I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 411 Beyond The Realm Of Crime, The System Signs In

Hearing this, Su Li glanced at Su Wangchen strangely - so, this person was hitting hard in the prison of sin, but in reality he was obedient?

Su Li stared at Su Wangchen for a while, and said, "In reality, what can you lose? What can you be afraid of?"

Su Wangchen said, "Have you ever been a father?"

When Su Li heard the words, her breathing stagnated for a moment.

Su Wangchen said, "In the beginning, when Gongcheng Qingdie had a child, I promised her that I would treat the child as my own."

Su Li was speechless and said, "Aren't you? That's it? You really make me 'impressed'."

Su Wangchen smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, it does seem to be very cowardly and incompetent, very useless, but sometimes, after being unable to struggle or resisting, facing a little care and care, you will be very moved."

Su Li said, "Are you still Su Wangchen? It's unbelievable."

Su Wangchen said, "I have always been me, but in the prison of sin, I have completely cut off my emotions, so I can let go of many things.

Moreover, in the prison of sin, because she participated in the whole process of watching the projection, I must also perform well. "

Su Wangchen said, looking at Su Li inexplicably.

Su Li suddenly understood that look.


At this time, Su Wangchen was really hiding his clumsiness.

However, this kind of hiding is almost no different from real waste.

Su Li was silent again for a while, and then he said solemnly, "If it's just like this, it's really too disappointing. I thought that even if you were a little suppressed, it wouldn't be like this anyway.

The result is really regrettable. "

Su Wangchen nodded and said, "I don't have any cards anymore, and I can't afford to gamble anymore, so I can only live in this world. Well, Karma of some things is over, then, it depends on your performance. already."

Su Li said calmly, "Okay, you may be able to see how I behave next - but, no matter how I behave, I hope you keep some basic things in mind."

Su Wangchen said, "Of course, after all, I know exactly what Karma we correspond to."

Su Li asked, "Does the Moonlight Treasure Box have no effect in reality?"

Su Wangchen said, "If there were, how could I end up like this?"

Su Wangchen said, his eyes turned to the places where Gongcheng Qingdie splattered the blood, and there was a trace of pain that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Su Li looked at Su Wangchen and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, Su Wangchen suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Karma of the Nether Castle, something special, if you are free, remember to come over - not for you to do some kind of transaction, but some things that need to be handed over to you. ."

Su Li said, "You can't keep it?"

Su Wangchen said, "My greatest ability is to make the Nether Castle independent and complete some small Karma, so that I can live on. You can think that it is a kind of imprisonment for me, just like the prison of sin for me. It's the same as the imprisonment of your heavenly soul.

Now that you've broken free, that's a good thing.

However, still pay attention to what I say, and beware of some special existence.

Otherwise, everything will only fall short. "

Su Li heard the words, nodded, and said, "I probably already knew."

Su Wangchen said, "It's good to know, don't think about it, don't think too much, just - find a way to play to your greatest strengths, make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses! Make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, do you know?"

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly, and said, "What do you mean—Okay, I see."

Su Wangchen said, "There are several key points to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. Do you still have any impressions?"

Su Li said, "I don't need to say more, I already know, this is what you lost?"

Su Wangchen said, "I just hate—hate myself for loving too much, I hate myself for investing too much, and I hate myself..."

Su Wangchen said, his voice became smaller.

Then, he looked at Su Li again, and in his pupils, the pupils diverged.

At this time, Su Li seemed to see a special world in Su Wangchen's eyes. That world was the world he had just passed through.

In that world, Su Wangchen was favored by Hua Ziyan and took care of him in various ways. Life was very nourishing. At the same time, because of Su Wangchen's strong deduction ability, he had been secretly calculated and used by Hua Ziyan...

Because the relationship deepened and gained many benefits, Su Wangchen's emotional investment was very deep and deep.

After he found out, he couldn't get out of it.

Later, Su Wangchen, who was hurt by his feelings, met Gongcheng Qingdie again. Gongcheng Qingdie was very similar to Zero, so he easily entered when Su Wangchen's feelings were weak, and then invaded the restricted area of ​​memory. , peeping into some hidden secrets of Su Wangchen from the other world, so there is a series of Karma.

After that, there was Karma, who Heavenly Dao asked China for help.

Perhaps, the call for help is false, and Karma, who devoured the royal family, is true.

And at this critical moment, in Su Wangchen's bloodline, the inheritance and recovery of the bloodline from Yanhuang kept the core secret.

Therefore, at a critical moment, Su Wangchen cut off the soul of Deva among the three souls and seven souls, and at the same time locked the core secret and system into the heavenly soul, and replaced the indigenous 'Su Li' with the heavenly soul. Karma.

This native Su Li is the existence of Su Ye's soul slave. It was originally the life of a soul slave medicine slave, and there was no self.

And Su Wangchen and Su Ye are the real twin brothers.

The situation of Su Li and Su He is similar to that of Su Ye and Su Wangchen.

Just because of a mistake, Su He became a woman inexplicably as Su Wangchen's soul slave and son plan, so the plan failed.

But on Su Li's side, it was extremely successful.

In this plan, Mu Qingya is very supportive of this plan, but Su Ye and Su Galaxy Cluster do not support it.

However, such a plan has now all collapsed because the world is imprisoned by the realm of sin.

In reality, the indigenous Su Li is still sleeping in Huayue Valley, being taken care of by Lu Yi.

Suho is still the goddess of the Su family, and is still being cultivated by the Su Galaxy Cluster.

And Mu Qingya, who still has a big conflict with Su Galaxy Cluster, is still the peerless goddess of the Nether Mu clan.

As for Mu Qingyan, she is still a strange woman from all worlds, with a peerless talent for good fortune.

In this world, there is still Tianji Pavilion, and there are still Zhuge Jiufeng and others, such as Zhuge Yunni, Yaomo and others, but they have nothing to do with Meier, Mu Yuxi and others.

It's just that he entered Su Li's side to replace Karma before, but now he can't continue this Karma.

It is equivalent to the meat buns beating the dogs without going back, so in the prison cage of the crime, Mu Yuxi and Meier have no influence.

But in reality, Zhuge Yunni and Yao Mo are quite unlucky, and it can be said that they have nothing to say, which is equivalent to their own 'character' being inexplicably slept by Su Li.

The point is, like this kind of being slept-even the projection of the Soul Requiem tablet will not be displayed, especially after being blocked by Su Li's special secret, no one can see such a dual cultivation process!

But others can't see it, but there will be a picture in the mind of the person involved.

Therefore, in reality, the most embarrassing ones are Zhuge Yunni, Tianyu Yaomo, and Nangong Wan'er.

However, for these, Su Li now vaguely knows some Karma, but does not care too much.

Su Li actually understood what Su Wangchen meant.

The so-called fostering strengths and circumventing weaknesses is to improve the ability of the system, while depressing the ability of one's own.

It's just that Su Wangchen's meaning in this regard is very vague.

If it weren't for the intelligence of ten Qianlong Pills, Su Li would not be able to fully understand this.

And it was precisely because he understood it that Su Li knew that everything Su Wangchen was presenting was just an appearance—whether it was Gongcheng Qingdie or any other practitioners, they should have misunderstood.

In particular, in this case, Gongcheng Qingdie still 'breaks up' with Su Wangchen, and he said something like "Yun Qiming's child Su Wangchen is not worthy of raising", which is simply laughable and generous.

Hearing Su Wangchen keep saying things like "I hate" there, Su Li also thought it was quite funny.

Just like when Su Wangchen left when he sang a song and said he was a madman, Su Li thought it was very loath and funny.

This is probably the self-indulgence of being immersed in one's own joy.

Su Li patted Su Wangchen's shoulder again with a half-smile but said, "You don't have to hate, in the end, it's just a little more physical impulse, so that why do you live and die for that, why do you work hard all your life for that? already."

When Su Wangchen heard the words, Jun Yi's face muscles couldn't help twitching, "You really don't give face when you talk."

Su Li sneered and said, "Give you a Face? You are the kind of person who can give you a little sunshine. What face can I give you? Well, I'm leaving, you can do it yourself."

Su Wangchen said, "Hey, remember what you promised me."

Su Li said, "What did you promise? Don't talk nonsense and plant a cage of words for me. Don't worry, I will never keep my promise."

Su Wangchen said speechlessly, "It's strange that I believe you."

Su Li smiled, waved at Su Wangchen, and said, "You continue to hate, I'm leaving."

Su Wangchen said, "Be careful, don't die too early, or it's not worth it to ask me to come to see you at the end."

Su Li laughed and said, "Don't worry, this time it will be me who will send you off. When that time comes, I'll invite another band to play a black band music for you, and then dance on your grave."

Su Wangchen "..."

Su Wangchen, "You are so human."

Su Li "I'm sorry, I've been a human for many years."


After a few words with Su Wangchen, Su Li walked out of Hangu Land.

At the critical moment when he left Hangu Pass in the west, Su Li could even vaguely sense that the system had a subtle and volatile connection with China for a moment.

This connection made Su Li realize one thing—possibly, the system can already generate some Karma with China.

Even, if possible, he still has the opportunity to go back to China to see how the situation in China is now.

If you can meet Zero, maybe you can learn more about Karma.

At that moment, Su Li even had a very strange thought, and even this thought was very fiery and firm - he could lock in the fluctuation of the breath at that moment and travel back to the earth.

At that moment, the idea was born, and a huge wave was born in Su Li's heart.

But soon, Su Li's thoughts gradually dissipated.

Because, he suddenly discovered that even if he traveled back to the earth, what could he do?



Does he have it?

He didn't.

He has nothing.

He is alone, the world is big, but there is no place that can be called 'home'.

As Su Wangchen said before, sometimes, trying to give and love someone with heart is also a kind of happiness, but also a kind of sustenance and dependence.

At this moment, all of a sudden, Su Li gradually understood Su Wangchen and Su Wangchen.

Then, Su Li suddenly realized that he suddenly had many complex emotional changes, just because he seemed to have walked out of the cage world, out of the prison cage shrouded in the realm of sin.

In front of Su Li's eyes, the seven-colored light was gorgeous and beautiful, and it seemed very strange.

Suddenly, the world in front of me has undergone a very wonderful and wonderful change.

This kind of change, formed like a white flower, exploded continuously in front of the eyes, and formed a touch of white light, blooming in front of the eyes like fireworks.

Gradually, after the vision in front of him gradually condensed, Su Li found that everything in the field of vision was gradually condensed and formed, and what fell into his eyes was the bronze-colored beam on the roof, and the wild and desolate beams from all around him. And the vast Spiritual Qi breath.

At the same time, the surrounding breeze and the fragrant flowers in the valley also made Su Li realize something.

Su Li opened his eyes, and at the same time almost instinctively sensed his own situation.

The body was a little stiff, and at the same time, there was an obscure feeling of blockage in the six senses, and it was like a stone was pressed against the chest, and the breathing was a little short and uncomfortable.

"Young Master, you are finally awake."

At this time, a clear and pleasant voice came from my ears.

This voice was familiar to Su Li, it was Lu Yi's voice.

A slightly Tsundere, but arrogant, arrogant voice, as always.

After Su Li twisted his neck, he saw that in the beautiful and fragrant room, Lu Yi was holding an emerald green washbasin with clear spring water.

In the spring water, there is a pink towel.

The towel had just been twisted and looked twisted.

"I...this is..."

After hesitating, Su Li spoke with difficulty.

Then, he felt the dryness and hoarseness of his throat, as if he hadn't spoken for a long, long time.

At the same time, the stiffness of the body and the atrophy of the muscles made him realize that he should have been lying here for a long time.

Su Li thought about it and tried to call up the system, only to find that he didn't call up the system right away.

This time, he couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Then, The next moment, he immediately noticed that there was a stinging pain between his eyebrows.

At the same time, Su Li subconsciously looked at Lu Yi.

At this time, Lu Yi just stared at it.

At that moment, there was a scarlet, bloody blood tablet imprint in Lu Yi's clear eyes.

The imprint with blood red slammed into Su Li's pupils.


Su Li's pupils could not help shrinking, and then the battle of Deva seemed to start in his mind.

The next moment, Su Li suddenly appeared in an environment of blood-colored rain.

This is the bloody wasteland that Su Li once encountered, and it is also a very barren and terrifying dark place.

In such a place, it was originally a soul domain territory that would appear during a soul battle, but at this time, it suddenly manifested directly.

Then, Lu Yi's figure appeared in the bloody wasteland.

However, this time Lu Yi was not Lu Yi, but a strange woman who was similar to Lu Yi, covered in blood.

This woman is full of Killing intent like crazy, and her strength is very extraordinary.

Su Li simply judged, this person's strength has actually reached the Ninth Stage consummation? ? ?

In reality, the Ninth Stage of Infant Transformation is complete, this is a real boss, at least a realm of god-level genius!

Such an existence suddenly appeared beside his bed, and he wanted to start?

What is this trying to do?

Su Li hesitated in his heart, but did not immediately take action.

Because he noticed one thing - his strength seemed to be hindered to a certain extent!

It's like falling into a quagmire, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

This situation is very strong.

At this time, Su Li immediately realized another thing - the indigenous Su Li!

The body of the indigenous Su Li is afraid that it has formed a cage.

So when his heavenly soul returned, the cage of the native Su Li was equivalent to directly locking him up.

However, apart from returning to his body, his heavenly soul had nowhere else to return.

Therefore, he wants to escape from the prison of sin, and there is only one foothold, and that is the body of the indigenous Su Li.

After realizing this scene, Su Li's heart moved, and then he already had a decision in his heart.

At this moment, the blood-stained woman derived from Lu Yi focused on Su Li, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"I didn't expect that you still have such a strong resistance, but I advise you to give up as soon as possible, because judging from the destruction of the world of sin, the possibility of your appearance has been arranged in advance.

So, do you think you have any hope of escaping?

You have no hope! Now, you still have a choice; when those strong people come, I am afraid you have no choice at all. "

The bloody woman's tone was cold.

"Are you Lu Yi?"

Su Li's eyes fell on the red-light woman and asked coldly.

"I'm Honglian, another follower beside Miss."

The bloody woman spoke lightly, and at the same time, the blood tablet mark in her eyes flashed, looking very strange.

Su Li chuckled and said, "So, the people behind you sent you here, just to consume my soul in waves, right? I have my own soul cage and shackles, plus yours. Soul battle ability is consumed, so no matter how strong I am, in my current situation, it is still unstable after all.

After a few visits, the results are obvious - so, you're just a sad cannon fodder. "

Su Li's words made the bloody woman slightly awe-inspiring.

But she still smiled and said, "If it's just this, then it's really nothing, not to mention that even if it is death, it is not real death, but if it is real death, the loss is nothing but a clone. .

In such a real world, do you want to kill the main body from the clone?

You Su Li are afraid that you don't have such ability yet.

So, if you have the skills, you might as well try it out. "

Guren said this in a very playful tone.

Su Li looked at Red Lotus with a calm expression, and said, "It's really a pity. It still looks pretty, but it's a pity that she has no brains."

Su Li said, suddenly his eyes narrowed.


Guren's spirit instantly freezes for a moment.

The next moment, Su Li's eyebrows, suddenly flew out a special supernatant clone.

Super clear to the sky.

As soon as he shot, he was holding the Sword of Immortal Execution, and the sword pierced the center of Honglian's eyebrows.

One hit will kill, the shot is extremely decisive, and it is also extremely vicious.

After the kill, Su Li looked at Shangqing Tongtian, and then he stabbed directly at himself.


With a single sword, it directly pierced the center of the body's forehead.


Su Li suddenly sat up from the bed, and the whole person directly escaped the light rain environment in the bloody wasteland and returned to reality.

Huayue Valley is still Huayue Valley.

The girl with the basin in front of her eyes is still there, but there is no bloody light in her eyes.

Su Li glanced at Honglian lightly, and said, "Illusory illusion, you want to deal with me too? Are you worthy?"

Su Li said, got off the bed, and approached Guren.

Hong Lian, who was holding the washbasin, was a little pale, as if she still hadn't figured out what was going on.

"What kind of heavenly soul has been fused with me, or in other words, the heavenly soul has fused with me. From now on, I am Su Li, and Su Li is me."

Su Li looked at Gu Lian lightly, then reached out and stroked Gu Lian's face.

Delicate and soft, the wet face feels bouncy to the touch.

After Su Li twisted it, he patted it twice and let go, then walked out of the room with his hands on his back.

In the yard, the sky is clear and the air is bright, and the fragrance of flowers permeates the Quartet, which is refreshing.

The mountain flowers in the distance are very bright, and the fresh Spiritual Qi is scattered everywhere.

There are no clouds in the sky, and the light blue sky looks tall, vast and boundless, giving people the illusion that the heaven and the earth are huge and they are very small.

At this time, Su Li realized that this is what a world should be like.

Su Li walked into the yard and looked at the familiar pavilion and the familiar environment in the yard - once, he lived in such a place.

It can only be said that the truth is false, the falsehood is true, and it is indeed very melancholy.

Now reappearing here, Su Li has some illusions of "Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterflies".

Before, in the Soul Realm, Shangqing Tongtian clone directly killed all two souls and seven souls except Deva's Soul with one sword.

So now, Su Li has only one celestial soul, occupying the body of this indigenous Su Li at the same time.

But for Su Li, he doesn't want the body of this native.

The reason why he is still here at present is mainly because he needs to take care of himself—because this body is a cage.

He still needs this cage and the corresponding Karma for this cage.

"Master Young, the red lotus has just been sent out, and the young lady will be back soon. In addition, Master Young's friends have also come, does Master Young want to see them?"

The so-called friends of Honglian should naturally be Que Xinyan and Zhuge Qingchen, or Yun Qingxuan.

However, Su Li currently has no idea of ​​meeting these people.

He tried to call the system, but found that the system still could not be turned on.

At the same time, Su Li tried to open "Huangji Jingshishu" to attract Meier and Mu Yuxi, but it was already difficult to do so.

Su Li knew that the cage for him was a bit big this time.

But he is not in a hurry, because he still has some details that he has not displayed.

"No, you let them leave first. My recent situation is not very ideal. I probably need to recuperate for a while."

"Also, if Soho comes back, you ask her to come to me, and I won't see anyone else."

Su Li said, "Is there a Closed Door Training forbidden area?"

"There is a Young Master, is Young Master going to Close Door Training?"

Gu Lian is a lot more honest now, and I don't know if she is afraid of being beaten, or because she feels that there is nothing she can do about Su Li, so she has restrained her arrogant and strong attitude.

"Well, it's Closed Door Training now, and taking advantage of this rare opportunity, prepare to make some changes."

Su Li said, trying to use his body's strength, and then he found that his current situation is similar to that of returning from Wanli Sacred Land, and his whole body is almost the same as that of ordinary people.

It seems a little bad.

However, Su Li was in no hurry.

Because his real Realm didn't drop at all - he had already tested it in Soul Realm before.

As for that Red Lotus revealing his strength and ability, Su Li didn't care at all.

Under the leadership of Red Lotus, Su Li soon came to a forbidden cultivation place in Huayue Valley.

Before entering, Honglian also specifically pointed out where cultivation Spiritual Qi is the most abundant, and where it is easiest to realize the Tao...

For Su Li, Su Li just listened, but didn't really take it to heart.

However, with regard to the red lotus walking in front of him, Su Li still casually moved his hands up and down and acted recklessly.

It's not that he is on top of the worm, but that he doesn't have the slightest respect for this kind of woman.

Guren was obviously very resentful, but she honestly held back.

However, her mood changes did not break away from Su Li's induction.

Red Lotus was obviously very dissatisfied and contemptuous of Su Li's old-fashioned behavior, but Su Li didn't take it seriously at all.

Soon, after Gu Lian left with a violent murderous intent that was almost uncontrollable in shame, Su Li sat down in the forbidden area with a calm expression.

The next moment, Su Li directly communicated with the chaotic area of ​​his forbidden memory area, and condensed a special immortal essence id in it.

That strand of immortal essence is the most basic source left by Su Li. Now, with this source, after Su Li condensed his immortal essence, he directly called up the system panel.


The next moment, the figure of the light blue elf naturally condensed in this void.

Then, after the system panel was opened, the light blue elf flew out. She looked at such a pure and secret void with some curiosity and some surprise, and the whole person seemed extraordinarily excited.

Ding——The system core permissions are activated, the system wizard is successfully recovered, and the wizard light blue serves you.

Ding - The system functions are fully charged, the system restarts successfully, the system permissions are reset successfully, and the system capabilities are fully charged.

Ding - The system enables basic functions and signs in.

Ding - The system opens the basic reward, novice gift package.

Ding - The system opens the merit value, and the Tianji Mall evolves into a merit mall.

Ding - System upgrade and star up are turned on.


At that moment, when such a space fits perfectly with the light blue elf, the system suddenly becomes extremely terrifying, as if the light has returned.

The next moment, Su Li deeply felt the power of the system and the extreme transformation of the system this time.

After a while, the system upgrade was completed.

Afterwards, Su Li received the sign-in reward almost immediately.

Ding——Congratulations to the master Kunlun Mirror, "The Book of Huangji Jingshi", the map of mountains and rivers, the reversal of Karma, and the complete recovery of system permissions.

Ding——Congratulations to the owner for getting the accumulated sign-in reward——Yehuo Forging Body, Innate Sacred Body Dao Tire, Yin & Yang Double Pupils.

Ding——Congratulations to the master for opening the basic reward novice spree, obtaining Immortal bones, which can recast the nine orifices exquisite Sacred Body, which can wash away all the cages and make the body clean.

Ding——Congratulations to the master for opening the novice gift package and obtaining 1 Soul Purification Pill, 1 Immortal good fortune Pill, and 1 good fortune Origin Pill.

Ding——Congratulations to the master for regaining the corresponding lore Divine Armament compensation Kaitian Axe 1, Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword 1.


After seeing these things, Su Li chose to receive the reward without hesitation.

Because it is in a special chaotic space, the body of Su Li at this time is the body of the immortal essence.

"Qianlan, do you think this immortal essence is cultivated internally or cultivated together, and then split up again after cultivation is completed?"

When Su Li was cultivating, she still chose to ask about light blue.

At this time, the light blue has grown to a height of about 1.6 meters. It looks like an incomparably beautiful flower fairy, which is very exciting.

Such a chaotic space independently created by Su Li is equivalent to a special hole card. Even the system didn't know it before, let alone those peeps?

Now, in such a chaotic space, Su Li summoned the system with the source of immortal essence, which is equivalent to sharing such a secret secret with the system, which is equivalent to 'common' information with the system, so thoroughly of breaking certain shackles.

At the same time, because it appeared in the real world, this time the system has already started to 'settlement'.

Therefore, this time the system has not only been upgraded, but also completely 'reclaimed' along with the permissions.

At this point, Su Li already knew the reason.

Because, when the system permissions began to be recovered and reset, Su Li found that the first to third layers of his memory forbidden area were once again covered by the three layers of memory forbidden area that had been independently cut out before.

His first and second floors are the underworld, the restricted area of ​​memory containing the Four Swords of Immortal Execution.

The third floor is the part of the blood river in Tianchi.

Now, through the Moonlight Treasure Box and the Kunlun Mirror, the 'Return of the King' has been completed.

Therefore, the permissions and capabilities of the system have undergone a new transformation.

"Master, it is recommended to refine this native directly and replace it."

This time, Light Smurf gave a clear suggestion.

Su Li nodded, without hesitation, he forged his body with Karma according to the method mentioned by the system.

Soon, Su Li started taking Soul Cleansing Pill, Immortal good fortune Pill and good fortune Origin Pill.

"Boom boom-"

Su Li's body underwent an unimaginable transformation.

Not only that, Su Li began to use Immortal bone to recast the nine orifices exquisite Sacred Body, and forge the body with Karma.

In this way, Su Li quickly condensed special Yin & Yang Double Pupils and Innate Sacred Body road tires.

Its Talent does not say how strong it is.

Under the circumstance of karmic fire forging, the essence and soul of indigenous Su Li turned into ashes almost instantly.

Instead, it came from the bones before Su Li passed through. After being given Immortal attributes by the system, he re-forged an identical body with Immortal bones as the core.

Soon, when this scene was completed, less than two hours had passed.

In this way, the indigenous Su Li completely disappeared from this world, and Su Li also completed the re-condensation of his own body.

Not only that, because of Immortal good fortune Dan and good fortune Yuanyuan Dan, Su Li's lack of three souls and seven souls has also regrown very naturally.

In the chaotic world of Su Li's memory forbidden area, Su Li's independent immortal essence body and the Realm of Earth Immortals have also stabilized under this complete world law.

Originally, there were many imperfections, and many missing ones were also perfectly made up.

On the other hand, Su Li's body conformed to the "false" cage he planted for himself, and soon stepped into the Realm of the Third Stage of Infant Transformation.

Yes, Baby Change Third Stage.

After only two hours of penance, coupled with his own background, Su Li realized that he had an imitation of the indigenous body, cultivated the Realm of this world, and raised it to the perfect Realm level of the Third Stage of Infant Transformation.

In terms of combat power, Su Li did not make a specific judgment, but he knew that he should have reached the level of a god-level genius.

These, he didn't take it too seriously, because it was all an illusion at all.

What he is really powerful is the Xianyuan body that has undergone extreme transformation.

This immortal essence body has been sitting quietly in the chaotic space in the way of meditating, motionless, as if sitting in a seat.

At this point, Su Li felt that this time, he had seized the opportunity to rise.

Then, Su Li called up the system panel and observed it carefully.

This time, the system has changed a little bit.

Life File System ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Current Time Cloud Wilderness Calendar March 27, 3031 132152327

Level 43

The secret value is 721,5367.

Karma value 141.

Merit value 27.

Function 1 day machine check-in Every 10 days, the system can check-in, and the check-in will randomly reward Karma Minor World super artifact or magical medicine. Anyone using System Divine Armament or taking System Medicine Pill will establish Karma, an inseparable bond with Su Li.

Function 2 Heavenly Mystery Calculation ☆☆☆☆☆ You can view most of the life files of the past, present and future of the living body through the application of the law of the sky, the secret value or the Karma value. , The influence of the inner and outer worlds, it can block the information forgery effect of the memory forbidden area for practitioners whose memory forbidden area is lower than the 18th floor, and can see through the forbidden secrets hidden by most living beings. Using this function to derive the life form, the life body intelligence level is lower than ten Qianlong Dan, and it will not be able to perceive that it has been derived.

Function 3: Destiny ☆☆☆☆ Consume a certain amount of celestial secret, Karma, merit and own blood source power, open the life body file locked by the divine calculation function, and modify it (if you use a good fortune pen and life and death book to transcribe it The opponent's file can be directly killed and obliterated. Killing and obliteration are affected by the strength of the opponent's fate, and the same is true in terms of loss.)

Function 4. Merit Mall (the next refresh time is 00000 on April 1, 3031 of the Yunhuang Calendar) Every time a secret or a secret transformation, awakening, or mutation is born, the mall will randomly refresh a secret item, which can be used for secret value, Karma value and merit. Value purchase, you can refresh the secret item three times, and each refresh will consume a certain amount of secret, Karma and merit.

Additional superimposed refresh times can be merged into a super refresh or super large refresh, and refresh can be specified.

Tianji Mall has a gestation period of ten days and ten nights.

Function 5 Reality and Void Realization ☆☆☆☆☆ Consume a lot of secret value and Karma value, create an archive world based on one's own merits, replicating the real world, and deduce everything that may happen in reality in the archive world.

In the archive world, the passage of time can be accelerated at any time, and the archive world can last for ten days.

During the period of "real and virtual realization", all system functions can be used, which can cover all virtual worlds and murals, file worlds, and inner and outer worlds.

Ancillary feature bonus - file copying.

File copying can copy any life form participating in the file world and make a perfect copy. Within ten days, you can have all the abilities of the character and completely replace the life form! During the period of replacing the lifeform's file, the lifeform will go through the lock down of Karma, the eternal town of "Lost in the Field" and lose all self, and will not have any memory of everything during the period of being copied.

After recovery, it is completely covered and fully substituted by the experience within ten days (the evaluation after the real and virtual realization determines the complete substitution effect of the 'copy character'.

Function 6 Heavenly Mystery Chaos ☆☆☆☆☆ Consume Heavenly Mystery and Karma Points, brand the viewed "Control the Future" Heavenly Mystery file into a "Derivative Illusion", and pull the living body into the illusion to experience the illusion and perceive the future Heavenly Mystery.

Function 7 Heavenly Secrets Linglong ☆☆☆☆☆ Exquisite chess game, with heaven and earth as the chessboard, and the common people as good fortune, derivative scenes (can consume Heavenly Secrets and Karma Values, and make certain "Heavenly Secrets" or "True Void Realization" secret files. The modification of the chess piece, and then spend the secret value and the Karma value to derive the exquisite chess game, so that the chess piece mistakenly thinks that he has a whim, resulting in the Deva induction. The stronger the Karma connection is, the more Heavenly Secret Values ​​will be obtained.)

Functions: 8 days, stars and stars are upgraded, functions are transformed, and system functions corresponding to active evolution can be selected. A single system function cannot exceed the system star rating.

Function 9 Destiny roulette stems from the hope of true love, and it can surely create miracles; the roulette stems from destiny, it can definitely change destiny by heaven-defying.

0 times of use.

Explain that each time you use it, you will consume 10 million Heavenly Secrets, 2 Karma, and 1 Merit. Open the destiny roulette and get the corresponding destiny reward. It can be refreshed 10 days after each use, and the refresh time is synchronized with the refresh time of Tianji Mall.

Has its own Realm imitation native body (the Third Stage of Infant Transformation is complete);;

Possess special items Kaitian Axe, Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

Possess the special abilities of the system "Mysticism"; "Heavenly War Soul"; "Heavenly Spirit".

Possess the system special supernatural power "Tianmai Sanqing"; "Huangji Jingshi"; "Zhuangzhou Dream Butterfly"; "Nail Head Seven Arrows Book"; "Kunpeng Free Travel".

Possess the internal and external blood of the system Talent Tianmai·Huaiguang.

Possessing the system's lore skill, Heavenly Evil Breaks Heaven and Desolation, and Pan Huangsheng kills and kills.


After Su Li carefully watched the information of the system, the whole person was completely comfortable.

"Cage of sin? What can I do? I'm afraid you didn't think that I brought out the Cultivation Base by combining many Karmas through the special memory restricted chaotic space?"

"Now, I, Su Li, are no longer an existence for you to knead."

Su Li closed his eyes, and after disconnecting from the Chaos Restricted Area, he opened his eyes from the outside world.

After his memory was revived, the fourth layer of the restricted area of ​​memory was also successfully opened.

At the same time, this time, Su Li easily brought up the system panel.

And the light blue elf has grown into a big elf at this time, and it looks extraordinarily beautiful and moving.

However, due to the problem of the size of the system panel, the size of the light blue elf has also become much smaller with the corresponding proportions - even so, the light blue at this time is really first-class beautiful and moving, and it is also smart, cute and cute. .

Su Li felt very comfortable.

As for whether there is a problem with the system itself - Su Li will not consider this issue for the time being.

Regardless of whether there is a problem or not, he intends to live in this world unrestrainedly first.

In addition, it is obvious that the functions of the system are obviously far from fully stimulated.

After all, if there is sign-in, lottery, Karma and merit, then there must be something like a task system, and there are other powerful functions.

But these, the system has not been turned on yet.

That is to say - if the things that the system required at the beginning can be obtained, it will definitely promote the further evolution of the system.

For example, Tianshu spar, such as life building wood, consonance heart and other things, there is no doubt that these things must be of great help to the evolution of the system.

Today, the system's star promotion or the level promotion, relying solely on the celestial value and the like, I am afraid it is difficult to increase.

In addition, the non-criminal domain imprisoned the world, because the rules are strict, so the secret value, Karma value and merit are probably infinitely more difficult to obtain.

These are also under consideration by Su Li.

When Su Li was thinking about it, he couldn't help but move his ears, and then silently ran the Tianmai Shenyin Cultivation Technique.

The next moment, his breath turned into the most ordinary breath, just like when he entered Wanli Sacred Land, he looked elegant, but in fact he was a scumbag without any strength.

Next, Su Li ran a touch of Spiritual Qi and attracted Tianmai·Huaiguang Talent, making him seem to have some background.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

At this time, outside the forbidden area, there was a very clear knock on the door.

Just over two hours later, the knock on the door came so clearly.

If this is true enlightenment, knocking on the door at such a critical moment can easily cause an interruption of enlightenment, and then form a kind of backlash.

Obviously, this is not a friendly approach.

Su Li felt a little unhappy in her heart.

After thinking for a moment, he sensed it again, and at the same time sniffed the breath in the air.

Immediately, the figures of three women appeared in Su Li's mind.

A woman should be a red lotus, a woman with the tranquil fragrance of lotus, it should be Soho.

And the other person, with a hint of fox charm...

That kind of breath, fresh and detached, and a little unruly.

In Su Li's mind, the figure and appearance of Nangong Wan'er appeared.

At that moment, Su Li's heart froze slightly, and then his expression became a little dignified, and his face became a little ugly.

"come in."

Su Li opened her eyes and stood up.

Then, he walked out of the forbidden area and opened the door of the forbidden area.

Outside the gate, not the three people Su Li imagined, but four people.

In addition to Honglian, Suho and Nangong Waner, who has almost the same appearance as Meier, there is also a handsome Transcendent young man in white looming.

Seeing this young man, Su Li's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because, he has already recognized who this person is - this person, it is Meng Qianqiu who practiced the Great Dream Qianqiu!

Thinking of Meng Qianqiu, Su Li's mind immediately flashed the message of Meng Qianqiu on the plate of destiny.

Dream Qianqiu

age 19030

Talent good fortune Samsara body.

Cultivation Technique Great Dream Qianqiu Divine Art.

The blood vessels are derived from the blood vessels.

The origin of Samsara is the forbidden land.

Obsessed with finding an eternal kingdom where you can sleep peacefully, creating the supreme magic of "Zhuang Zhou Meng Butterfly".

Su Li withdrew his gaze, and at the same time performed a basic information calculation using the system's magical calculation.

Sure enough, Meng Qianqiu's information is almost exactly the same as the information on the destiny disk.

However, Su Li did not go further to make calculations through the divine calculation-because it would startle the snakes.

When Meng Qianqiu looked at Su Li, he also glanced at Su Li, and then looked at him carefully for a moment.

Afterwards, he shook his head gently. Although the movement was small, the indifferent expression had already fallen into the eyes of Su He, Nangong Wan'er and Hong Lian.

Su He's eyes showed regret and regret, Hong Lian's eyes showed a sneer, and Nangong Wan'er was obviously very disappointed.

"Su Li, open the restricted memory area and let Meier out."

Nangong Wan'er said directly.

It was a lofty tone, and the words were like giving alms.

Su Li glanced at Nangong Wan'er and said, "Nangong Wan'er? Are you qualified to say such a thing?"

Nangong Wan'er heard the words, her face sank, and she said, "Presumptuous, little soul slave, I don't know what is called, I don't know the things of honor and inferiority!"

Su Li heard the words and glanced at Su He. At this time, Su He did not refute? ? ?

Seeing Su Li's gaze falling on his face, Su He's face was a little unnatural, but he still said softly, "Little brother, release Meier, Meier is mainly based on the origin of Nangong Waner, but you have Some despicable means got her, and even... let her give birth to a child, this is a great shame for the Qingqiu Fox Clan."

Su Li's eyes fell on Su He's face, and he said, "The Su family is in a down state now? The blood of the Su family—my Su Li's blood is very despicable? The shame of the Qingqiu fox clan?"

Nangong Wan'er sneered and said, "You probably haven't figured out what your identity is! Not to mention you, Su He is just Su Wangchen and Su Ye's soul slave soul food, you don't have it. I, the purpose of living is to make up for their lack of cultivation. Although now your heavenly soul has returned to its place, you have a certain ability to break free from the cage of sin, but——soul slave is soul slave, and it cannot change the lowly and lowly. fact!

Besides, Meier just doesn't have the complete seven souls. Once she has it, how could she still be willing to follow you? ! "

Hearing this, Su He did not refute, but advised, "Little brother, let Meier out first, and then leave all the choices to Meier? If Meier really wants to follow you, then—"

Nangong Wan'er said, "Then I will use the Qingqiu Fox Clan's soul-suppressing order to abolish her Qingqiu Fox Clan's bloodline power and directly expel her from the Qingqiu Fox Clan. From then on, she is not worthy of being a Jade Fox, and even more so. Not some jade fox goddess."

Su Li glanced at Nangong Wan'er lightly and said, "Do you know what 'death wear' is?"

Nangong Wan'er heard the words, her eyes narrowed slightly, and then she sneered, "It's just you?"

Su Li said, "Yes, it's up to me."

Nangong Wan'er sneered and said, "Su He, have you seen it? If you think that you are invincible in the prison of sin, you can be presumptuous in reality? Little soul slave, I don't know what it is!"

Su Li said, "I don't know what it means? A bunch of scumbags are also worthy of being so outspoken in front of me, Su Li, a clown-like thing!"

Su Li said, raising his hand, without even manifesting Realm, he directly activated the Heaven-opening Axe with Tianmai Huaiguang Talent, and at the same time he slashed at Nangong Wan'er with an axe.


The void trembled slightly, and the air flow in the void heard sonic booms and distorted sounds.

But Nangong Wan'er's figure disappeared instantly.

The next moment, Nangong Wan'er stared at Su Li with a somewhat surprised look, her expression was obviously a lot more solemn.


Su Li was also a little shocked. Although the ultimate move activated by his Tianmai Huaiguang's combat power was not a very powerful ultimate move, if he were to kill Qin Zuyuan, Yu Yixi, etc. God King, that's a no-brainer.

As a result, in this world, Nangong Wan'er, who was only a mere baby in the Ninth Stage, was able to easily avoid it?

so outrageous?

However, Su Li was not too surprised.

After all, his strength has only released less than 1/10 millionth.

If the 100% Talent of Immortal Yuan Force combined with Tianmai·Huaiguang Talent is really going to erupt, and then it bursts out with the blessing of Tianmai War Soul, then the result is estimated to be another matter.

However, in such a reality, Su Li did not intend to expose Xian Yuanli for a short time, because Karma involved was a little too big.

"Oh, it's quite fast to escape, but, even with this little strength, you dare to speak up, who will give you face?"

Su Li sneered, his eyes indescribably contemptuous.

Nangong Wan'er's gaze fell on Su Li's axe, her face was extremely ugly.

Her face was also very uncertain, obviously, she was extremely jealous.

After all, with her eyesight and her viewing of the 'Soul Soul Tablet Projection', she also knows what this thing is.

If it really broke out, maybe this axe would be able to cut through her.

However, for Su Li's ability, Nangong Wan'er obviously did not see it in her eyes - such a peerless Divine Armament is indeed very powerful, but the loss is also amazing, how many times can this Su Li be used?

Therefore, after Nangong Wan'er pondered, she immediately forbeared.

At this time, Meng Qianqiu, who was beside Nangong Wan'er, suddenly laughed, attracting the attention of Su Li and others.

Su Li subconsciously looked into Meng Qianqiu's eyes.

"Oh, not wanting face, do you think I can't do anything if you don't release it? Also, although your axe is powerful, how many times can you use it?"

Nangong Wan'er suddenly spoke in a cold voice, but her figure was hundreds of meters away from Su Li.

This is speaking harshly while speaking from the heart.

However, while speaking, Nangong Wan'er directly manifested a silver leaf-like thing, and then she took a picture of the thing in front of her, and made a strange cry at the same time.

As soon as the cry appeared, Su Li's eyebrows twitched, and then Meier turned into a purple phantom and flew out directly.

When she flew out, Meier was still a little dazed.

"What is primary and what is secondary, you don't understand at all."

Nangong Wan'er looked at Su Li, then sneered and said, "Now, I'll tell you, even if Meier is just a clone of my origin projection and independent, you're not worthy!"


As Nangong Wan'er spoke, she snapped at Mei'er.


Mei'er's figure was directly caught by Nangong Wan'er.

Then, the silver leaf in Nangong Wan'er's hand stabbed at Mei'er's abdomen.

At that moment, Su Li's pupils shrank suddenly.

But Su Li didn't shoot, but just watched coldly.

Meier's eyes were still very dazed, but when she instinctively wanted to resist, her body suddenly froze for a moment.

Then, a purple-gold light flew out of her abdomen.

In the light, the phantom of a little girl condensed.

"You—Su Li, don't deserve to be my father!"

The phantom pointed at Su Li, then took the initiative to approach the silver leaf, and was pierced by the silver leaf, turning into a silver snowflake, flying all over the sky.

"Ha, hahahaha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that, as expected, you are a prisoner of sin, a vile soul slave, and even your children don't recognize your identity. You say, what are you doing alive? Gou alive, continue to serve as the soul food for Su Ye to mend the soul path rules?"

Nangong Wan'er sneered again and again.

Beside Nangong Wan'er, Meng Qianqiu stood side by side with her, with a warm and sunny smile on her face.

Such a scene is as soft and beautiful as a picture scroll, and in such a blue sky, it is particularly poetic.

At this time, Meier seemed to have noticed that the child had suddenly disappeared. At that moment, her face turned pale, and she was completely stunned.

Unfortunately, this sluggishness didn't last for a moment, and Nangong Wan'er raised her hand abruptly, pinched it in the palm of her hand, and melted a little bit.

Seeing, everything is about to settle down like this.

But at this moment, Su Li suddenly activated the Heaven-Opening Axe, and at the same time slammed out of the way of killing Pan Huangsheng.

This time, Su Li still used the talent of Tianmai Huaiguang.

It's just that Su Li also used the infant soul power of the Third Stage of Infant Transformation.

Therefore, Su Li's outbreak of combat power instantly reached a very terrifying level.

The next moment, the opening axe slashed out a peerless murderous intent.

That murderous intention, as if opening up the world, slashed and slashed on the Yin & Yang curve somewhere in this world.


Suddenly, an extremely tragic scream came from the void.

Then, the whole picture shattered suddenly, and the beautiful and poetic picture scroll seemed to be torn apart all at once.

Then, Su Li's eyes flickered, and the scene in front of him returned to normal.

Nangong Wan'er was still standing in the distance, maintaining a sense of dread, but Meng Qianqiu beside her, a terrifying crack appeared between her eyebrows - it was the crack after being hit by an axe!

There seemed to be a huge ripple in the scene environment suddenly.

After the ripples, Nangong Wan'er's face paled a bit, and her expression became even more uncertain.

On the other hand, Su Ho was a little baffled and confused, as if he didn't know what was going on.

On the contrary, the red lotus beside Su He also looked very uncertain, and his face was quite ugly.

It's like, some things didn't achieve their goals, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

Su Li was holding the axe, and his arm was a little numb, but he still looked at Meng Qianqiu with some fear - such a blow, the opponent did not die?

What are the rules of this world?

So under a single strike, why doesn't it die?

Su Li already has some clues in his heart - the prehistoric weapons can't kill certain existences in this world!

Even, I am afraid that the laws, rules and corresponding combat power that are different from this world will be seriously weakened!

It's like in the other party's territory, the other party has the final say.

Unless, it is to fight with the opponent using the same methods and rules as the opponent.

Su Li is now the intelligence of ten hidden dragon pills, and after the transformation of Immortal good fortune pills, these abilities have been completely preserved.

Therefore, with two simple trials, he has already discovered part of the truth.

Therefore, Su Li suddenly raised the Heaven-Opening Axe and directly ran the "Book of Seven Arrows with Nails" Cultivation Technique, killing Meng Qianqiu with the rules of this world.

This strike, Su Li is no longer running the blood power of Tianmai·Huaiguang, but directly running the power of Qi and blood contained in the body of the indigenous Su Li, and at the same time, the Realm of the third stage perfection level of Infant Transformation Realm broke out. combat power.


This strike came out, and the void shook violently.

The huge blood and terrifying physique made Su Li hit countless Dao marks and the light and shadow of Dao Yunxiaguang.

This strike came out, Nangong Wan'er, Meng Qianqiu, Su He and Hong Lian were all completely stunned!


"This is the qi and blood of the Third Stage of the Infant Transformation Realm!"

"Innate Sacred Body breath?!"

"Dao fetal breath?!"

"Is it the breath of the Nine Apertures Linglong Dao Body?!"

At that moment, all four Meng Qianqiu were moved.

It's a pity that Su Li is now in the form of his own 'aboriginal' body, with full combat power and no mercy!

This time, whether Meng Qianqiu is the main body or the clone, he will definitely die!

Dare to use illusion to refine Meier and kill his child, he will never let it go!

(s: 150,000-word chapter is presented~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ Thank you, dear friends~ I love you~)

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