I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 412 Slaughter Qianqiu, The Soul Clan Is Like Smoke

Su Li used the power of the Realm of the Third Stage of Infant Change, and at the same time locked Meng Qianqiu directly with the Cultivation Technique of "Book of Nails and Seven Arrows", and killed the past.

This strike, Su Li has come up with some real skills.

Therefore, the combat power of this strike is very exaggerated.

As if, Su Li redefined the combat power in this world.

At that moment, Su Li even had an illusion—his combat power directly broke the world's combat power and crossed the taboo level, breaking a certain taboo combat power span!

Just like the leap of the Great Realm and the taboos of the Nine Prohibitions in the perception of ordinary practitioners.

Su Li killed with one blow, he didn't know how others felt, and he didn't want to know.

But he himself has an incomparably profound understanding - with a single blow, the combat power absolutely breaks the taboos of the laws and Heavenly Dao rules.

Sure enough, when this strike came out, Meng Qianqiu was stunned.

In other words, Meng Qianqiu didn't seem to have imagined that Su Li could explode with such combat power, even with the power of heaven and earth and the power of rules of the world where the light blue star is located!

The moment Meng Qianqiu was sluggish, he couldn't even react, and was hit between the eyebrows by such a blow.


Meng Qianqiu's eyebrows exploded with seven-colored plum blossom nails, and the plum blossom-like nails directly pierced the center of his eyebrows, revealing the back of his head.

The blood water is like an exploding faucet, spraying in all directions.

At that moment, after Meng Qianqiu screamed miserably, a bloody light rushed out of his head.

It's a pity that this bloody light only escaped less than 100 meters away, and it exploded in the void on its own, shattering into a cloud of blood.

Meng Qianqiu's head also cracked directly at this time, and after twitching a few times, his body fell on his back.


There was dust on the ground.

The place was also quiet.

At this time, Nangong Wan'er, Su He and Hong Lian were completely dumbfounded.





At this time, Honglian's delicate body was a little weak, and there was a deep fear in her beautiful eyes.

However, at this time, Su Li just glanced at her coldly, then raised his hand sharply and punched her.


Guren's eyes widened, and her head exploded like a rotten watermelon.

With one punch, Gu Lian was directly knocked out by Su Li.

This time, Su Li clearly found that on the system panel, the celestial value has increased by a certain amount, but Karma and merit have not changed.

Su Li immediately realized that Gulian should have really been beaten to death.

As for Meng Qianqiu, there is no doubt that most of the dead are clones, otherwise there will definitely be a lot of secret value.

For all this, Su Li is not too sorry.

After all, the real world is so cruel, and he, Su Li, is not easy to match. People like Rumeng Qianqiu are probably very stable.

Come and fight him for the first wave without opening your clone?

Obviously these people can't be so brainless.

After all, as the emperor, as the inheritor and definer of the once royal family, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse.

After Su Li killed Hong Lian with one punch, she gave Nangong Wan'er a faint look.

Nangong Wan'er's body trembled slightly, and her face paled a bit.

Immediately, she retreated a few steps almost instinctively.

With a thought, Su Li released Mu Yuxi and Meier directly from the fourth floor of the restricted memory area.

"You still use Meng Qianqiu's Da Meng Qianqiu technique to count me? It's okay to use it once or twice, and you use this trick many times, when I'm an idiot?"

Su Li said coldly.

Su Ho didn't speak, his eyes were a little complicated.

Nangong Wan'er's face was rather uncertain.


Mei'er looked at Su Li and said softly, "Thank you husband for taking care of Meier's feelings, but—since she has done this, then husband can decide whatever he wants to do. Since the Qingqiu Fox Clan is unwilling to admit it. The existence of Meier, and even my child wants to be wiped out - since that's the case, Meier doesn't need to care about those things anymore."

Mei'er's tone was firm.

Before, although she was in the restricted area of ​​memory, she also saw everything in the outside world.

That's why she has nothing to say about what Nangong Wan'er has done.

In other words, it was a cruel reality enough to make her heart cold to despair.

Because, Nangong Wan'er has no love at all.

She used to miss Wan'er, whom she thought of as a kiss to Little Sister, but now it is like this.

How can this not make her sad, disappointed or even hopeless?


Su Li nodded and said, "Since it's temporarily unstable, then you should stay in the restricted memory zone and take care of yourself in a short period of time. When my side stabilizes, I'll find another good place to stay."

Su Li opened her mouth and motioned for Mu Yuxi to take care of Meier.

Then, with a thought, he opened the restricted memory area and sent Mu Yuxi and Mei'er in.

This time, it was still the fourth floor instead of the first three.

After cutting off the connection between Mei'er and Nangong Wan'er again, Su Li turned his attention to Su He.

"You are so disappointing."

Su Li said this in a calm tone.

Suho's lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

"Ms. Nuwa chose you to be the inheritor, and even gave you a huge Karma, including Immortal good fortune pills for you to take, so you have the opportunity of the extreme way now, and you can use your own The soul is transformed into a divine soul!

Only then can you give birth to a powerful Primordial Spirit, and even Primordial Spirit can have a powerful divine soul level!

However, in the previous situation where my children were in danger, the strength of yours was hidden and not shown.

Soho, you are good, you are really good. "

Su Li said word by word.

Suho apologized, "Little Brother, you misunderstood, in fact, I just think you should have a way to deal with it, so-"

Su Li raised his hand to stop Su He's words and said, "No need to say more, everyone knows the truth of some things, so there is no need to say those useless words. In addition, Meng Qianqiu's method is just a preview, which is also a kind of reality coverage, Once successful, it can directly overwrite reality, and failure can also start over.

Under such circumstances, you don't interfere at all, what else is there to say?

I am Su Li, but I have nothing to do with you, Suho, from now on. "

Su Li said, and only then did he approach Nangong Wan'er step by step.

Nangong Wan'er stepped back even further.

Suddenly, Su Li raised his hand sharply and slapped Nangong Wan'er on the face.

Nangong Wan'er wanted to resist and avoid, but when she resisted and avoided, she found that her body suddenly froze.

At this time, Su Li directly used the "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Art" from Su Ye.

This Cultivation Technique is exactly the same as Su Ye's Cultivation Technique. The version used by Su Li is not the system-optimized version, but the version he learned from Su Ye.

So, the effect is very good.

A slap in the face almost directly blew Nangong Wan'er's face.

Su Li has already judged through the divine calculation that Nangong Wan'er came here as a clone, so there is no point in killing her.

For Nangong Wan'er, the loss is not very big.

Therefore, he simply did not attack.

If it is the main body, no matter what Meier thinks at this time, he will definitely slaughter directly to set an example.

"This time Karma, I, Su Li, wrote it down—unless you kill me, otherwise, the revenge you attacked my child will not end in this lifetime!"

Su Li left such a sentence, then turned around and walked out of Huayuegu step by step.

Su Ho wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say it.

Because she already felt Su Li's indifference and determination.

As for Nangong Wan'er, there is anger, hatred, and deep disdain.

"This time I'm just a clone with less than 1/10,000 combat power. If the real body comes, you, Su Li, may not be so powerful! With your ability, how many times can you use such a background?

Besides, as a foreign race, you actually cultivated the Realm of this world? Since the law of this world has been used Cultivation Technique?

Then, you will definitely become an ant under Heavenly Dao. At that time, there will be some means to deal with you! "

Nangong Wan'er sneered in her heart.


Outside Wuyue City, the edge of the sea of ​​flames.

"Ruyan, you said that according to our fate, will there really be a chance here?"

A beautiful woman in a white gauze skirt asked a girl in a green gauze skirt named 'Ruyan'.

The green-clothed woman's moon-like eyes flashed with a delicate halo, she pursed her beautiful lips, hesitated a little, and said uncertainly, "Sister, isn't there a way? If you can't find any good resources, then The next crisis..."

"Oh, yes, we have fallen away from home, and we no longer have the glory and glory of our ancestors. It's really sad."

The woman in white frowned, and her face was full of sadness. That powerless emotion deeply infected the woman in green.

"Sister, I believe that after we work hard, everything will be fine!"

The woman in green said firmly.

"Hope! Ruyan, this place may be very dangerous. If there is danger, you must remember to protect yourself, right? We left home, and now there is no inheritance in Wuyue City. If something happens to you again, we will leave home. There is no hope."

The woman in white sighed.

"Sister, the family has poor strength and few resources, so it seems that there is no talent away from home. This is why I don't want to stay in the family anymore.

You think, the real powerhouses are also experienced in life and death, so I asked for the experience. "

The woman in green said softly.

There was a deep glow in her eyes, and that halo even formed a wonderful Taoism that resonated with the heavens and the earth.

This is a truly terrifying genius who, despite her looks, is cute and innocent.

The delicate body of the white-clothed woman trembled slightly, then let out a soft breath and nodded, "Yes, that's why the family let you out, but let me follow you.

In fact, in terms of combat power, your Nascent Soul Realm Sixth Stage is complete, and I have reached Nascent Soul Ninth Stage consummation, but I am not your opponent at all. "

The woman in white sighed, but then cast her eyes into the distance, frowning slightly, as if sensing something.

"Someone is here, the blood seems to be very terrifying, it should be a wild beast in the sea!"

The complexion suddenly changed, and the beautiful face of the green-clothed woman immediately showed a bit of horror.

"Not good! Let's go, this beast is too scary!"

A surge of qi and blood came, and suddenly, the green-clothed woman's face changed greatly, pulling the white-clothed woman, and instantly flew away.

But at this time, a ray of blood directly enveloped the two of them, and then, the two instinctively tender bodies were shocked, and their souls almost rioted.

The qi and blood in my heart boiled, and my eyes almost became blood red in an instant, and the murderous intentions were immediately confused in my heart, if people want to go crazy!


The woman in green was extremely horrified and couldn't help shouting angrily, holding her own will and soul unshakable, and at the same time the woman in white shouted soberly.

At this time, both of them were cold and sweaty.

But when their eyes fell on the young man who was walking step by step in the distance, the two of them couldn't help but feel chills all over, and only felt a great fear and unease in their hearts.

The Realm, who had completed the Ninth Stage of the Nascent Soul realm by the woman in white, was actually shivering with fright at this time!


After Su Li walked out of the waterspout in Huayuegu, she had already sensed the existence of these two women.

However, because of a series of previous encounters, he was almost instinctively disgusted with practitioners in this world.

Therefore, Su Li's qi and blood escaped and directly locked the two female practitioners with a force of qi and blood.

Slowly, he came to a distance of 100 meters in front of the two women. Su Li put his hands on his back and stared at the two women indifferently.

"Ex, senior, we, Junior, have no intention to offend, just, just curious to pass by here, beg, beg senior's hand, show mercy!"

The woman in the white dress has a pale face. At her age, she has the Nascent Soul Ninth Stage Perfect Realm, and she is actually very powerful.

However, at this time, when facing this young man in white who doesn't seem to have a Cultivation Base, he can't have any thoughts of fighting.

She trembled almost instinctively, and her soul was terrified.

The blood and murderous intent of the other party really made her have no idea of ​​resisting and fighting.

"This... senior, I hope you will raise your hand."

The green-clothed woman took a deep breath, stabilized her beating heart, gathered up her courage to look at Su Li, and forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart.

Although the faces of the two were extremely solemn, relatively speaking, the woman in green was more calm.

Su Li stared at the green-clothed woman one more time, then ignored the two of them, but directly stretched out her hand and slapped the two of them with one palm.


The void around the woman in the white gauze skirt and the woman in the green gauze skirt suddenly collapsed, the rules between heaven and earth seemed to be distorted, and a terrifying roar sounded.

Although Su Li didn't shoot the two to death with a single palm, but with this kind of combat power, once the two touched, they would be wiped out in an instant, leaving no bones.

After this scene happened, the two couldn't help but look at each other with despair in their eyes.

"Ruyan... I'm sorry, big sister is useless. Big sister should have stopped you from coming here!"

The woman in white suddenly said sadly.

Through Su Li's performance, she has some results in her heart - this person is not a kind person.

This time, I'm afraid it's really bad luck.

"Sister, it has nothing to do with you, but I didn't expect that God would destroy me and leave home."

The green-clothed woman gave a wry smile and set her eyes on Su Li, her mood gradually calmed down.

"Only one of you two will survive and leave because I need someone to stay and be my Human Cauldron!"

Su Li glanced at the two and suddenly said.

He didn't actually intend to kill the two, but the two met when he just left Huayuegu, which is a bit of a coincidence.

Of course, if it was a real coincidence, Su Li would not kill them all.

He didn't like the people of this world, but he wasn't a callous butcher either.

Not to mention, in terms of the strength of these two girls - in his eyes, they are actually no different from ants.

More importantly, these two people are actually somewhat similar to some practitioners among the gods and geniuses that Su Li had met.

For example, the woman in the green dress and gauze skirt, in Su Li's view, looks like the peerless soul girl of the Cangshan Soul Clan of the ancient universe of Qiankun.

The woman in the white dress and gauze skirt is very similar to her sister Li Ruxi.

It's just that, in the former world of the prison of sin, these two people were from the Cangshan Soul Clan of Ancient Qiankun Star, not from the Light Blue Star.

But whether it is specific or not, Su Li is ready to continue to observe.

At the same time, Su Li is also preparing for a test of humanity.

Therefore, he came up with such a cruel question.


The woman in white was slightly startled, then looked at the woman in green beside her.

"Ruyan, since this senior needs Human Cauldron, let me go!"

The woman in white said, took the woman in green by the hand, squeezed and said, "Don't argue with me, it's rare for senior to let one of us leave."

The green-clothed woman looked at the white-clothed woman calmly, and then gave Su Li a thoughtful look before she said to the white-clothed woman, "Sister, take care!"

She was in a very calm mood at this time, and her words contained deep feelings. Just a few words could make people feel the deep concern.

"Well, I will. You take care too."

The woman in white nodded in relief, showing a sweet smile, then she turned around and faced Su Li.

At this moment, a hidden energy suddenly erupted, and then slammed into the back of the woman in white.

Unprepared, the woman in white shook her delicate body, and suddenly showed an unbelievable look, "Ruyan...you—"

"Sister, you're only in a coma for a while, it's fine. You've paid too much for me, you should leave. I'll go with this senior."

The green-clothed woman showed a somewhat sweet smile, facing the white-clothed girl, her smile at this time was so beautiful and moving.

This smile was also fixed in the mind of the woman in white.

Although her strength is not weak, she can't be Li Ruyan's opponent without any precaution.

The green-clothed woman's actions at this time made Su Li feel a little more recognition in her heart.

Obviously, the girl in the green dress did not take life and death as important, and really left the only chance to survive to her sister.

"Senior, take me away and let go of my sister. I am better than her in every aspect, and I can serve you better.

Senior can kill me at any time after using me. "

The green-clothed woman's eyes were calm, and facing Su Li, she was not hostile.

Because she seemed to understand that facing such a strong man in front of her, all her struggles were in vain.

It's not that there is no fighting spirit, but in such a cruel world, after a cultivator has reached a certain Realm, he has a very keen sense of danger. If he loses, he will lose, and if he forces a shot, it can only be done by everyone. The ending of death, so she simply stopped resisting and waited for the change.

"Actually, I was just joking with you guys."

Su Li suddenly laughed, and the momentum immediately dissipated.

At the same time, the terrifying coercion suddenly disappeared.

The green-clothed girl's eyes lit up, but she stared at Su Li with some doubts, apparently not believing that such a thing would exist in this world.

"Senior... No matter what Realm you are, it is an indisputable fact that you are stronger than us. Since the little girl has agreed to your request, the little girl will definitely do it!"

The green-clothed girl hesitated slightly, but then said sincerely.

Saying that, she also bowed to Su Li, showing respect.

"You... but you are also sensible. Well, if you answer my two questions, I will not embarrass you."

Su Li thought thoughtfully.

"Senior, please speak."

The woman in green, Ruyan, did not hesitate at all, and immediately bowed and saluted again. Her gentle and reserved expression was really like a lady in ancient times, and her charm was very attractive.

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

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Su Li pondered slightly and asked.

"Senior, Li Ruyan is here, this is my sister Li Ruxi, we are people from Li Ruyan, Changhe Town, Wuyue City..."

Hearing this, the woman in green immediately began to explain.

"Changhe Town, Wuyue City? There is a barren Nine Desolate Pagoda in Changhe Town. Do you know that place?"

Su Li glanced at Li Ruyan lightly, and then asked again.

"Senior, the Nine Desolation Pagoda in Changhe Town is located in the western suburbs outside Changhe Town. Legend has it that the Divine Phoenix fell there, so there is an ancient Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Altar. But the altar has been abandoned for a long time, and now that There's nothing special about the place."

Li Ruyan answered this question very sincerely.

Su Li nodded and said, "Okay, your answer is very direct and sincere, I won't embarrass you anymore, you can go."

Li Ruyan heard the words, but did not leave immediately. Instead, she bowed to Su Li and said, "Senior, Junior has something to ask for, and I hope senior will have mercy."

Su Li said, "What do you want?"

Li Ruyan pursed her lips and said firmly, "Ruyan wants to ask senior to help kill someone, as long as senior can agree, junior is willing to pay any price."

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