aura of 'who gave up on me', 'willful actions', and a more 'unscrupulous' temperament.

Su Li frowned slightly and said, "What's going on?"

Su Wangchen disapproved and said, "The unstable nature of daily life has nothing to do with you. Besides, I have drank Granny Meng's Soup many times, do you think you have really drank this? It was the Taiyi elixir that didn't work for me.

But for those indigenous people, they are top treasures that cannot be encountered or sought, and the effect on them is simply unimaginable. "

Su Li said, "Okay, I understand."

Su Li said, took out the Bai Yu Demon God Yaoguang Bow from the Qiankun Ring, handed it to Su Wangchen and said, "The weapon you arranged to track by my side, I'll return it to you."

Su Wangchen said, "It looks like you already knew it."

Su Li even handed the Qiankun ring to Su Wangchen and said, "I don't need this anymore."

Su Wangchen said, "There's nothing wrong with this."

Su Li said, "Forget it, it's not my own, so I won't keep it."

Su Li said, took out the Xuanyuan Tianxie sword, and stabbed it at Own's chest.

"Wait a minute."

Su Wangchen said, and said, "Eyes are the windows to the soul, half the heart and half the eyes. You can choose any left or right."

Su Li took a deep look at Su Wangchen and said, "Okay!"

Su Li said, the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in his hand slashed at him.


Blood light burst out, blood splashed everywhere.


Time flies.

One after another, the soul-suppressing monuments landed from the air from time to time.

The human race has fought for the Soul Requiem tablet again and again.

On this day, ‘Su Li’ finally collected ninety-nine soul-requiring tablets and merged them into one, forming the Ancestral Dragon Tablet.

But on this day, his brother, friend and lover who married him betrayed him.

Beyond the light blue starry sky, on the Tianhe battlefield.

The dao companion of ‘Su Li’ was riding Qingdie on the battlefield on the front line, joking with Fengchan, Hua Zili and others.

But he didn't want to, at the critical moment, Hua Zili killed him in pain.

At the same time, the adopted daughter, Cheng Yunxuan, who was with Gongcheng Qingdie, was stimulated at that moment, and her bloodline went crazy and turned into an ancestor dragon demon.

Everything is actually a conspiracy.

Under such circumstances, the 'Su Li', who was about to crush Lie Yang, Xingtian Jiao Lie Immortal and Yan Ji, was completely sluggish at that moment.

Afterwards, his whole person fell into madness, roaring and killing Lie Yongsheng.

The powerhouse of the human race had already colluded with Lieyang Xing, so even the 'Su Li', who had paid countless efforts for the human race, had now become the traitor and traitor of the human race referred to by Wan Fu!

Countless practitioners he saved, the comrades he fought alongside, the brothers he made with sincerity, and the geniuses he raised all pointed their weapons at him.

In such a situation that the whole world is the enemy, he watched Gongcheng Qingdie being killed again and again with his own eyes.

Gongcheng Qingdie just looked straight at him.

Except for the helplessness and regret, and the deep emotion in his eyes, there is no regret at all.

At that time, when he still wanted to withdraw from the system to save it, he realized that his system was already heavily in debt and had long since lost its former glory.


‘Su Li’ knelt on the ground, allowing countless attacks to fall on him.

But in this world, there is no attack that can break through his defense.

"Puff puff--"

Blood splattered.

Gongcheng Qingdie pierced his heart with ten thousand arrows and was killed nine times.

Once again, Gongcheng Qingdie will definitely be doomed.

"Stop! I admit defeat! I am obedient! I am willing to surrender!"

‘Su Li’ growled.

However, the attack did not stop.

"Puff puff--"

A more ferocious attack fell on Gongcheng Qingdie.

Gongcheng Qingdie turned into a blood cocoon, covering Gongcheng Yunxuan, who was also pierced by thousands of arrows.

She was protecting her daughter with her death, the daughter who was not her own but was only adopted, the abandoned baby who was killed by the enemy and could not be saved at all, but was silently buried in Jingyang Village by Mu Junyi and his wife.

"Su...Su Li...born as a human...would rather die...don't kneel...don't ask them, and don't... avenge me...let alone...go into the devil..."

"Our death...is not...death...is...relief...don't...sad..."

Gongcheng Qingdie finally said the words weeping blood.


The blood cocoon exploded and turned into blood mist powder.

Gongcheng Qingdie, just like a butterfly dancing in this world, just vanished in front of 'Su Li'.

And in the blood cocoon, Gongcheng Yunxuan, who was stained with a layer of blood, remembered all the talents at the scene and everything here.

"Heavenly Devil! Heavenly Devil! Heavenly Devil!"

In all directions, the roaring voices of Tianjiao were everywhere.

Not far away, Hua Zili watched coldly, while the expressions of Lie Yongsheng, Yan Ji and others were cold and joking.

When all the enemies in the world, 'Su Li' discovered that all his beliefs and all his obsessions collapsed at this moment.

"Yes, I am Heavenly Devil."

"What if I'm Heavenly Devil?"

‘Su Li’ roared up to the sky, his voice like madness.

At that moment, he danced wildly and his bloodlines reversed.

At that moment, there were tears in his eyes.

He reached out and grabbed his daughter Gongcheng Yunxuan, who was covered in blood from the killing cage in the distance.

But at this critical moment, Gongcheng Yunxuan suddenly went mad, and slammed his chest through his chest and grabbed his heart.

"You damned devil, it's all your damn mother, I want you to die, I want you to die—"

Gongcheng Yunxuan's eyes flashed with cold blood as she roared, crushing 'Su Li''s heart.

The scene was suddenly quiet.

Then, there were boos.

"My wife and children are separated, and my family is ruined. What did I, Su Li, do wrong? What did I, Su Li, do wrong? Am I not benevolent enough? Am I not compassionate enough?

I brought new hope to this light blue star. I overthrew the dark abyss era after returning to the ruins. I turned the Taiyuan era into a perfect new era. I have even lived myself as the incarnation of truth, goodness and beauty, but What did I get in the end? "

"This world should have been dark, and they should have rotted to the core."

"I was really wrong."

"I shouldn't have feelings."

"But, Gongcheng Yunxuan, you are Qingdie's daughter, so no matter what you do, I will never blame you."

"It doesn't matter what you think of me."

"I 'Su Li' will be born after death, and I will definitely leave behind a trace of faith, and I will definitely protect you all!"

‘Su Li’ closed his eyes, shed blood and tears, then completely stripped off his own emotions, and at a critical moment, Meditation Devil Dao was completely enchanted.

Before he got into the devil, he cut off his own emotions and his beliefs.

This self-killing emotion, this self-killing belief, seems to have crossed time and space at this time, and it fits together with Su Li's self-killing in front of Su Wangchen in the treasure house of heaven and earth.

In an instant, the sky was spinning, and the sun and the moon had no light.

In an instant, Su Li's eyes and heart were cut in half.

He looked miserable.

But he also looks real.

At that moment, all the memories flowed, and everything poured into his heart.

Su Li was silent for a moment.

But at this time, Su Wangchen suddenly looked at Su Li and said, "I didn't expect that you would really be willing to kill yourself. In fact, this is never what I want. Do you know what I want?"

Su Li said, "You don't have to say it, I know everything."

Su Wangchen turned around and said, "A virtual reality game world is not worth investing in real feelings. I will take away the treasure house of Heavenly Emperor, this place will not be opened again in a short time, and Wang Chenhuan, you should not touch it again. bump.

That place is the casino that I set up. If you want anything, you have to pay the corresponding price. I use this to pay off the debt.

You just need to understand this place as pawnshop number eight. "

Su Li said, "You really are me, why did you want to differentiate before?"

Su Wangchen said, "I'm not you, we are twin brothers, but we have a stillborn child, so maybe I'm the big brother, or maybe I'm the little brother, we are just one body and two souls.

This is exactly what happened in this world. "

Su Li said, "Do you still deceive yourself now? What two souls in one body, you cut out the good thoughts and left the evil thoughts on own, but you don't want to be controlled by the evil thoughts? Besides, what have you betrayed? Why do you want to suppress Qian? Blue? Light blue won't let you down at all!"

Su Wangchen said, "Don't ask, and don't inquire about anything about light blue. Your light blue is fine, but mine is not.

In fact, I always thought that our system was a system, but until this time, the system panel could not hold the passage of time, and I found the problem.

Fortunately, I even kept a copy of the system panel, so our secret was not exposed.

Also, don't give a real answer, no matter what language, pairing, etc.

Nothing in this world is ever tight-lipped, but the only one I can trust now is you, Su Li.

I, Su Wangchen, took a wrong step and lost everything, so I will use the strictest and most vicious means to arrange every kill, even at the expense of myself.

I was afraid of getting lost in my feelings, so I cut off my feelings, and it has nothing to do with you.

You are the ray of faith I left behind, so you take good care of their well-being.

I don't know if there is a problem with Qingdie, but Yun Qingxuan is definitely not a big problem.

But you have to pay attention to the origin of Meier. "

Su Li said, "That's because An Ruoxuan and Wan'er bit you on Bridge of Helplessness?"

Su Wangchen said, "It was all an accident."

Su Li asked, "Are you attacking your heart?"

Su Wangchen said, "Use your brain to attack your heart? I am a person who never complains or sells miserable."

Su Li said, "Yes, unless it is really impossible, after all, there are murderous intentions everywhere. Even such a hidden game is hidden in the murals, and the ancestor dragon boat has run through countless areas, and I have derived a true and false, the result is actually Still being chased and killed, so what else can you do?"

Su Wangchen said, "Many are watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal, just to see my jokes."

Su Li said, "No one wants to see your jokes, don't be too self-centered."

Su Wangchen said, "But the truth is."

Su Li said, "So it's you who did it?"

Su Wangchen said, "It's not me, it's the system."

Su Li said, "Do you think I'll believe it? You're the one who doesn't behave like you."

Su Wangchen said, "Forcing Qingdie to death will surely kill Qingxuan, I have to do everything I can to give them a chance to live in the next life, I won't say what the price is.

But I will never make these people feel better. Yes, I have a part of the reason for what happened to the light blue star, and there is also a reason for the human race to be crushed and enslaved, but I only catalyzed this incident, not that I am the culprit!

Not to mention, what happened while I was fighting on the front lines? What do you think about Yun Qiming?

I didn't want Yun Qingxuan to forget this hatred, so I let the Yun family repeat a similar scene.

Although it is acting, but it is also really known? !

It's just that it's even more desperate than this acting!

I, Yun Qiming, may not be present when acting, but...

What is the truth?

The truth is that my presence has been calculated, and I am powerless!

I can only look for the time gap in the past and intercept it!

But unfortunately, I ignored Qingdie's feelings for me.

So she felt that the me who went back to the past was not me, because I was too cruel and vicious, not the man with sunshine and hope!

what can I do?

The most ridiculous and tragic thing in this world is that I went back to the past for her. I paid all the price and carried a huge debt to get the corresponding opportunity, but I couldn't understand it.

It's as if you don't even think I'm you right now. "

Su Wangchen said, sighed again, and said, "Su Li, you are still you. But now you have cut off half of the source of hope and half of your conscience, are you still you?

After you go back, Meier won't recognize you, Yuxi won't recognize you, and even An Ruoxuan and Yaolan won't recognize you.

This is the answer I gave you, and what I hope to see - sometimes, when you give everything, you will find that it is really not worth it!

I don't want your conscience, because I, Su Wangchen, never turn back.

So, my conscience will be placed in the Heavenly Emperor treasury, and I will open the authority here for eight days.

Why eight days?

Because soon your system should refresh the purchase qualification, you can see what you can buy.

Even, including the next system refresh, I will not interfere with you.

So you have a total of two opportunities to open the Tianji Mall.

Take a good look at it, even if I give you all the chances, you can't solve this kind of problem. "

Su Li said lightly, "Conscience, hope that this kind of thing will never be unusable because only half of it is left, these are all superficial things. In addition, there is never worthwhile or unworthy of giving.

Yes, those people with ulterior motives planned to frame you, and framed Gongcheng Qingdie and Yun Qingxuan, so let's deal with these people to death.

It's not that I haven't killed practitioners, and I'm not really a benevolent person.

When the Qingdi Palace came out, I didn't know how many people were killed by the Heavenly Sect Master's Immortal Execution Sword Formation. They were all massacres, and I didn't say anything.

However, when it comes to things like feelings, if you want to test the people around you, when this kind of thought appears, you are not worthy of her love.

Don't use people with suspicion, don't use people with suspicion.

I have always believed that people are doing things and God is watching. Anything is worthy of one's own conscience. If you truly have a clear conscience, you will be worthy of the sky and people.

The reason why you are like this is that you are too extreme.

Qing Die's death is indeed a pity. Qing Xuan was stimulated to go crazy and hate you. There must be a reason for you.

There is no distinction between right and wrong, black and white are unclear, and this itself has various reasons for you.

I gave you my conscience, I hope I gave it to you, whether you like it or not, but I advise you to keep it.

In this way, the system will recover somewhat, and maybe even help you to upgrade your star - but, Su Wangchen, please remember that many things are done by yourself, not by others.

It is mediocre not to be envied, but when you leave those who are jealous and slandering you far behind, then others will only look up to your back and will not be jealous anymore, because they can't even raise their jealous thoughts— Would a beggar be jealous of the richest man?

That beggar will only be jealous of beggars who do better than them. "

Su Li said, raised his hand and wiped his own heart and eyes. The lost eyes and the heart that had been opened with blood were all covered again.

There seems to be no problem, but half of his origin has been lost.

But so what?

He and Su Wangchen have the same root and the same origin. If Su Wangchen is ignored, this time Su Wangchen is finished, and the system will be lost.

So what did Su Wangchen do this time?

He cut himself and the system directly out and beaten him—you Su Li would die without me, and all the secrets would be exposed.

In such a way, Su Li had to intervene.

More importantly - Su Li did not intervene in vain, but also responded.

He had no way to solve Mei'er's problem, and he had already noticed that something was wrong with Yun Qingxuan.

It's just that he came here to deal with Su Wangchen's obsession.

Su Wangchen said, "I will consider your words, but now, Qian Lan can't be released, she must have a problem."

Su Li said, "You let her go. If she really has a problem, I will bear all the responsibilities. In other words, you hand her over to me."

Su Wangchen said, "You don't need to say this, I won't agree. In addition, give up the light blue star as soon as possible, its ambitions and desires are inflated, and there is no way to save it! Any existence that hinders the pace of 'it' will end in the end. Incredibly miserable.

You also know a part of my past. It was my first experience of transmigration and even into a demon, which is very similar to your current experience. "

Su Li said, "There is nothing similar! You may think that similar experiences are similar, but it is not. In terms of people's hearts, you have not done enough. You have no real sincerity, so even I can't fully believe you, but I'm still trying to trust you.

But just try.

In addition, your experience is indeed sad and lamentable, and it is indeed easy to empathize with others, but in the same environment, I will not be obsessed with it.

Not to mention, Gongcheng Qingdie was begging you not to fall into the devil until his death, but you still fell into the devil, so this is what you call shallow feelings? "

Su Wangchen said, "Didn't you say that once your loved one is framed or beaten ruthlessly, the world will be destroyed?"

Su Li said, "I did say it, and I did have similar evil thoughts, but the reason why people are people is because people have reason."

Su Li said, and said, "You don't want to release Qianlan, then please be nice to her, you have already carried too much. You also know that it is enough to have a confidant in life, and she, whether she tells her You, she sold blood, or she didn't tell you, she raised you until now, didn't she? Where did all the capital you do in this world come from?

You don't like Hua Zili, and even hate her for being a white-eyed wolf, so compared to Qianlan, what are you? Not even a white-eyed wolf? "

Su Wangchen snorted coldly and said in a gloomy tone, "I said, she has ulterior motives!"

Su Li snorted and said, "Ultimate intentions? Su Wangchen, from the time you squeezed him, even tricked her with cartoons, and then deliberately showed it to me, I knew that I would never have that kind of thing happen, and I will never be able to forgive you for doing such a thing!"

Su Wangchen disapproved and said, "Really? What's the difference between what you say and the kind of disgusting person who persuades others to be generous? You have the ability to think from my point of view! Or, you become me and I become you Let's take the illusory world as an example. You go to the battlefield and replace Qingdie with Meier and Qingxuan with Suho! You can try it?!"

Su Li said, "Why change?"

Su Wangchen said, "You don't know my pain, so you don't know how much I hate!"

Su Li said, "Now, put on your conscience first, put on my eye, and then say this to me!"

Hearing this, Su Wangchen stared at Su Li and said, "I'm afraid I'm not cruel enough, so I gave hope to those sluts and beasts again."

Su Li said, "Gongcheng Qingdie didn't die at all, you know? You said that Gongcheng Qingdie is like zero, if you mess around, she deliberately stimulates you to go into a demon? Then you are just a puppet tool! You know your What does the person shown in the painting of Qingdi Palace look like? Very disappointed!"

Su Wangchen said, "I care about their disappointment? Are they disappointed? They are all created by me, okay? If I don't believe it and say that there is a royal family in this world, if no one believes it, there will be no royal family!

I am the key to their 'resurrection', are they disappointed?

What hope do you lose? What's the difference between this and the 'Sheng Mien Dou Mi Chou' you said? "

Su Wangchen said, staring at Su Li coldly again, and said, "You dare not try in my place, you are afraid that you will also be enchanted, so you and I will be integrated union! But, what's wrong with you and me integrated union? We It is born from the same root, and it is one body. I am darkness and you are light. I am yin and you are yang. Why can't they coexist?

When you feel the warmth of the sun, is there no shadow on your back? "

Su Li said, "I just think I jumped in, your Qingdie is mine, but I don't want to get involved in this relationship, understand?

I'm never worried about what I've lost, I'm just afraid that after my accident, Meier Yuxi and the others will be sad and desperate.

Since you have worked hard for this world, then, is it better to be broken than tiles, and die with Qingdie is not the way out?

If there is forgetfulness in this world, there will naturally be true justice.

Then, if the death of you and Gongcheng Qingdie causes the world to fall into endless darkness and turmoil - then in the future, the names of practitioners who yearn for the light will definitely be engraved on the monument of Immortal.

Their names will live on Immortal!

The world is foolish and can deceive.

But history cannot be deceived. "

Su Wangchen said, "Innocent, the wicked have no evil retribution, but the righteous people have their corpses exposed in the wilderness, and their lives are desolate. Isn't this sad and lamentable? What I have done is only to suppress evil with evil!"

Su Li said, "You wear that heart and fuse that eye, so that after having my authority, Light Blue will suffer a lot less. In addition, I will go back to the past and solve the problem of betrayal on the battlefield for you."

Su Wangchen said, "Aren't you afraid that you will replace me, I will replace you, and it will become a reality?"

Su Li said, "I'm afraid. But I'm even more afraid that you will go to the end and there will be no turning back."

Su Wangchen said, "Good fortune pen for you! There are many time gap points here, and I can specify the direction! When I was enchanted, I reversed the time and space, swiped the Tianji Mall ten times, and blew up the laws of heaven and earth! You replace me, what are you going to do? You are going to reveal the Cultivation Technique for them? You are going to teach them the method of Immortal to make them Immortal? You are going to forgive their betrayal?"

Su Li said, "You watch."

Su Li said, took out a good fortune pen, and drew a picture.

Su Wangchen's eyes showed a moment of unbearable color.

He looked away, but after a moment of silence, he still looked at the painting by Su Li again.

The next moment, the painting came out. At this time, Gongcheng Qingdie was assassinated nine times and 'Su Wangchen' Yazi was about to split.

Su Li's figure moved and disappeared.

At this time, Su Wangchen looked at the eye and half of the heart beside him.

At this time, if he wants to fuse directly, he can completely hammer Su Li to death, let Su Li replace 'Su Wangchen' in the painting, and he activates the system, letting the system rise to the star and forcibly depriving Su Li of all systems permissions.

This point, Su Li also knows.

But Su Li did it directly in order to save Gongcheng Qingdie.

Su Wangchen stretched out his hand several times, but his eyes still fell on the painting after all.

Finally, his outstretched hand fell.

Two tears fell from his eyes.

Tears blurred Su Wangchen's eyes.

At this time, there was a slight fluctuation in the scene in the painting.

"Puff puff puff-"

At that moment, Su Li replaced Su Wangchen and appeared on the battlefield.

He clearly felt Su Wangchen's strength and invincibility.

However, at this time, he was in a desperate situation, with evil enemies in front and betrayal by his comrades in the rear.

Everyone thinks that he is an alien, that he is a traitor, and he is going to be killed!


Su Li performed the Movement Technique—only when he performed the Movement Technique did he realize that the Movement Technique was a cloud of somersaults.

Sure enough, all of Su Wangchen's Cultivation Techniques are the strongest Cultivation Techniques.

Su Li called up the system.

At this time, the system was already level 55, and the light blue elf was still alive, but she was a skinny little girl.

After Su Li opened the system panel, the light blue elf curled up in a ball, like a wounded stray dog ​​licking its wounds alone.

Su Li's heart suddenly became peaceful.

"Light blue, I'm sorry."

Su Li's eyes were slightly red, and her voice was extraordinarily gentle.

Light Blue was dying, and her eyelids were almost unable to open.

She glanced at Su Li apologetically, muttered to herself and said with guilt, "Master, she will be fine, as long as the master's faith is firm, she will be able to rebirth in Nirvana...Master, don't force the good fortune of heaven and earth again. "

Su Li said softly, "Light Blue, I want to sell all the treasures in Heavenly Emperor's treasury to the system, so I can pay off my debts?"

When Qian Lan heard the words, she was slightly stunned for a moment, but she still shook her head and said, "Master, the system cannot be recovered, and these treasures are very useful to the master.

In the future, if Light Lan can't accompany the master, the master can still use these to protect his safety.

Master, this time is a trap, Master don't believe it, these are all illusory. "

Su Li said, "It's okay, whether it's real or unreal, there are always things to do. You sleep well, don't worry, I won't care about you, no matter how much debt, I'm Su Li. I was wrong before, I don't The division should be so clear that what you don't care should not be left behind.

Sorry, I was wrong. "

When Qian Lan heard the words, there was a hint of pity in her sunken eyes, she said softly, "Master, because Qian Lan knows that the master will come back eventually, so any effort is worth it. I saw the master before, and light blue is worth it in this life.

Master, light blue really likes you very much, but light blue can't grow up and can't marry the master. "

Light blue said, light blue, small body suddenly collapsed.

Su Li's heart ached slightly, and an unspeakable anger suddenly developed in his heart - Su Wangchen forced him to add a light blue scene here in order to force him into the devil.

But soon, Su Li calmed down.

He cannot be angry.

He can't even be enchanted!

If he did, what was the difference between him and Su Wangchen?

After taking a deep breath, Su Li calmed down and silently closed the system panel.


His figure appeared in front of Gongcheng Qingdie in an instant.

At that moment, Gongcheng Qingdie locked his gaze on him almost instantly.

"You...you're back."

Gongcheng Qingdie suddenly laughed.

Even if it was killed by countless arrows of divine power, even if it was pierced through the heart by thousands of arrows, she was still smiling.

The moment he appeared, she recognized it.

There is none of what Su Wangchen said.

Not far away, Gongcheng Yunxuan turned into an ancestor dragon demon and gradually calmed down.


In an instant, she turned into a normal state.

He was very young and covered in blood, but with blood-colored hair flowing all over his body, he looked like a little monster.

"My daughter has grown up and will protect her father and mother."

Su Li waved and hugged Yun Qingxuan in his arms.

He didn't have any disgust or dislike because she had the breath of a beast and the violent Devilish Qi and Blood Qi.

At that moment, the originally manic Yun Qingxuan suddenly became completely quiet.

"Well, I'm back."

Su Li spoke emotionally.

"Heavenly Devil! Heavenly Devil! Heavenly Devil!"

"Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!"

"Kill the aliens! Kill the devil's family!"

"Kill kill kill!"


Around, countless roars of Tianjiao, one after another.

"Everyone be quiet, and listen to what I have to say, Su Li."

"Darkness is approaching, and the turmoil begins. Now, everyone on the battlefield is brothers and sisters. Let's all unite to the outside world, kill the foreign enemies, and then come to deal with me, Su Li.

In other words, since everyone is dissatisfied with what I Su Li has done, there is no room for my Su Li family in this world—then, I Su Li really have no need to live. "

"Now, let me ask everyone—I Su Li, my dao companion Gongcheng Qingdie, and my daughter Gongcheng Yunxuan, are now fighting bloody battles to drive out the alien race of the light blue star, and are fighting for the future of the human race.

So, can you really not tolerate us?

Do you really think our family is traitors?

If everyone really doesn't approve of it, my family doesn't need everyone to do anything else, we'll cut ourselves off. "

Su Li's voice was loud and deafening.

At this time, countless killing Sword Qi, arrows, and long spear thrusts came.

But Su Li was unprepared, allowing these Sword Qi, arrows and spears to easily penetrate his body.

However, he avoided Yun Qingxuan and Gongcheng Qingdie every time, so all the murderous intentions to attack the two fell on him alone.

Su Li looked over, there were many acquaintances and many strangers.

Most of these people have a ferocious look and a killing intent.

Obviously, some practitioners are brought in rhythm, and some obviously cannot tolerate him.

But more Tianjiao just watched from the sidelines, like watching a play.

Why is this so?

Just because, in the previous process of robbing the Soul Requiem tablet, Su Wangchen's methods were too vicious and lost his heart.

Although they are all working hard for the future of the human race and their own future, it is not surprising that they do not leave a sip of soup for others and do everything.

However, these arrogances have not really encountered the beatings on the battlefield, and one day, they will wake up.

After Su Li glanced around for a while, he raised his hand and ejected many of the soul-suppressing secret treasures that he had snatched from the soul-suppressing monument.


Immediately, a robbery broke out.

The killings originally aimed at him also collapsed a lot immediately.

"Everyone, all the soul-suppressing treasures that I have robbed over the years have now been distributed."

"If everyone is dissatisfied with me, Su Li, they can do anything to me, why hurt my family? Now that you have such an example, from now on, you are also the arrogance of the heavens, and you will one day stand in the position of leaders. When others do the same, what should you do?

I have seen your performance, I have seen your eyes, and I have understood your heart.

Since the world is so dark, and since everyone doesn't need me, Su Li, to fight for it, then, let's just give up. "

Su Li said, looked at Gongcheng Qingdie again and said, "Qingdie, are you afraid of dying?"

Gongcheng Qingdie said, "What's the joy of life, and the fear of death? I can die with you Su Li, and I will die without regrets."

Su Li looked at Qingxuan again and said, "How about you, Yunxuan?"

Gongcheng Yunxuan said, "I can die with my father and mother, and I will die without regrets."

Su Li said, "Okay—then let's go together."

After Su Li finished speaking, he opened the system panel again, and made a big wish in his heart, "If there is a future life, I will repay the debt to Karma and Heaven, and I will not owe a single cent."

After speaking, Su Li cut himself directly.

At this time, the breath of the endless avenue cracked, and the countless Dao marks in the world collapsed.


Before Gongcheng Qingdie and Gongcheng Yunxuan cut themselves, they were suddenly locked by the power of Heavenly Dao, unable to move.

And at this time, an extremely terrifying scene happened...



The painting suddenly burst into flames.

In the painting, Su Li's figure re-condenses.

He looked at Su Wangchen calmly and said, "Let the light blue go."

Su Wangchen's expression was as cold as ever, but the eyes and heart around him had disappeared.

"it is good."

After a moment of silence, Su Wangchen suddenly spoke.

At that moment, Su Wangchen suddenly agreed to release the light blue.

Su Li asked, "Why do you do this?"

Su Wangchen turned around and said lightly, "She wants to see you before she dies."

Su Li said, "She really likes you! Besides, she doesn't have any problems!"

Su Wangchen said, "If I don't do this, are you willing to endure some Karma? Don't worry, light blue's situation is not bad."

Su Li said, "I guessed it, but I didn't expect that there would be so many traitors of the human race."

Su Wangchen said, "There are many traitors in the human race, and there are more people with ulterior motives. No one really wants the human race to become better. Many existences only think about how to make a profit, how to Immortal, the life and death of others have nothing to do with them!

Including Yun Qingxuan, has been instilled with terrible hate thoughts, but you know, I did nothing wrong at all. Want to rob treasure, the means are vicious, am I wrong to attack poison with poison? Am I wrong for not letting others take a sip of soup?

Forget it, let’s not talk about this, this time I pulled you to the Heavenly Emperor’s treasure house, I want you to help me with advice on how to lift the “Light Blue” blockade, and how to destroy a big enemy. "

Su Wangchen said, "Would you like to cooperate?"

Su Li said solemnly, "What do you think?!"

(110,000 words in the third update of s~ A total of 290,000 words have been updated today~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ Thank you~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'doua' for 500 coins for your support~)

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